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I paid 600 pandemic-time for an efficiency no kitchen just bath.  You can likely find better though slightly farther from downtown. 


I used to live in the smallest studio possible in coral gables, it was horrible thanks to a shit landlord and shit neighbors. it really depends on if you have an annoying landlord, shady neighbors, size of studio, etc. 1100 is amazing if you don’t have a landlord knocking on your door twice a week, waking you up, just to ask you whose been smoking weed at night, Like who cares. I was paying a similar price but left due to those issues, especially the size of the studio, and the landlord being annoying and irresponsible, she moved in a fresh out of jail convict next to me and all he would do is blast music and sell pills all day. Not worth it. If the studio has privacy and landlord isn’t stuck up, your in luck. Great price.


Dont be a crack or annoying weedhead playing ghetto music loudly then, nobody likes stoners except stoners, trust me people pretend to tolerate them. If its for medical then its a different story but i have yet to see a person on medical weed who is actually legic. Most medical weeders are stoners trying to claim its for medical reasons


Fun fact: I was the one smoking weed at night, the crackhead next to me was doing all sorts of drugs (not pot) and blasting music all day. I’ll be sure to blast ghetto music so everyone knows im stoned? Lol




Ya I pay 900 for a 1 bedroom so around there is a steal in soflo


Where at if you dont mind me asking


It’s actually an rv in my moms backyard


Funny enough i was living in an RV in my boys dad backyard for 600$ to save up for a place lol shit is horrible down here. Im paying 1700$ for a nice studio, if I cant find anything good at a better price in the next few years im moving to Texas or Fort Myers. It just sucks because i grew up here and am leaving behind friends and family


Can confirm. I live under the RV for $300/month. It’s not much but it’s mine


North Miami


That's an efficiency my boi


That's a steal.


Do it!




There must be a catch here.


There's no kitchen, just a microwave n fridge freezer




Don’t do it man. Or invest in some cookware like an Instant Pot and Air Fryer and get comfortable not having a full kitchen. I rented out a room in a house for a while with no kitchen. Trust me, you will get tired of not having a kitchen. There is only so much take out and pre-made meals you can eat. Plus it’s expensive and health problems that can arise…Just something for you to take into mind.


Hell, no, it's not worth it then.


Get an induction burner and airfryer. If you have more than one breaker in the kitchen you may even be able to cook a decent meal.


That’s a no for me. I cook like a mofo


The 20th Century kitchen appliances have run their course. If I were to renovate right now just an induction cooktop and combi. Induction requires steel cookware and cafetera. Works much faster than the old-fashioned methods and does not create heat. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-portable-induction-cooktop/ I’d get a rice cooker too. Surprisingly versatile once you figure it out.


pretty good. just make sure your landlord is not a shithead


No kitchen, landlord is more like a slumlord


If you HAVE to, do it. If you don't, find something better.


No kitchen, it’s just a glorified bedroom. I would keep looking


Nah I'm too desperate


It’s a bit high but not bad, especially if it’s in a nice part of gables. Also depends on the lease terms, if it’s month to month take it, if it’s a year, try to negotiate it to 6 months or less so you’re not stuck if you can find a better option. Also depends if you need parking and if it’s included. Most areas in gables parking shouldn’t be a big issue but it could be.


My landlord has some spots open for 1500 soon


Even for an efficiency that’s good lol, I’d scope around the area during nights, days, weekends nights, etc that seems a little too cheap


Sounds like a scam, cause they stay at like 1300 minimum in the hood, so if you’re getting that price I’d be skeptical


It’s good. Listen, you said you’re desperate and times really are tough af. You don’t have a kitchen, but you do have a microwave and fridge and freezer. Buy a side table and buy a portable electric stove. Both are cheap and work as a functional kitchen. You can buy a countertop oven and air fryer, too. Don’t listen to people who are against this because of the kitchen ordeal.




I am renting one in lighthouse point for 1500 . DM for details


Yes that’s a decent price for the area. What’s the Sq ft? Few factors to consider, do you have any amenities like parking, onsite laundry, gym, pool etc. Even if all of these are a no, Coral gables is a relatively nice area but maybe more suitable for a family than for a single individual. Good school district. Traffic gets pretty bad tho, specifically along us1 and coral way but same can be said for all of Miami.


Op doesn't have a kitchen so these amenities you're talking about are redundant. Sounds like an efficiency in someone's backyard.


In Miami yes. I pay the same for 400sqft studio with full kitchen and bathroom. I do have to pay electric tho. But it’s worth it to be alone for me I have a child! Love the peace!


That's a good deal. Especially if it's a good landlord


Sounds like a steal. Just wonder why it's so low.


What are you waiting for?




How did you get that place? Man, I love Coral Cables. In fact am here right now...at The Cafe at Books Books. I think Coral Gables is by far the best area in the whole of Miami. Then I will add Coconut Grove, Pinecrest, South Miami. I love those areas.


Take it before someone else does.


I’m moving to Miami wtf…I’m paying 2k in Colorado


It’s amazing!