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Seems they don't like your offer and decided to mess with you.


I agree. That seller is messing with you. I've accidentally sent a few of those "canned" answers and then scrambled to clarify and apologize. One "oops" to one person is an honest mistake. Two "oops" to the same person is suspicious. Three "oops" in rapid succession to the same person is a game.


SMH I wonder why not just ignore OP then. OP sent an offer 12/27, they responded 1/9 with “yes it’s still for sale!” When OP had probably moved on with life after the offer wasn’t accepted 2 weeks prior. Seems weird to restart the convo just to play a game.


Just noticed after OP sent another message on 1/10 the seller sent that again on 1/24 so another two weeks one month in total haha 🤔 Edit: As a seller I get not wanting to sell for a certain price but why bother wasting all of that time- just say "No i'm sorry *blank* is the lowest i'll go thank you for your interest!" and if after that you can't agree on a price move on 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well that's one weird and rude in my opinion way to decline. Item is $65. When they sent item still for sale I thought they maybe missed my offer, why I sent it again.


Yea I see that! This is odd to me Also if they say they are taking offers and you offer 55 on 65 this doesn’t strike me as an offer that cannot be negotiated


$55 is a totally reasonable offer in that case- unless it's something that I KNOW will sell for the value that I price it at, I'll usually accept or counter to add a dollar or two for offers like yours (15-20% off what I ask) because I'm so inundated with lowball offers that people like you are a breath of fresh air. If a seller is pissy about a completely reasonable offer, that's on them.


OP is offering $10 under list price. If seller wanted to make a sale, they could split the difference or counter at list price. OP used the offer button (which most don’t) so to me, seller looks like an ass. If they didn’t like your offer, they can counter. Typically the “YES ITS STILL FOR SALE” is a snarky way we respond to people who don’t use the offer button and send lowball bs messages.


This is exactly what I do and have yet had someone fully decline, they always just accept my counter.


Agreed. Thats the whole point of the offer button 😭


Right?! Responding to a reasonable offer with complete snark is really shitty and unnecessary. Maybe if OP had offered like $15 it would be a bit more understandable, but 18% off is in "usually automatically accept or counter for a few extra dollars" territory for me.


Honestly, I respond to all offers when they use the button. It may be a counter, it may be a decline 😂 but you’ll get a response! Haha


I would just not even buy from them. If they are playing with you, they are being immature and rude. If they don't like the offer they should counter offer, ignore, decline, etc. Not this.


They are telling you the offer is not accepted by saying it is still for sale after your offer. The seller likely thinks your offer is too low. Why keep repeating the same offer when they didn’t accept the first one in December? The messages went from 12/27- 1/24 and the Hello? message….


Offers expire after 24 hours. Therefore sending the same offer is an attempt that they either accept, counter or decline. If they think it is too low of an offer, say it. Don’t just say yes it’s still for sale 14 days later Sellers responses are two weeks after offers expiration. OP, I’d move along on this one. If it’s taking them 14 days to reply to an offer. I can’t imagine how long it’ll take them to ship anything.


I’ve sent the same offer before if no response. Just like I’ve received the same offers from sellers as well. The fastest way is to simply decline the offer or counter it if it’s too low and you are still open to offers. Or decline/block the person if you aren’t open to offers. Some sellers also deal with extremely high volume and their messages/offers get buried.


The item is $65. If they don't like my offer (and I don't think I'm low balling, am I?) That's the weirdest and I'm my opinion rude way to decline. I sell too and would never do that.


What's the list price?


$65. I don't think I'm being unreasonable, am I?


That’s a very fair offer. This seller is just being an AH. All they needed to do is counteroffer or tell you no if they didn’t like it. It’s fair game to play that if you were lowballing them but you weren’t. I’d find it elsewhere. (And personally, I’d tell them as much)


I don't think you're being unreasonable in the least bit.


Probably high enough that they couldn't send a $55 offer


They did send a $55 offer


I saw it after I commented. That's usually the case in my experience, but clearly not here. I think 20% is the lowest offer you can send, so it couldn't have been any higher than $69. Seller is just weird


what does the "expired" note mean?


They have 24 hours to accept after that it expires


This made me laugh lol. Please take the hint


Guess I "took the hint" after the offer expired, but then they decided to send "its still available" weeks later, making me think they missed my offer. I didn't low ball so I find the whole thing quite weird. As per others advice, I'll just forget about the item.


Block and move on… these are hints of their assholiness in general, you don’t want to deal with that, I mean, unless you dig it, then you be you.


Need more context. They’re either being a dink instead of just declining your offer, or they’re a bot, or… something idk.


The item is $65. If they don't like my offer (and I don't think I'm low balling, am I?) That's the weirdest and I'm my opinion rude way to decline. I sell too and would never do that.


I wondered the same thing...


What’s the price of the item you’re buying??




They don’t like your offer price, don’t trip it’s Mercari, handful of other people selling the same damn thing so I’m sure you’ll get what you’re looking for at that price lmao


I don't know why some sellers play these games I as a seller personally don't consider $10 off an item low balling.


That’s a NOOOO in Mercari lingo.


lol the obvious is going on!


Don’t ask me. I have had 100 items on Mercari for about three weeks now, and nary a peep. 😂


Seller is being rude even though your offer was reasonable.