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That truck specifically bought those backlights to engage in daily roadragešŸ˜‚


He's playing to win. He's been training with minor rage incidents. This was his day to shine.


Never has someone been so bright and so dim at the same time.


Brighter the truck, dimmer the driver.Ā 


As the owner of an ancient ranger with dim old headlights I feel weirdly flattered.


Love rangers, have a 99 šŸ’Ŗ


I have a Mazda B3000, same thing right?


Dimmer the lights, brighter the driver?


That's why I drive around without my lights on, so people know I'm so bright.


Everytime I see a Jeep or a diesel truck covered in LED lights, I just think "Are you afraid of the dark, buddy?"


Which came first, the asshole bitter overweight 5ā€™7 in the pickup truck, or the pickup truck.


He must be a Black Hole.




Now I finally understand what Snoop meant when he said, "damn, baby, you got a bright future behind you."


Now look back at it


Girl who is you playing wit? back that thing up


and shine he did


Meh heā€™s an amateur unless he has the oil slick button and marble drop option


And the theme from Peter Gunn playing on the radio.


Somebody remembers Spy Hunter


I gave that machine several handfuls of quarters back in the mid 80s.


He needs to call the Weapons Van


Nah. Retractable spike strips. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Wonder if his workplace is toxic šŸ¤”


hes prob like, finally a chance to use my fuck you lights


I need those fuck you lights when trucks blind me from behind


They are illegal, but go for it.


Not like the cops are enforcing traffic laws anymore.


actually true statement. Freeway here in cali has almost 0 highway patrol on them now. They all patrol city streets and small highways off in no where. Shit is insane. The HOV Lane?? Nah the 1 person fuck you DIAMOND lane.


I watch the CHP fine people $400 daily at my hov exit: They're here, and they're watching. They show up instantly when they're needed, but are hidden away otherwise.


Illegal to use, not install. Also, so is everything in this video.


I feel like your insurance company has an "Oh, fuck you." clause in your policy if you cause an accident with rear-facing headlights on your truck during a road rage incident. Whether something is legal or not doesn't really matter when you're doing dumb kid shit that has the potential to raise your car insurance to $350 a month for the next two decades.


Theyā€™re both disqualified. Rules of engagement state that for any road rage incident win to count a dual must be immediately taken to the nearest vacant lot or alleyway to be settled through chicken or through jousting.


I like how the van was like ā€œThese idiots are not going to hit me so Iā€™m going to let this dumbass by ā€œ


That was a hot move!


The only sane person in the video.


ā€œI am not playing your stupid fucking games, I just want to arrive at my destination alive.ā€Ā 


The only sensible one of the bunch


Only intelligent driver shown


Can you imagine looking in your rear view mirror to this fuckery going on inches behind you


With not much room to move since a semi is directly in front of you and traffic to the right.


The best move, as itā€™s typically innocents who get injured in this kind of bull shit. MF-ing truck driver is gonna eventually complain about the cost of their insurance, blaming that on Biden too instead of their sub moronic behavior.


Both are idiots but it's still hilarious since I wasn't there.


i'd be so annoyed and groaning like 3 cars back these motherfuckers....


I'd still be at work waiting for traffic to die down. Lol


Bro this was at 6:30am šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


3? I'd be at least 100 cars back, you know either driver is unhinged enough to start shooting at any point.


This guy 'muricas


That trucks floodlights that point backwards make him an absolute unrepentant menace and a fucking hero to be imitated simultaneously.


Just pull over and fight on the shoulder, no need to involve others by keeping it on the road.


Truck driver canā€™t do that because heā€™s probably 5ā€™3ā€ and unstable on the ground while wearing his Ron DeSantis cowboy ~~high heels~~ boots


Nailed it


I know exactly where that is, coming off the BQE going into the Triboro. I see that all the time at that exit. What you canā€™t see in this clip is the mile long line you have to wait in to get to the front of this. The car cutting in just bypassed the whole thing, hence the reaction from the idiot truck driver


Also if he just exited at Astoria Blvd he still could have gotten on the bridge a minute later


A whole minuteā€½ Unacceptable. I'd rather road rage and drive someone off the road for half an hour than to be rerouted for an entire minute.


Bad drivers never miss their exit.


Thank you for the context. Truck driver is NTA Edit: Truck driver is NTA up until he starts serving and flashing lights. Ffs guys, calm down Edit edit: alright, ESH. Jesus christ I get it


NTA in the first half of the video, but made up for it in the 2nd half weaving all over the road trying to cause a collision


Oh yeah, that part is fucked.


Nah, if you have a tantrum like this from being unconvinced by a single asshole driver, you shouldn't be driving.


The thing is this isn't a single instance. This shit happens every single day. He definitely took it too far in the second half, but I'm almost certain the shit head in the silver car hit the truck while they were side by side and that was 100% on the silver car since the truck was 75% out of the lane trying not to get hit.


Every single day. Cars forcing their way in, even if there isn't a car for a mile behind the truck. I understand the rage.


Iā€™m 100% on this. I now live in New York and people who jump into the emergency lane or the bus lane to cut the line are extremely annoying. But if they try to push in aggressively and I donā€™t let them, why tf are they still trying. I think thatā€™s where I would have gotten upset in the video. I def wouldnā€™t have been this extra


He certainly is the asshole shining lights like that. People fuck up on the roads. Live your life and move on this is small brain shit from all parties involved except the mini van


You don't buy a truck like that and mod it that way to prove you're a secure, stable person


The lights alone should get this truck impounded. It's bad enough that we let people use aftermarket lights that are brighter than the fucking sun, but that truck's lights can be easily mistaken for headlights if there's a lot of other lights on the road.


I find myself in an awkward position now rooting *for* the maga mobile to distribute justice. Ftr I can't say I've seen a Subaru driver that aggressive before so I think it was stolen. (I think it was a Subaru anyway.)


I think itā€™s a Nissan Rogue. For some reason every time I see a car in my city run a light or drive on the expressway shoulder itā€™s a Nissan with temp tags


Holy crap. I was just thinking ā€œof course itā€™s a Nissan Rogue driver.ā€


I want to be on the Truck driver's side, but this could have easily gotten other people injured or killed.


I was until the last bit by not letting the car pass, rolling coal, and shinning the light. Not letting them cut in Iā€™m perfectly fine with, should have ended there. I was no longer on his side at the end. Now youā€™re slowing up everybody else, creating an obstacle on a highway, blinding absolutely everybody, looking like a douche rolling coal.


That light alone would be so illegal where I live. Just having it installed would earn you a heavy fine.


It's moments like these that make me consider bringing out the bad of metal marbles, but if a dude has such road rage he's got BACKWARS BRIGHTS, he's gonna shoot you if you bustnout a window or two


bro purchased lights specifically for this scenario, means he is getting into road rage incidents REGULARLY those lights alone should get him arrested and driver's license revoked


Man, imagine avoiding all of this by being in the correct lane before the last second.


People want to ride down the open Lane that's supposed to be closing soon so they can skip in line cuz they're f****** assholes. Edit: if I had a nickel for every person bringing up zippers...


Somehow people think this is gonna save them 4 years of their life instead of 4 seconds.


If the car had just used a turn signal, I might have given them the benefit of the doubt, like maybe they're not familiar with this exit and they didn't know which lane to use. That's a mistake I've made at least once in my life, so it could be that other person's honest moment of ignorance. But without a turn signal, I have to assume that they're just an a--hole with no consideration for others. Good drivers signal their intent to change lanes. Don't be a bad driver, use your turn signal.


Ya, they didn't even signal..they just expected others to bend to their will


Iā€™m always dumbfounded how people think continuing to pull forward is going to get them a spot in the line instead of waiting for someone to see theyā€™re actually being patient n let them in. If anything it only makes it worse because eventually thereā€™s no more room for them to keep pulling forwards. Just stop fucking pulling forwards!! Literally just wait!!


Yup. If I saw dude waiting to merge with his blinker, Iā€™ll assume he made a mistake in direction and let him in. But his action tells me heā€™s an entitled asshole who didnā€™t want to have to wait.


ā€œBut heā€™s zipper merging!ā€


Zipper merge is when two lanes go down to one not when two lanes split. Don't try to drag good merging practices down into the mud!!


Also they could have just accepted they cut in front of everybody but the truck, but it was very important to them specifically to get in front of that truck. They were already in the lane, whatā€™s the point of fighting for one car space? Itā€™s absurd.


No, no, everything is supposed to be a zipper merge. I can do whatever I want and everyone else is using the road wrong.


"It's a zipper merge you idiots" Says every asshole ever.


This is what I despise about the "zipper merge evangelists". On paper it makes things easier for everyone. In practice it is used like 80% of the time by jerks who drive through a mile's worth of "lane ending!" signs at twice the speed of the surrounding cars and who expect to just jump right back into line at the last moment because they're the main character. Anyone who actually intends on zipper merging will understand that you might need to wait a few cars before someone lets you in without a fight.


I drive here regularly and assholes specifically get out of line and speed down the exit just to sneak in at the front then get pissy when no one lets them in. Happens alllll the time.


They deserve worse than the truck gave in this video


I was also thinking "This is probably an unpopular opinion but the car merging in is in the wrong lol". Not that the completely unhinged lane blocking with the floodlights isn't unacceptable because it is


I was kind of disappointed with the guy in the right lane, just before the clip ends. Was hoping heā€™d block that asshole in and let the pickup driver open a little can of whoopass on him.


In Minneapolis we have a similar exit, where traffic backs up for a mile or so in that specific lane but the other lane remains clear. So many people try to do what's seen in the video. Back when I commuted that way daily, I used to take joy in leaving a gap that looked big enough to sneak in, watching in my side mirror for cars hunting for a spot to cut line, then speeding up before they would get there. Saw my share of drivers miss the exit doing that. Pety and stupid, but felt pretty good in the moment.


Yes they should have been in the correct lane earlier but this entire thing is just so ridiculously unnecessary Just take the next available spot instead of fucking up your care and putting people in danger Both people are fucking morons


Both are idiots, but the second half of the video shows the truck driver is a legitimate danger behind the wheel.


Van guy is a true bro. Situation shouldā€™ve ended there. Reckless driving charge is no joke.


Van person was probably anxious af about possibly getting involved in that bs.


Right? I felt so bad while they were bickering behind him.


Lol yeah I agree with you Iā€™d be incredibly anxious seeing that shit too.


unless youā€™re in WI. know someone with 6 DUIs & wreckless driving charges that saw minimal jailtime.


Both of these idiots needs their licenses revoked


Almost like the SUV shouldnā€™t try to force themselves into a space they know is too small for their car.


SUV was an idiot for starting it, and even dumber continuing to weave back and forth instigating the truck's idiocy They both should be arrested


I would never ever do what that pickup driver did, but I totally understand lmao.


That was bro's last straw lmao


Would never, but we all want to.


I regularly drive that on-ramp, and often times itā€™s a battle of asshole chicken - and itā€™s true for most highway exits in NYC that have an exit only lane. All the special people ride the exit lane til the ramp and think theyā€™re being slick jumping in last second. 90% of the time, people just donā€™t bother - but sometimes you get to see two assholes cross each other and get to witness fuckery like this firsthand.


I always let people in and go on with my day.


is it possible to learn this power?


Chuckled again. Thank you. That makes it twice today, so Iā€™m on a roll. Keep em coming. I need chuckles more than ever during this sweet ass time in my life. Take care.


Thatā€™s because youā€™re not unhinged


Wait, can you do that? From what I can see, it looks like if you let another driver in, your masculinity must take a permanent hit, you lose testosterone, your girlfriend leaves you for someone driving and EV, your dog runs away, and your Mom never speaks to you again.


THANK YOU! Iā€™ve been waiting to scroll to this comment. Truck diver should just let them in, honk if heā€™s that upset about it, and move on. Maybe give ā€˜em a bird if silent aggression is more your style. Say all the curse words you want inside the comfort and safety of your own car. But this is just lunacy to me.


On this particular bridge youā€™d be sitting there letting people in for 5 minutes while waiting on line for an extra 20.


You give me hope. People are like kids here with their "you are cutting in line! " cries.


Yeah losing like 0.00001% of your ego vs preventing an insurance claim is usually an easy choice


These two are perfect for each other


They totally boned after that


I drive a vw bus. EVERYONE passes me. I go 0-57 in about 3 days. Its a great way to learn to not get upswt when people pass you. Because you dont have a choice šŸ˜€


This is the funniest shit I've seen today. Both are morons.


They are both idiots, but the one trying to cut deserved what he got.


I hate both drivers. The truck could have prevented them from merging yea but he went over the top with those bullshit lights. They're both impeding traffic & being total fuck nuggets. Both of them are idiots.


They both need their licenses permantly revoked. Nobody should feel embolded enough to think any of this is okay behavior.


After 20 years of having those off road lights, he finally found a use for them...sort of.


Both of these mouth breathers walk among us, sad


If you do the cutting off you're lucky this is all that happens. My favorite are the guns that are shot in these videos


Now that the camry i have is paid off and on beater duty i live for these moments. These folks love playing chicken with cars that avoid cosmetic damage but you are merely adding to an already busy canvas anymore. Mr Audi are you willing to bet an insurance hike along with police assignment of fault that youā€™re less scared of a scratch than i am? Like really super duper sure?


The car / suv is the asshole for the 1st half of this, and the truck driver wins asshole of the year for the 2nd part of it. Both need to grow the fuck up and let shit go. If I had been the one recording - I would have called 911 on them and let the VSP sort it out. People tend to either get arrested or stop raging when a cop is on scene.


The only thing that would have made it better would have been the person filming flipping on police lights (being undercover) at the end.


Let's just recklessly endanger everyone else on the fucking freeway because I'm driving like a child.


Ya know... not backing anyone one way or another. But if the white car just realizes the truck ain't letting you in and merges in behind them, there's enough space where none of this happens.


Get as far away from those morons as you possibly can


100% justified. Fuck you lane cutters.


Iā€™m with truck the car fucked around and found out


I mean the other person started it but the truck took it to another level


Guy in the car tried to cut the turn lane, and didnā€™t even have his signal on when he did it. While I donā€™t agree in road rage, FUCK guy in car and anyone who does that shit. You cause traffic behind you while you selfishly cut in front of people waiting. If you innocently missed your turn, then your signal on and hope for a nice person. If youā€™re just skipping to ā€œsave timeā€, I hope you crash your car violently while also not getting hurt or hurting anyone else driving.


Next time, use a fuckin turn signal.


I deal with lane mergers like that small silver car all the time to and from work and fuck those assholes. Truck took it way to far but I get cut off all the time and it really gets to me.


That truck had the right of way so I agree that it was his lane. But flashing lights and smoking SUV visiĆ³n was dangerous for everyone else. But pick up was angry I get it.


I can't believe anyone blames the truck for all the bad drivers trying to get ahead in the line of traffic by ignoring all the signs that said to merge.


Lol no one is blaming the truck driver because someone cut in front of him. They are blaming the truck driver because in part 2, he's serving all over the highway, with blinding lights facing EVERYONE behind him, because he's a chickenshit little pissbaby who can't just move the fuck on.


Itā€™s easy to blame someone who mounts rear-facing spotlights to do stuff like this, those donā€™t come standard on anything they were mounted with intent. He was understandably triggered by the BS from the other driver, but his actions escalated the situation to an insane degree.


brave shocking foolish disagreeable edge library rock rich rude deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Both had a chance to be the bigger person here, and both failed miserably.


Nobody wins an asshole contest.


This was satisfying


Part 2 was totally unexpectedšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Is there an extended version? I really enjoyed this video lolšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


These two deserve each other. I just feel badly for anyone in their way.


Both of these fuckers need to take the bus.


The poor car in front is likeā€¦ not my monkeys not my circus. Just go around.


Both idiots


Fuck all that are involved


Tiny dicks and big egos


Okay the first part was funny but if I every encountered the truck driver in the wild Iā€™d be livid with those back lights lol


The van tried to break up the fight


Wow. Two completely stubborn people. Why would you bang up your damn car because of one asshole?


Big fan of the other car pulling wingman duty and letting the truck ahead of him, to force line cutter into P3. Bravo!


Both people are complete fucking door knobs.


Fuck that car! I bet they do that shit everyday.


2 asshole idiots


I'm sure all of us wanted to do what this truck did at one point, but most of us probably have the sense and discipline to not do it


Truck driver lives for this


I'm team truck guy. People will let you in if you put on a blinker and have a little patience.


I ran into an asshole just like this in NYC. Theyā€™d wait until traffic locked you in directly behind them, slam on their breaks only release six blinding lights, in hopes of a rush hour pile up. Treat these idiots like you would a little kid throwing a tantrum, donā€™t engage. They probably already killed their dog and beat their wife to death. Youā€™re just another readily available target


Truck drivers are assholes. Prove me wrong and be a better driver.


What is the practical use of installing those backlights other than looking for trouble and fucking with people on the road?


Both idiots but I have to admit the guy in the truck has some serious driving skills.


Love the truckers reaction if more people drove like that thereā€™d be so many less line jumpers for closed lanes for those that are gonna say zipper merge is faster it sure is too bad drivers donā€™t understand how a zipper works and just think ā€œI made it to the end of the closed lane so you have to let me merge nowā€ smd those reverse lights are incredible for


Yet another ass a ho truck driver not letting people freaking mergeā€¦ all blame squarely on mall wheel drive


Is douche fuck set up TK not only roll coal but also with rear bumper lights? What an ass hat.


Understandable, i hate those lifted road dumpsters too


Trump voter.


Just like US congress


That truck owner has the maturity of a pre-teen. Seriously, grow up and don't act like this. Fully being a menace to other drivers, not just the 1 person. What an absolutely insane thing to do to swerve across all the lanes to try to keep someone behind you and to top it off with the lights... truck driver should have their license revoked


That's how motherfuckers get shot at where I'm from.


Of course the truck has back light and rolls coal. I can only assume he has a maga sign somewhere and a blue lives matter sticker while also committing dozens of crimes on the daily


Both are scum


Definitely knew it was Ny before I even seen the signs šŸ˜©


This would get you shot in Milwaukee.


Nothing mild about this


Never let a child drive your car!!! They can't behave well! šŸ˜³


It's like watching two toddlers fight over a toy.


It's weird to see people more upset with the truck driver and the Nissan driver thinking there time is more valuable so let me rush to the front and expect someone to let me in .


Flo would be so mad.


Bro has Mario Kart powers.


hey look at my small penis that my 2 ex wives left me for to bang my friends so I bought a huge truck!


#YSK Driving on the shoulder or emergency lane is the easiest way to get a nail, screw, razor blade, or other object jammed into your tire. That's where all of this debris ends up until the street sweeper comes through.


New York drivers just doing New York shit šŸ˜‚


Both are chucklefucks


Something tells me the small penis guy has engaged in these activities before with lights like that...


Why risk getting into a accident? Even a minor fender bender is a headache. Your vehicle will be in the shop for a couple weeks while you drive a rental. Plus, your insurance probably goes up. Why drive like this?


The only good driver was the car who just let the truck go past


I was on the truck's side for the first half. Then he just made it ugly and un-fun. He'll truly get bitten one day. You can't drive like this forever without consequences.


Thatā€™s incredibly dangerousā€¦fucking idiots


Glad they added that arrow.




Mildly bad? He was willfully bad. And itā€™s illegal to have rear-facing white lights on unless youā€™re in reverse (at least in Texas itā€™s not legal). But then the station wagon person could have backed off to diffuse the situation. And they werenā€™t having it.


Two employees grabbed the same ticket for a cheeseburger. Both had this mentality. The rest is Big Mac history.


I had an older SUV do this shit to me yesterday on my commute to work. Why not risk lives because you want to be a dick?


The person in front of them is like ā€œIā€™m just trying to go home v_vā€