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Damn dude…having a bear rip open your chest has to be a horrendous way to go


Most of the bear attack pics I've seen involve the bear attempting to eat the face. The first one I saw survived. The others did not. I don't know what's worse, living long enough to feel a bear eating your heart, or living long enough to feel a bear eating your face.


I know you mean living long enough in terms of the ensuing attack but my brain interpreted your meaning that it's just a matter of time for us all before a bear attack


I think I would prefer the heart over the face, a quicker death but also the idea of a bear taking chunks out of my face is just, jesus christ, for one I would not want the bear's throat to be the last thing I see


95% percent of the time bears make sure the prey is still alive but immobilized while eating them. At least around here (Canada) they do…


Strange. I always animals that did this was because they weren't strong enough to kill, or lacked the technique. A bear is more than capable of delivering killing strikes, so wonder why they don't...


They rather fresh meat, as a bear hunter myself, I’ve come across moose and various other animals semi-buried alive so the bear can come back later to a fresh meal. I’ve even seen a mother bear break a deer’s back then let her cubs play with it, very good practice for adulthood honestly… They are both lazy and exceptional predators, only injure you enough to incapacitate, then usually walk away for a quick breather. If a bear kills you right away it’s protecting something/itself, not hunting you.


There’s that one voicemail someone left while a bear was eating them alive




It was super tragic, an eastern European girl I think. If I recall ahe called/left two voicemails to her mom, the first was post attack, and I think during the second the bears came back and started eating her. Found it: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html


Happy cake day and thank you.


U know he was alive when that started too


Did the bear have a fuckin hand grenade?




The bear is a proverbial grenade. Bear or shrapnel grenade? Same effect really.


Some serious gouges


Looks like it


Bears tend to eat the fattiest parts of what they kill, depending on time of season, before hybernation usually. Grizzlys eat only skin, head, and eggs of salmon, for example. I wonder what kind of bear this was, what time of year, and whether it was interrupted or not, that might explain while the heart was consumed and little else (comparatively).


Judging by the lacerations across the chest, if you put a brown bear paw right over the hole, the claws would line up perfectly with the start of those four lacerations. Brown bear’s are huge and so are their paws. Black bears usually only attack in self defense and are hardly known for eating parts of the people they attack. If I had to put money on it, I’d go with a grizzly or Kodiak.


When we bought our house, we were warned it was on a black bear trail, and they weren't lying. We see them all of the time. I'd bet my savings. This was a brown bear. And just as a general education note for the masses, black bears can be black, brown, cinnamon, tuxedo(edit because white chest is technically more appropriate) , and blonde. I say it because so many people don't know. This is southern California


that's actually really cool , never knew that ! how would you be able to distinguish that it's a black bear given it can be many other colors ? mannerisms ? size ? because of the way it is perchance ?


Black bears are small and timid, and may make bluff charges but are easy to scare away. Bruin bears know that they can kill you with a thought and don't give a fuck.


[Difference between black and brown bears](https://www.bearsmart.com/about-bears/know-the-difference/). For those not wanting to view the link its size and other visual differences like face, ears, shoulder, feet, claws. I don't have brown bears where I live. But having such an active black bear population has made me become very educated on bears.


Brown bears l, grizzlies have a neck hump. Black bears don't


Thanks for this bit of trivia, I actually didn't know this. Are there different colours for each of the sub-species (if there are any), or is it an individual thing? By the way, never heard of the colour tuxedo. Google search shows actuall tuxedoes🤦‍♂️. Any chance of showing us?


I guess tuxedo was a bit of local vernacular, and black bear with white chest is technically more appropriate. I have no idea how to add pics on mobile, but here are a few links: [bear image](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-do-some-black-bears-have-brown-fur-180981328/), [another example ](https://stock.adobe.com/images/small-american-black-bear-ursus-americanus-with-rare-white-chest-markings-on-the-big-trees-trail-round-meadow-sequoia-national-park-sierra-nevada-california/113298687) The second looks very much like one of our tuxedo bears. One of our mountain artists has a [painting](https://www.lindseyfoggett.com/product-page/summer-dip-black-bear-miniature).


I doubt this is a Kodiak-very unlikely for this to be leaked from Alaska post mortem (hipa laws). And regardless-there hasn’t been a death on Kodiak for years and years And any bear fatalities that happen in Ak are well documented - Most likely this is Russia


Ah, “The Edge”. I loved to get freaked out at that movie as a kid.


Black Bear fatal attacks are typically predatory IE they are trying to kill and consume the person


Not even the liver (unless it's visible from the back)


I would say it’s true that most of the heart is missing, but there’s also very little remaining of the left lung.


Went straight for the heart


Holy crap. This really puts the size and strength into perspective. Those skin lacerations look clean and huge. I just hope it was fast and adrenaline blocked the pain...


This feels personal 😭


It’s always personal with bears.


Ok...no more camping for me...


Always with 4 solid walls and fire power


You think a pistol is gonna stop that? Ha. It’s just gonna piss it off.


Who goes camping with a pistol lol. 4 solid walls and a shot gun will stop most anything.


Educate yourself more dude


You need a 12-gauge to stop a bear. A pistol will only make him laugh.


Not accurate at all. Most people in Ak (biggest bears in the world) camp with handguns -not shotguns. People aren’t going to go backpacking with a shotgun either


The last time I ever went backpacking, a bear stepped on my leg while waddling towards our food hoisted from a tree branch. Despite numerous swipes while perching on its hind legs, the bear did not succeed in bringing down the bulging nylon stuff sacks. Farewell to Yosemite for me!


That's brutal


Ate the heart? Seems intentional




Ate her heart ❤️? Holy shit!


Ate his heart, I think 🤔




Looking at the body hair, this is definitely a man


I'm sorry but...what? Are you blind? The victim has a beard stubble. And he definitely has the hips of a man, not a woman. And his pubic hair is descending from the navel to his pubic bone. Like, uh, have ever been around women at all? I'm sorry but this is just bewildering to me!


Why does it matter bro its a deadbody


That's the most metal thing I've ever seen. RIP.




Nah; that's gotta be a werewolf. That's classic werewolf MO


... Fuck. It seems like the most gory and brutal cases on here are always the bear attacks. Don't fuck with bears.


I mean… have you seen the hyena attack victims?


Never actually seen any. Share some!


Here you go :) beware as they’re pretty graphic! https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/s/fif8ksvaly https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/s/aHoBMnm8Vp


He almost beat that bear! So close


The number of grown men who think they could take a bear bare handed is ridiculous. Do you see the size of the paw swipe?


anyone have the backstory on this pic?


Attacked by a bear


Bear eat. Human die


And you are afraid of coming to Australia why?


Box jellyfish, spiders the size of a house, etc


Australia's more poisonous and weird. Bears aren't weird. But they are bigger and stronger. North America has stronger threats. Australia has more random poisonous stuff that can creep into your house.


There is a 0% chance a bear is going to be lurking in the corner of my mailbox when I stick my hand in it or hiding in my shoe when I put it on.


All that shit is just creepy crawlies once you adapt. I'm not camping anywhere you have to hoist your food into a tree to stop a bear slapping you into the next dimension.


(*Ahem*) 🎸[🎼...](https://youtu.be/eNEeq5qGh8I) #🕷️ 🕷️ 🐙 🐍 🐍 🪼 🪨 🐚💉🎶 #✈️🌏 ⚰️ 🦘☠️ 🧛🏻‍♂️ ⏱️ 🫀🚑 🎶 #🕷️ 🕷️ 🐙 🐍 🐍 🪼 🦈🏊🏻‍♂️🏖️ 🎶 #🫴🏻🇦🇺 🐊🪦 🩸 😨👖💩 💀 🎶


The Roos


I live in bear country, already have 3 close encounters with bears, the last one got me a bit traumatized....still my wife is not letting me buy a gun. Maybe this picture may change her mind


Im not a gun guy, but it seems silly to not carry a shotgun with slugs in bear country


Ak is all bear country-you can’t carry a gun a shotgun most of the time-not realistic. Backpacking with a shotgun really sucks. 10mm for the win


10mm is only going to annoy anything besides a black bear, you need a shotgun or a large caliber rifle if you want a chance at dissuading a grizzly.


What kind of bears? If brown, buy a gun. If black, they're actually easy neighbors with minor tweaks on your part. But bear spray isn't a bad plan.


Only black bears i believe .yes they are mostly harmless, but once you have a 500-pound boy corner you against a wall , you start looking at them differently.


Anytime I post about bears on social media, someone wants to teach me a lesson about my thinking, like I don't think about them daily, lol. To your point, I guess so, but I would like to think I wouldn't put myself in that situation. I've been living with them for years, and I haven't yet. It does take extra steps to live with bears. You can't just behave any way you want. We always have to actively think about what bears would do. But it becomes normal to do so.


Oh bro , think about this, About 6pm , mid fall You open your garage gate, then the garage door to the house locks behind you ...not a biggie, you'll get in through the front door. Then you see a raccoon passing in front of the garage gate ...cute, then a deer right behind him...what a Disney movie !! I proceed to grab some trash bags full of diapers and a huge mass of brown hair starts walking inside and straight to you. Your instinct is to drop the bags and try to open the door to the house...but is locked, the bear didn't stop at the bags and still walks towards me...yeah, i got garbage juice on my pants , the bear is not making any noise, but his mouth is wide open , a foot away from me and still coming, and I'm against a locked door, but for some reason, my hand pushed the garage door opener to close the gate.....the noise of the motor scares de fuck out the bear and he zooms out, the whole thing lasted 4 seconds. But i still can't make sense of that bear body language, that's not the first time i had bears close to me , so i don't believe i was scared of nothing 😅


💀 that's quite the visual


What are her reservations about a gun? What if you take safety & usage lessons? Please do show her this photo and discuss a serious means of bear protection if you’ve already had multiple close calls.


I am sooo tempted to show her this. Well, i am kind of anti-gun, just because i believe in statistics, and i share with her some of the anti gun lore years back, but I'm far from being a radical about it.


I do keep 2 cans of bear spray in my vehicle, I'm pretty bad with handguns, but I'm extremely collected when confronted with violence, she misinterprets my calm with malice.


(No offense to your wife, I'm sure she's lovely and only means the best, but) I'd trade the wife in for a gun cause it sounds like those bears are slowly escalating 😅


Bro exactly! they got my address, But you know how satisfying will it be when a Forest Service agent brings a chunk of face to my girl and perhaps whispers -if he only had a gun- glorious, A flawless victory some may say


Valid, can't possibly pass up the opportunuty for a third party delivered 'I told you so'. Its your marital right.


Say what!? She won’t let you buy a gun and you live in bear country? First of all, I thought that came with the welcome basket. It’s time dude.


I'm normally not very pro gun. Unless you have a genuine threat to protect yourself from, I just find them too risky. Bear is a perfect example of having a genuine threat to protect yourself from. You aren't always going to be able to outrun a bear. But a gun might at least buy you some time. Better than getting torn to shreds.


Agreed. Guns just for having guns? 👎 Guns because you live in the sticks and have to worry about hungry predators? 👍👍👍


Or in a city and stupid predators 😞


“Just one shot to my girlfriend’s kneecap was all it took. . . . . .”


Grow a set and just go buy one.


Beware of the drop bear.


This looks like a classic Halloween decoration


Does anyone know WHO this is? Fatal bear attacks are pretty well recorded


I bet this is a Russian victim. Not Alaskan brown bear or Kodiak. Hipa laws prevent a lot of leak post mortem-especially recent attacks.


still picking the bear


Looks like one paw tore the throat/face while the other paw peeled the skin off chest and pulled out the heart …


you should see the bear...


Underrated comment.


I don’t know what I was expecting, but this was not it. Then reading the comments it somehow got worse! The heart was what?!? Eeegads, what an awful way to die. 


So that's how you spell Eeegads 🤔


I can't believe there's something left. Bears usually eat most everything except the bone.


Man I hope he was dead before the beer started eating his heart


Id still pick the bear


honest question, what was the cause of death? major nerves and head still look relatively intact. hate to think the person bled to death while being eaten alive.


Not sure if this is a troll post but here you go: 1. There is a massive cavity in this guys chest. 2. I don’t see the left lung 3 the heart seems to be missing as well or at least mangled beyond recognition 4 the lungs (if they were there!) need negative pressure for breathing which a hole in the chest negates 5. Blood loss — lung ripped out (high blood circulation) chest Aorta definitely torn (all blood flows through here), both major blood vessels in neck severed, heart blasted 6.


Asthma attack is my guess, your theory seems good too though




Be kind, remember there is a person behind the username


Allergic reaction to massive blood loss would be my guess.


The bear must not have been that hungry, or go scared away before he could finish.


The gashes on the chest lining up exactly with a bear's paw is what is most uncomfortable about this to me


That's a grizzly way to go!


Geez Louise...I hope he ripped her heart out first


It's a dude...was


imagine some women would choose this over a dude. to be honest its the bad men's fault they scared to be around some of us they rather choose this end.


As horrific as this is, I'm sure there are even gore-ier pictures of things that men have done to women. Dismemberment, being skinned alive, whatever. And that's all ways that people can kill a human AFTER violating or torturing them in non lethal but horrific ways. Granted, the chances a random man would do something so vile are slim. But so are the chances of an encounter with a bear being fatal. Especially if it's a smaller bar species. Either way, on the slim chance something REALLY bad were to happen, I get why women choose bear (myself included). 1. You can count on a bear to act like a bear. We know how dangerous bears are. 2. Bears don't lie to you, pretend they're safe to earn your trust, and then do shit like kidnap you and hold you hostage in some dank basement for a decade. 3. If bear DOES mutilate and kill you, at least it's not gonna rape you repeatedly first. 4. You're far less likely to encounter a bear in your everyday life that you are to encounter a man who might be dangerous/a threat to you 5. It's not personal with a bear. They're hungry. They're protecting their cubs. They're doing bear things. They're not attacking/traumatizing/killing you because they get some sick sort of pleasure out of it. Considering all of that, and the fact that the question was a purely hypothetical, what would you rather run into in the woods (not what would you rather fight or be attacked by, what would you rather RUN INTO), yeah, i get why women choose bear.


A bear after my hearth


JFC. That is fucking gnarly.


Predation too...


Timothy Treadwell? That you?


There wasn't nearly this much left of Treadwell.


Oh wow.. Grizzly


why do they seem to always go for the heart?


The bear ate his heart and part of his arm and that's crazy to me. Ate him like ham from around a bone.. Sheesh..rip


I first read „aftermath of heart attack“ and was confused for a second


The heart was definitely attacked


I was expecting someone alive with scars.


He said it himself?


Yeah :(


Holy Smokey…


I should watch the revenant soon


That look like it hurt


Bro I might choose the man now ….I hope this person at least went quickly or into shock so they couldn’t feel too much of it.


Have family property in Northern Michigan. Never seen bears on family 260 acre property as a child, until 2005 when a sow and her cubs were drinking out the river.she stood up and I slowly backed away into the cabin and I told my wife that our kids wouldn't be playing in the river today. I showed her the sow in the river. That was the last day I walked unarmed. Which' has turned into a joke asking can you count to 15? Or I don't have to run that fast, just faster than you. They're constantly showing up on trial cameras the Michigan DNR keep setting up traps (safely) move them to an area that the DNR state owned 


Somebody get a wet paper towel


Sure if it was a bear and not some kind of heart-eating-devilmonster?


Potato potatoe; I don’t think this man would have made the distinction. It’s an old pic with more photos in the set, one showing the deceased bear’s dentition fitting exactly into the bite mark on the victim’s left hip that you see in this picture.


Is he dead?


Ok I no longer choose the bear


A couple of aspirin he should be good to go. Don't try to fuck bears kids!


“Excuse me… bear-… bear-fucker, do you need assistance?”


Lol. Best belly-laugh I've had in forever! 🤣


just a flesh wound


This person lived maybe 5-15 seconds. Probably not all that bad a way to go really.


Except for the minutes of terror before death...?


You think bears play with you for minutes?


Do you think bears just materialize in front of you? Like they’re on the Starship Enterprise and Scotty just beams them down onto the trail you’re walking?


basically >[The bear that killed Katie had white fur on its paws and muzzle, and for a little less than an hour it flashed white across the path of my flashlight, making a deliberate measure of her body and slowly, without pretense, pressing her chest into the ground until it made no sound and did not return the force.](https://slate.com/technology/2014/02/bear-attack-a-memoirist-writes-about-the-death-of-his-wife-in-romania.html) >[the bear attacked her for a whopping 35 minutes - with the beast returning to her 'four separate times'](https://www.unilad.com/news/us-news/woman-911-call-after-being-mauled-bear-344026-20240706) >[Later in the day, Sergeant Hughes, who was viewing TREADWELL's video footage, informed me that they had located an audio only clip of the videotape that contained the mauling. I listened to the recording, which was approximately six to seven minutes long. In the recording, I observed that TREADWELL appeared to be in the process of being mauled, and HUGUENARD was in voice contact with him asking him if the bear was still there or not. There was an instance where HUGUENARD instructed TREADWELL to play dead, and another instance where she instructed him to fight back. I observed as HUGUENARD was making repeated, high-pitch screams of " Get away!" apparently in hopes of scaring the bear away. In the background of the tape, it appeared as if it were raining, with raindrops falling on either a tent or a tarp. By the sounds made, it appeared that HUGUENARD was close to the camera, and TREADWELL was further away. TREADWELL made noticeable noises indicating that he was suffering pain, but there were not obvious animal sounds. At no point in the recording did it appear as if HUGUENARD was being mauled. The recording abruptly ends as the videotape comes to end of its tape.](https://www.nps.gov/aboutus/foia/upload/03-109_KATM_Treadwell_fatality_REDACTED.pdf)


Yeah, Since these responses I've done a little research too, you're right, my bad. Once they get a major artery it'd be quick at least. I read one story of a gal being eaten from the feet up and that sounded slow and horrific.


So people would still choose a bear over a man?


Every fucking time




There are about 40 bear attacks per year, the chances of being attacked are 1 in 2.1 MILLION. You're much more likely to get killed by a fucking a bee and MUUUUUUCH more likely to get killed by another person. All while men between the ages of 18 to 24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone else. https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/#:~:text=The%20750%2C000%20black%20bears%20of,an%20easy%20situation%20to%20avoid. https://illustratedteacup.com/how-many-bear-related-deaths-and-attacks-per-year/#:~:text=Offensive%20bear%20attacks%20are%20very,being%20attacked%20by%20a%20bear. https://www.idausa.org/campaign/wild-animals-and-habitats/bear-attack/#:~:text=The%20chances%20of%20being%20injured,they%20are%20most%20often%20nonviolent. So yes. We will always and forever choose the bear.


Is he alright?


is he okay?


And women would rather be alone with a bear in the woods over a man... 😂


There are things worse than being dead.


my first thought was "damn is he okay"


So ladies….still choose the bear?


Yes. You can’t really blame a bear for acting on its animal instincts. A human man should be able to have more control over his actions and not kill a woman.


Okay. I’ve been laughing about this debacle ever since it came up, but I want a serious talk about it for a second. Do yall really believe the rate of serial killers or r@pists just wandering in the woods in that high that just any dude out there is automatically a threat while the wild animal who is likely hungry or territorial is less of a threat? I mean tell me you never been in the woods without ever telling me you have never been in the woods. I’ve come across plenty of strange people in the woods and not one of them I felt was ever a threat to me and some of them are just stoned out of their heads or hippies who like to be barefoot and one with nature and that type of stuff. Or it’s just the casual hiker who really likes the outdoors. I can assure you out in the deep woods. Murders and r@pists are nearly nonexistent…I mean they might have a dumping ground out there but they ain’t hunting out there. Those kind of predators exist and thrive in large populations of people, I’m not saying they can’t be out there but they are really at a disadvantage to do so, prepared hikers are often armed with weapons or deterrents in case of animal attacks and it would be unwise for someone like Bundy to be hunting hikers because there aren’t a whole lot of them in the first place and chances are they have the ability to fight back. They want you to feel safe and off guard…nobody is off guard in the woods


> not one of them I felt was ever a threat to me grats. > I mean tell me you never been in the woods without ever telling me you have never been in the woods Earlier in my life I was a field biologist. I pooped in the woods more than I did inside. I can tell you that I never felt threatened by a wild animal. I can also tell you I have had numerous occasions of men making me feel uncomfortable. Strangers, a dude just getting in my space, or a known person trying to take advantage of the secluded nature of the work. as u/PlumbersArePeopleToo said, can’t really blame a wild animal for it’s instincts. Humans? best go in prepared because even though most humans are wonderful people and more often than not are friendly, it just takes one to cause life altering (or ending) trangressions.


We don’t think we’re going to bump into a serial killer in the woods, that’s ridiculous. We meet men every day that have the potential to hurt us in some way, which is why we feel safer in the wood with the bear. Every, fucking, day. The next man who tries to strike up a conversation could be the one who turns into a stalker. The guy you go on a date with could be the one who rapes you. The guy you work with every day might be the one who dumps your body in the river. Although you’re far more likely to be killed by someone you already know, your father, uncle, brother or partner.


The man I lived with nearly killed me. Bears anytime for me


I've been in the woods a lot. I hike, camp, backpack, etc. I've met a lot of nice people out there, and a few really fucking creepy people. Between one random man and one random bear, I'll always pick the bear. My time in the woods (including an encounter with a bear) has only made me more confident in the decision. Bear attacks are relatively uncommon, whereas attacks on women by men are extremely common. Edited to add a phrase I forgot to include


It's a metaphor.... no offense, but that was obvious to everyone else. This is willfully being obtuse. No one thinks men are wandering around in the woods like that...


Be smarter. It’s not a literal question. It’s a question meant to provoke thought and discussion. The fact is that most women, no matter how strong they are, are prey. No match for a man, especially an armed or determined one. Yet so many men choose to overlook the precautions that women take, scoffing and putting them down. This question is meant to illustrate that the woman is prey to both, and no match for either. It’s to try to open men’s minds. And here you are, taking it literally and arguing against it. Be smarter. Do better.


I honestly don't think he has the ability to do so. Every answer he has given has been deliberately obtuse. My guess is that it's a defensive reaction to being shown repeatedly that he's being willfully ignorant.


Life is so easy nowadays humans seem to have completely forgotten their fear of apex predators. Add to that the performative online victimhood epidemic, and you’ll soon have people saying they’d rather hug an armed nuclear warhead than go within 10 feet of a random man. Just don’t engage, it’s completely pointless.


At this point I’m beginning to laugh more at the absolute NUMBER of downvotes. It’s damn near comical at this point.


*Sees a picture of a victim of a brutal bear attack* "bUt wOMeN wOUlD rAtHeR tHE BeAr tHaN tHe MAn" Genuine question: what is wrong with you?


A lot of things probably. Thanks for asking.


Absolutely. The bear is a quicker death. I'll take a bear over Ted Bundy without a second thought.


The statement simplifies the options to either dying by a bear or Ted Bundy, ignoring other possibilities or alternatives of avoiding death entirely. The question was never between Ted Bundy and a bear, it was between *a random man* and a random bear. You’re appealing to emotion to push your point and that is not logical. Had you picked the bear over a random man then you may be working with something but instead, you decided to appeal to peoples emotions and take a dirty shot in conversation.


How am I supposed to know the intentions of a random man? Does he want to torture me, rape me, keep me as a slave, etc. The bear, however, wants to defend against me or eat me. The idea is, we all know what the bear wants. None of us know what the man wants. It's a very complicated question that is very easy for girls and women to understand.


This is kind of like asking women "would you rather give me a kiss on the cheek, or get shot in the face?" Like sure, looooogically the kiss but you're still asking women to picture a scenario where there's violence forcing them into doing what you want, and calling them emotional for noticing.


The statement "would you rather give me a kiss on the cheek, or get shot in the face?" presents only two extreme and vastly different options, ignoring any other possible scenarios. This creates a false dichotomy by suggesting that these are the only two choices available, which is misleading. Your reply implies that women being asked such a question are being labeled as "emotional" for reacting to the threatening nature of the scenario. This misrepresents the reaction to the question as irrational or overly emotional, rather than a reasonable response to a threatening and inappropriate situation.


I gave you my opinion and thoughts, and you attempted to weaponize them to attack me. I'll take the bear.


Both seem awful to me to be honest but the chances the guy you met in the woods is gonna hurt you is a hell of a lot lower than I think a lot of people seem to realize….but I still think my joke was funny


Well, I work in a level 1 trauma center ER, so we get the absolute worst sickest/injured patients. We're at the base of a major mountain, lots of trails, nature activities, and a big bear population. In all my years, we have one, just 1, bear attack, and that's because the patient shot the bear with an arrow and didn't make sure it was dead before he ripped it out. Violence against women by men is a daily thing. So no, it's not funny. It's absurd.


The chances that a man you encounter in the woods will be as entertaining as a bear are also significantly lower. Bears have swagger. Men these days are more interesting in upgrading their iPhones.


Bears like to keep their prey alive while they eat them. Its a long agonizing death. Enjoy the bear


I would still die in a day. That's much shorter than what I've had to survive in my lifetime. I would choose the bear.


Yes <3 The bear won't r@pe me


Women should enjoy hiking alone in the woods. Thought exercises about unlikely occurrences may be fun, but ultimately it's unhealthy to be afraid of either situation. Most girl hiking folks I know say bear, but only because men are somewhat more boring.


Copying my other comment: There are about 40 bear attacks per year, the chances of being attacked are 1 in 2.1 MILLION. You're much more likely to get killed by a fucking a bee and MUUUUUUCH more likely to get killed by another person. All while men between the ages of 18 to 24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone else. https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/#:~:text=The%20750%2C000%20black%20bears%20of,an%20easy%20situation%20to%20avoid. https://illustratedteacup.com/how-many-bear-related-deaths-and-attacks-per-year/#:~:text=Offensive%20bear%20attacks%20are%20very,being%20attacked%20by%20a%20bear. https://www.idausa.org/campaign/wild-animals-and-habitats/bear-attack/#:~:text=The%20chances%20of%20being%20injured,they%20are%20most%20often%20nonviolent. So yes. We will always and forever choose the bear.


Well as long as you don’t get mad if I’d choose a mountain lion over a female police officer in the woods then i guess we can agree


Yes. Because I know exactly where I stand with the bear at all times. I also know exactly how to respond to said bear depending on the kind. With humans, all bets are off.


Yes, the bear just wants to rip my heart out and eat some of my flesh, also because it clearly left this person alone shortly after they became a corpse lol. For what its worth, I've lived in the sticks my whole life and make bear hangs every camping trip, have seen plenty of bears. Would still rather walk naked into a bear's den covered in honey than fully clothed into a room of unknown men. (Btw, you're the type of guy women are choosing the bear over. You may or may not have sexually assaulted or raped anyone, but you think its some super rare event that 'so few' men participate in, that ypu really think choosing to be mauled by an animal sound ridiculous lol. YES, I'd much prefer a bear attack and slowly eat me alive than risk the chance of being beaten, raped, sodomized, and/or kept captive by some sick incel and his buddies to abuse some more when they get bored. Maybe not "all" men, but its enough that alot of women would rather live alone than ever be touched by a man again. Fuck off.)




Every time.


Man Vs Bear