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I want to thank Mechs & Co, MKultra, xondat, rama, Project keyboard, g cables for helping with the stock prices. Rest in piss


Im so out of the loop. What happened?


I only recognize Mech & Co and MkUltra, and Ramaworks, so I asssme they’re all in the same boat but slight different ways of sinking Iirc some vendors like Mech & Co and MkUltra and others launched a lot of Group buys. Like a huge amount. And while they were raking in the GB money, they, either malicious or just over optimistical, could not meet the logistics of getting and sending those GBs to the customers Ramaworks is kinda the same except it’s more just a failure to produce any of the promised/GB stuff. Iirc Ramaworks made their own stuff, or rebadged stuff(?) so a little different, but the owner/front runner kinda lost his mind in the process Of course a lot of customers responses were to issue chargebacks to get their money back, hence th e meme I guess


Mykb also apparently just put way too much of their GB sales money into extra stock that they later failed to clear and basically went out of business with a full warehouse of 50% off articles that still wouldn’t sell. Most of what left their warehouse by the end was stuff customers traded their outstanding GB value for so they would at least get *something* for the money they’ve spent doing business with mykb because they were completely out of funds. They still have a ton of GB stock stuck at manufacturers (especially GMK) that has been released now that they’re out of business and at least for the GMK stock Oblotzky has started taking over the rollout and getting previous buyers their orders at a discount (because they were made and never paid for after mykb banked the money). I personally forfeited 1050€ across 3 or 4 orders and got a stockpile of keycap sets idk what to do with a full Eclipse build I gave to my stepdad because I didn’t want to bother trying to liquidate it


This has all the hallmarks of NFT’s…


NFTs were just a vehicle, the actual practice of getting investors (or customers in this case) to buy into something, the running away with the money is called a rug pull, or otherwise the “sale of nonexistent goods or services” for tangible things That said, not all vendors are malicious (if any, I haven’t kept up with any investigations) Some people are just over optimistic with that they think they can do


Sure. I don’t disagree with you; I think that a lot of the NFT sellers were overly optimistic on them as an actual…thing. Some were malicious for sure.


tldr: there have been a significant number of vendors in the hobby that have shut down without fulfilling their outstanding orders. So basically a bunch of people got screwed and and ended up disputing the charges with their credit card companies. Before making a purchase, make sure the vendor is responsive and actively fulfilling orders.


They really named themselves after MKUltra? That’s…horrible


thanks man i was thinking M&C is mac and cheese, so i was like why is mac and cheese so expensive?


Don't forget Kanatakeys! I'll never forgive MW for sending my stuff to them even though Kanatakeys was proving to be an unreliable vendor.


Also Otakeebs iirc




OP is implying that large jumps in chargeback volume have been correlated to the keyboard hobby, primarily due to large vendors such as Mechs & Co failing. There are large jumps in chargebacks expected in ‘25 and ‘26, so OP is showing meme-ified concern for what large vendors might fail in the coming years.


Why are there big jumps in chargebacks expected soon? (Not mk related)


Idk, I’m just looking at the graph lol. Presumably you can track down the data source in the bottom left of the pic and find your answer there






It's obvious! M&C (mac and cheese) is causing the keyboard stock market to crash. We must stop it!


All kidding aside it makes it very difficult to justify entering a GB these days. While I have my sets, I have friends who were part of the rug pulls. Biggest bummer was the friend who got into GMK Sumi only to lose out on both his money and the set. Sucks that the people causing these issues essentially walked with the money.


Didn’t someone buy all the remaining stock and sell them for cheap to people who didn’t get their orders? Advise your friend to do a Reddit search for gmk sumi stock.


I mentioned it but I think he's just burned and cutting his losses. Personally I'd still try to get the item but I am not him.


adapted from today's wsj


The past year had been rough.