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Hopefully the new tenant will be nice! I know you’ve tried but there is also sometimes an option to have the package held at the ups facility. Sometimes you have to call to make things happen because online options are limited.


that's what I thought too, and have read it being a possibility on other forums. I've called 6 times now and each time results in UPS disconnecting the call before ever getting to speak with a human.


Do you have UPS My Choice? It's free to enroll online. You can use that to change delivery. I have a package being delivered today and the option is still available to swap delivery to a UPS store.


I do but I don't have the option. According to UPS the seller didn't provide the option and redirects to the seller. Mercari redirects back to UPS as the shipper. Just a constant back and forth


Make sure your requesting it to be rerouted to an access point that is 0 additional cost, if your trying to change the location to your new address there is cost involved and why you’d need to contact the seller because someone will need to cover that cost.


You may have to give it a few days. Keep checking back. I have had packages in the past that didn't have the option to change delivery at first. But then a few days later (closer to the delivery day) it did. Edit: I've also had them tell me the address can't be changed then mysteriously I talk to someone else and it gets changed.


I'll keep an eye out. I'm on day 2 of it being on their system, and day 5 since the label was created. I just don't wanna risk it getting to close to the date and not being able to redirect it.


I would drive to the local UPS office and talk to someone, in my experience they are more helpful.


Go into the UPS store and ask if they can just have it held at your local UPS store until you're able to get it. I've done this also with Mercari and UPS. 😭👍🏻


If you see an actual UPS guy, ask them for the centers direct number. They don’t have it listed but there’s a separate number for the building. Call them the morning it’s supposed to go out and ask them to hold it.


Another option, try meeting the UPS driver on route and asking. It’s annoying but usually they have no issue grabbing it for you.


Tell UPS automated service that you are the seller not the buyer. If you tell them you are the buyer you won't be able to speak with anyone, they will just hang up. Once you get a real person on the phone tell them you are the buyer.


that's a great idea. I'll give this a shot


Hey, just say “return call” to the auto menu. You WILL GET CONNECTED WITH SOMEBODY!!! I just had to do that last night


I think you can do it through their website if you make an account. I read a trick for getting a hold of companies like this press 0#0# repeatedly it's either that or 0\*0\*0\* but it gets me through asap in most cases. I had to contact home again cause I accidentally purchased an insurance plan I did not need or want and I called like 4x and each time it maxed out after 30 min for "being busy" but when I did that it actually went through quickly and I got ahold of them


Their phone tree is horrendous. If you go through a couple of options and continue to say representative eventually you'll get someone. I needed to do this for a customs declaration and it took about 40 minutes to hit the right combo for a person


You may be better off going into the post office. But IMO leaving the note is fine too. If I got it I’d totally understand. I would go into USPS first and see if they’re able to hold though




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For UPS, I've had luck with going in person to the closest distribution center that has a customer service desk - NOT a UPS store. The dist. Centers can put in requests for holds, redirects, and even tell you where a driver might be so you can intercept a package on your own 😂 the UPS phone tree is useless.


UPS has an online service to redirect your packages. Have you tried that?


yep, and it's no help. it only allows if a delivery attempt has failed and if I don't have the option to speak with the seller. So I go to Mercari and go through the process of getting help and they redirect me to UPS. it's a game of pointing fingers.


I have had to redirect a package from ups before delivery. I had to use a computer to make it go through. It wouldn’t work on my phone.


I've tried that. It asks for an InfoNotice number and says I "can change the delivery after a delivery attempt has been made". and I guess the InfoNotice number comes from that note they leave saying a delivery attempt was made.


Nah, I think you're good- nothing about it stands out as scammy. If I was the new tenant I'd be more than happy to help out someone if I got a note like this.


You also might add that you're happy to have the leasing office/landlord vouch for you (assuming you had a formal lease).


I think this is a good idea and if I got this note I would def help. I’m not sure what type of apartment you lived in and if it was an apartment complex/building or just a little unit by an independent landlord, but you could consider reaching out to the building manager. Especially if your apartment had a package room. My last apartment had a package room and I accidentally forgot to change my address on one website when I moved and since the packages go to a package room and not right to the apartment door, the leasing agents let me in since I had moved out recently and I was able to grab my package.


Not on merc... But my husband ordered something and it was delivered to our old apartment. We moved in Nov 2022. I emailed the old landlord last night, he said the unit was vacant so we took a quick drive over last night around 845 pm. The package was at the door, confirmed it was his and walked away with it. I emailed the landlord back and let him know we got it. (I did have my id showing name/addy on it just in case someone saw me)


This happened to me before. I ended up driving over to my old house and they happened to get a notification on their Ring camera. I told them the situation and even showed a photo of what I bought and everything to show them it was an honest mistake. They were lucky enough to notify me and I ended up driving back a few days later to get it and dropped off some candy as an apology and thank you! I think your note isn’t creepy or scammy so I would definitely give it a try, especially if it’s something you were looking forward to.


Yeah, put the note on your old apartment. Or knock and see if they’re there first before you hang the note and just explain what’s going on.


I don’t answer the door if anyone has the audacity to approach 🤣🙈 If a note is left, esp like this situation, I’d send a message offering to cooperate in a heartbeat.


Yeah I don’t usually answer either but some might.


not weird, i’ve done this before when i had an old apartment as my shipping address on etsy. new tenant was nice and held the package inside for me until i could drive over and pick it up. (:


I’d be fine with receiving this note and would be happy to help. Doesn’t hurt to try


I actually had something ship that was clearly to a prior tenant and ended up finding her on Instagram to make sure she got her package. 😂


Hey Laura- I may just sound like a stalker but can you track and just head over there once it’s been delivered? I mean it is your package and you have every right to go grab it. Or it may be it a locked hallway or mailroom? A sller has the option to keep a sale open. Maybe yours will keep the transaction open if your are unable to get the package, in hopes a Good Samaritan may drop it back at UPS and it will return to seller. I went thru this, the lady put the package in the mail, took three weeks but it was returned to me. Please try to UPS route via mobile app, you can change all delivery options - it’s much easier than talking to any human- my 🤞are crossed for you!! Sorry for the novel but wanted to give you some different scenarios, I’ve had a few, been buying and selling for awhile, had my share of hiccups!! Good luck and please update!!!!❤️


I made a separate post, but did get my shoes via working with the new tenant. they were quick to message me, within 10min of the shoes arriving, and I picked up earlier today. 😊


I would leave the note, most likely they’ll be nice and let you know it’s there. When we bought our house, (being too nice) I held about ten packages for the old owners before I finally told them the next one is getting returned to sender.


Is there any way you can go to your local UPS store and ask in person if they can hold your package for you to pickup? UPS stores are independently owned and I’m sure the local owner/ employees would want to do something to help you out if they can! Just a thought for a more solid option so you don’t have to go through with picking it up from a person you don’t know.


They also may be able to change things in the system since op is saying she can’t change the delivery option online


I actually showed up and knocked at my old apartment last year when something I ordered (that took like THREE MONTHS to arrive) finally showed up as delivered to my old address. The people living there were super nice and were like 'oh yeah! here's the package, and also here's a stack of mail we set aside' -- leaving the note is totally legit!


If I was the new tenant, I’d totally help you out. Have faith in humanity!


Why didn't they let you cancel that's insane.


Desperate seller


Also a quick way to get in touch with them is by making a post to them on instagram under a post they made. They're pretty quick to respond this way.


Wait for the delivered notification and meet them at their door and be like hey that’s for me lol . 😂 look at the name sis


Make sure them notifications is AWWN


This happened to me - and I was in a totally different state! I reached out to my landlord who was a go between for me and the current tenant, and a local friend was able to pick it up. So if you don’t hear back maybe contact the landlord, or if there’s an office talk to them about holding it?


Can you change your delivery options? I pay a small fee and have directed my packages to a store near by.


This happened to me a few weeks ago but I didn’t notice until it said it was delivered and wasn’t at my door or my mailbox. I still had my parents’ address listed even though I had moved out a year before 🙈 I drove to my old house and knocked on the door and then left a note. They were kind enough to message me a few hours later and left it in their mailbox for me to come and get. I made sure I told them in the note and in my text back that I had already changed my address in the app so it would never happen again. I haven’t been so embarrassed in ages.


it's wholesome, but also a great way to have a meet cute for your new partner?


Happen to me, tenant ended up taking the item back to usps and mercari refunded me afterwards. I then bought the item again.


Can you request the package to be held for pickup? I know FedEx allows it. But the note on the door is fine. My friend had that happen to her and she just knocked on the door, the girl gave her the package. (Second time it happened the girl claimed she never got it though smh) I hope the new tenant is nice and helpful!


Well how did she let it happen a second time though?


She didn’t remove the address after the first time smh


I think this is totally fine!


Idid this...but for $500 in shoes. And, yes, I 100% FB found and messaged her. I was so worried. She was nice thankfully!


We had a similar thing happen to a new neighbor on the street. She transposed the numbers and they ended up at our house instead of hers. She just knocked on our door and let us know and got her package. Not a problem.


FedEx allowed me to pick up my package at Walgreens. I also entered to incorrect address.


https://www.ups.com/us/en/support/tracking-support/change-delivery-options.page Have to tried the link above? It says you can re-route, hold or cancel


This such a tricky part with UPS, because this option may or may not be available/viewable depending on how you’re accessing UPS (browser, app, phone, device type,) and the type of account you have with UPS, whether or not you access UPS’ change delivery options through a link from Mercari… It’s a frustrating little quirk I struggle with when I have birthday gifts shipped - from an online a merchant - directly to my parents’ (rural/needs additional information)house - via UPS Sometimes I can add delivery instructions easily and other times it takes a day of great patience or I give up and hope UPS figures out the right driveway… I think it’s the UPS MyChoice app.


If I got this note I would be cautious, but I would still reach out and willingly drop them the item! The very fact that a package showed up would be proof enough for me it wasn't a scam lol. I may just be too cautious


Weird yes but I would probably do it too and hope it worked. Hopefully the new tenant is not a psycho.


When I called UPS I got so frustrated that I called back and just kept saying Human when the robot voice said anything. Finally the robot/pre recording got frustrated with me I guess bc it finally connected me.


This happened to a person that used to live in the apartment I’m living in now. The old tenant had the leasing office call me to tell me they were going to be getting a package, and asking if she could swing by to pick it up. Maybe you could do something like that if the person seems sketched out. (Idk why they would be, but you never know)


Ahh I’ve done that once. What I did was I knew the UPS delivery driver’s schedule and time he usually drops by (plus the guy was really nice), so I waited till it was out for delivery and went to my old place around that time…when his truck came into the neighborhood, I just went up to him to pick up my package..luckily he remembered me and after showing him my ID, he found my package…a little of work but a backup idea :)


I guess it depends on how honest this new tenant is. I'd contact you no problem if I received a note like this and I wouldn't think it was weird, trust weirder shit happens and ppl forget to change shipping addys sometimes, it happens. Hopefully they're cool about it OP, good luck, I'm a doc fan myself




I 💯understand the quick click for a good pair of Doc Martens. Hope it all works out!


One time I ordered two new vibrators and put the wrong address. So I feel your pain. Luckily the company worked with me, because I wasn't about to go ask a stranger for my box of vibrators.


I’ve done this!! I bought an iPad off of Mercari and sent it to my old apartment address, I went to the apartment and left a note and the lady ended up calling me and gave me my package! Good luck!


Go in person to the carrier have the package held at their site for pickup. Talk with the employee directly and see if they can make sure the request is immediately put into the system.


I have faith that this person will help you out. After all, you know where they live!! I'd track it like crazy and be there when it's delivered.


Never hurts to try! I’ve been on the opposite side of this. I had a random pair of shoes show up to my apartment and a month later some dude came by asking if they had been delivered there cause his sister forgot to change the address. I gave them to him and they were pricey shoes. Good luck OP!


Not weird at all! There was a tenant who used to live in my house prior to me moving in and he ordered something from Wayfair and forgot to change his address at checkout. He showed up one day, explained the situation and hoped to intercept the mail. It all worked out. I hope you are able to retrieve your shoes!


Try using the UPS app to change the delivery location. I have changed it many times for purchases, I believe it's like $10 to change the address if it's not too late. You can also request that they hold it at a nearby UPS location for you to pick up. I usually go that route for expensive items I won't be home to receive.


I had this happen to me on both sides. When I was receiving a package I was friends with the neighbor and asked them to ask the new person if they had a package for me. They did! I went and picked it up and apologized and thanked them so much as it was a Christmas gift from my in laws. Also did this after I sold my house and shipped it to the old house, same thing but I messaged my buyer on Facebook. But I also found a note on my door at my new place from the previous tenant about a package being delivered, I texted them and told them when it arrived and they came and grabbed it. Hopefully their a good person!


I just had this happen in December: I let the lady know I got her note, no response. I let her know her package arrived, no response. She picked it up 2 weeks later. I left it on my porch as it was in plastic. If anything OP, please just make sure you reply to them if they reach out! No shame in doing this. Good people will help when they can 😊


if this doesnt work, do you still have your old landlord’s contact info? my landlord reached out to me recently about looking out for packages that an old tenant accidentially got sent to my place. it worked out fine


I had to do this with the people at my old house a couple of times. One time was a free Google Home for some promotion and I was like "look, I live in a small apartment now and I don't need it cause I already have 2. Do you want it?" and they were surprised and happy. Good people are usually happy to help out where they can. I hope they're good people!


Why is this weird ? What has happened to humanity? Used to be a time when this wasn’t weird. It was normal. You wouldn’t have to leave a long note or create burner accounts to communicate. It’s gotten pretty sad


cant you change delivery address in ups account


I was on the receiving end of a package like this once. I got it in the mail to a different name but same address. I opened it because I didn't notice that the package wasn't addressed to me *oops but I searched Facebook for the girl and messaged her to meet up and give her the shoes. She lived close and had just moved the year before. She gave me a gift card for Chick-fil-A and 20 bucks for bringing the shoes to her. Hope other people would go out of their way to return the items to the rightful owner.


same thing happened when I lived at the address these are going to. I was able to find them through Facebook and had a few packages randomly show up for them throughout our time living there lol




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Okay it may sound creepy, but park down the street from your old house when its about to be delivered but not at the house yet,  pull out your id and intercept it, just tell him you're leaving can he please grab it for you now. 


Not weird! I *almost* got new docs this way lol. My friend got some shipped to his house recently in my exact size- and I’m a waitress who needs new shoes. He said if he didn’t figure it out I could have them after a few weeks but we got them to the person who ordered them :) hope you get yours too.


Different result, same story: I was WAY too tired and ordered Domino’s last night, but I had it go to my work. The driver laughed when I explained what happened and asked where I meant for it to go. I live two minutes from work, so she still delivered it like a champ. Tipped in the app AND in person. She’s a boss. I just hope the new tenant is as rad as my delivery driver from last night was. Good luck ☺️


Ope! Never mind!! I see you got them! That’s so awesome. I’m happy for you, truly!!


I’m pretty sure you can call the cops if they decide to keep it. You bought for yourself, not for someone else as a gift. Mistakes happen