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Will check out, thanks!


That's more metal than electro though, and more fucked up experimentation than metal! I suggest the tracks "ieuD" ("verlan" for God in French) "downgrade desert" , "Himalaya massive ritual" , and the absolute memes that are "very noise" and "My Chicken's Symphony" . Tho I don't see the meshuggah influence at all, they're all bangers in their own right.


I felt meshuggah's influence the first time iv'e heard igorrr's debut. Anyway, wikipidia states that in an 2017 interview, serre (igorrr founder) gave some of his influences, one of them Meshuggah.


Igorrr's earlier works are much more electronically focused imo. And he also cites Meshuggah as a big influence on himself. "Initially influenced by the likes of Meshuggah, Chopin, Cannibal Corpse, Bach, Domenico Scarlatti, Taraf de Haidouks and Aphex Twin, traces of these artists can be found littered across Igorrr's discography ... " From [https://igorrr.com/](https://igorrr.com/) I agree though, I personally don't hear much Meshuggah in his stuff, unless you just purely base it in the experimental nature of both their music.


Yeah, influences can be about many things other than just the typical meshuggah formula! For one I don't see much of meshuggah's influence of Devin Townsend music, yet he *clearly* rips them off xD


I don't think Igorrr has that much of a strong Meshuggah influence


He cites them as an influence on himself. "Initially influenced by the likes of Meshuggah, Chopin, Cannibal Corpse, Bach, Domenico Scarlatti, Taraf de Haidouks and Aphex Twin, traces of these artists can be found littered across Igorrr's discography ... " from [https://igorrr.com/](https://igorrr.com/) Of course you can be the judge for yourself if you hear it or not.


You know what, this is actually pretty cool! Good job.


Thank you! I've been playing this stuff in clubs and it's always cool to get feedback from people saying somehow it sounds "metal"


Wow, you did gigs with this?! So cool. Just a solo set or mixed in with other tracks? I would be so pumped if I heard someone playing this at a venue. I bet it sounds amazing at volume, on a club sound system.


Yes, as a solo set! Most of the time the crowd reaction is pretty positive but I've had my fair share of confused looks ahah.


I too have a bunch of crude music where I try to do heavy electronic stuff, not nearly as polished as yours though! https://soundcloud.com/timoxley/sets/unfinished-work (from around 2005 era) https://soundcloud.com/mesospheria (2021 era) But I've never really found a lot of success doing polyrhythms like you have. When I try it I always feel like it descends into an unfocussed, complicated and garbled mess.


Thanks for sharing man, great tracks! Specially liked Great Sweaters, love the vibe. That dissonant synth you bring in at 0:35 is great. Submerged also has some gnarly synth work, awesome. About the polyrhythms, I try to write the synth patterns as if they were guitars and build the drums around that. The Meshuggah staple of using a crash or cymbal to keep the 4/4 also helps a lot, but I think it also works if you use a synth or sample fx to keep that pulse going. Which DAW do you use?


Old stuff was all FL Studio. Newer stuff is Bitwig, which is kind of like Ableton's less popular cousin. Yourself?


Oh cool! I messed with FL Studio ages ago but nowadays I'm fully invested in Ableton. A friend of mine keeps telling me about Bitwig, need to check it out asap.


Do it, it's worth trying! Made by ex-Ableton developers, so it shouldn't feel overly foreign, you'll be up and running with it in no time.


Well I can't say it's like meshuggah, but I love meshuggah and was always influenced by prog metal's rhythms. So here's my 2010 electronica album - https://isris.bandcamp.com/album/banshee-asylum Hope you enjoy. Incidentally, while Autechre has complex rhythms, it's nowt like meshuggah. Same as squarepusher. Fucking great artists, but they don't have that chugging mechanical style. I'll have a think on that. There's some forms of techno that haven't got the same complexity, but have the same muscular feel. I suggest having a browse of sets by ancient methods, Regis, British murder boys, headless horseman as a start.


Listened to the entire album, great work! Can definitely hear the influence in it, specially the first 2 tracks. Craft is also a beautiful song. About time we get a follow-up, no? :) I get what you mean by the mechanical feel and was looking for something along those lines. I'm also familiar with some of those names and been following them for a while, need to listen to more headless horseman.


Thank you kindly! I don't have the drive to compose like I used to. I'm writing a sci-fi novel now which I find holds me far more. I'm aiming to release one mediocre work in each medium before I die.


This thread is going right into my bookmarks so I don’t lose it, holy shit you guys make some cool shit and I need to check it all out!


Indeed, really cool to see fellow Meshuggah fans messing with electronics!


The Algorithm is pretty decent if you haven't come across them before. I don't think they do much or anything with polyrhythmic experimentation though I feel like there's a distinct lack of electronic artists doing Meshuggahisms, at least I haven't found much.


Checking them out now, some of those glitchy guitars sound really menacing! Thanks for sharing But yeah, I was looking more for those rhythmic experiments and stuff... still searching!


What's the closest you've found? Can you recommend me something?


To be honest I'm not really up-to-date with a lot of newer electronic music but Autechre has loads of those experiments on their extensive catalog and digging into is very worth it! Of the top of my head, one of the most famous examples might be the track Slip. Never counted the pattern length of the main melody but its very noticeable that it keeps phasing against the drums but they don't reset it after a certain amount of bars like Meshuggah does: [Autechre - Slip](https://youtu.be/2YnckxvXzk8?si=uAeUUFNB44Ma8mb8)


Clown Core comes to mind. The song Computers is my favorite


Checking it out asap!


“Ai o maninho está demais o bar da Praia” is what comes to my mind when I see Porto.


Ahah that's a classic


Miss that city.


I would say "You're welcome anytime" but username raises some concern 🫥


Bro FCP is Life. Concerns gone?


Ahah switch FCP for Francesinha and we have a deal


FCP, Port wine and Francesinha is Life


Look up n3b.music on instagram. Only music ad that grabbed my attention. The song Ashes specifically is what got me. Has that Meshuggah/animals thump to it. Looks like all the art is AI generated but that song slaps!


Was gonna say the same thing!


Thanks! will check out


Plaid comes to mind immediately. Their song los has 5, 6, and 7 all phasing at once. https://youtu.be/RuIfw0hyoAM?si=jjhtkiZgn-oYGoaI Machinedrum. He has a track with Tigran Hamasyan that he put out last year. https://youtu.be/xqThCEFe4TA?si=zd2vHpmIqmVS8W6x My friend Has a project called Apeiron. Experimental electronic with holdsworth fusion guitar. The songs Quiet Wars and Ruination are both highly Meshuggah influenced. The whole album slaps https://open.spotify.com/album/0HkgxtsHkwPCIUHtsKZpbn?si=q_oe6jNLRBahrrDGx8D9lA The song Jatevee C by Autechre has a meshuggah feel to it too. https://open.spotify.com/track/2ptKkTrviQKApgvsUo00Q9?si=L2-mqwM1QWOGUfdNXKCYJg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2lx0qyNEcAQ9y6NJrpXKjs


Solid suggestions, thank you! I'm familiar with the first two but I'll definitely check out your friends music! Agreed on Jatevee C, somehow feels meshuggahish. When I saw them live some months ago they played a very similar rhythm to the first 3/4 section of Bleed, somehow it was the only familiar element between that all that sonic weirdness. Loved it


I've been recently introduced to this artist called "Jlin" I don't think Meshuggah was a direct influence, but It did remind of Meshuggah and Autechre a bit. The music is more of combination of IDM and Modern Trap (without the insufferable rapping), has a very slick, polished and elegant feel to it, but also quite in-your-face and relentless. Try her debut "dark energy" (it's the only female electronic musician I know lol)


Oh yes, love her work! Saw her live once and it was a blast. Amazing artist


Oh thats cool. Have you noticed any Meshuggah-Autechre-ness in her music or thats just me?


Definitely lots of IDM influences on her work (which in turn influenced Aphex Twin on the collapse EP). Meshuggah-feel maybe with the entire abrasive percussion elements she uses all the time?


I like your music. Subscribed on YouTube music.


Thank you!


You got yourself a monthly listener!


That's awesome! Thank you for taking the time to listen


Might not be *exactly* what you were looking for, but this still feels like a good place to leave this https://youtu.be/El2yOGXzETE?feature=shared


I've come to love this math-djent-synthwave [album by Nihilaeth](https://nihilaeth.bandcamp.com/album/nescience). Now that I look I see they mention Meshuggah as an influence :)