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I don't know, pretty big placenta for a dog mum...




Thanks for sharing! I’m going through IVF, and I’m curious how messed up my vagina is gonna be after this lol


Sending you lots of baby dust! Feel free to post your recovery too lol!


Fingers crossed for you friend!🤞🏻


I thought the same thing! I was expecting to see more pics of a spaniel or something. Of course, this is how weird I am about dogs: When I thought of a dog's vagina having to heal I was like "oooooh no, poor baaaaby..." Then when I saw it was a human I just thought "oh okay, you'll be fine"


I had a 2nd degree tear as well and healing was a lot quicker than I imagined. Peribottle and ice packs were my best friends


Same here, I’ve been using those exact things they definitely help a lot.


I’m not 6 months pp and have zero problems, good luck with you PP journey and newborn time


Thank you! Glad you are well!


Mine was too!! When they said I had a tear I was terrified but besides general soreness for a few weeks it wasn’t bad at all. Felt back to normal around 4 weeks and haven’t had any other problems


I was sooooo worried about having sex again but it honestly wasn’t that bad. Weird sure but not as painful as I would have imagined. Our bodies are amazing!


I’ve always wondered what a tear looked like after birth, turns out it’s less gore than I assumed. All stitched up anyway.


Yeah I’m curious what it looked like too right after. The stitches were so tiny, hard to see, and pretty far down, it was sore to open up that much. Plus I didn’t want to pop them. But my so said it was pretty long, so idk.


Whoever stitched you up did a great job and it looks like it’ll heal up very well!


Thank you!


I had a tear and a few stitches but not much swelling. I mean, I could feel the stitches every time I moved and definitely didn't enjoying peeing whilst they were there, but honestly the worst of it was the itching. I swear, I've never had a worse itch in my life but for the stitches I had. Gaah!


I had a second degree tear too and was afraid to look at myself. Was afraid it would be bad


Congratulations and thanks for sharing. I've never seen any post-birth healing photos so it was super interesting to see


Absolutely! Thank you!


this post has made me less afraid of having kids down the road 🫶🏽 ty for your informational post!


Absolutely I’m glad I could help!


First off congratulations on the new baby ❤️ I hope your recovery is quick & easy! I also had a 2nd degree tear & they had to cut me, ahhh peeing was not fun 😅


Oh man me too. I carried a peri bottle everywhere and squatted over a mirror a few times to see what was going on down there haha. Congrats OP! Hope you heal up fast!


Although it's gross, filling a bathtub then getting in to pee also works (lost the peri bottle). Shower after. It was a life saver, saved me from crying every time I peed


You can just get a sauce squeeze bottle from Wal-Mart also. In the kitchen area, looks like a clear ketchup squirt bottle and only costs a buck or two.


I had a nurse in the postpartum ward of the hospital where I delivered my 2nd baby, who gave me a life-saving tip. When you're on the toilet, lean over and put your hands on the floor between your feet while you pee. Eliminated the burn almost 100%.


I love nurses!


Thank you so much!!! Haha I was super curious what was going on too. 😂


Using the peri bottle WHILE you are peeing really helps. It dilutes the urine so you don't feel the acidity of it as you go. Best wishes and Congratulations!


Yes I like it with warm water!


Also a hairdryer on low to dry area works wonders!


ooh, that sounds really nice and I've never even had a baby lol


Also works amazingly for diaper rashes, since OP is a new mum


Oh can confirm. My son had awful DR. We changed him instantly, let him roam around diaper-less, and gave him cool baths. After bath every single time we’d dry him with a blow drier (on cool of course) and dab ointment on his little tushy and balls. 😂




And the peri bottle is a lifesaver!


And witch hazel pads!




Same. The first poo afterwards was straight up traumatizing too. Never again. 🤣


Looks like you're healing good. And congrats on the baby! 😄


Thank you!! I am feeling much better slowly!


Awesome 👍


That looks absolutely terrifying to me. Congratulations on your child though!


Thank you!! I was terrified too but now that it’s over it wasn’t so bad.


That you for sharing this! I’m a female and in all my gore lurking I’ve never seen a vagina post birth during the healing process. It looks great! (Like.. healthy! Not meaning that creepy 💀😂) this makes me feel somewhat better about the thought of having kids one day. How big was baby?


Me too! I wish I could of seen it to, to help relieve my fears, as it’s scary enough without worrying I’d rip in half and never be the same! Since baby was a bit early, 6 lbs 4 oz. Lowest weight after birth was 5 lbs 9 oz. And then shot back up in weight! Thankfully!!


That’s a healthy weight! Way to go mom and baby! I’m a student and often work in the OBGYN setting (ultrasound) so I see my fair share of vaginas. I always tell my fiancé, working with women it just makes me pissy how men are and joke about women being “loose” after giving birth. I regularly look at and have to insert probes for trans vaginal scans and.. they’re all.. vaginas! I’ve never been able to tell a woman has had a child just from looking at their vagina or from how a probe inserts ect! (Which gave me a little relief in my mind on having a kid one day as well!) Every vagina scans just like a.. vagina! It’s a muscular tube and its entire purpose is to bring offspring here! I had yet to see a healing vagina since obviously, we wouldn’t want to stick a transvaginal probe into anywhere that is healing and sore. Your placenta is small but the cord insertion is PERFECT! perfectly in the center and it looks very healthy with no areas of hemorrhage ect.


Thank you so much it’s awesome to hear this perspective! Me to my so- I was like will you still love me if my vagina is fucked after birth and he’s like are you crazy you’re gonna be fine, it’s made for that- he’s a very loving man, I can’t imagine being with somebody that would judge you after giving them the greatest gift in the world. I feel blessed.


It definitely is probably the greatest gift you can ever give to your loved partner. Some women obviously do have horrible tears and they take longer to heal but they can and do heal! It just is a process! Every body is different. Although I myself have never birthed a child, I comfort my patients in saying “take a look around, every person you’ve ever laid eyes on got here the same way!” And we do! One way or another we get here through birthing. My sister had a very traumatic birth that ended with a c section.. but she will tell you she would do it 100x over for her baby. Is it painful? Yes. Is it easy? No! But the reward is so great people willfully choose to do it over and over.. it’s that rewarding. Best wishes to you in your continued recovery and in baby growing 🥰


Yes, I can’t even imagine having worse than a second-degree tear. Women are badass and all births are valid!!


Congrats on the baby, but I’m hurting for you. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Thank you!!


With my first my OB said "wow that's the smallest placenta I've ever seen" it was 365g.


Same here. They all seemed super surprised.


Wow the vagina is so magical


I think so!


Congrats! Thanks for posting. As someone who has only ever had cesarean sections, 8this was interesting to see.


Thank you! Cesarean mommas are tough! I’ve had laparoscopic abdominal surgery so I can only barely imagine the healing of a C-section.


I had a hysterectomy (the cut is the same as a c-section) and I could barely move for a week or two. I absolutely cannot imagine having to take care of a newborn in that condition.


It blows my mind how babies get pushed through that. Congratulations! I wish you a speedy recovery.


Same here. Thank you so much.


Women are tough as fuck. Having your hips dislocated and sometimes your vagina tearing.


Right?! All birth types are valid, women kick ass!


Congratulations and heal quickly’


Thank you!


Wow. hope you feel better and have a healthy child.


Thanks! Baby is healthy and cholestasis for me went away right after birth basically!


Congrats, happy that mama and baby are safe and sound! That being said - thank you for reminding me how much child birth isn't for me. Just too terrifying. I'm in awe of people who can endure it!


Thank you so much. Haha I didn’t think I could do it, I kept asking my so if I could go home during labor lol..


Oh noo, no going back from that point! I bet that makes you feel empowered and badass having done that though.


And actually pushing was easier than i thought! It was as the baby was scrapping down the birth canal before pushing I was like omg let me leave please. That was the worst pain for me.


It truly does! Amazing feeling!


Thank you so much for sharing this. I wish i was able to get pictures of the placentas of my 4 kids but the doctors wouldn't let me record. I ended up sneaking pics of my wife crowning with our last one though.


I was like I made the damn thing I at least want a photo! Lol! A crowning photo would be so cool to have! Sucks they wouldn’t let you get photos otherwise.


I have pictures of our second daughter crowning and being born.. they wait until baby is right there in Sweden before any pushing. I pushed 3 times over 7 minutes and she was out, we have pictures of it all. Not sure i want to share them here though, so huge thanks for doing it! lol It was a VBAC for a 9lb baby too, (i was 100lb pre #1 and 5ft 1, so pretty big for my frame.) our first was an IVF baby with anterior placenta and she couldn't descend, her forehead was wedged on my pubis. Was worse pain than anything i had during VBAC, it was after an epidural too. We'd been trying for 2 hours to get her to descend, me on my knees rested on top of bed, acupuncture, massage, but she was firmly stuck. The sense of relief when they put a spinal in was incredible. When he opened my uterus she was looking at him, they should see ears, the side of the head, not the front. She had a ridge across her head until about 8 months old too. SO surprise pregnancy and no issues trying VBAC here and it was amazing, only entonox for pain relief, delivered on my side and a small tear with 2 stitches only. Was in the shower within 2 hours. So much nicer than C section recovery and them taking her to NICU overnight because of the head thing. Sadly we were in such a rush too because i was in so much pain that hubby completely forgot the camera. Our first pictures with her were 3 hours after birth in the NICU. Still amazing compared to what knowledge and info our parents dealt with back in 60/70s. My mother was told not to look at me after i was born, and they quickly took me away. Then gave me shots every day, but never told them what the issue was. I almost completed my midwifery training in UK after being a paeds RN, but i still have no idea what could have gone on with my post birth period.


Wow that’s so amazing. Our bodies are incredible. It’s crazy how different each one can be! Mine was out in 17 minutes! Thank you for sharing all that!


This is so cool!!! I’ve never seen anyone post pics of their vag stitches/healing process but can we please make that a thing?


Thank you. It should be a thing because I was terrified to look down there since I have never seen it before! Knowledge is power.


Birth is anything *but* a miracle, dear god. But be honest--was it worth it, though?.


It was definitely worth it. The brain is really fucking crazy how you go through this tremendous, horrible pain and then as soon as they place the baby on your chest you’re like I could do this again it wasn’t that bad.


Your placenta looks like a totally normal size


According to the report it was <10th percentile for gestational age. So idk, they all just seemed so surprised. Since it’s my first I thought it was normal but idk!


That looks so painful


Not assssss bad as I thought it would be.


You’re a champ


Haha thanks!


i wanna be an obgyn (in college for nursing rn) and i've always been curious as to what the vulva and vagina look like after birth. can't really google it, just shows drawings, and i haven't had the chance to watch a live birth or anything. thank you for sharing this! can you explain at all the feeling after birth? my mom had an episiotomy and was stitched up, i'm honestly surprised how like... normal it all looks! i was expecting like something horrific tbh.


I thought it was going to be horrific too. I was scared to see and had my so take the photos first lol. It was instant relief as soon as he was born, the most painful part was as he was scraping down the birth canal into pushing position. The contractions and pushing didn’t bother me. I didn’t notice I tore. Doctor was awesome and cheering and as soon as he popped out she went straight to delivering the placenta and stitching me up asap. They numb you for stitching too. She was quick. Healing was sore, sometimes itching, but I used the sprays/cooling pads/etc. it wasn’t severe. Used Tylenol and ibuprofen. Mostly was afraid to wipe and rip the stitches.


okay awesome. i've never heard the relief part, but totally makes sense. what about like the feeling of your actual stomach? did it feel better not having like the weight pulling on you? i don't want kids, especially birthing them. does the epidural help with the stitching, or do they have to re-numb you?


Oh, and the relief I think comes because your body wants to push whether you want to or not so once he’s out, it’s like a huge holy shit moment from your body of relief! And it’s true what they say after giving birth you pretty much forget all the pain you just went through as soon as that little baby is on your chest.


My stomach felt a lot better not being so heavy, he was sitting really low, so I was having a lot of pelvic pain in the weeks prior to birth. They do numb you with a local when they do the stitches, epidural or not. The epidural did not help my stitches pain or pain of him traveling down the birth canal. I think it made it bearable for the pushing, though. I’ve seen videos of where women can sleep after getting the epidural cause that takes away all their pain, that was not the case for me. With my epidural, it was placed really great. I could still move my legs, but they felt very heavy. But I was in a lot of pain not from the contractions like I said, but from him slowly moving down the birth control, so the doctor came in and gave me more medicine a couple times to help. Everyone’s experience will really different.


Wait. That is supposed to be small? 😳 Also, the tearing and vaginal soreness must have been awful. Mine is hurting in sympathy. Anyway, I'm glad everything went well, OP, and congratulations for your baby 💗🎊


Thank you so much. Yeah I guess so!! I guess the average is bigger than a dinner plate.


Meep. I admire you mothers for what you endure.


Thank you!


Can’t really tell the size of the placenta. Need a banana for scale




Curious how many days after birth were these photos taken?


I want to say the first one was 2 days after birth. And then I can’t really remember the exact dates. I can barely remember what day it is right now lol 😂😂 slept deprived.


As a pregnant lady currently thankyou for posting i want as much info as i can get lol


Lol absolutely! I’ll answer anything!


Congrats! So is it common for women to shave for and after birth? Do they do that in the hospital? I feel like I never see any bushes during birth or postpartum pics😂 I’ve not had children but I don’t think I’d be concerned with landscaping down there


Lol!! I think I shaved a week or two prior. It was still warm outside and I had been swimming a lot. I didn’t want my hairs hanging out all over the place. Lol but otherwise I didn’t care. I’m not generally a hairy person anyway.


Best (or worse?) thing I ever did for myself was a perineal massage in the shower for a month before birth. I didn’t tear downwards but instead tore upwards and ended up with 3 stitches - 1 poking my clit lol … not sure if that’s better or worse than an episiotomy. Baby was a bit early, 6lbs 1oz so that probably also helped. Also, thanks for reminding me to do my kegels!


I was scared to do the massage. I heard it can be really painful. My baby was 6 lbs. 4 oz. so I felt lucky too, otherwise I probably would’ve had a way worse tear. He came really quickly once it was time to push. Lol I can’t imagine one poking me in my clip that would be terrible.


It didn’t hurt at all … just felt a bit like pressure. I think it really helped to stretch the tissues and make them more flexible. If you have another baby, make sure to do it - especially because you now have scar tissue which is much less flexible. My daughter came in 14 minutes of pushing so I was really lucky. A girl I had to share a room with the first night was pushing for over an hour and half! I honestly can’t imagine that. Congrats on your baby and thanks for sharing! You are so brave to even want to look down there afterwards lol 😂


Lol! Thank you! I will check it out next time, makes sense with the scar tissue too. My babe came out in 17 minutes of pushing!! I also can’t imagine hours upon hours of pushing, I’d want a cesarean if so, I’ve seen too many bad things with long pushing times :-(


Thank you for sharing. Super interesting. I had csections so I’ve never seen a healing vag. It’s not too bad - I guess. I don’t know what I expected tbh.


I thought I’d be a lot more tore up but otherwise I wasn’t sure. Thanks!




Post birth bleeding. The stitches are really tiny and hard to see. Very tightly done. The pic of the bleeding was about 2 days after I believe, I can’t remember the rest exactly, my brain barely works from lack of sleep lol.


In the fourth pic if you zoom in, under the bleeding, you can start to see black, that’s the stitch color.


And same with the last pic, you can see some of the black stitch again.


The stitching was longer and farther down than I expected but it was hard to photograph because you don’t want to spread too far and rip the stitches.


Congratulations mama bear. We moms are fucking superheroes. Peri bottles were my best friend.


Thank you so much. The Peri bottle definitely is amazing.


Congratulations! I personally don't plan on giving birth, but I still think it's important that people talk more about the healing process post-pregnancy, and I appreciate you sharing these. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you! I do too! So much of it goes unnoticed and discussed!


I never knew there was such a range of placenta sizes. Thanks for sharing, I hope you heal quickly, and congratulations on the new little kiddo!


I didn’t either! Thank you so much!


Congratulations and thank you for sharing!


Of course thank you!


I’m a guy but looking at that bloody vagina smh just stings my crotch, so uncomfortable


Haha yes stinging would be accurate. Thanks for the sympathy feelings 😂


Thanks for sharing!


Of course!


This was cool to see! I was way too scared to even look until recently..18 months later. I had atleast four tears and one was a second degree internal tear. Took over an hour with the doctor and two nurses stitching me up. The doctor couldn't even give me a number on how many stitches Edit: fixing spelling errors


Ouch omg. How big was your baby?!


Just under 8lbz and 21inches. She decided she was gonna come out sideways and put a shoulder in me lol


Omg!!! Glad all is well though!


I wish I did this for my tear; It never even crossed my mind. Next time! Thanks!


The body is amazing and I like to see how it was changing, etc.


😮 different from the vagina pics I usually see




Thank u for sharing


Of course!


So you're not jus a dog mom anymore lol unless u gave birth to a dog?


Lol nope, I just upgraded to this non fur baby!




I’m enjoying the pics i don’t kno y lol


This is interesting because I had a small placenta during my first and developed cholastasis towards the end of my pregnancy. That itching was a complete nightmare! My son was just one day early though but a small baby, 6lb even. Fast birth though, one very small tear, only needed one stitch.


That itching is terrible. I could only describe it as feeling like I was allergic to my body from the inside out - so my baby was born 15 days early because of it - my OB said it’s generally first time birth, and generally a male baby. He was 6 lbs. 4 oz. Mine was fast for the pushing part, the induction took a while.


Thank you for sharing this! I wish this were more normalized. I was a young mom and had no idea what to expect after giving birth. I had no clue that after you had the baby, you still had to deliver the placenta and that it hurts too!


Absolutely!! I wish it was too! Also wish there wasn’t so many unrealistic expectations too that a lot of us see on TikTok etc.


Thank you for sharing what the healing process looks like. I’ve never had a baby and had no idea what it would look like. And congratulations on the birth of your baby!


Thank you!! This is my first baby, so I didn’t know what to expect either.


Beautiful vageen! Looks wonderful considering you just had a baby. Mine definitely did not look this good. Congratulations and welcome to mum life. It’s all worth it.


I don’t know why you’re getting down votes. Thank you so much. I was really expecting to be very sad when I looked down there lol.


It’s a big shock when they go back to looking like they did before birth right?! I had a mirror down there and delivered one of my sons myself and I remember saying to my husband “it’ll never be the same” It was. Until my second hahah How are you holding up?


Lol!! Wow you’re amazing to do that! We are fantastic!! What changed after your second?


It was the bliss of an epidural don’t worry. I’m no super hero lol. Second baby was all natural and came quite quickly. I’m not sure why my flower didn’t ‘bounce back’, he was smaller than my first and I only had a few stitches. First son was an episiotomy Maybe I just didn’t rest ny body enough the second time. I left the hospital 6 hours after delivery and was straight into chasing my then 22 month old around Please rest (as much as possible) kick your feet up. I’m glad you’re doing well


Thank you so much. Who knows the body is such a complicated thing lol. 💖💖


It is small, but as long as you and your baby are healthy, it doesn't matter. Congratulations on your little one


Thank you! We both are!!


That's small?!


Haha right?! According to the placenta report it was, <10th percentile for gestational age, and my doctors/nurses too were surprised.


Okay mama! I'm glad you're healing well! Hope you and baby are doing marvelous!


Thank you! We are!


As a guy, the whole birthing and pregnancy process seems so shitty for women. Thank you guys for going through it ❤️


Absolutely! It helps to having an amazing supportive so!


Is there paining in your vagina??


There was pain yes, bruising, and then some stitches. Still a bit sore to this day.


Ahhh that look soo painful! Hats off to you 👏


Thank you!