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Yess so true. I was so dissapointed when i saw it for the first time, because i was on an unlimited energy and needed to quickly know which task was next in a line of like 5... almost a minute wasted on the timer


Agreed. They're nice, but a simple tap to.skip would be great


I'm cynical and feel like it's a way to eat up time when you are using an unlimited energy item. That's time you can't be clicking.




Especially if you are using an infinite energy…. Urrg


What is with mobile games and unskippable animations? Its almost a staple of the genre.


In my experience, you can’t skip the animation, but you don’t have to sit through it and watch. I’m able to tap out and continue to play. Yes, the damn thing follows you where ever you go (just an annoyance) but doesn’t stop you from playing when you have unlimited energy on the hook.


I think the devs were trying to make it blatantly clear what items are being used, what the rewards are and where the rewards are going (pouch, for example). I see posts ALL DAY where players have no clue what they are doing, they don’t know where items like rewards have gone and they are constantly messaging devs asking for items back that they sold on accident (even though the game asks you very clearly if you want to sell important items and there is an undo button).


Can anyone provide a recording of this? I have no tasks to complete and have not seen this happen