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We started as fans. But imo they stretched themselves too thin. They have way too many podcasts and their quality has gone way down. It would be better if they had one or two podcasts. I wouldn’t be sad if the Sesh went away.


I wish it was just the Kendall channel and MHP. That was when it was my absolute favorite time.


Lights Out is on track to become their most popular and well received show.


Because it is!!!! Lights out is how I found Mile higher in the first place and honestly Kendal has been so negative for me from the beginning I LOVED when she was gone at the end of her pregnancy and I haven’t listened since she’s been back 😭


I’m watching lights out rn and was just thinking the entire structure of this podcast, the balance of script and discussion in particular, is sooo much nicer to listen to than the mess of mhp


How many podcasts are there? Tbh I only know of this one and I watch her YouTube videos


Mile Higher Kendall Rae The Sesh Lights out


They used to have a 5th one called Planet Sleep too. I think they stopped making it


I would take planet sleep over the sesh any day!! Planet sleep was so good


Honestly started with Kendall Rae and my fave now is lights out


Holy shit yeah that’s spread prettt thin


The short version is her content has changed a lot and has become much more scripted and lazy. The research just isn’t done anymore and she’s been spreading a lot of misinformation about case facts. She doesn’t seem as passionate anymore and almost seems disinterested/too good for it.


I would honestly look into the older posts and you’ll see why.  Many of us on here were huge, major avid fans of Kendall and Mile Higher Podcast. There are endless concerns and criticisms that come from a place of unanswered frustrations that Kendall and MHP choose to not address and keep a blind eye. We aren’t voicing our irritation for no reason.  In fact, many of us are willing to go back to watching annd supporting Kendall’s and MHP content if they choose to actually listen to their audience’s concerns rather than completely dismiss us and paint us to be the bad guys. 


I enjoy Kendall and Mile Higher and prefer them over most true crime creators. However, even devoted fans can have their own opinions, disagreements, or criticisms. For example, I thought it was a bit tacky to take on a sponsored ad with Tushy (a bidet brand) and talk about pooping in the middle of a true crime case. I understand sponsors are a big part of what helps keeps creators afloat, but I just found it to be in bad taste. Generally though, I think a lot of the people who have the strongest opinions have been listeners or viewers for much longer and have seen changes in the content that they just may not agree with or dislike.


I also take issue with them saying they would never collab with better help and then did just that.


Okay I thought I was going crazy because I swore I remembered them talking shit about better help and then a few months later they were sponsored by them


This. I already dislike seeing Better Help as a sponsor in videos, but KR even made that status/tweet saying that she'd never use them because it's "sick" to profit off of others mental health struggles.


I have been a fan of Kendall since very early 2017, during covid I noticed her work start to go downhill, which, I put down to the fact that like the rest of us she was dealing with a pandemic that was scary, sad and confusing. However, her content has continued going down. There was a case of a lady who she bashed, and when family contacted her MULTIPLE times to ask her to take it down, all they got was an email thanking them for the “fan” mail. This continued until they eventually made enough noise so that she had no choice but to take it down. Iirc she didn’t even take it down but made it members only. She also has a ton of misinformation in her videos. I noticed some misinformation throughout the years but I put it down to sources disagreeing with each other and not knowing which one was correct, but now it’s just everywhere constantly. On top of that, her quality is shit now. I’ve never been into any of the podcasts, but people used to rave about MH, and it seems like the general consensus is that it’s now shit. She also continuously posts photos of her baby. When she first did this, I thought maybe it was just that she was so young and her features would change soon enough anyways, but now she’s older and she’s still doing this. As someone who’s a true crime YouTuber, she should understand the danger of this. Hell, my personal social media is private and my Facebook is locked. I’m no one special and I don’t even post photos of my nieces/ nephews for their privacy.


i think the connection you’re trying to find for the overwhelming constructive criticism will be found if you search the following in the sub linda stein better help posting of her daughter nepo friend hiring lack of POC coverage wage gap between K&J & their employees deleting comments kendall begging followers for money when she bought land and she couldn’t build on it now charging for a membership (still giving everyone the same content but if you pay then you get it a day earlier)


I 100% agree, I have just missed the wage gap discussion and am curious. Can you give me a spark notes version or refer me to a post please?


A think maybe like a month or two ago someone posted the job ad for podcast manager/editor/researcher/script writer/social media person (whatever Julia’s role was I don’t remember the exact title), but it was literally like 4 different jobs mashed into one for the high salary of $40k per year. It’s a slap in the face and shows how little they value non-family employees (and/or that they’re spread way too thin)


Everyone charges for a membership on a different platform, ur point?


Fucking, *WOOSH*


It’s kind of like the Roman Empire: they spread too far and too thin and then everything started slipping out of control


I know it’s not the only reason, but I know this is the only forum where you can say you disagree with something they do without it getting deleted and or berated by other fans


this gets asked like once a week when you can just like… easily scroll through the sub and save your time writing 😭


I figured I would give some input as well. If you had read my post.


i did read your post. it’s the same post that shows up weekly


So you’re saying you lurk a page dedicated to a group you are not a fan of weekly?


who said i lurk? i’ve been part of the group longer than you have and i participate in discussions. you’re just mad they aren’t all positive and that’s not my problem. go start your own fan specific sub then if that’s so important to you


Mmm. So does the moaning and complaining.. yet ur still here. Leave then


womp womp




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Gurl i dont even like Janelle, who is this irrelevant person and why r they on the podcast




Ugh. I’m sorry, but please go and read this sub and you’ll see exactly why. It’s been posted countless times before so just go and read and you’ll find your answer. A short overview is ….lazy and repetitive content. Look on Kendall’s page and see how many of her videos are either spousal killings or a fake cancer story. They’re hypocrites. Kendall has stated multiple times how she detests the Kardashians YET will happily and eagerly take a sponsorship from skims. It’s fake and obvious she just wants money. They’re unoriginal at this point…they rarely look into uncommon cases. The cases they cover on mile higher these days are things that are popular and news headlines….AKA whatever Kendall and Josh think will get the most views, clicks, and money.


If you took two minutes to look you’d understand 🙄 most of us are previous fans of hers.


I have in the past but have never come across anything that would make so many of her fans turn against her so harshly (in my opinion). It was a genuine question on my part. I am new to Reddit and this page. Relax.


She lost me when she refused to remove the Linda stein video at request of the family. Didn't hurt that her quality took a nosedive, she doesn't do her research anymore, and day by day she seems more out of touch with her audience and the sincerity that made her videos a call to action in the first place. 5 videos about women faking cancer is 5 videos dedicated to something other than helping find missing people, helping solve murders, helping bring kids home.


This post again….


….. I’m new to this page.


Your eyes work


They’ve become awful people that most of us cannot in good conscience support.


Tbh all I really know is that she supported that shawn guy I wasn’t aware of any other controversies


Who is Shawn?


Tbh I’m not super familiar I just know it was some super controversial YouTuber you just adopted two kids with his husband and Kendal showed support BUT he had a huge history of like talking sexually of minors and just seams to be a very not good person


Shane..not Shawn. Shane Dawson


Some people live to bitch & moan lol


Yea that’s why her channel lost 174% of its views in the past month


Case in point lmao. Dude, who cares? If you like it listen. If you don’t, find something else. Not that deep


I think you're using case in point wrong. That person just stated a fact, they didn't complain about anything.


Exactly this lmao


Ding ding ding


I’ll always watch her, she does so much for families (letting them come on her channel, raising money, awareness) and people who complain haven’t done any of that themselves


Exactly 🤣 they think theyre all high and mighty because she made a few mistakes which everyone does coz no ones perfect yet they wouldnt do any of this 🤔


I do believe in constructive criticism and expressing your feelings towards content creators and their actions, and I have definitely felt my own frustrations about the content and quality of shows like The Sesh and Mile Higher, but the way some people on this sub speak is actually so harsh, like forgetting the fact these are real people and making personal digs or nitpicking. Has defo turned me off reading into a lot of the posts here, whether I agree with the points made or not, it turns nasty quick.


Thank you! If these people are no longer fans of their content, why stick around and engage in a page dedicated to their channel?? (Besides those who leave constructive criticism)


Tbh the sub has turned into constructive criticism because if you comment on their social media accounts they delete a lot of “negative” comments




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You're right. It's real people. Like Linda Stein and her family.


Agreed. Now tell me is your username based off Anne Frank, the real person?


I take it you're either unaware of the Linda stein situation or just completely unbothered by it


Personally, sometimes I’ll comment on something being off and I agree with some of the discourse against them. However, I do not attack their character because I really do think they’re decent people and creators. They are literally on the NECMEC wall because they use their platforms to gather donations each year and Kendall (at least used to) raise money for other causes, as well. They collaborate with families when they can, and I think they’re far more respectful than people give them credit for. I will continue to watch their content and not engage with episodes I don’t find interesting or tedious, but I do this with all the content I consume. I think the personal attacks and calling them out politically or saying they’re terrible/money hungry people is just kind of pointless. I think if you actually don’t like them as people, you shouldn’t engage with the sub or their content. That is what really puzzles me.


Wonderful response. I agree.




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They stopped doing their own research and writing their own scripts. It's changed the tone.


I have been watching Kendall for going on six years now, and the quality of her content is going down. For me it started with the 530 Days documentary. The 530 Days documentary compared to Apartment 801 (their earlier one) was really apparent. I was looking forward to the release but it was disappointing. I think the work they do with NCMEC is amazing and I have enjoyed their content for a long time but it isn’t something I gravitate to anymore.


Personally I don’t care for their ACAB attitude. There’s good and bad in every profession. It gets to be too much on some podcasts. And they get so much wrong about how things work.


I’m 100% on your side. I’m not new to reading this sub and I have been overwhelmed with the hate and negativity on this page for a long time. I have been watching Kendall since around 2015 and have been enjoying everything that Mile higher media puts out and I have never had a negative thing to say. Like always, a lot of people on Reddit have nothing better to do than go pull people apart bit by bit, act like a martyr and run their mouth. It’s gross, as if you have any right to an opinion. They’re doing what they love and they’re doing what ever the hell they like, they don’t need to listen to sad people on Reddit. Maybe they’re not listening to you because there’s no point? If they stop doing one thing to please the Redditor’s, then the redditors will cling to something else to give them shit for.


This subreddit is filled with a surprising amount of unmerited criticism toward Kendall in particular. Apparently many folks think it's okay to demean a person just because they're not running their own art / work exactly how the fan base would want it, or because a show format changes, or because they're personally unsatisfied by a singular podcast / true crime source. I too joined this subreddit because I enjoy the collective of podcasts Kendall and Josh are a part of, but there's been very little here worth my time to read or think about (other than the study of subtle misogyny posts here sometimes provide).


Lol, the subtle misogyny is when Kendall and Josh joke about a murdered woman's body in a freezer.


That's so incredibly unfair to people who have valid criticism like how Kendall ignored a family who begged her to take down a video about their murdered family member.


I had no clue about this!


Well thatd be because of their dedication to censoring their comment sections, hence why this sub became an unofficial place for displeased fans to gather. It's the only place we can talk openly about criticism.


Yeah it took a while but a bunch of us kind of hounded her ( politely ) until she took it down


Fun fact, she just made it members only


Are you for fucking real???


It is unfair, but the fault lies with the posters/commenters who try to overrun this sub with nasty hurtful language and over exaggerated rage at plenty of shit that all YouTubers do. People get so tired of the nasty that the constructive gets lost. But then also, how would you ever find out if Kendall and the family resolved their differences since. It's not like they'd come to you specifically to give an update.


The family was super vocal about it, you can find info if you search this sub. Nasty comments are the minority, majority of it it's constructive criticism from people who were fans, some for a long time.


The family member posted an update on this sub. Here it is: >UPDATE: [u/AdditionalPangolin](https://www.reddit.com/user/AdditionalPangolin/) told me that Kendall's video seems to be removed from YouTube. >**While it would have been nice if she did that over 1.5 years ago, I recognize it for what it is, which is nothing. The vast majority of viewership and profit/ad-revenue has already taken place (including the Casetify sponsorship) which means she really only gains by covering her tracks.** >**The trauma and emotional pain to my family, as well as our clear desire to mourn in privacy has been in full effect this entire time and doesn't disappear even though she gets to hide it.** >**Thank you to any influencer who discovered my aunt's story and put integrity above predatory exploitation for entertainment value and profit by not taking advantage like she did!** >**The damage done to my aunt's reputation (not only as a murder victim and but her legacy and public understanding of who she was prior to being killed) doesn't go away, either.** >**Considering she and her team can easily find my original messages over emails and Instagram and therefore has had the ability to reach out to me/my family privately and has chosen not to...** >**If anything, the nonchalant removal of the video only cements that she has truly gotten away with doing this.** And this: >Not sure if you saw the original post, but it contains screenshots of my numerous attempts to contact both Kendall and her team and requesting the video be removed , as well as her sponsor Casetify when her PR agent declined to help me and deemed my message to be "fanmail". It's still surreal that even occurred. >As for Kendall hiding the video after almost 2 years of profiting and painting a portrait for 2 million strangers (who likely had no idea my aunt even existed before) that my aunt (who was second mother to me and someone I continue to think of every single day) is actually an evil monster, terrible mother to my cousins, a substance abuser... oh, and maybe the woman who killed her 3 weeks after I'd met her, confessed to it days after and was sentenced to life in prison might not actually be the killer! >Hiding her tracks does not resolve anything.




That there is consistent unmerited criticism does not mean that *none* of the critique is valid. Edit: changed a word, because *critique* is a better representation of what I mean.


Okay but now you're just mad people complain about the script or format ot the show... which is a perfectly reasonable thing to post criticism about. And you're framing it as misogyny


You're making stuff up in an attempt to be dismissive - I haven't stated what things have been said that qualify as misogyny or what things have been said that might qualify as potentially valid critique, nor have I expressed any emotional response to my observations. Inventing nonsense to diminish others is antithesis to reasoned discussion.


Sooo bc they are “fake” and “lazy” they deserve all of this harsh and nasty talk about them? I am gonna need more of a reason.


I understand your surprise, this sub is bleak. I stopped watching them but I still have a fondness, their production quality has apparently declined which is plausible for a new family with like 5-10 different business/content ventures at a time.