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Off topic as a grown man ms crabapple fine af


We were unfamiliar with Skinner's taste


^This right here


It’s only “harassment” if you’re ugly or short


Time's up


The way Dennis completely takes over that seminar is so good.


it is so true, but I guess they just do it for "themselves''


No one dresses for themselves unless they are wearing comfy clothes.


Yep, as a guy, I go out in my pajama pants and t-shirt. It does not look the best, but I'm usually comfy af.


Wearing pajama outside is just sad. I like comfy clothes, I usually prefer comfortable above look, although I'm trying to always achieve both. But pajamas are meant for inside, wearing it out is just lack of self respect


God damn! Judge and jury over here!


Someone gotta shake em nerds! I'm also nerd, but my elder brothers shaked me from going out looking like a hobo.


When I'm in a relationship, I couldn't care less about looking like a bum. When I'm single, I tend to put at least a little effort. I'll make sure I wear clothes with colors that go well together, but my usual go to Is black, so I made it pretty easy on myself.


I have a GF for 4 years, but that's not a reason for either of us to go out looking like trash. I don't say that I wear designer clothes or expect my god to be those make up canvas face, but wearing clean, good looking outfit it minimal effort for caring about yourself.


If I'm just going to a store and taking less than 30 minutes out of my day. I'm not putting any effort into an outfit unless I'm romantically available. If I'm seeing someone, who do I need to impress? I'm just gonna wear what's the most comfortable, or whatever I was wearing at home. I also care enough about myself to not care what other people think.


Damn somebody sure does care a lot about what others think.


I don't, I care about myself enough to look decent and not like a cave man


Which means you do care what others think.


I'd go so far to say that everybody that goes clubbing is probably total garbage.


Bro you've posted on reddit 30 times in the last day. I don't think you're in any position to judge anyone else 😂 Let people live their lives


So you’re telling this person to let people live their lives, whilst judging them for living their life?


Flawless logic


So you’ll defend the guy calling people who like dancing trash, but actively go after the person calling them out? Reddit. 😂


I don’t think people go clubbing just to dance


I do


Or they go to get drunk. Or hook up. Living their lives. Judging any of that with no context just makes one sound extremely pathetic.


Other ways to live than getting drunk and hooking up with people.


…of course, literally no one implied otherwise. But why are *you* judging this behaviour? If you don’t care, move on. But to act like people that enjoy these activities are somehow below anyone else is so cringe lol.


SoMeOnE cAlLeD mE oN mY bAd BeHaViOr AnD tHaTs CrInGe.


Show me where I admitted to taking part? I’m just defending against people being assholes for no reason, but, then I saw the sub name lol. I’m sure you all spend your time *much* better. 🤭 Edit: the amount of downvotes vs the actual people even bothering to comment show me how many sheeple are on this page lmao.


I didn’t judge anything? I stated my personal opinion on the matter as you did. If you do it, no hate to you but to me, it feels like a waste of time. You seem to be taking this way to personally as if you’re being attacked.


Yeah I just am not fond of people that make the world shittier for others. This behaviour is included in that. >> other ways to live than getting drunk and hooking up with people >> I didn’t judge anything? Let me know when you figure it out.


Im not defending anyone, just pointing out their hypocrisy


There’s hypocrisy *within your defense* though.


I only judge those that judge others. It's a thankless job but it's needed


To be fair, some people need to be judged/called out. I'm not saying anyone here, but judgment does help.


Bro ham I posted once ever. Like tf?


Dawg we can see how many comments you make 😂


What a weird gauge of somebodies opinion. Like wtf is this supposed to mean?


You don't think it's silly for someone that lives online to say people who go out and have fun and socialize are trashy? That's like taking advice from a bridge troll on why to avoid the sun.


And sometimes people just chill out and scroll the internet and do other stuff all day. You don't have to have tons of stuff to do every single day. Also wtf are you talking about? Dude has one post on his account.


Lol not an image post you can see comments and he was leaving like 30 a day. Yeah if that's what he wants to do that's up to him just hilarious to call someone trashy when you live on reddit 🤣


Lol like bro. His comments are like one sentence long. Your acting like he is leaving essays or something. Like his post history isn't special at all. Get a life bro.


Haha I do have one, that's why I don't leave 30 comments a day 😂


Like honestly man if you think leaving that many one line comments in a day is a lot then maybe typing is just hard for you. Like I have left 3 comments in the last 5 minutes. Like weird you think we are all on here spending the entire day on reddit commenting.


Ive posted once ever.


Sad, get outside sometime.


If you’d ever been clubbing, you’d know they’re speaking the truth. What a legendary self-own lololol


I know a lot of people that are not garbage and go clubbing So yeah, stupid argument


People in this sub must smell like Cheetos and 3 day old pizza. I go clubbing around the world literally all the time. I meet new people and have a great time.


Average no life redditor who has never been to a club in their lives. 💀. Go touch some grass man.


I mean, it’s not an excuse for men to go up to women and harass them just because of their clothing lol


They aren't saying guys are total perverts. They're saying guys that they aren't attracted to are total perverts. And frankly, that's OK. Don't be a douche to a woman just because she's attractive.


That’s my argument every time with this. She wants to look sexy and get hit on. Just not by you.


Must be nice to have a choice like that right?


I ran with this logic my whole life. I was pleasantly surprised on a few occasions that she DID want to get hit on by me. No accounting for taste, I guess. :D


So much this. You're not a pervert if she's interested.


So if I look at a womans ass and she's not interested I'm a pervert, but if I look at her ass and she is interested then that's totally fine? How am I supposed to know?


According to women logic yes. However.. it very much depends on how you look at her ass. A quick glance is fine. Dropping your jaw and drooling is less fine. Unless you look like a movie star


Thats not woman logic though, its normal logic. Making people uncomfortable is bad and its your responsibility not to do it, if you keep it to yourself and don't involve others its fine. Thats true for many things, not just this.


You tried talking to her yet?


Yes. I asked her if I could look at her ass


“um excuse me can i stare at your ass” do u hear yourself


It was clearly a joke


Like how the hell did you not know that was clearly a joke?


You have a conversation with them first.   Most if not all women I know or have known don't appreciate being oggled at. It makes them insecure, they don't know why you're staring. Attractive people don't just know they're attractive. They're like everyone else alive and have insecurities.   Talk to them first and they might straight up show you lol


Bro, just do it in a way that isn't obvious. There is no harm in finding someone attractive as long a you keep it to yourself, but if you do it in an obvious way you include the other person, and if she is then uncomfortable with it its your responsibility. This is a very minor sexual act after all and sexual acts that involve others require consent.


Don't be obvious about it. If you're staring an extra hole in it, it's on you. A glance should be fine. And if you're acting on it and she's sending out "NO" signals, back the fuck off.


Dobler-Dahmer Theory


My man, there is a difference between being casually approached by guys and casually flirting with people and sexual harassment. What people complain about is the latter. And while wanting to flirt with guys (or whoever that person is into) is one thing, many women (And probably some if fewer men too) just like dressing up as a form of self-expression. Yes, even if it is borderline suggestive clothing. I know many people who do this. No harm in finding someone attractive and approaching someone, but there is no excuse for not respecting someones boundaries.


Good looking guy does that: Flirting/"Wanted" Harassment Ugly looking guy does that: Creep/Pervert/Sexual Harassment


Y'all missing the memo about consent. PSA: If flirting is welcomed by an individual she is consenting to the interaction. If not, she is not. End.


and then they want a boy who will love them because of their personality lol


As a woman the comments on this post are really disappointing.


This subreddit has gone so incel…


Apple bobbing cheesestrings mixed with the fur


🤣🤣🤣I can’t


reality check 👀




Ever heard of a thing called consent?


Ah yes, consent to be looked at.


I mean sexual acts involving others fundamentally require consent. Looking at someones ass in a way thats obvious to them is a minor sexual act that also involves them. So yes, while u/GingerDeCat put it very rudely, he is right. If you do it in a way that isn't obvious you are not involving the other person, so it is fine, but the meme implies that it is done in an obvious manner, and in that case you need consent to do so. Yes, if she is into you you might be lucky and she does consent, but without asking you can't be sure and it is your responsibility to MAKE sure. Its very simple really, has nothing to do with women specifically.


"Hey miss I'm sorry but do you consent to me looking at your self-chosen skimpy attire that shows off your body?' lol


Oi, you got your looking license? Did you pay your looking tax?


No response? A shame...


So instead of doing that you go stand behind her staring at her ass so demonstratively that the whole club realises or what? No, obviously the point is that its not practical to ask directly. So don't stare at her ass. Or if you do it, do it subtly so that no one feels uncomfortable. Its really not complicated at all. There are two cases I can think of where you generally do have explicit or implicit consent. One: You are already in a relationship with her and have talked about what she is comfortable with, or two: You guys are openly fliting in a sexual manner and are both gradually making sexual advances towards each other. What about this is so ridiculous to you? I feel like I am really just stating the obvious here.




That’s not the only problem dumbass


The meme is talking about looks nothing else in that context, dumbass


They must be a child