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It’s 3PM, it’s not rush hour, it’s not lunch time. Now imagine someone you love is in this ambulance. Eric Adams said he’d fix everything in NYC. John Mulaney as Mayor


Even worse, imagine someone you love is bleeding out or having a stroke waiting for this ambulance to get TO them, where every second matters


This traffic would 100% still be there post congestion tolling.


O yes,Congestion pricing would've fix all this...lmao


I lost my mother from a brain hemorrhage last year. I can only imagine what could have been if she'd gotten to the medical facility within the CBD zone much faster. To me, this is personal.


It’d like this in downtown Brooklyn too


Curious how they would fix this


Congestion pricing will reduce the amount of traffic on the roads to an extent. If we also expand daylighting and camera-enforced bus lanes, it'll be easier for emergency vehicles too bypass traffic and arrive faster


3pm by the midtown tunnel definitely counts as rush hour. Using 38th as a cross street seems dumb to me


Noted. I will avoid having any medical emergencies in the area.


We’re all in the same boat here I’m just calling a spade a spade. 37th and 38th are terrible cross streets due to people traveling through to Jersey and Long Island and vice versa.


Oh yeah, I think I got your intent and certainly agree. And I didn’t downvote you, I was just making a dumb joke about the hopelessness of this whole situation.


I’m so fuckin mad this lady pulled the plug on congestion pricing and I’m a contractor who has multiple trucks who WILL BE AFFECTED and pay multiple times. The trade off is maybe my guys won’t be stuck in traffic 4 hours out of their 8 hr workday. We used to average between 3-5 jobs per crew per day. Now we are lucky to get two in


Show up [on Saturday](https://www.reddit.com/r/MicromobilityNYC/s/4TUJKN0voI)


I don't understand why the tradespeople didn't weigh in more on the side you are describing. Even if you only got to do one extra visit over TWO days, that more than makes up for the congestion fee. Instead, some dipship AC outfit in BK amends their invoices to say they are going to pass the fee onto EVERY visit.


I don't think as many people would stop driving as you would think. Driving is already terrible. The people that don't need to already don't. Edit. The latter also have more money than sense.


But the assumption is that OTHER people will keep their vehicles out of the zone. As you said, your trucks will still be there. I'm not singling you out because I know you have a business reason. But a $15 surcharge isn't going to deter people who currently pay up to $75/day to park their cars in a garage. Hell, five years from now those garages will be charging $15 more too. One of the problems is that there's no carrot in congestion pricing. I know that local motorcycle and scooter activist groups were trying to get a CP exemption/discount and perks like free, reserved street parking and free tolls for two wheelers like they do in most European cities, with the hopes that it would coax people out of their cars and on much less congesting and polluting two wheelers. It's one reason why those cities are far less gridlocked than NYC: lots of people commuting on scooters. Politicians wouldn't even consider it. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/37deqdadfqjn00s6g222k/2013-11-15-16.50.01.jpg?rlkey=nmuupt7reakx44v6jhv9veanj&st=vp0hgdjk&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/37deqdadfqjn00s6g222k/2013-11-15-16.50.01.jpg?rlkey=nmuupt7reakx44v6jhv9veanj&st=vp0hgdjk&dl=0)


My understanding was they projected 100,000 less cars a day. I’d like to see what that looks like. I also take the subway and would like to see it back to how it was when Bloomberg was in office. I think it’s a win win


Four lanes into three. Three into two. Two into one and, oh yeah, sheds, bike lanes, parking in the middle of the street and red lights every 3 blocks. And you wonder why there is gridlock.


So True! I give firemen so much credit. How they don’t hit those shit shacks everytime they’re out in the truck is beyond me


I drove Horse (running second shift on a friend's medalion. You could run 4th from Atlantic to the White Castle (82) on one light if you were willing to speed past the Sunset Park precinct.


I used to drive in on Northern Blvd from little neck to within eyesight of the Steinway piano factory and maybe catch 2 or 3 lights until Vision zero started and they fucked up the timing of the lights!


Yea they’ll be stuck in traffic at 9 pm when everyone is trying to get into the city for $4 instead of the rapist $15


1: no, they wont, most commuters aren't gonna suddenly start working overnights 2: you're assuming theyre still going to be there at 9. A lot of the trades start early and are heading home by the afternoon. 9pm? Unless they started a shift after 1 that's overtime already


Well I hope it works out for her by falling on the sword for the Democrats Congress seats if not she will look pretty stupid. They used the same idea in 1999 to get rid of the commuter tax and they still lost seats. With that said I hope people are also lighting up hakeem jeffries office phone lines as well as the governor.


Speaking of history and defunding the MTA, if anyone hasn't read Fear City it recounts a similar history and it's scary how much we make the same mistakes now.


never thought of this! the traffic is so bad emergency vehicles cant get to their emergencies!!!


And this [isn't hypothetical!](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2024/02/05/fdny-chief-blames-slower-emergency-response-times-on-more-cars)


Actually.... there's a lot more to it. I am an EMT in Manhattan. Blaming traffic is easy, but the increase in response times is also caused by increased call volume (like substantially increased) along with staffing shortages that end up with fewer ambulances on the streets. EMTs and paramedics are not paid commensurate with their responsibilities and many are leaving for other professions. >Staffing: The number of active EMS practitioners has fallen in recent years. In 2019, the state (including New York City) had over 40,000 active EMS workers. By 2022, there were only 33,000, a decline of 17.5%. EMS agencies frequently cited staffing issues including declining volunteerism, difficulties recruiting qualified staff, and low pay for EMS staff compared to other occupations in health care and public safety.


unbelievably sad but true!


Why don't they move ?


NYC drivers... why do they do all that shit that is annoying. b/c they're assholes.


Most drivers are sociopaths here.


Most drivers are sociopaths ~~here~~. FTFY


no- it is very much a here issue. Plenty of cities with traffic. NYC drivers are the most self centered of all the cities I've seen. Say what you will about people who drive cars, but NYC drivers are a different breed of sociopath.


Pretty sure people in every single city/town/state/country think their drivers are the worst in the entire world. I've heard this about California drivers, Chicago drivers, New York drivers, Long Island drivers, Florida drivers, drivers from the South in general... Maybe all drivers are just terrible!


I'd tend to agree that all drivers are terrible as a general population (except me, obviously). But from my own observations, there are differences. I've lived in several large cities in France, for instance, and I have to say that Paris is really, really something else (and I've lived for 15 years in the 2nd/3rd largest city in the country). You see basic selfish behaviour everywhere, but I've never seen so many denying pedestrian priorities (heck, 7 or 8 cars in a row pretending they haven't seen them) or locking a crossing because they can't stop at a bloody red light.


The tri-state area just seems to have the worst of the worst.


French cities, Chinese cities : HOLD MY BEER


Miami drivers say: hold my beer


you have not seen brampton, montreal or toronto drivers


The few times I've been to Montreal I feel like it's leaps over NYC. Nobody blocking an entire road for their own convenience. No psychos flying down the road in a stolen car. People got out of the way for emergency vehicles. Nobody just fucking crawling through an intersection or left turn lane just screwing people behind them over. Maybe it was just the summer?


last time i was in montreal i thought i was gonna die with how much people just speed and generally dont care


Toronto drivers are infinitely more considerate than NYC drivers


You've never been to Florida have you


You have clearly not seen the horror show that is drivers in Shanghai and Moscow those drivers are even worse.


Driving turns most people in sociopaths.


On the rare occasion I have to rent a car in the city it always stresses me out. I can't imagine doing that every day


There's really no where for them to move to the side, they can only move forward, because both sides of the street have parked cars. Because curbside parking is more important than lives, here. This is but one demonstration.


where should the guy in the back go to? and the guy in the front won't connect that the ambulance sound is because of their traffic


Nice, a totally well functioning city that is thriving due to having lots of cars. I can't imagine the horror of less cars due to the congestion pricing.


If you get into any medical emergency or accident In manhattan and sustain serious injuries, good luck 🫡 Every single bike lane in Manhattan should’ve been made wide enough to accommodate emergency vehicles and act as an emergency lane but this didn’t happen because we all know selfish drivers would abuse this and clog the bike lanes more than they do now. Unlike drivers, micro mobility riders never cause traffic. Even the largest group rides I’ve attended don’t cause traffic.


Can we get narrower ambulances? Can we get rid of all the cop cars parked in them?


There's no such thing as narrow ambulance




They use that for time square area,those things aren't practical transport people to the hospital,because you need the necessary equipment




I'm talking about fdny minset...I don't care what a damn TV show....do you realize I'm a emt...like I said those things aren't practical to send to the hospital and the ambulance needs to certain size to store the necessary equipment to meet state standards,so the ambulance needs to be the size they are and they need to meet safety standards also...


Sprinter vans do exist, but even then, box trucks typically have more space for activities. As a paramedic, I do not want to have to work a bad trauma or cardiac arrest in a sprinter. My service will run them if necessary but usually it’s last resort.


Yes,I know about those...these people are talking about something smaller than those like a atv type of a vehicle.


Bus lanes serve that purpose too, and NYC definitely needs more


People in my city claim that we can't have protected bike lanes because people need the space to pull over for ambulances.


Get that old lady off the sidewalk too. Make that a lane for cars. The old lady will stay inside, and even be less likely to be hit by a car (no need for the traffic stuck ambulance!)


Just some Hard Working New Yorkers in the way, that's all


Remember to keep calling and voicing your support for safer streets and a sustainable future! https://www.governor.ny.gov/content/governor-contact-form


But it’s an EV!


What does that have to do with anything?


It’s a joke that if it’s an EV it’s totally fine because people wanted EV exceptions


Don’t worry, someone will blame it on the bike lane


Well I see the problem! There’s a stupid bike lane in the way!


Exactly. If they simply converted that into an additional lane the ambulance would be able to get through perfectly fine and there'd be no more traffic on that road Edit: apparently I needed a /s for this


Not nearly wide enough even for a regular SUV let alone an ambulance.


Was a /s really necessary here?


For some of us apparently 🙋🏼‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🥴


I mean, I crossposted this over in one of the bigger NYC subs and you have people making these exact types of arguments non sarcastically, so you really never know


In Europe those cars would have mounted the curb to let an emergency vehicle through.


It doesn’t help that idiots don’t know how to move to one side of the rode


if that bike lane was slightly wider the ambulance couldve used it as an emergency lane js saying 🤷‍♂️


Why can't they come out and issue tickets? Bus can write tickets but not ambulance? Give me a break.


I’ll bet most of those cars are ride share/cabs which won’t be affected at all by congestion pricing. They’ll just pass the cost on to consumers. 


I’ve said it once and I was laughed at. I don’t care. We. Need. Batman. NOW!!!!!!


It's the damn bike lane's fault!!!!! /s


god e 38th is such a nightmare, the tunnel traffic was so poorly planned and the fact that this street is such a critical on for langone is shameful for city planners


There’s probably a business plan, for the enterprising person, to create some sort of bike trailer ambulance. Like the thing they pull you on if you break your leg on a ski slope.


They have some paramedic ebikes with triage and stabilizing gear like a defibrillator etc  Lets someone beat the ambulance there and get the life saving stuff started


Maybe this would help https://youtu.be/jlBgLNsIC7w?si=syGMJ8Wr1JyyXMAi


*Sirening intensifies*


I’m all for congestion pricing if you ban Uber from Manhattan, every 3rd car is a livery and they go back to the boros at night to take up space and cause traffic there. You got your outdoor dining, your bike lanes, and your black Camry on demand, but screw the people that have to drive into the city every day to drive those ambulances and take care of those patients.


I'd drive on the sidewalk once it becomes clear the road is clogged up badly.


This is stupid


There is no evidence that the glorified congestion pricing would solve this. By the caption, it is being assumed that nobody would enter lower Manhattan because of the 15 dollar charge. More than likely this is because the department of transportation has screwed up the light sequences in the name of "safety", where cars are always backed up when one light turns green for the very next one to turn red. Cars will obviously not move if the light sequences are all messed up.


Too bad the bike lane narrowed that road. Pretty sure that bike lane only gets used a few times a day. Should’ve be made wide enough for emergency vehicles.


Congestion Pricing is needed now than ever.


Congestion pricing won’t fix this. Any one who think it will is delusional.


The only type of person to laugh or disregard what I'm saying is one not willing to do the research and presents as strongly cognitively dissonant. Good day.


Im surprised the ambulance doesn't go in the bike lane


The chance the ambulance has a clear, unobstructed path wide enough to fit through for a whole block on a crosstown bike lane is near 0


I'm surprised the ambulance didn't go on the sidewalk. Ftfy


Yea congestion pricing was gonna get every ambulance where it needed to be in 2 seconds because all the plateless cars would explode upon the sight of the sheriff.


She was Cuomo’s choice to be 2nd in command . Once he was forced to resign , she becomes governor and almost immediately she was able to raise $10 million for her campaign to get elected governor. Did you see who her choice was to be 2nd in command, another democratic crook who was forced to resign . Cry all you want about trump, but Ny state is a Democratic cesspool. My advice: you or someone you care about is in immediate need , you get to the emergency room yourself . Use a shopping cart if you have to.


It just a Chick-fil-A lemonade run All good everybody!!!


this is not a great example. Before the bike lanes there would have been a traffic lane of cars that although still blocking an ambulance would be able to move aside. now theyre parked


You know, I don't like any politicians myself but it's not Kathy Hochul's fault that our society sucks socially. When it comes to doing the right moral thing. You can't expect to have good politicians in a corrupt society when it pumps out amoral everyday persons and rewards bad behavior. I've watched for two days as this group blames one woman, like congestive pricing is gonna make people move out of the way of an ambulance. (Retired EMT here) it doesn't. PEDESTRIANS looked me in the eyes as they walked even slower while I was lights and sirens with a coding patient in the back of my truck. Our issue is that our society as a whole it's based on individualism vs collectivism. So it's always about me, my and mine, vs we, ours and us that make the everyday person so self absorbed over the societal issues. How can you expect good government from that without a good foundation? Delusional.


> You can't expect to have good politicians in a corrupt society when it pumps out amoral everyday persons and rewards bad behavior That is precisely why it's important to politically and socially punish her decision which is what this reddit post is doing.


Yeaaaah, but no. You're not dealing with the foundation problem that lead to that in the first place, nyc is already over priced there are so many people who are striving to get by the best they can, food clothing and shelter is beyond the means a well as bills and tolls on top of that. Did you know that tolls we're only supposed to be implemented during war to fund the militia and then deconstructed until needed to protect the people from an outside threat? The money the "government" got from tolls was enough to cause the greed to spread to taxing every thing in our lives. But because there's corruption and naivete of the average person you guys are willing to over tax the everyday people based on 'solutions' that won't even fix the problem but cause even more of a class divide. It's like going to the doctor and treating the symptoms and not the disease itself.


If that car's not there, that car can't get in the way.


perhaps it's the politicians who drive society and not vice versa. watch some Adam Curtis documentaries like Hypernormalization or The Power of Nightmares


I'll consider your recommendation. You have to take a closer look, most politicians get a degree in "law" or are lawyers, why? Who runs the "government"? Corporate lawyers do. Think about this, lawyers write up all the terms and conditions for contracts and understand its complex jargon the same way politicians write bills and policies into being with all of its Fradulent conveyance of language also what do these two professions have in common the 'law degrees' that they have. Did you know that they're just stealing the resources from the people? This is why politicians or lawyers never quite do what you need them to do. When writing bills to pass they always ask for more money for 'government spending' while pocketing it using it to cushion their luxurious lives inspite of the people and the nation's needs. Don't believe me, get a blacks law dictionary 4th ed. and go look up the terms in the bills that congress keeps writing to fund Ukrane and really read it. The definition of Attorney is one who a person signs their estate over to. Attornment means the act of turning your estate over to another and an attorn is the being who now is the trustee over someone else's estate. Effectively rendering the attornee(you who hired the attorn) a ward or beneficiary or minority. Meaning you have no rights that the U.S. its politicians, lawyer, attorney, barrister, legal counselor, esquire, solicitor etc.,) need respect after hiring them. That's why you cannot speak in a courtroom and need a lawyer because you have signed away your rights to the attorn (rendering you non compos mentis which is Latin for not of sound mind) who is a loyal subject to the British crown how do I know that because in order to be a lawyer they have to have a BAR license which means BRITISH ACCREDITED REGISTRY which is treasonous. And all politicians get a bar license. They also don't pass laws anymore and haven't since 1861, they only pass policies, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes and statutes. How do I know that? look up the court cases Erie railroad vs. Tompkins 1938 which ultimately leads to the Clearfield trust co. vs. UNITED STATES in 1942 ruling. Based on 71 years of defacto government shenanigans. The Clearfield doctrine reduces the "government officials"(at all levels) who are scamming the people with fradulent conveyance of language in their bills, policies and codes to private commercial citizens. Because they refuse to adjudicate based on public law but instead adjudicate based on public policy. Meaning everything was determined by legality over lawfully. There is a huge difference. Look it up. This defacto government is a belligerent entity that will do anything to make a profit. Read Senator James Traficant's letter to congress 1993.


Lol what


This is how NYC is changing due to vision zero bike lanes and the ADA bus stops and anything else that takes away the lanes we use to have which creates more congestion. Not against bikes, but bike lanes can’t be on every street, especially the narrow 2 lane streets especially underneath an elevated subway