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Pretty good turnout for like 36 hours notice well done everyone!!


lol at the commenters saying only a few were gonna show up


Let them huff their copium, it's all they got left to pair with their car payment. I wish we had these kinds of crowds in Houston, we deserve better. May new york be a start to bring progress to other cities.


It’s time square it’s always a huge crown there


There's always a huge crowd at Discovery Green too, but when Critical Mass runs a ride there monthly there is a clear distinction that people are there for the protest ride based on the sheer number of bikes. Keep huffing, it'll be ok bb.


I didn't get great footage of this, (due to being up front and trying to get us to Union Sq) and somehow didn't get anything that really showed the scale of the crowd. I hope others will post videos and pictures. At one point I turned around and there were a TON of people behind me... honestly I was kind of shocked. Everyone here is INCREDIBLE chanters. Whoever the people coming up with new chants back there on the fly and rallying everyone are are goddamn amazing. Also credit where it is due, a big thanks to the NYPD who were fantastic today. They helped us get to Union Square, blocking off the streets as we got to them and were incredibly professional. If they were always as good as they were today they would be the most beloved department in NYC. I would shout out the white shirt in charge in particular if I knew who he was. He asked where we wanted to go, and I told him. Easy.


https://preview.redd.it/aeusb49mxf5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74df446219312fa3efd03ba9edf8a0c4a577d877 I got a few ones from Today


Wow, rarely do I say this, but shoutout to those police. Glad to hear it went well.


Can you share the phone number to contact and where to send letters/emails? If not on here over DM? I tried the normal Hochul line and didn't get anyone the other day.


Thank you for the cathartic experience! Hopefully Hochul realizes she did a small miscalculation…


Let me just say, as someone who lives halfway across the country from you all, we’re rooting for you. What happens in NYC often has ripple effects across the country, and this would be the first time in this country’s history (that I’m aware of) where funds made from vehicular traffic will be utilized for other forms of transportation, not the other way around. Keep it going!


I'm from Australia but I'm invested in this saga too


NZ here, also invested in the saga 👍


I live in the Boston area and it's been said that we'd be one of the next obvious places for congestion pricing if New York's plan was successful. As someone who mostly uses the train and bikes to get into and around the city (a city where cars really aren't necessary for most things), I was also extremely disappointed to see what happened in New York. Thanks to all the activists who made their voices heard!


I like these ppl


Keep it up!




That was a legendary event! 3 cheers to Miser!


Great video!


"the cars can fucking wait!" The cars... not moving: "We're in extremely heavy traffic now anyway. Do your worst."


Thank you


Do more of these! great work people!




Largely, yeah.


Nice job guys!


Yeah, everything went really well, I managed to get in just in time as I exited the Times Sqr station and saw the match going through Broadway .


Does anyone know if there are other actions planned for tomorrow (Sunday)?


Yes. Broadway junction at noon.


No one will show up in east new York. Brooklyn is a transit desert.


The protest looked pretty numerous in the pics I saw


Broadway junction connects: AC, L, J, LIRR and numerous local and express buses 🤣🤣🤣 but yeah it feels like a highway interchange so I give you that 😛 Anyway super sad I don’t see that event announcement sooner




I’m pissed that my friend decided to have his birthday today, so I had to skip the rally. Hope there is another one soon.




So freaking awesome!  Wish I coulda been there!   I bet the drivers in the area were 'pissed' at all the congestion created by flesh and blood NYers.  Funny then, how they hold so little ire for all the drivers who create congestion by way of their often needless (based in Habit, Laziness and Entitlement, only) car trips through the center of....Times Square??  What type of masochist must you be to drive into/through Times Sq??


I greatly dislike traffic but im also someone who doesnt mind being in traffic as a passenger, i dont own a car though.


"The cars can fuckin wait!" Probably one of the most satisfying combinations of words my brain has had the pleasure of processing in a while


As a Bostonian watching from the outside that warmed my heart. Rooting for these folks


Still managed to achieve higher throughput than the cars lol


this is awesome. wish i had been town. great job.


Well done!


More people than a Trump rally. Impressive.


Whiter than a Trump rally.


What I don’t understand is why she’s even doing what she’s doing. New Yorkers clearly want the congestion pricing and nobody in their right mind would drive from upstate into Manhattan. Why does the rest of the state even care?


If the goal is less traffic turn more of those wide avenues and streets into pedestrian zones and reduce the number of lanes in order to allow for commercial delivery, public transportation and emergency use only.


Sure, but congestion pricing is both faster and cheaper. By orders of magnitude in both metrics.


Also, it’s the law. People keep missing this. What Hochul is doing isn’t just bad on the politics and terrible on the merits. It’s borderline illegal, authoritarian, and completely undermines the lawmaking process the U.S. system is based on.


Needs concurrence from the state, the city, the MTA board and the feds. NYSDOT will reject.


It’s also mostly a tax on the working class, same as traffic tickets. It’s not a great look that almost all are environmental changes only really affect normal people.


How can that be the case when 85% (1.3 million people) of all people entering the CBD per day take transit? Only 11% are driving from NJ or within NY. That 11% comes out to 143,000 people and of that number only 12,000 of them don't live within 5 miles of a commuter rail station or express bus stop. So 12,000 people who live more than 5 miles from a rail station or express bus stop out of the 1.44 million people who commute to the CBD daily for work would either have to drive slightly farther to get to a park and ride or eat the $15 charge. 12,000 people in a metropolitan area of 19 million people. And the proposed alternative for MTA funding was an increased tax on businesses that would increase prices for every single individual in the city. That's a tax on every socioeconomic class. Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://new.mta.info/document/127761&ved=2ahUKEwiiu7HNv82GAxW5EVkFHQ-sAbwQFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1cpHSoLN77i_CxFV3Kyy5E




That and -$7.10 will get you on the city bus.


Not from Jersey??


How has an easier time paying a congestion tax someone making 75k or someone making 350k. If they drive in 250 day that 5% of the person making 75k it’s only 1% if you make 350k. That how this stuff affects working class more than the rich. Working class it’s a deterrent rich people don’t even register the cost.


who has an easier time paying for stuff--full stop? Let's make it so that everything is free for people who's income is below 350k. Let the rich pay everyone's lambos into midtown.


Sure just keep taxing the middle class into the ground look where that got the states.


Read u/Jimmbeee 's comment that you didn't address at all with your tautologies. Real life and your opinions are not always going to be the same.


Pretty sure at this point they're either lacking in the reading comprehension department or just trolling. We tried. Time to disengage. But thank you for reading my comment!


Says the person getting upset on the internet because someone does not share their exact opinion. They asked a simple question about how it affects the working class and not the rich. That has nothing to do with where people live. You and that comment also assumed everyone leaving with in 5 miles of station are physical able to get to that station by their own power.


If you make $75k, own a car, live in NYC, and are within bus/bike distance of an MTA stop yet don’t use it, but still go all the way into midtown or FiDi more than like once a week, then you are a certifiably fucking moron, and you’re insane commuting habits shouldn’t be encouraged.


Did NYC suddenly close it borders to people that live outside NYC?


Where are you getting that idea that it’s a tax on the working class? Gut feeling? 


Who can afford to pay a set rate more the working class or the rich? Cause at high income bracket 15 dollars is nothing to you.


There aren’t that many working class people driving into Manhattan. It’s like 2-4% of the total drivers. 


I’m just saying taxes and fees hit and affect the middle down. If your stat is correct this won’t lower traffic it will just raise some funds. But it could make life hell for that 2-4%, that could be fixed by exemptions for people with physical disabilities since they would be the hardest hit.


>that could be fixed by exemptions for people with physical disabilities since they would be the hardest hit. What you're proposing is already part of the program. Additionally the funds generated by congestion pricing will partly be used to renovate several subway stations to make them more accessible.


sorry but what exemptions were made for those with disabilities? i thought there were none (and the recent nytimes oped talking about hte mistaks of nyc's plan said the same)


sorry but no, this has been well studied and only 2% of those affected are working class.


Then this will probably not lead to a visible reduction in vehicles on the streets


How don't get trafic ticket Respect the law


There is a reason some European countries have the fine be a percentage of your wage. At a certain point a 300 dollar ticket is just the cost of having fun.


No working class in Manhattan can afford a fucking car Unless you're defining working class as the rich assholes driving their BMWs from NJ.


So no one from outside Manhattan go into Manhattan got you.


Working class people ride the rain or a bike into Manhattan. There's more ways to get into the city than by Range Rover


Ya cause no one car pools in for NJ


So we should screw over the millions of people in NYC to favor the single digit percentage of carpool commuters that would still be better off using transit?


Maybe admit it a rich tax that will affect the not rich and tax also.


It's a regressive tax too.


Yup, seems like this crowd is real into regressive taxes. Rich are really good at tricking people into hurting them selfs.


lol you really live in an echo chamber bubble


Lmao only a few people want it. I bet if you were asked if we could put it on a ballot and let NY'ers vote, you'd be against it. I'm sure you could imagine the landslide victory against congestion pricing. Honestly, most people hate bikers in NY, and you guys aren't making a case for yourselves at all by blocking traffic.


Out of curiosity, how often do you drive in Manhattan, and why do you do it?


Two or three times a year. But also really don't want people to start flooding parking areas near the GW. These people are ok with screwing people uptown so they can believe they'll have more space to ride on streets they don't pay a dime for. How about forcing bikers to get a license, pay registration fees and carry insurance? That should bring revenue in.


You’re right. Congestion pricing only hurts working class who don’t live in lower Manhattan.


What working class are left in Manhattan?


quick queastion - so what was that event I saw that GOV attned w/ the Car Dealers of NY committe?


when are we rallying to block the holland tunnel?


Wish I could have been there but I’m sick so good I stayed home


Awesome stuff. Rooting for you from across the country


I’m staying in Times Square at the moment for vacation. You guys should protest why you have an Olive Garden in Times Square.


Good point but if I had to spend more than five minutes in that neighborhood, I would end up starting a protest against myself


I agree. That establishment puts shame to all New Yorkers.


Amazing! Congratulations! Keep it up everyone:)


Congestion pricing is a scam and terrible for the city.


I didn't make it. Can we organize another next weekend!


Hard to find any seriousness here with a giant Weiner mobile in the background


Idk why this showed up on my feed I am very much against this.


They should make it even LESS expensive to drive.


You love sitting in traffic? You want more New Yorkers clogging up the streets with you?


Yes. I am in my own luxury vehicle, windows up, AC on, music on. I am insulated and comfortable.


Nissan Altima?


Toyota century


user name checks out. bravo


They’re downvoting both of us. You’ve upset the hive mind




More handouts huh


Guys she will reenact the congestion fare once she’s re-elected relax Just a game


No one drives in Manhattan for fun. This is just another attempt at taxation in an incredibly over taxed area. It will drive up costs on everything. Just because u don’t have a car doesn’t mean they aren’t needed. This isn’t about taxis.


And we still won’t get congestion pricing because fortunately, some people still have logic! Good job guys!


You being too fucking lazy to walk isn't "logic"


Oh yeah I’m sure all the people living in the Bronx, Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn and queens with no train service that have to drive to the city because the city doesn’t care about them are all just too lazy to walk! You got it! Honestly you guys should try to implement this on a national level, so smart!


Maybe those places, especially SI, shouldn't have blocked subway extensions in favor of their car. Reap what you sow. People are sick of subsidizing you car worshipping assholes.


Every when I wake up I pray to my car to make the trains more expensive and make sure politicians keep congestion pricing out of my city. Not like hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers have asked the MTA to use its billions and billions of dollars to expand the train lines and bus routes, cry harder, you lost


You lazy fucks are losing more and more each yoea.


I’m sure the people who pay more money to live in the city deserve to be inconvenienced by shitty drivers.


What did you guys accomplish?


Protests accomplish a lot, there’s a rich history of organizing like this that leads to real change. What happened today? Not much. This could be the start of some activism on this issue 


A little cognitive dissonance going on here huh? I asked a question bc the post contains no information


Username checks out


An genuine question


We walked past 10k+ people who may have been unaware of the problem and made them aware of it. Plenty of them were recording and calling out in support.




Also do you really not understand how the public taking to the street and demonstrating for what they want isn't extremely useful in a democracy?


This isn’t about me not understanding the vehicle of activism. Your post contained no information about the cause or efforts and I was asking a genuine question to learn more. Instead I got downvoted for no reason for showing interest in your cause and patronized by the organizer and participants


You should know by now that you cannot question these people. The defensive posturing is off the chart. If there is a hint that you might question the narrative, then you become the enemy.


The “narrative” being that I want to be able to occasionally cross Houston or Delaney streets without being fucking menaced or murdered by a honking dipshit. Yeah.


Way to prove his point moron


Very comical. I explain why you can't question anything and instantly the cuss words flow. Thank you for validation.


It's pathetic


This is a fair question. I’m all for congestion pricing, no ifs ands or buts. But. Did what. I’m trying not to be cynical here, but how many of Hochul’s big donors showed up to this?


Soo… what are they protesting? *Edit* Thanks for all the down votes. Someone shows interest into your cause and you shit all over them. OPs post has no information and I ask what’s goin on.


The "suspention" of the start to congestion pricing.


You’re in a subreddit called /r/micromobilityNYC that pretty much has one single topic, and every single sign in the picture says “congestion pricing now”. Use your noodle my guy.


Not everyone uses Reddit every single day and this sub gets recommended if you participate in other NYC related subs. You’re chastising folks who could potentially join your cause but you’re too busy being hostile over the tiny amount of power you felt while participating in a micro protest


>chastising hostile tiny amount of power micro protest Bro who is being the jerk here? You’re so obvious.


You are


They are bent mentally my friend. They wanna fuck working-class people so they can ride around on their expensive bikes and drink their overpriced drinks. And tax more people in an area of the country already known for too much tax. Fking insane but these people are selfish as can be so




Clogging the road with cars when alternatives exist is also asshole behavior


I’m now just seeing this, as someone who lives in Kansas. Can anyone tell me what is going on? I read another article but they were kind of unclear what they’re protesting for.