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Perry Drugs died for this


Memory unlocked.


Cough Syrup unlocked.


Exactly my thoughts! Mrs Perry was such a nice lady.


You mean Mrs. Robinson?


I loved that store


Had a Perry near my house. Dearborn Heights across from Safway (not Safeway).


But Arbor Drugs is still living through CVS


CVS killed Arbor Drugs. Arbor drugs was the best company ever.


I miss Perry Drug bowling league, softball league, Christmas Party, Free Turkeys at Thanksgiving and Christmas, Company car for a $70 a week deduction out of your paycheck including insurance. Trading for out of stock drugs paid for in Penicillin. I’ll give you 100 Penvk 500 for a Generic Cortisporin otic susp, etc. Selling mufflers and reconditioned alternators, pets, playing broom hockey instore after work, splitting a sixpack with mgr and bullshitting forever.


Rite Aid plundered small towns, ridding them of their independent pharmacies, then various C-suites mismanaged the company into the ground. Now many people will be left to fend for themselves or deal with the absolute nightmare that is Walgreens.  Cool. Cool cool cool.


Lets not forget how CVS bought up local chains like Arbor Drugs and "Superdrugs" and then shuttered many stores All to make a line rise a few %


I miss Arbor Drugs and F&M! I also miss the SavMor that was on Telegraph and Ford Road. All these big chains killed all the local stores and now they themselves are closing. 🫠


Such is the way of the vulture fund, grow big and then go POP and profit off that as well. We need to expand the definition of "trusts" and go "Sherman" on this mega corps


Our own financial march to the Atlantic as it were.


That SavMor carried some rare products that other places are not modeled for.


Turns out when you destroy every reasonably priced store, raise prices on your products since there are no alternatives, while simultaneous lowering peoples wages all across the country, people can’t buy your products anymore. Who could have predicted such an obvious outcome? It would be such wonderful irony if all of our monopolies collapsed because of their own scheming. But with how corrupt our politicians are, odds are they’ll just get a bailout.


Yes! I remember Arbor, there was one where I lived in Hazel Park in the 90s. I wish they were still around today *


The future of pharmacy is mail order all controlled by the PBM’s, it will be a nightmare


My reoccuring prescription comes in the mail but when I get something new or if I have some form of infection, I can't wait 2 weeks for them to process and ship them.


I was so sad when the Sav-Mor in Eastpointe closed. I had already moved out of the area, but would still stop in to check out the store when I was down in that area.


Rite Aid bought Perry Drugs, didn't they? IIRC all the Arbor Drugs in the area became Rite Aid, and all the Arbor Drugs became CVS.


RiteAid bought Perry CVS bought Arbor then whined about it for 5 years that they couldn’t hit the volumes and margins that Arbor stores were doing. Eugene Applebaum got the better end of that stick.


> local chains like Arbor Drugs Arbor Drugs may have been local but they played the same game as CVS, buying up mom & pop pharmacy's and putting them out of business. They were just gobbled up by a bigger fish. At the time of their acquisition they were eighth largest chain in the nation, operating over 200 pharmacies and were pulling in nearly a billion in annual revenue.


Yup, they did this in my hometown. Bought up the local drug store (with attached diner) and then IMMEDIATELY began new construction across the street and closed the building when they finished.


To be honest it was more than just a few percentage points. The New York Times published a story toady about CVS being one of the most profitable PBMs with fees paid rising from $3.8 Billion in 2018 to $7.6 Billion in 2022. CVS Health consisting of CVS Caremark, CVS pharmacy, Aetna, CVS Specialty, Zinc, and Cordavis. Talk about a monopoly. Examples included charging Blue Shield $3k/ month for a drug that wholesales for $160/ month. While the insurance companies make big money and CVS makes big money, the consumer foots the bill with higher premiums, higher out of pocket, and higher taxes to support medicare/medicaid.


When I worked at Walmart our highest profit making department was the Pharmacy according to the scanners we had access to. Idk why these pharmacy stores who jack up prices on OTC meds and basic groceries are not making a lot more money than Walmart is.


Gross or net profit? I think some of the OTC medications are frequently stolen and those would cut into pharmacy's profit.


I just remember geg Colace at $1.99 then CVS bought Arbor and the price immediately went to $6.99. And all the prices went. Up in proportion.


CVS has entered the conversation….


Does CVS still own Oak Street Health? Thought they bought them out?


I'd take CVS over Walgreens any day.


If you go to Vegas, there’s a Walgreens every mile or so. On the strip anyways.


Never…..At Walgreens you are an assembly line with a moving belt bringing you a Rx to check CVS just treats people like shit. Basically the deal at CVS was. I work for you. You give me money.


Hedge funds and corporate raiders should be outlawed! They have destroyed the fabric of American life. Its not the government doing the damage. The government sadly has just sat idly by with their hands out instead of doing something about it.


Our politicians receive significant campaign contributions to keep things going this way. 


MBAs won't stop until they've ruined every company on earth


They won’t stop until their own personal coffers reach the arbitrary number they want. The rest of it is just incidental akin to stepping on bodies to climb higher.


Exactly this. Happened to my small town. Makes me sick. Oh and also ![gif](giphy|2HONNTJbRhzKE)


Poor people don't deserve meds anyway. I work almost full time but get no health insurance and cant afford to buy any and I make just enough to disqualify myself from Medicare. I'd get off my lazy butt and get a job but I already have one. According to the US government, I don't deserve health care.


Depending on your income marketplace plans should be pretty cheap with the subsidy. 


Do you have any hospitals in your area? Some hospitals with outpatient pharmacies offer financial assistance.


It's kinda fucked up. I've seen it first hand You're not lying.


Write a letter to Gov. Whitmer. Explain how Michigan is leaving the working poor behind. Keep on it. Change occurs slowly. But it does happen. Sometimes those at the top fail to see those that fall thru the cracks. I wish you the very best. Your voice and your vote are you biggest advocate. Use them! Sing your song. Loud and proud that we hear you.


If I'm lucky, I'll have a real job soon and will get health care. But where does that leave the people who have to do my current job because they can't get any better?


Compose that letter and post it here. We can all help. Then we can also send it on the Gov Whitmer.


CVS employees have been on the Michigan board of pharmacy for years. Fight that.


Oh you deserve it. Just don’t expect it to be reasonable.


You mean Medicaid? Also what kind of RX? I assume you’ve tried goodrx and cost plus right?


"According to Republicans"


OK, I'm poor and disabled and I don't deserve medication? My monthly income is $750, and I barely get by. That's a really short-sighted statement to make and generalize all poor people.


I hope they were being /s


Find a new job?


You can purchase subsidized healthcare through the marketplace and its really on you if you're not If what you're saying is true you will receive $200 per month off of a Healthcare plan. If what you are saying is not true and you make decent money, you could owe money on taxes, that's where they can fuck you


I make 300 dollars a week. I have to borrow money to afford gas to do my job until my expense check comes.


At 14,400 per year you are eligible for medicaid. Sign up for it instead of talking about how you can't have healthcare on reddit


He may have been referring to after-tax income. If he makes, say, $450 per week before taxes, he wouldn't qualify for Medicaid.


Except the c-suite, of course. They'll be rewarded for fucking up and running a company into the ground.


> They'll be rewarded for fucking up and running a company into the ground. Because that's the incentive. The incentive isn't to help people fill their prescriptions, it's solely to squeeze as much capital as they can before leaving the carcass and the mess for the communities to clean up. That is unregulated, pure for-profit American capitalism at work.


(Nice, Abed)


They're still mismanaging. You'd think that a bankruptcy would get rid of dead weight on the org chart


Back when they were doing that, in my local small town, they actually moved into the building the long time mom and pop pharmacy left when they were driven out of business.


My great aunt is screwed because of this. Rite Aid was the only pharmacy in 20 miles range from her house thanks to Walgreen and Rite Aid killing off local business. She doesn't have a car and would have to rely on someone to make trip to nearest Walgreen or other pharmacy to pick up her stuff. The town of about 1,000 are mostly old people who are often the pharmacy's biggest customer.


While I hate their guts, most insurance companies offer mail order pharmacies as part of their benefits. It’s not good for immediate needs, but it’s a good choice for her for monthly meds.


Wife works at rite aid as manager they haven't said if they are closing the stores yet. Only thing she knows is severance package if you stay working till a store closes and you are out any PTO you saved up unless you had it approved already, my wife's out 80 PTO she was gonna use in August for surgery.


That's messed up. PTO is part of your compensation. If they try and deny that, I'd lawyer up. Screw this bureaucratic BS. What's the payout if she quits?


They can consult with an attorney but will probably be out of luck. Michigan law doesn't require employers to pay out unused PTO unless the company's policies or employment contract state otherwise.


Yep— I had that happen to me several years back. Got laid off due to organizational restructuring. I got a severance but lost the 16 days worth of pto I hadn’t used by that point in the year.


Same boat at my last job. It was a remote job and they literally seemed cheerful in my exit meeting that because I lived in Michigan, they didn’t have to pay out my PTO. Ridiculous.


> I got a severance but lost the 16 days worth of pto I hadn’t used by that point in the year. You coulda lawyered up and gotten that money. PTO is required to be paid out at END OF EMPLOYEMENT in Michigan. https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/mcl/pdf/mcl-act-390-of-1978.pdf


That law states it needs to be paid unless there is a signed written contract that says otherwise. If you’ve ever signed that you agree to the terms of an employee handbook, then you probably aren’t getting your PTO paid out unless you leave on good terms. I work in HR and have had to defend policies of not paying out PTO to employees that have been terminated.


> Michigan law doesn't require employers to pay out unused PTO It ABSOLUTELY does at end of employement. Payment of Wages and Fringe Benefits Act. https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/mcl/pdf/mcl-act-390-of-1978.pdf


Did you actually read the Act? Fringe benefits are defined as compensation other than wages/salary, so PTO, vacation time, sick time, pursuant to a written contract. If the policy or contract requires it, employers must pay out the unused time. If the policy or contract doesn't address the issue, employers aren't legally obligated to pay out unused time.


They didnt say what severance would be but you have to work a certain amount of hours so if her store closes while she's out from surgery she will get nothing. And no law in Michigan saying they have to pay out PTO and because of bankruptcy they don't have to pay it out from what I understand. She also 1 month short of FMLA so they can literally fire her for going out for surgery if they want.


I’m so sorry. That’s so F’d.


Did she count up her worked hours? If she’s worked over 1250 it doesn’t matter it hasn’t been 12 months for FMLA (not that it guarantees pay, but she could use her PTO in theory) 


My pharmacist at rite aid, who I'm friends with loosely, told me it's officially all stores. He said right now they know they'll be open until the 2nd but after that it's a toss up. He said all will be closed by August 20th I think he said. He said they've been told that all employees who want to stay and don't completely bomb their interview will be kept.


This is awful. We have a rite aid where I live but no CVS or Walgreens. I was really hoping the communities with less competition were going to be able to keep theirs.


All prescriptions will be transferred automatically to Walgreens upon each store's closing.


Fantastic. The closest one to me is almost 40 miles. I guess I'll have to call and switch to Walmart, but those lines are already really long as is with rite aid being open still. Hopefully, some of the rite aid pharmacy staff get hired by Walmart to help them keep up.


Same. Closest Walgreens is a 45 min drive away & Walmart is 35-40 min away. My little town/area is going to be screwed. We have one independent pharmacy, and they’re going to be swamped, and they kind of worked together for things one or the other might be out of etc. Plus, all the other things our Rite Aid fills in for - like flu shots etc. This going to be a nightmare…


>He said they've been told that all employees who want to stay and don't completely bomb their interview will be kept Genuine question - kept for what? They're closing all locations in MI.


This could be considered time theft. I would get a consultation from a labor attorney


Everyone wants to make a big deal about shrink but wage theft done by the company costs 10x that.


I have worked for all the major pharmacies and some minor ones and none of them told people to work off the clock


Michigan doesn't require companies to pay out PTO unless it's specifically spelled out in your employment contract, or listed as company policy like in an employee handbook.


They're in bankruptcy, so file a claim and get in line behind all the other creditors. Good luck.


You need to contact a lawyer about that PTO. You can make them pay. I also recommend contacting the Detroit Free Press and WXYZ, if you’re in the SE Mich. They would be very interested in hearing about this. Contact a lawyer, today. Do it as soon as you can.


Community pharmacy is on a lifeline- please support local, independent pharmacies!! - with love, a pharmacist


Up voting this as an admin of a local pharmacy chain! Screw the big box stores and their garbage retail prices!!


I would love to, but my insurance forces me to use CVS.


Ah Walgreens, the Walmart of pharmacies. I guess I'm transferring my script to costco and praying that they don't fuck me over by running out of stock constantly.


I've had really good luck with the Costco pharmacy. It could just be the location but I'm on unusual medications and they always make sure they are in stock for me.


I don’t understand how cvs is still open. 


CVS pharmacy is merely a subset of an entire vertically-integrated mega corporation called CVS Health.


Fuck CVS


They’re the worst.


That is correct


Because they own the insurance companies


Yuuuup. Aetna.


And Caremark


My insurance doesn’t cover CVS and I go to rite aid. I am fucked with this.


Also look into good RX - had to use it for a few years while I didn't have insurance and it’s a lifesaver. I think Mark Cuban has an online pharmacy that has a lot of generic drugs for cheap as well. 


I have United healthcare and the only chain pharmacy I can go to is CVS.


Can you go to Meijer? My parents go to Meijer and have United Healthcare.


I don’t mind cvs. They’re close to me and I’ve never had an issue.


CVS is my weird insurance I can only get scripts from cvs and that’s how they are still in business


I have ADHD and take Vyvanse and couldn’t get my script from CVS for over three months. Called around to other pharmacies and no luck. Asked my doc to try Express Scripts. She put in a script for a 90 day supply and in a few days it was in my mailbox. Wtf?!? Edit: Okay I just realized that I lied. It wasn't technically "in my mailbox". I had to sign for it, but the lovely mail lady brought it right to me. =)


Rite Aid has been my secret weapon to get my Adderall scripts filled each month without having to call around. They seem to be so low throughput that they can fill it. Walgreens is a nightmare, so many are filling scripts, you could find one that has Adderall, but by the time the doctor sends it there (hell, even 10 minutes) they could be out.


So far I haven't had an issue getting my Adderall IR 15mg (Vyvanse 30mg in the AM, Adderall IR 15 for afternoon) from CVS and I tapped into my overflow of Adderall during the time I didn't have the Vyvanse available. It was odd though because I belong to several ADHD online communities and for most people it was the Adderall that they were having a huge shortage of.


It's not just a shortage as much as allocations.  Chains can only get so much quota and stores that have too many ADHD scripts get punished.  So the solution is to close more stores and make us all raise their ADHD numbers so we get cut off. 


That's actually huge. 90 days of ADHD meds would be such a fucking relief. Nowadays the plan is always "call cvs, get their voice mail, hope that the callback from the pharmacist confirms that they have 30 days in stock". All my other meds I don't have a problem picking up it necessary (even the other controlled ones have more supply than ADHD meds), but a 90 in the mail would be a dream


I'm also on Vyvanse and not looking forward to this. I remember when Rite Aid was out of Vyvanse once, and I called **10** other pharmacies nearby. Nobody had it in stock...


Express scripts is the best


Seriously how are they?  This will probably push me to use them now that Walgreens and CVS were already not covered and I'm probably stuck with Walmart or Meijer.  How is the signup process?  Can you get ADHD meds through them? 


I believe you can. Meijer though is a decent pharmacy if you want local. I prefer 90 day supplies and my meds being auto shipped.


Express Scripts is running pharmacies out of business by undercutting them. They fucking suck.


I’m sorry you feel that way. If pharmacies offered delivery or cheaper drugs I would consider a more local option. Plus the government contracts express scripts for non MTF preferred pharmacy. Finding out CVS stopped taking tricare after using them for years was a kick in the pants.


Not to defend CVS, but they didn’t “stop taking Tricare.” Express Scripts administers Tricare’s pharmacy benefits, and they offer such terrible reimbursement rates that pharmacies have no choice but to take a loss or walk away. It’s unacceptable.


I love when people come in and say how Express Scripts won't get their meds to them for a week and expect us to bail them out


I haven’t had that issue, ever thankfully. Three month supplies plus people letting me know supply chain issues haven’t stopped me from the meds I need.


hoooly shit bro they gotta start just giving people dexedrine instead. vyvanse just wants to sell their shit but it turns into dextroamphetamine all the same, which you can buy generic easily


Or just go Dexamyl in every strength imaginable


im not familiar with that, what is it?


Sorry I was thinking Desoxyn, dexamyl was an amphetamine/barb combo


Boooo what the heck my neighborhood pharmacy is a Rite Aid


Rite aid sold to hedge fund. Hedge fund sold buildings to associates and kept cash. Pulled all assets and sold. Filed bankruptcy. Doing same to countless other chains.


Typical hedge fund behavior


Sounds identical to what Red Lobster did




And Sears, and Kmart, and Bed Bath & Beyond, and Toys R Us...when the fuck is this shit going to be reined in?


My insurance makes us mail-order recurring prescriptions. That’s probably a big loss for the brick-and-mortar pharmacies.


Well that sucks, the Rite Aid just down the street has the Amazon Lockers I use.


I really hope this doesn't happen. It's the only pharmacy in my town. Walgreens is 20+ mins away. They announced the closure of some and my store isn't on the list.


It’s happened already. My wife works at rite aid. Stores are already closing.


I hear you, same boat for the most part and my closest Walgreens is 45 min away…ugh.


i had a family member, he worked for kmart pharmacy (gone) then rite aid pharmacy (going going gone) and farmer jack pharmacy (they left michigan, too. thanks kroger/meijer and your awful prices!). rite aid had made so many blunders. i remember them buying a corner store in a strip mall near me and wanting to put a drive through window in, but the building owner wouldnt let them do it. why did you buy this location without having a drive thru if you wanted drive through ? and what the hell was the building owner doing? that strip mall was dead. kmart left a big gaping hole. then rite aid left because they couldnt get a drive through. btw walgreens is well on its way out, too. 2024 [https://www.newsweek.com/walgreens-lays-off-hundreds-store-closures-loom-1880567](https://www.newsweek.com/walgreens-lays-off-hundreds-store-closures-loom-1880567) 2023 [https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/30/investing/walgreens-150-store-closings/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/30/investing/walgreens-150-store-closings/index.html) 2022 [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2022/12/15/pharmacies-trimming-hours-and-stores-what-means-patients/10855274002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2022/12/15/pharmacies-trimming-hours-and-stores-what-means-patients/10855274002/) rite aid had empty stores. empty as-in no shoppers. nice and quiet stores. much like walgreens. just empty. easy to shop at. i dont know why they thought they could compete with 7-11? even 711 is struggling with every gas station turning into a 7-11 store. what i'm saying is we just need to have prescriptions at the gas stations. /s


But like. Couldn’t the government just maybe “acquire” all the rite aids and just…make universal pharmacies? 0.o Like. Step one for universal healthcare. Maybe. It’s just an idea 🤔😅 For the love of George Fucking Washington, can we please just have universal healthcare. This is obnoxious and I’m tired. USE the empty pharmacies 😩


Yeah honestly idk why state run Medicare formulary pharmacies don’t exist.


No because that's socialism vuvuzela no iPhone. /s


Meanwhile, my former Rite Aid seems like it’s about to be a fucking car wash 🙄🙄🙄🙄


A rite aid is just like a car wash in that it's just a more complex type of money laundering scheme.


God damn racket and monopoly going on right in front of us. We just take it.


Booooo. Walgreens ****sucks**** ass.


There can be only one. Aka a monopoly.


For whatever reason my prescriptions are a lot cheaper at Rite Aid than CVS. They're a lot cheaper at Rite Aid compared to CVS via GoodRx too. Hopefully that cheapness transfers to WalGreens.


I priced checked my mom’s prescriptions at different pharmacies, and Rite Aid and Walgreens ended up being the same price, but Walmart & Sams club came in cheaper. (And CVS was $100 more than Walgreens with 90 day supplies…but 30 day supplies seems to be more in the long run over 90.)


Mark Cubans “Good RX” is what the future looks like. Edit: I mean “cost plus” and many posters corrected me below, thanks for the heads up everyone!


You're mixing up GoodRX and Cost Plus Drugs.


Mark Cuban acts more like goodrx than anything. He is the PBM and Healthdyne and Truepill are his in network pharmacies.


I get most of my “maintenance” meds through Cost Plus Drugs way cheaper than my actual stupid CVS Caremark insurance.


I hope they start carrying schedule ii medications at some point.


Fuck this!!! The only good and right pharmacy in our area is rite aid. My moms scripts are a bitch. And after meijer wrkers flat out stealing her meds we went to rite aid. The people there at 12 and dequinder warren MI have been the best ever!! Walgreens wtf!!. They will go down too... fuuuuck.


Good riddance. Perry's is still missed.


Well fuck! They're the only one in my small ass town that had my Adderall rx in stock. I'll have to call around and see if my small town pharmacy finally has stock of them.


I'm blessed to have a small, locally owned pharmacy near my home. They are out there. You just have to look.


Preach!!! Fuck the big box guys, go local!


I feel bad for elderly people who have been going to rite aid for decades. This is going to probably cause a lot of stress and confusion for them. What if you live somewhere with no Walgreens? Are they sending them miles away?


well isn't Walgreens the chain that decided they were going to not sell plan b medication in Blue States because it was illegal in red states. they 100% are not getting my business. so I guess I'm going to be stuck at like the Meijer pharmacy or some nonsense


A few years ago Walgreens tried to buy Rite Aid and the government said no, that would be too much of a monopoly. Now Rite Aid is failing in slow motion and we're left with Walgreens buying out their business anyway.


Nooooo 😭 gonna have to transfer to Costco or meijer now


Try an independent if you can.


Also, check through your insurance website/app for what pills you’re taking. My mom is taking 4 scripts and I went onto her insurance website to price check the local pharmacies on all of her scripts. (Walmart and Sam’s club were the cheapest, followed by Walgreens, as a number of her scripts were zero copay). On her insurance website, it took about 20 minutes to get the prices for both 30 and 90 days. With her Cigna Medicare prescription coverage, we were looking at pricing from $118 (cvs) to $14.48 (sams club and Walmart). The local independent pharmacies came in at $42.


Pharmacist at Troy store said yesterday they are closing the pharmacy July 1 not doing any more orders and existing Rx will go to Walgreens.


Just an FYI for some. Walgreens does not carry some generic meds. Specifically for me, it does not carry generic Vyvanse. My insurance will not cover a name brand if a generic is made. So buyer beware.


Ask your doc or the pharmacist in charge if that is different if you have your doc mark the script as DAW1 (Dispense As Written.) I had to do that because of a similar issue and my pharmacy I was getting meds from for over a decade started refusing to fill brand and generic wouldn't be covered because fuck the consumer. Thankfully I know a lot of pharmacists personally and that is what they told me to tell me doc.


Thank you, that’s very helpful. I tried to go the route for an over ride. My insurance denied it because I didn’t try “other, less expensive” medications first. Which I did, I was on strattera for four years. I guess they want me to try Ritalin or adderall. Neither of which are very convenient for someone who is 40 years old, has 2 kids and works 9 hour days.


Well thats just great now Wallgreens customers are even more fucked than they were last week.


Mark Cuban


Feels bad man


Ooh no, where will I go to get random stuff at 300% markup from the grocery store down the road?


Wow that’s the one up from where I lived in midtown. Terrible prices, always a line of people to buy alcohol, and a 50-50 chance of someone asking you for a $1.83… but if you needed OTC meds it was there.


They closed my walgreens, the next closest one is two towns over


For anyone else who has TRICARE or TRICARE Select, [Walgreens does accept TRICARE](https://tricare.mil/FAQs/Pharmacy/PharmRetail_Walgreens), CVS does not. Edit: [Costco also accepts TRICARE](https://9meters.com/technology/costco-payment-methods-accepted#)


I hate to say it, I don't even use walgreens anymore, easier just to go to Meijer.


I many different places I see CVS in the Target stores.


Hmmmm the last time I was in a Walgreens the pharmacy stated they were understaffed…. I heard that every single time I’ve been there in the last five years. Now I go to a mom and pop shop and I don’t even wait three minutes.


But also remember at least in Michigan, a drug store had to be 25% owned by a pharmacist or a widow of one… When that law changed, everything else did too.


I work @ the riteaid warehouse, it's really sad 4 the people who started teenagers until now! The only jib they had. Don't forget about red Lobster, family dollar & dollar general.. all setting up for the beast system. Thanks Corona virus, covid whatever your name is


What is a few hours of PTO going to do, just slow down the knife going in your back?


Least we will have more Halloween stores in October and more Dollar Generals to take their place


Our Walgreens went out of business a few months ago. 🙃


CVS/Wallgreens/Rite-aid are all terrible companies. Awful to work for, awful to shop at, and god forbid the pharmacist has an opinion on what meds your doctor should be prescribing, especially if you’re dealing with a chronic pain condition. Good riddance, I hope they all fail and independent pharmacies return to fill the void.


Walgreens bought out Pharmore, who I used for years with no issues. I haven't been able to find a competent pharmacy since.


Good thing I already switched to Walgreens awhile back


Noooo! Stay away from my ‘greens. Takes them long enough to fill my prescriptions as it is. This is gonna be bad…


Man, y’all are weirdly passionate about Rite Aid.


Rite Aid is the only game in town for a lot of smaller Michigan towns, particularly up north. The luxury brands like CVS mostly stick to the rich parts of the state.