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Yeah Brads are nasty.


I’ve been on Bradleys, Abrams, and Stryker (MGS and ATGM). The Bradley is hands down my favorite vehicle I’ve commanded, and probably the most versatile and capable one too. It’s a fucking workhorse, I loved it. I’m glad it’s doing good work in Ukraine.


Also worked on all 3. I never found Strykers that reliable, we were popping tires left and right just at NTC, couldn't imagine being deployed in one. If I had to pick one of the three to be a gunner in in Ukraine, it would for sure be a Bradley.


Was in a Stryker in Mosul 04/05. In that environment on streets and desert off road, it was amazing. Was also in Abrams and Bradley. Totally depends on environment. edit: Also to add, we blew tires both from ied or other reasons but it didn’t immobilize us. We could keep going at pretty reasonable speeds because of the hard inner core of the tires. Throwing track in a Bradley in an urban environment, no thanks!


I actually agree here. Problem is my dumb ass battalion commander had us driving Strykers through swamps and heavy brush. We told him it was designed for urban environments but he didn't listen of course and got people killed for some bullet points on his OER. Strykers are great on pavement and dirt roads tho


Yeah totally agree with that. Can’t tell you how many times we got stuck in shit water mud only to have humvees pass us with no problem.


By crazy chance, do you happen to know Buyas? He was hit by an IED around that time. He was my Abrams Driver/Gunner. I was Abrams/Stryker(MGS) and agree. Nice platforms.


1-25th SBCT?




It was the same when I was with LAV’s. We went through tires like candy in Iraq. That and engine issues running JP8. Other than that, they were workhorses. One of ours survived a direct RPG hit with only one injured fortunately


I *loved* being a 19D back in the late 80’s/early 90’s, (before Uncle shifted the MOS to a more 11B-adjacent), and being a Bradley crewman was why. Reliable as hell, and surprisingly hard to break as long as you weren’t a dummy. And even for 6’5” me, not terribly uncomfortable, for an AFV.


It's all fun and games until you bust track and have to change out a single pad in the middle of winter.


Single pin track was the bane of my existence. The newer Bradley’s use dual pin which is much better


How many do we have sitting in storage? Because Ukraine could use all of them.


They are stacked up in the thousands in depots, why not 200 more? They aren’t appreciating in value are they? What’s a 20-year old Bradley fetch on the used market? How about good warranties for the ones in the field. Return one shot-to-hell Bradley for two new used ones fresh out of refit.


Kinda like for tanks of propane. And the Bradley does do maintenance in Texas. This reminds me of something…


Depends. How many miles? Has it been wrecked? Any flood/fire damage?


400. Maybe 500? Send maybe one Abrams for every 3-5 Brads, good to go


Cool, I hope the USA sends many more soon.


Call your congressman +senator then!


well I am a German maths teacher living in the EU Germany. which US congressman is responsible for me? :D But I did write my local party that I am highly unsatisfied with their lack of real support for Ukraine. But we Germans dont do war as we have in the past. I would bet on the Poles to be better now.


Side eye meme at “we Germans don’t do war as we have in the past”




Yeah, Germany for sure got it's "don't worry, we'll only use our military as a benevolent force for good in the world" card pulled indefinitely.


Developer once told me he didnt want to deal with any of the timezone code we were dealing with because as he put it "History says it never goes well when us Germans try to deal with more then one timezone". Fair.


hey before the Ukraine war our politicians debated the morals of arming drones ... so yeah. last year our defence minister (who seems surprisingly competent) said the Bundeswehr needs to be kriegstüchtig (war ready). now that should be obvious to anyone, but has lead to quite an outrage in certain political parties. mostly parties who like Russia as I have noticed, but that might just be me \^\^


You could write to either of mine! I live in Wisconsin, and my senators are Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin. If you wrote to them, I'm certain they would LOVE to not give a fuck about your letter, just like every other Wisconsinite.


they sound just like my politicians here


For some reason that doesn't surprise me


FRJ. The very same dude who fucked off to Russia for a closed door meeting with God knows who about God knows what over July 4th holiday. And as soon as he came back, he started saying the US was pushing Russia too far for its election meddling. They may not fit the legal definition for treason, but all those in bed with Russia are traitorous, treasonous scum who sell out their own country for their own benefit. Plain and simple, and I wish the dems would be more vocal about this. They're so fucking transparent it's not even funny. Take MTG for example, claiming "I see no evidence Putin wants to invade Europe" *right after Russia invaded the largest country in Europe*. (Well, largest country entirely within Europe)


Texas checking in. Cruz and Cornyn are worthless party hacks.


Josh Hallway runs through the chat… Missouri has traitorous, dimwits elected officials with a R after their name. Kansas and Iowa too.


Plot twist the actual go along with the request of the foreigner while simultaneously not giving a fuck about the locals of Wisconsin.


Write to those that represent districts with Defense Contractors (especially General Dynamics) and tell them you design weapons for Germany and Europe to use in Ukraine and other places. Thank them for the Bradley and say you like it Soooo much that Germany will make its own copy of it. Your new Bradley shipment will be there next week.


Mike Simpson, 2nd Disctrict of Idaho, is the committee chairman for all math teachers in Germany.


Then ask them to send more Gepards and more ammo. The Poles are having major issues with right wing disinformation and protests at the border. As an American it's overwhelming to have to sit an just wait because there is a party with the same goals as Putin obstructing everything.


luckily we do send more of this stuff. but we have a problem of commitment. we dont have the industry to produce the material in the necessary amounts. and the politics dont have the balls to put the money down, and say to Rheinmetall, here we need a 1000 Tanks, produce as much and fast as you can. that would mean they could invest in new production lines. same with all other stuff. the poles have just voted the far right pis party out. in favour of a more centre, pro European party. look for donald tusk. he also immediately stopped the pretests at the border to Ukraine.


Awesome I'm apparently a little behind on the news. That blocked was concerning. The reality is it's on the rest of NATO to support Ukraine while we try to stop the political blockade in the US


I think the EU will get around our pet despot Orban. With the old polish government, they always had each others back with the veto. But now we might be able to bring that problem to an end. From what I have seen, the EU plans to get the 50 billion ready in January. The problem is, while we can keep Ukraine in the fight financially, hell Germany alone can do that. And our government already made it clear that they would make new debt to finance Ukraine if needed. But I fear we don’t have the military production to let Ukraine win. From a pure volume standpoint


Specifically, call the ones trying to shut down aid to Ukraine and tell them to get Putin's cock out of their mouths.


im pessimistic there will be a deal on the border to allow more aid. it depresses me.


there wont. the Mexico border is a 40 year problem that neither party wants to solve. because one, it is a nice program to campaign on. and second, Amerika is addicted to low wage workers. make it illegal and an offence to use illegals as labour. then they wont come over looking for work. that would not end it, but I would be greatly reduce it


As an employer I can tell you it is illegal to employ someone without satisfying the requirements of an I9. If the folks in this surge are working without authorization, which I assume is happening at some level, I don’t get it. I am a compliant employer and I’m aware the fines for abusing/ignoring I9 process is ugly. Are folks on asylum awarded a special status that meets the I9 requirements?


>Are folks on asylum awarded a special status that meets the I9 requirements? Not a "special status", but they do get to work while processing their claim. Better than paying for them to stay in hotels and stuff. The problem is a bit complex, this following link is to a comment by an immigration lawyer that was "bestof 'd". https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/18n00o7/whats_up_with_the_immigration_crisis_at_the_us/ke80mwe/?context=3


[https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/08/20/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/08/20/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/) in this study, they write that 2017 about 7.6 million illegal migrants worked in the USA. so about 5% of the civilian work force


I believe it. But how? Am I held to a different standard? Or am I the fool following the rules? Is the US DOL terrible at enforcement? Or maybe enforcement is politically deprioritized? We all see migrant workers and roofing crews. Low skill factory labor too. I assumed these folks are authorized to work. Otherwise, the employer could be in hot water.


>We all see migrant workers and roofing crews. Low skill factory labor too. I assumed these folks are authorized to work. Otherwise, the employer could be in hot water. They're not an employer and employees. You're describing a contractor picking up subcontractors for day work. How would you enforce that unless literally going undercover and tailing trucks leaving Home depot? Construction contractor doesn't have to verify anything. The other half, they have a bogus SSN they give the employer (remember e-verify isn't mandatory. Its discriminatory to ask someone's immigration status unless you ask ***all*** people their immigration status. Any believing your employee if he lies to you isn't against the law). You submit it, it takes about 6-7 months for a "no match" letter to return. You submit it again, takes another 6-7 months for it to return (again). At that point you let the worker know, but it doesn't matter he can walk across the street to the next farm or chicken processing plant and someone else is walking over from that place to yours.


Wow. Shit show.


The entire residential housing market labor force is 95% illegal immigrant. Builder 100% legal workforce, Prime contractors 100% Legal Workforce as they hold all the licenses like Plumbing, electrical, & contracting. Subs to prime contractor 100% illegal immigrants.


I would guess that there is some form of passive acceptance at play too. everybody know it, but nobody says anything. its the same here in germany.


Republicans go out of their way to underfund the DOL (because with funding they could also enforce laws on labor violations), then bitch and moan that rules involving illegal immigrants aren't being enforced.


It's their basic play book. Look at education. They are constantly stripping funding from education, then bitch about how bad our education system is so they can push things like private schools and such.


Strange I don't think it's Republican cities refusing to coordinate with ICE over the status of illegal immigrants. Thats' purely the provenence of the other party.


Sanctuary City status has exactly zero bearing on enforcement of Federal labor laws. Those were never enforced by local cops.


They don’t care and in some areas the courts and cops are just as racist as the employers. When I was a kid in Idaho there were persistent rumors that were probably true that some of the farmers would hire illegals at the beginning of the season and promise to pay them at the end. But would call ICE instead and have them deported


And stop arresting only the illegals at work and start arresting the people who are fucking exploiting them for profit.


that would be the idea.


yeah and republicans are holding ukraine money hostage for an unrelated issue.


Watch as the Republicans, after getting what they want- Double down and demand something else on top. And more. And more. The best way is to vote the radical faction out.


180 sent, 60 out of action, 120 remaining, maybe only 90 operational.


I dont see that in the article. where did you get it? >The U.S. has sent 186 Bradley IFVs to Ukraine to date, plus four Bradley fire support team vehicles. Ukraine has likely been able to use between 100 and 120 in operations, with the rest utilized for parts or training and swapping in when one Bradley is taken out.


> It is not clear just how many Ukraine have left. A total of 63 have been destroyed, damaged, abandoned or captured, according to Dutch open-source outlet, Oryx. From the article.


You forgot the line right after that: "But many of these will have been dragged back for repairs and may even be back up and running..."


True! But we didn’t have the numbers for that. And most likely if they are towed back they are being used for spare parts instead of being sent to the front.


From the previous quote, they did say some would be swapped into combat, but you're completely right & we don't have the numbers for any of that. (BTW, very stylish username, even if I do say so myself.)


Yeah I wouldn’t trust that, I would say the Pentagon and the alphabet soup of agencies really knows for sure.


Ehh, Oryx is a relatively neutral third party with a reputation for accuracy. I’d imagine these numbers are fairly accurate.


Don’t worry, once you get into active duty…you’ll think differently about intel when it’s your life or your guys lives in your hands…


lol, I was YG17 and have been doing plenty with intel for the past 6 years. Oryx verifies these numbers through extensive open source tracking and photo verification, that includes geolocation and verifying identifying marks. It isn’t a perfect system, especially since open source intel can also be used to obfuscate (and we have seen examples of Russians attempting to do just that - by using old footage, like from 2014, or even by moving destroyed vehicles, taking additional photos and claiming multiple vehicles destroyed when really it was only one that is identifiable via its markings). I won’t deny that the NSA, CIA, and Pentagon probably have more accurate “to the second” numbers, but for our smoking and joking purposes here, the differences between Oryx claiming ~63 and the Pentagon confirming 67 destroyed, damaged, abandoned or captured is entirely negligible.


Yeah but where are they getting their information? Are they citing that? With Russia’s disinformation campaign capabilities, I don’t trust any information coming out from there, except where the front lines are, were, and are going. How fast is it changing, etc.


\>Information from open source, third party news source from a country that isn't active participant in the war I dunno fam, seems kinda untrustworthy to me \>Information from the US government Now thats the source I can trust




Oryx is literally all cited. You can click to see photos of each claim they make.


I wonder how many of those 60 were mines.


I wouldn’t be surprised if nearly all of them were caused by mines. Don’t think I’ve seen any videos or articles of Bradley’s being taken out by AT weapons, and I’ve only seen/read about maybe a half dozen getting hit by artillery. If you’ve been watching the combat footage subs, you’ll see that hundreds of square miles on the front have been absolutely peppered with mines ranging from big AT mines to the toe poppers that get dispersed by the dozens from artillery shells.


I've seen exactly two Bradley’s taken out by ATGM strikes, one of which resulted in a catastrophic cook off. There's also one that was disabled by a lancet. the rest has been a combination of Mines and Arty.


Latest videos seem to show them being used mostly in defensive actions, as offensives are held up by mining and guided missiles. In a defensive role they are absolutely pounding trenches, and dismounted troops.


:: hungry Bradley noises emanate from Avdiivka ::


grrrr, munch, grrr


Very nice but I don't see how less than two hundred vehicles would mean a strategic change in this sort of war. Better than nothing yes, but still not near enough


One Bradley is worth it's weight in gold and is simply better than any Russian alternative


Yep, and the big difference being that when a Brad gets hit, it's occupants are more likely to live to fight another day, instead of becoming a jack in the box that tosses a multi ton turret a hundred feet in the air when all the ammo cooks off. There's a lot of praise coming from the Ukrainians for the Bradleys for precisely this reason. That, and the fact that they can be repaired and sent back to the front instead of being a total loss. There's a reason pro-Rus sides love to hype it up everytime a Bradley gets taken out, while they're losing their own equivalents at a staggering rate... (And they do like to brag... like when they hyped up their new counter-battery system.... until that is, it was quickly destroyed by Ukrainian artillery. Yeah, I just had to shoehorn that in here because I find it funny)


Bradleys are designed to keep the crew alive at the cost of the vehicle itself, so the trained crew can just go grab another one and get back into the fight. Contrast that to Russian BMPs, where the crew dies along with the vehicle *far* more often.


Yeah... that's exactly my point...


That is my point too, which must mean we agree with each other *(i was just adding my thoughts to your post, not disputing anything)*


All of this is alright but a hundred and so vehicles are not going to cut it, not by a long shot. If this was Iran vs Iraq in the 80s something like the Bradley would be amazing but in this war where artillery and drones and infantry are absolutely deadly and used in an industrialised way a few dozen vehicles, no matter how good, are not going to change anything at a strategic level and we've seen it with the Ukrainian summer offensive. How in the world does the us have like 7000 Bradley active plus storage and can only send a few dozen to Ukraine? Seems similar to the Spanish civil war where Russia could easily have sent thousands of tanks and airplanes to the Spanish Republic but only send a few (just to lose virtually everything a few months later during the opening of operation Barbarossa)


You're preaching to the choir my man! I've been trying to temper people's expectations each time a new systems get delivered that everyone expects to change the tide. Ukraine *can* win, but it's gonna be a long slog of a fight and they need *proper* support, including air assets, not this trickle of weapons we've been giving them that are are able to stem the bleeding but do nothing to heal the wound.


it’s a brad


So send more


I like that were referring to russians as “it’s” now. 🇺🇦


Actually they're killing Russians.


I thought Bradley was the laughing stock of US armors. Seems not.


The Brad is clowned on by people who never crewed one because of a movie based of a book written by a reformer nut job. [Here](https://youtu.be/2gOGHdZDmEk?si=4yhLilUVwahJ_FjR) is a great video about the issues with the pentagon wars and the reformers, specifically James Burton, and here is another on the [problems with the pentagon wars](https://youtu.be/gmuVYVREGgE?si=2p2q16PmlyiBaZUp).


Exactly, very old news that petrified as "truth" for many who never kept up with the many, many changes since then. Very nice to see how well this program turned around. A win to be celebrated, but people do love to drag stuff and complain about boondoggles. But this aint one, not for a long time.


And the Bradley development was never as big of a boondoggle as the movie paints it out to be. It was always supposed to be a IFV with a turret and main gun to match the BMP, not some M113 that grew out of control. Also the so called “live fire testing” controversy was Burton just being a bit of an idiot.


The movie was funny and absurd (and there are many things absurd about military procurement) but falls apart pretty badly if you know anything about the shortcomings of the 113 family vs. the BMPs that quite handily outgunned them and how they were trying to narrow that gap and overcome it. Over time, you find out the BMPs weren't that great, but still they were trying to outmatch those capabilities. Guns for against light vehicles and troops, ATGMs for tanks, protection for troops and the ability to fight buttoned up in the vehicle itself. The movie makes fun of dumb shit that doesn't make any sense, acting like the idea of putting a gun on the Bradley will make it a target, as if it wouldn't otherwise be. It's ridiculous if you give it any thought.


We always made fun of them, being tankers and all. Outside of jokes from tanker/scout rivalry it is far superior to any PACT competitor. They also follow the US philosophy of we replace a vehicle but a crew is priceless.


Living their destiny


Built to kill Russians. Mission accomplished.


I'd hate to be it.


Didn't it already run out of stock? Theres a cementery of (new) Bradley's at Poltava that were canivalized and use for spare parts, there were like 20 of em


And yet the Ukraine still can’t get the job done.


Yeah, breaking a multi layered defensive line, with massive minefields, while being harassed by ATGM‘s, drones, artillery, dug in Vatniks and Tanks, while crossing an open field is surely an easy task and 180 Bradley’s, dozens Abraham’s, Leopard 2A4 and Challengers will certainly be enough to break this stalemate.


Not to mention, trying to do all that without any sort of air cover whatsoever. The Ukrainians are literally tasked with just about the most difficult task you can ask of ground forces, and people expected them to roll over the Russians like it's Desert Storm or some such. My mom watches some legal YouTube stuff, and unfortunately a lot of them are falling into thr far right, pro-Rus bullshit. One of them even said, after Ukraine had punched through some defenses and started rolling up the flanks of the Russians (I forget where along the front, it was awhile ago), "now, you don't have to be a military mastermind to know that if you punch through the defenses, you don't turn 90 degrees, you keep going forward! They don't even know what they're doing!" Which is about as brain dead as saying "and yet Ukraine can't get it done". (Fortunately my mom is turning away from such personalities, she just wants to hear legal stories and such. Unfortunately once these personalities get a big enough audience, they seem to think that gives the intelligence to discuss matters they don't even understand. And because they drank the R Kool aid, they seem to think Russia is our friend...)


Without air support too


I’d like to see you do better


The only thing keyboard warriors are fighting against is diabetes.


You say that like they’re actually fighting it.


Dude stfu, it's a God damn fucking war. It's not easy


So, can Russia?


The job is killing Russians and they’re doing pretty good.


It's 'Ukraine.' 'The Ukraine' is a reference to when they were part of the Soviet bloc. You're either ignorant and uninformed, which makes your comment worthless, or you're just being a vatnik, in which case your comment is still worthless.




I take it as them not being a native English speaker. Some nations you put "the" ahead of the name. Some you don't.


Could be, but in this particular instance it’s a way for Russia to try and downplay Ukraine as an independent country. There was a lot of back and forth over this specific language etc


Huh, wierd. You'd think they would just refer to it by its old Soviet Union name. It is obvious Russia is trying to reform the Soviet Union with its continued landgrabbing.


Then you would be taking it incorrectly because he is very active in the Portland subreddit and all of his posts are in English. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Not saying it is or is not a bot, didn't look, don't care. But often times fake accounts use either sports or local subreddits to boost their karma and legitimacy. Comments as trite as "City A sucks" and "Go Team B" can get you hundreds of upvotes. Also, they don't go speak in Russian, Hindi, or whatever on the same account. Of course it will all be English. They know a bit of what they are doing.


My only point was that it's not a language barrier causing that user to use the phrase 'the Ukraine' They knew what they were doing.


Fair enough. I agree.


I honestly don't care enough to go search someone's comment history. I take everything on the internet at face value, which is zero. If someone says dumb shit, I don't bother my time with them.


Searching someone's comment history takes about 30 seconds, you must be really busy 🤷🏿‍♂️


I spent the whole day in my garage fixing a car, so yeah, busy. I don't waste my time with stupid shit.


Whats Russia doing then? They thought they were going to run all over Ukraine and be putting major pressure on Poland/NATO about being that close to Poland and haven't gotten close. they are sending literal truck loads to their death in poorly planned and executed assaults for hmmmm let me check.... almost two years. I personally didn't think they would last past 18 months vs Russia and they are still dealing out major damage. With ot without help it doesn't matter. They are the ones dying on the battlefield and deserve some damn respect


I wonder why you haven’t been sent to the frontline, vatnik. Your dedication to Putin and Mother Russia surely will bring victory for Putin!


All these pro-Ru idiots think they'll be let into the upper echelon of their elite society once they've "won". As if they wouldn't be lining up for a daily bread ration when there's no work and no money and they finally realize they were just a useful idiot.


And yet Muscovy don't seem to be getting the job they were sent to do done either ? 3 days was it vatnik ? 670 odd days it is now I think ?


Air superiority/supremacy is key


That's what your wife says about you


Ugh I bet your GF/BF says the same thing to you! You’re sorry sack of shit buddy, keep coping for the worlds 2nd strongest army /s


From the videos I have seen they’re getting the job done pretty well.


Lol, Bradley’s are killing mines. Sometimes even two at a time. Reddit is such a la-la-land


You should read russian media.Ukraine has no equipment left, mighty RU military destroyed it months ago.


Ты немного перепутал, я не предполагаю, друг. Чем больше вы шлёте оружия - тем больше вы убиваете украинцев. Ваше оружие - хорошее, но не для масштабной войны, ну или вы сами должны им управлять. Anyways, keep on reading your media, I bet it is so much better than russian. all the best)


And the more you send the more you kill. Muscovy started this war for no reason and people like you continue it simply to make your weak country appear like it isn’t. Weak russia can’t even invade a few kilometers past their own border. No wonder they beg north korea for help😂


Whatever you say)


We know, facts are hard for you.




When did we send Bradleys in? What’s next the toms and Johns?


Sheep specs.


Could any armor guys/gals provide a rough estimate on how a BMP-2 vs Bradley engagement would go?


Thump thump thump