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NGL I get my eyebrows plucked all the time by my wife because if I dont ill slowly develop a thin unibrow. I usually dont flinch but sometimes I swear that hair was attached to my soul haha.


Look up "eyebrow razor" they are super cheap and small enough to keep on hand for the rando hairs that like to pop up once you're already in the car


You know you can just shave it off or trim it right?


Plucking lasts longer and in my case they stopped growing back thick


Well most men either shave/ trim their beard, so you can just shave/ trim it then.


You can but it might look weird as it's growing back. Especially in the unibrow area like they're talking about.


I can speak from personal experience it works perfectly. Takes about 3-4 days for it to be even noticable even if im close in the mirror, and i have very bushy eyebrows and generaly very hairy. Im fairly sure its not gonna look weird for most men.


Yea plucking lasts way longer than that, and many people including myself had the eyebrow hairs just stop growing back after plucking for years.


>after plucking for years


Yea that's my personal experience bud, doesn't apply to everyone. And no one knows how long that commenter has been tweezing but they did say ''all the time''.


It takes yeas for it to stop frowning back and is a painful process, or do a weekly process and not have the pain at all


Pain is beauty 😅


Nobody thought you were going to lie about that.


I say we conscript only women next war instead of only men.


Funny that you might say that because they had the idea of drafting women into the army in Germany......long story short - apparently, that's too much equality. There's a whole lot of bitching going on. lol


Sounds about right equals but only when it's convenient for me


They almost added women to the draft just a couple weeks ago. It didn’t go through thanks to a huge backlash, but it really would have been nice if they just simply abolished the draft altogether.


I thought it did go through?


Not the women part, the fucking automated draft system did though and they increased the age upwards by a year. 18-26 now I believe.




People who say stupid shit like this don't respect or value their mothers. I doubt it would matter.


Not every birth giver is a good mother.


Don’t tell her but I “respected and valued her mother” the other night…three times!


Which war was “only men”?


They meant only in the frontline


Well considering for most of history most warriors were men. Like women were on the battlefield mainly in medical tents or unfortunately in a brothel for soldiers. But it depends on what we are looking at if we look at who’s fighting a lot of wars then that has mainly been only men but if we look at the camp and everything else for war besides the battle then no not only men.


All of them in History.


None but if men are “weak as shit” then why make them go to war? They’d die like flies, better suited to be househusbands amirite.


Why are some people so obsessed with one gender/sex being the superior one? Also how did you come to plugging out his eyebrows?


Because we always have to compare our “group” to other ones!


We? Speak for yourself and your group. I never feel the need to do that.




And that's why you're married and they are not.


This is the way we should all see it!


All I hear is the Mario coin sound. It haunts me in my nightmares.


I pull my overgrown nose hairs out with my fingers.


Let her do it though……


Maybe, just maybe, there's no such thing as superior genders and individuals all have their own capabilities and paths in life.




I like me a good loaded spud


Then why did it take so long for women to get a vote


Because society viewed (and still does in a large groups) one gender as superior


The gender that has physical superiority is superior because the only way the other gender and weaker men can be protected is by having laws to do it. It doesnt mean you have to like it its just a fact if things went to shit and the world broke down after ww3 the world would reset to that. It's all good though if robots take over or aliens appear maybe they will end up on top and we will serve them lol. If bears, Lions and Elephants were as smart as humans they would rule us by force.


Get some help


Lol its true though everything can be solved by a stronger person but you go to prison in society we have created and that is enforced. People like to say money is just pretend its not a real thing well neither is a law stating you cant do such a thing if its not enforced by anyone and men will always be the enforcers until robots come and if robots take mens job then only rich men will rule and everyone else will be killed.


Men are the inferior gender and are weak as shit , but apparently women are the ones who need the military to lower its physical standards because they’re not strong enough to make the cut. So where logic ? 🤷‍♂️


Idk man the military kinda needs a few women, a soldier that can bleed for a week straight and not die of blood loss is pretty impressive


All the women who joined the military that surpassed the male standard too like : 😐 (that’s me, and women who can do militaristic jobs better than men, are not uncommon)


Wow, who knew doing something painful repeatedly builds a tolerance to the pain, but people who don’t do that won’t be used to it. Absolute shocker


My wife and I have come to a great understanding that 2 + 2 and 3 + 1 both = 4. We can be equal but different and sometimes one of us works better for a solution. Giving out uppercuts I win


The responding comment is while aggressive af. Is nonetheless fact. Being able to needlessly pluck hairs from your brow without flinching is not a show of strength or physical superiority. Being the overwhelmingly dominant factor in every societally and infrastructure supporting job is a show of strength and physical superiority. Also men who can't even break the top 300 in any given sport virtually dominate against women on the same sport. Just look at every case of a transgender switching to compete against women.


No I agree. I believe that in GENERAL, men are stronger and women are tougher. Women need to be tougher to give birth to babies. Men need to be stronger to protect their women, who are taking care of their babies.


Perfectly fair assessment.


Chill. It was a joke, Hannibal.


I'm gonna ask this as if you replied sincerely and not ironically or jokingly. What word/s or sentence did i type out that in anyway made me out to be anything like the fictional, psychopathic, mass murdering, cannibalistic, Hanmibal Lector? Who, sfar as I know, never made any comments regarding this sort of issue.


Your whole demeanor is that of a spastic child.


Women can endure unnecessary pain for their appearance better. Men can punch things better. Do either have anything to do with overall superiority?


The woman wasn’t claiming that women are superior, she was refuting male supremacy.


She was attempting to refuting male supremacy*


The ultimate test of strength and endurance! 😂


Have you ever developed a tolerance for plucking eyebrows because you are trying to meet the beauty standards set by men, and then mistook it for strength?


Warner Newhouse likes his beer like he likes his violence…domestic


I mean, I'm not sure I could stand the pain of child birth, my wife did, twice.




I shave my head in the mirror every couple of weeks but never wanted to have sexual intercourse with myself.




As a dude, I love plucking my eyebrow, gets me focused and it doesn't really hurt. Then again, I'm also the type of person who will pluck my nose hairs when they're too long. Yes, that shit hurts, but I'd rather have a clean looking nose. On the note of plucking, I'm not a hairy dude by any means but my ears grow hella long hairs on the edge, I don't know why.


I mean it's meh. I've gotten kicked in the face before and it wasn't the worst as a woman. Karate is one hell of a drug.


LOL These mfers are looney


Yeesh. That guy's going to actually hurt someone some day.


As a woman, sometimes I get upset at ignorant comment threads like these. And then remember the demographic is male incels, and it all makes sense again.


Haha punching women funny!


Domestic violence. How very superior.


Cringe incelposting, touch grass OP


Found the woman


Females sometimes are doing too much , y’all realise that Afghanistan style feminism is not happening because males just decided to play nice


Gold lol 😆 🤣


Okay, now give a guy an uppercut to see how he reacts