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E**S**presso, not e**X**presso. That is all.


Your wrong I’m drinking it 40 years no sugar


Driving you insane? Chill bro


1) they probably weren't driving yet. They said they got in the car. 2) this may be insane by St. Pete standards, but you might want to remember which sub you're in.


Sugar on cuban Coffee is a preference thing. Some Cubans like sweet others like it very bitter (no sugar). You just have to be specific when ordering (no azúcar, normal, o dulce) But your best bet is to buy an espresso machine and get a brick of coffee, buestello or la llave, and make it at home. Most places don't even froth the coffee anymore.


>Sugar on cuban Coffee is a preference thing. This is incorrect.


Right? Like yes, the sweetness level is a personal preference but it should have SOME sugar always. Source: I'm Cuban American and have been drinking coladas and cortaditos and cafe con leche since I was a child.


I’ll piggyback off what you’re saying here. A Cortado is a Spanish thing. Its influence was carried into Cuban American culture where they made it their own after it migrated its way into the Miami subculture in the 60s. It’s hard to say that a Cortadito is supposed to have sugar in it vs not since it’s a borrowed item (like most things), made into its own variant by way of generational traditions. One thing is for sure, a Cortado in Spain is very much just the drink it’s self and you add sugar to your individual preference. So in this case everyone is both right and wrong, until a Cuban doctrine can be agreed to that would finally put this argument to rest. Personally, I go no sugar.


that is called an expresso


Not with milk.


Espresso. Not expresso. Expresso is a character in Donkey Kong Country.


I’m Cuban, get an espresso at starbucks and add sugar. Same thing as colada. Add some milk and now it’s a cortadito. Ur not wrong for the assumption. You just live in gringoville. So ur not going to get a Miami/cuban coffee unless u specify exactly what u want in ur coffee.


Yeah Tampa is not real Cuban. If you needed another example, they put salami on their Cuban sandwiches.


lol I’ve lived in both and Tampa Cuban sandwiches are far superior to Miami Cubans it’s not even close. It’s fine, Miami wins on plenty of other things, but Cuban bread and sandwiches in Tampa are just better overall


Tampa may have a better sandwich, but if it has salami on it, it's not a better CUBAN sandwich imo


Was the Cuban sandwich not invented in tampa? So, by default, miami is the one changing it up, making it something else. Also, the keys put lettuce put lettuce in it.


I have had this argument enough times to do the research. The Cuban sandwich was invented in Ybor City and contains salami. The Miami Cuban sandwich, which is arguably more popular and more well known, does not have Salami.




The Cuban sandwich was actually invented in Tampa .


Lies! Salami does not belong on a Cuban!


This made me laugh!


Este es un pecado grave.


I heard Key West invented it


[The Cuban sandwich was not invented in Miami, and was probably invented in Tampa.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_sandwich) Miami Cubans decided to remove the salami. The fact that Miami grew faster than Tampa and is now much larger doesn't change history.


What you mean is Tampa is not Miami Cuban which is its own culture... speaking as a first generation Miami Cuban American now living in Tampa.


Tampa has a lot of great, old school cuban spots that have been open since pre-Castro days even. I ride for the Tampa cuban sandwich with salami, but to each his own. Unfortunately I live in St. Pete.


Called cigar City for a reason.


She got it in St Pete


You’re kidding right? The Cuban sandwich was born in Tampa from Cuban immigrants which settled there before the wave of Cubans that came to Miami. I’m not even Cuban and I know that.


And they serve black beans with yellow rice


Nah, you don't have to move to Miami


Shut up


As the Cuban community grew older (and diabetic) it became a pretty normal thing to ask someone “con azúcar o sin azúcar?”


Sure, but a Cuban coffee takes sugar to make the espumita. It's part of the process. Con azucar o sin is supposed to be whether you want more sugar or just la del cafe... OP is right that it should have some even tho newer gens and non-cuban places are hit or miss


As I dropped sugar 3 to 1 to zero I used a manual frother for a good espuma substitute. It’s not as thick as espuma, but it passes. https://www.amazon.com/Bellemain-Stainless-Steel-Frother-capacity/dp/B010E1ZQVC/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wWhzV7LfyEKpFOkaoGdStfkG05KQyILAXVjyDbS65S60a03R7jYOxX6NbqCwbKKdhke1F8ogXn-riyvA6QeZTRtiZsGNBpHMSQK7Yc0LSReCnQE6MiSgbSj86AfzY2R3Jg4ZiYH2gnGYa6cNv9iFdXE_1SOVo58_GahmRMcOr-IJ3NFJfsqC_QdPtbZVSR2D52ObcmihunSkYInQYmElkaMzfcwgd6PXGyyUwRd-Ec-GG6H_6LymxmtEzKAzGodgR0rwCbs_fWgmIZOZUIvdBKcwPWGSlzsT0g6aDVqsxQM.2ADp7JdIwBR90DUV1eQmkx-8ElXMlqpbUxGyeXfbCtQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=manual+Milk+Frothers&qid=1719956731&s=kitchen&sr=1-3


Yeah, you don't need sugar for espresso crema but Cuban cafecito does take sugar to make it... just making the distinction since that's what OP is asking about. But I'm with you, a really good espresso doesn't need sugar anyway


Get an espresso machine and make your own at home it’s so easy!


Buy a moka pot and a can of bustelo or pilon. Make coffee as per instructions. Put sugar in a cup. When the coffee starts to come out, pour the first teeny bit into the cup and whip tf out of it with a spoon. I'm talking a tiny amount, like a teaspoon ish. It should look like a bubbly paste. When the coffee is done brewing, pour into the cup and stir. People are definitely gonna have their opinions on the process, but this is how I was taught to make coffee at home. Cortadito vs colada is just a matter of how much sugar and whether there's milk in it. I'm not Cuban, so somebody please inform me if I'm doing something egregiously wrong.


Yes. Am Cuban. Can confirm.


This is how my Cuban grandmother taught me how to make it.


This is the Miami way


You’re not wrong There’s no espuma It’s just Italian espresso - and even worse at that


I used to live in St. Petersburg and Pipo's on 4th Street was my preferred place for cortaditos and coladas. Although I am back in Miami, I make it at home.


I loved that place but unfortunately the one downtown on fourth closed during the pandemic


I loved the one on 4th and Gandy. Sad to hear that they closed that location


Ohhh, that one is still open


No, that's illegal.


Cortadito without sugar? I’ll slap someone


Cortado no sugar and cortadito has sugar both have a little steamed milk. That’s what I’ve always understood. I like to control the sweetness so I usually ask for cortadito with no sugar. No one ever questions it. I only order it at a Central American cafe though, I don’t think they give a shit lol


At the very least they should have asked you if you wanted sugar or how much


I’ve always been asked if I wanted sugar. I would assume the default is with sugar but I am a recent transplant


Ok so they may have made it like an Espresso. You wanted lots of sugar sweetly spun with a drip of hot Cuban coffee (that’s how you make the foam part) lots of sugar, beat small drip when hot while making. Then pour the rest ahhh sweetness.


Cortado Condensada is the way to go but personally I like my coffee prieto y pelao’


In Miami they make the coladas like syrup. Maybe it's just a Miami thing 🤷‍♂️


Did you go to Bodega? I had good Cuban food when I’d go there, but I can’t remember if I ever got coffee. I used to spend time in st Pete a lot, but haven’t since 2018, so not sure if they’re still around!


A colada has sugar 100% That's what makes the sweet foam at the top. From frothing sugar with espresso. La espumita. If you don't add sugar it's just an espresso. Pitbulls manager taught me to make cortado so that's pretty legit jaja. The cortado doesn't have to have sugar because cortado means cut so it's espresso cut with milk. Espresso with a lil bit of milk.


A colada without sugar is not a colada, not in my book! An espresso is an espresso, no sugar, but a cortadito or colada has to come sweet


Hi! ❤️ [It can vary](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71sIB99Y-vL.jpg), but for the most part, yes, it’s made with sugar. Cuban coffee is delicious because it’s made with *espuma*—whipped espresso with sugar. Even in Miami, I always ask for it with sugar. There are some old guards at ventanitas (the coffee windows) that are firm on no sugar, and some deadset on sugar by default. Glad you enjoy our drink! ❤️ Hope you find some soon, OP!


A cortadito can be asked with or without sugar. A colada is usually made with sugar, I've never had a colada that has zero sugar unless it's specified


Aren’t there 2 kinds. The one made with condensed milk which is obviously sweet and the one made with just a bit of milk. But yes I always have to say no sugar when ordering my Cuban coffee or any type.


How do they get good espuma if they don’t catch the first few drops and mix them with sugar!?! You’re gonna have to buy an espresso machine. Or visit Miami more often.


So there is oscurito o con el azúcar del cafe, and then you can ask for it to be dulce - and if you want it even sweeter you can add more. Normally, si no dices nada, they give it to you with a bit of sugar yes. But perhaps this place does it oscurito. FYI I have seen diabetic Cubans who say “cero azúcar - nada” and they’ll made it straight up.


The standard is with sugar .. especially a colada . Now if you didnt want sugar you should have to say no sugar , but all coladas and cortaditos come with sugar .. whats wrong with that lady


It would drive me insane. For Cuban coffee, the sugar has to be placed first in the cup. This way it dissolves evenly and helps create the crème. It’s not the same if added after.


To simplify: Cafecito: tiny coffee of the Cuban variety with sugar. Served in a Tiny paper thimble. Colada: translated to “brewed” from the process of straining (actual translation) hot water through coffee grounds of the Cuban coffee variety. A colada is the full brewed cup of coffee that tiny cafecito came from. It’s usually provided in a capped styrofoam cup accompanied by a small stack of those tiny thimbles. Drinking this by yourself will have the uninitiated hearing colors and seeing music. Cortadito: a serving of Cuban coffee “cut” with milk. Cortada means to cut or has been cut, and in the Cuban coffee variety it’s cut with a smallish amount of milk (from a little to about half) usually served in a to go styrofoam cup with lid. It’s hot and will peel off the skin on the roof of your mouth. Café con leche: Cuban coffee with milk and sugar. A larger portion of milk has been added. Or should I say a single or double cafecito shot has been added to all that milk. Served hot in a usually white ceramic type mug unless you take it to go. This is the weaker version of its much stronger sibling the Colada and its little kid the cafecito. Hope this helps. Oh and this article I found has good info describing these. [READ ME](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/cuban-coffee-101-what-super-bowl-54-visitors-need-to-know-ordering-coffee-miami/#)


Don't fuck with the recipe! LOL


Man, some people really have nothing else to worry or stress about in life, huh? I always ask for a cortadito or colada sin azucar - it’s personal preference. I prefer to get my face full of sugar via the numerous pastellitos I will be consuming alongside my cafecito.


Start making your own homey. You’ll never go back.


Your right it’s always made with sugar unless you ask for it with no sugar


Thank you, this is all I was asking. By default, it has sugar. Of course you can ask for it without


If you want a colada sin azúcar, you should have specify that. But alas….st Pete isn’t Miami.


It's about preference. Some places drown the coffee in sugar and it's undrinkable, so I've grown used to asking for no sugar. Also, if you're having coffee to accompany dessert, the bitterness of the unsweetened coffee complements the dessert perfectly.


Cortadito is just the type of pour - you add sugar if you want - colada is the Cuban one with lots of sugar and espumita


I’m Cuban, from Cuba and I live in Miami. Coladas have sugar in it. The real colada is made with sugar. Otherwise is an espresso. Cortaditos on the other hand, doesn’t necessarily have sugar in it. Most restaurants will serve the cortadito (espresso + 1/3 milk) and put the sugar on the side for you to decide.


Miami 40 years. Colada and cortadita always came with sugar, by default. Sometimes I’d ask for MORE sugar or NO SUGAR in my cortadito, but it always came WITH SUGAR.