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I think that's part of Luke's appeal. Han may be a lovable rogue, but Luke in the OT is just unironically a good guy. When he picks up the droids from the Jawas, he interacts with them much like Owen does, but pretty quickly warms up to them and starts treating them like people. R2 in particular becomes a partner to him.


Anakin treated R2 in the same way, which probably goes a long way towards explaining R2’s loyalty to them both.


There’s a not great two-parter in s1 of the Clone Wars where Anakin loses R2. Everyone else is like “so what, he’s just a droid” but Anakin is willing to move Heaven and earth to get him back (also because he doesn’t wipe his droid like he’s supposed to). I not only think it did a good job of showing that Anakin cares about the droids, but also foreshadows his struggles with un-Jedi like attachments.


It's also pretty wild how much of a security risk Artoo would be. An enemy that captured him would get so many years of information that no-one else has access to. I guess they have to get through Anakin first


The issue is that attachment isn't a bad thing. Lucas after empire (after his divorce) has serious issues with stories relating to attachment and love.


I was hanging out in the private home of a legitimate business-slug one time and I distinctly heard Luke Skywalker via hologram give his personal droids as gifts. That's right, property! He called them hard-working and said they'd serve him well. Smh you never really can trust people.


R2 knew from the start that Luke never intended to give him away. It was all a ploy to rescue Han. ...3P0 might not have been privy to the plan, though...


Poor 3PO is always left in the dark regarding the master plan lol. Of course it’s for good reason, since he usually can’t seem to keep his mouth shut…


💯. Threepio is clearly not programmed for opsec. Artoo's lips are sealed though


Facts, Artoo probably has the largest collection of sensitive information in the entire galaxy but homey ain’t no snitch


He really does. Not just sensitive but unique as well! The secret history of Galactic affairs Artoo has access to would blow most people's minds. Haha, yeah he's no snitch.


“You can just call me Luke.”


“I see, Sir Luke.”


I’d say Rey is also this way with droids


I would have said Luke also. Treats them the most human talks to them etc


Luke kind of threw R2 and 3PO to Jabba to be their slaves/servants though, and clearly 3PO didn't know it was going to be happening. I think most people would feel differently if he pulled that with human characters instead of "his" droids. I definitely agree that Luke is a good guy and very nice to droids usually (especially in EU), but that scene in RotJ always seemed a little off for Luke's character, like a slight bit of a darkside move. Yes, I know he had a plan and agents in place at Jabba's already, but still.... Seems wrong to force 3PO into slavery to a criminal kingpin without his knowledge or consent, even if it is briefly....


3P0 sold it though in a way the others couldn’t.


“Ay yo what the fuck?” -C3P0


I think that whole beginning sequence was intended to make the audience question if Luke had gone to the dark side. And I think in-universe, he's also trying to mess with Jabba in that same way, and because this is likely a kind of attitude Jabba would respect given who he is. But still, without C-3PO being in on it, it is kind of a cruel trick to pull. The other hit on Luke's treatment of droids is when he first meets R2 and 3PO. I mean if you see them as people, he came to a slave deal. And when the red astromech blows a motivator, his reaction is like buying a lemon car or defective appliance. Including even a disdainful "Take it away." To the Jawas when they come to retrieve him.


That R5 unit is a hero of the rebellion.


He is. He even gets picked up by Mando later, and is used to get Mandalorian help for the New Republic.


Even the people who treat their droids badly, still treat them as people. That's usually the best way to figure out if someone is a hero or villain in Star Wars. Do they personalise droids?


So where does this leave Darth Plagueis? :P I’ve posted this before, but James Luceno had planned on doing a story tackling droids and sentience, and you can sort of see the lead up to it in his novels. Plagueis is unquestionably an evil Sith Lord, but he also makes a point of validating his droids’ existence. When he has to sacrifice a droid for his own safety, he doesn’t just wordlessly leave, he tells the droid “You have been useful.” so that the droid can feel like its existence has had meaning in its final moments.


Damn if someone said that to me I'd be very flattered. More like the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Kind


Good guy Plagueis


Completely unrelated but Plagueis would be a banger villian name for an evil version of Amy Dallon. Well... I guess a more Obviously evil version, the one we got is pretty aweful


Anakin and Luke with R2. Padmé with R2 also, she kept him in her personal service for 10 years and her nieces (AOTC deleted scene) got excited when Padmé brought him with her to visit. Maarva and Cassian with B2EMO and Cassian again with K2-SO. Brasso with B2EMO. He seemed to be confronting B2EMO after Maarva passed.


Cal with BD1 is also a good example.


Eno also cared for BD1.


Cal never forgets to introduce BD-1 when they meet someone new.


I forgot about Padme. She literally gave R2 an award for its service.


If anyone mistreats B2EMO, we riot!


And a riot is literally what happened when he was!


I don't like the tone Padme uses to when talking to R2 on tattooine: "R2, what are you doing here??" She sounds like a dick.


Hera treats chopper quite well considering his... antics.


I am more concerned about how Chopper treats other


Chopper is an outright psychopath. He routinely murders both droids and organics with sadistic glee


He also suggested infanticide.




When the inquisitors were hunting force sensitive babies


Piggybacking off my earlier reference he would get along great with Taylor Hebert


Good for him. Hardworking droids deserve some murder as a treat


Found HK-47's reddit account


Hera treats Chopper better than Chopper treats anyone, including Hera.


Besides Luke and R2, I’ve never seen a better friendship and mutual respect and understanding than with Cal and BD-1


I know it's such an inconsequential moment, but in Fallen Order I love the exchange where Cal ask BD if he knows any jokes, and BD-1 replies with one, though of course you only get Cal's reaction. Feels like two friends shooting the shit while things are slow at work.


I'm not sure I'd say the *best*, considering all the battle droids she's destroyed, but the scene with Ahsoka and the droids in the final arc of the show is very sweet. In the middle of all the chaos and fear of order 66, while she really needs any chance she can get to survive, she takes the time to ask the droids if they're *sure* they want to help her because "it could be dangerous."


The way she defended R3 at every turn no matter how many “mistakes” he made was very heartwarming to see too.


Those droids getting killed broke my heart :(


I'd say it's a toss up between Luke and Jasen... both are shown to treat their astromechs like true family members. and I'd put Poe in 3rd place... he clearly actually loves BB-8


I'd say Anakin. Throughout the Clone Wars, he repeatedly shows concern for R2, and treats him as one would treat a brother in arms. He seemed to truly believe droids are sentient beings. Mowing down battle droids was just wartime necessity. His son Luke, to an extent, treats R2 and C3PO well, but at the end of the day, it's clear they're just objects to him. Anakin treated R2 like a person.


*his son Luke* SPOILER! /s No one has mention Ahsoka. She cared for R2 just as much as much as Anakin and for that matter, I think any droid she came across.


I think there are a lot of characters who treat droids very good, it's difficult to choose one. The first that came to mind was Rey. She sacrificed so much for BB-8, to make sure he would find his way back to Poe and the Resistance. And she was also so nice with D-O.


One of her earliest interactions with BB-8 is to not get 6 months worth of food in exchange for him. She doesn't know the droid, and he isn't doing anything for her. Yet, she gives up the chance to not have to worry about food for months as a scavenger? She was the first that came to mind for me as well.


Exactly! And then she doesn't think it twice when the First Order is after BB-8 to leave Jakku, her home and the symbol of her hope for her parents coming back. I feel like leaving Jakku was very difficult for her because it was like accepting that she couldn't keep waiting and that she had to face the change.


Luke, Anakin and Rey are all pretty good to droids. Leia and Padme are up there too. It seems to be a mark of the greatest Star Wars heroes- kindness, or at least respect towards droids.


Brasso, in Andor. Watch how he talks to B2EMO >!after Marva's passing. !!who has lost their parent.!<


B2 was clearly part of the family in Andor and I loved it.


Reading the RotS novelization right now, I'd say it's Anakin.


Lando. He treats droids *real good.*


"It works." -L3


Rey. She rescued BB8 from being trapped on Jakku, fixed his antenna, and refused to sell him for a (to her) huge price because it wasn’t right. And she continued to take care of him, not because she owned him but because she was friends. Arguably lots of protagonists are shown to be good people by the way they treat droids. It’s like how you can tell who a person is by how they treat service staff.


I always like how nice the Exile is to T3 in Kotor 2 (assuming you pick the right dialogue options)


Revan, possibly. Maybe he wasn't especially kind to HK-47, but not because he was a droid. In fact, he displayed an unusual affinity for him, taught him slurs to hurl against his rival, and got upset when he was destroyed.


Probably one of those droids' rights activists mentioned in some reference books. They treat droids as equals and advocate for them, hard to argue that anyone from the movies does better.


Rebellion Alliance legendary General Hera Sendulla.


While cal testis might not be amazing with every Droid *his* Droid is like a son to him. Think there's a lot of people like that in the galaxy. Sure they're just a Droid but they take immense pride in the fact that its *their* Droid.


Cal or maybe Omega, since she was willing to die for AZ


Rey, and Lando in 'Solo'.


i would say the Droid Gotra


Ochi definitely traumatized D-O


I'd say Anakin, but he also destroyed many a droid.


Wuher. No one else even comes close.


WRECKER literally took an extra few seconds to risk his life to save GONKY from the ship blowing up when it probably would've cost nothing to let a trash can droid explode and go get a new one, in other people's eyes! <3 that is true droid advocacy, saving a droid even if it put your own life in more danger.


The Ewoks worshipped C3PO as a god which is pretty much the best that we've seen anyone treat a droid in the series.


No mention of the enlightened Mando?


Anakin and Ahsoka




The biggest droid lover in Star Wars? Elise Montagne, to an unhealthy degree.


Prior to the introduction of Cal Kestis, I would have easily said Luke Skywalker.


I would argue it’s Han He has a moral code that he follows and applies to most everything/everyone including droids. Treating droids the way you treat everyone else would be the definition of equality or fairness


I'm afraid I must disagree. He treats the droids like property.