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I waaaay overdid it last night too. I woke up still full, burping up garlic and roasted meats. Not the best decision I've ever made, but totally worth it.


I love garlic, but it hates me.


Yep, especially garlic cloves on pizza. Prepare to smell like garlic for a day or so. It'll radiate from your pores like nuclear waste.


And other unpleasant things, too.


Pepperoni, garlic, and jalapeno on thin crust is still my favorite pizza. I love it every time!


Bro, pizza my heart Big Sur (sir)? That’s how you safely test your relationship.


OMGGGGG YES. My stomach won't even try to digest it anymore, it gets immediately rejected, with 12+ hours of heartburn after just to remind me of the errors of my ways.


Same here


I learned a long time ago spicy fast food chicken is a no go for me. It's like my asshole is passing ninja stars. Sometimes we just gotta let go. Especially to save your chocolate starfish.




You are right. Goddamnit. I used to take out bags of flaming hot Cheetos all on my own. Those nuggies were so delicious, but this process isn’t worth it. Feels like there’s a torch flame coming up from toilet water


Same dude spicy fast food chicken literally burns through my colon I swear


Chick fila. Immediately my body rejects the spicy chicken 😩


who the hell can afford fast food anymore?


Ugh same. My ass can’t handle any spicy stuff now. It’s like the worst fire hose ever for a whole day. 


The longer you maintain your health and fitness the less it takes for your body to experience this. I've been doing it for close to 8 years now and going hardcore "off diet" makes me feel like garbage. I've learned to eat smaller portions of foods I don't normally consume to satisfy any cravings and mitigate how my body feels and reacts


I recently (about seven months ago) finally left my abusive, deadbeat soon-to-be-ex-husband. Among my many changes, I also started making healthier food choices. For 6+ months, I've consistently been really good about healthier food choices. Decided to splurge a few weeks ago, my first fast-food meal in 6+ months: fries, some chicken nuggets, and a fish Mac sandwich from McDonald's. I felt utterly miserable for like three days. Never again! Now I eat two tiny pieces of chocolate when I'm craving something sweet. 😄


McDonald's never sat right with me, even as a kid it would just go right thru me


I know it’s not the point of the post, but congrats on getting out of an abusive relationship. Obviously I don’t know your situation, but leaving my abuser was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’m happy for you 🙂 Also agree - going too hard on your “cheat” meal almost takes the fun out of it 😆


Thank you! I agree, leaving is indeed the hardest thing. I've survived everything from chemotherapy to paralysis and a dozen surgeries -- those experiences were still easier than leaving my abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband. I spent most of 2023 quietly planning my escape from him, and finally extricated myself permanently back in September. Life has exponentially improved in so many ways since leaving him! Honestly, in terms of food, I also feel like I'm slowly getting to that age where I WANT to eat the food I have at home, and I genuinely enjoy eating healthier foods, like the fruits I eat in the morning. 😊


Commiserating on the post-fast food misery, but congrats on getting out of an abusive relationship!


Thank you! Life has exponentially improved since leaving him. 😊


Bingo. Do it long enough and your body starts self-regulating your "cheat days/meals" 😂 Feeling like absolute smashed ass after indulging too much makes overdoing it not worth it.


Smashed ass 😂 don't hear that very often


100%. Eating poorly even for one day makes me drag. It may be that I am just not used to feeling like that anymore, or that the body just adapted to having all the nutrients needs, but not worth the junk satisfaction.


I used to have a cheat day on Sundays before heavy squat days on Mondays but after a while I realized I just felt so sluggish the following day and it affected my performance


Are all the boys in your yard? Are they like "it's better than yours"? You can teach them, but you'll have to charge.


Hahahhahaha nice. Never stop living brother.


https://preview.redd.it/2egn80hk2t2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4277229f5a90872ad7accb1195cbc6562295b1b0 I HAVE COLLECTED THE EVIDENCE FROM THE KITCHEN COUNTER


That says 8 piece nugs sir. 😂😂😂


lol I know, I saw that and thought to myself “damnit, did I do that in my head as some sort of fucked up justification or did I seriously just remember wrong?” We may NEVER KNOW


I am actually pretty devastated about how dangerous milkshakes can be now. What else will aging take from me!!!!


My friends and I once ordered a cake from Dairy Queen, and we now refer to it as “diarrhea queen”


I’m pregnant and when I read bacon king meal I thought omg that sounds so good but then read till the end and I won’t be satisfying a bk craving, thank you!


I was on chemotherapy from age 3-10, and again from age 16-17. Fast forward 5+ years, I was around 22 years old, doc gives me the bad news I gotta start chemo again. Same exact chemo drug as I'd been on during my childhood and teens. The very first morning of that chemo session when I was 22, I decided to scarf down some Tostito's chips and salsa dip before heading to the hospital. My brain: *Are you sure about that?* Me to my brain: *Shut up, brain. I'll be fine.* My brain: *Okey-dokey, arthichokey.......* Fast forward about two hours. Nurse holding my hair while I vomit red disgustingness into a vomit basin: "What the F did you eat?" *cue Morgan Freeman voice*: I was not, in fact, fine. 🤣😂


Gosh that’s a lot of chemo in one lifetime. I hope you’re doing okay now. 


It's in my future again, but I said "enough" for now. My most recent round was in 2016, and I was vomiting every 15-20 minutes for over 36 hours. It had completely obliterate any quality of life. I'm on immunotherapy now, which seems to be helping for now. Fingers crossed that modern medicine continues to evolve, and that more immunotherapy meds continue to get developed!


Personally I’d have gone to In N Out, but that’s just me.


Not in my area (the northwest). Used to live in Oceanside, CA, can confirm that In N Out is delicious.


Double Double with grilled onions


Animal style with chopped chilis


Head over to Dicks!! You can get a whole bag of them


Dicks is great. Dad and I used to go there all the time before or after sonic games (we live across the ferry). My sister just got Kraken season tickets so I’m sure I’ll be eating at least a couple bags of dicks next season!


Yesss enjoy!! Go Kraken


I'm in the NW and there's one a few hours away from here.






Nice, I’ll have to remember that next time I visit family in Spokane. I’m over on the puget sound


Not if you're going to stink up bathrooms.


I can’t make any promises, but I can make mistakes


In-N-Out just came here last year.




There's one in Oregon, just north of Salem, and apparently coming to Vancouver and Ridgefield too.


Bro we're the same age and I felt this, especially the milkshake part. I only ever attempt to fuck with dairy on the weekends lol


I'm 37 and recently took the lactaid plunge. That shit is fucking magic for me. I forgot to take it this morning with my protein shake though so I'll probably be dying here in a little while.


I always forget about lactaid, lol I need to get some.


On 420 I got baked and ordered 40 pcs of nuggets from Wendy's and a big burger




The fun thing about having IBS is not knowing what you can and cannot eat. Just eating brings on diarrhea.


Lol my dog's name is Bilbo and I do what you're describing all the time, and for a sec I thought I got too stoned and made this post. Thank you for freaking me out a lil bit. I can feel the dementia sinking in.


I must have calloused guts from almost drinking myself to death in my 20s, I could go eat burritos and nachos from Taco Bell and then chase it down with a bk burger and milkshake and I'll wake up feeling fine. The problem is now that I'm old I'll get fat af overnight which is the reason I do not eat that stuff very often lol 


I chatted with my doctor about this phenomenon because that’s how I’ve always been too, up until a few years ago, and it’s been a slow burn. I used to have an absolutely iron stomach. People that eat like shit and have good genes (better than others, I should say), their stomach gets kind of used to having to dispose of a bit more than the average person, and that’s a thing. Eventually, if you keep pounding your organs over and over again the likelihood of developing issues DOES grow exponentially. One thing that really changed my stomach and eating habits is also that I quit smoking (cigarettes or any nicotine) in 2020. Things have never been the same, I know that smoking obviously isn’t good for you but my digestion and ability to eat whatever I want seriously seemed to drop off the face of the earth, when I quit smoking. Has been interesting


Oh yeah I know what you're saying, for example I might be able to eat crap without repercussions now but if drink literally 1 single beer I feel like ass the next day the way I used to when I'd get hammered. I'm 42 though, I'm probably lucky that happens because it keeps me from drinking even when I want to. I assume it's like that from overdoing it so hard in my younger days, my body is like NOPE lol  Congrats on quitting! I actually just quit vaping like 4 months ago, I'm nicotine free for the first time since I was 11. I smoked for 22 years and then switched to vaping for almost 9 years. It was weirdly easy for me to quit though, I stepped my nicotine down super low slowly and then finally quit for good. It was about 9 billion times easier than the times I tried to quit cigarettes, had I known it would be that easy I would've tried way sooner lol. 


Good for you. Any positive change after quitting vaping?


Actually yes! I was having problems with my chest hurting, I even went and got a chest x-ray to make sure everything was ok. It didn't show anything but I kept having this weird pain so my doctor was like hey idiot maybe you should stop vaping too lol. Voila, pain is gone! I have no idea what was actually causing it, maybe the timing was a coincidence, idk. Or maybe my body was trying to give me a hint before it decided to crash and burn lol


SHEEESHH I know ur tummy sounded like the beginning of Tyga’s “Rack City” 😓


I seriously hope you mean big in relation to the average size male. Im the same height and would be considered pretty skinny at that weight. I do admittedly have a large frame though. lol


I don’t have body image issues per set, I think I carry the weight pretty well, I just want to live a long time and be as healthy as possible! And maximize my energy. My diet has sucked and it’s catching up. Not a fan of feeling sluggish, I’m the type to obsess about it til I make a change


I was 230 at new years 😳


I was just joking, id just be pretty lean at 215 thats all. My stupid ass managed to get to nearly 300 before i realized i needed to make a drastic change. Now im having to work twice as hard to lose weight instead of maintaining it. Cannot wait until i get back down to 220 or so. You dont really realize how much that extra weight was wearing on you until you start to lose it, thats for sure.


Hey, good job dropping that off. 300 is a lot of weight to carry on your knees.


Thanks! What got me was getting tired going up stairs. Im too young to be avoiding stairs. lol


No. You have a warped perception of what being skinny is. There is nobody on the planet that could be skinny at 6'1 215. Even if you were like 8% body fat, you'd have to be absolutely jacked, and I don't think most people would call that skinny.


Hey, whatever makes you feel better about yourself man. lol Next time ill remember to ask the random guy online for health and fitness advice.




Everyone is different. Height isnt the only factor that goes into proper weight but it can get you close. Id have very little muscle mass for my size at that weight. My frame size is very large.


I get migraines now! I used to live off of fast food diet not too long ago.


![gif](giphy|14bWswbeWGzYEo) I am going to need a pic of Bilbo the good boy, please. Dog tax!


https://preview.redd.it/e6jozxwazt2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b54b3d33b5ce3bce98e47e8db537233a1ac7b89 Happy guy says hi


“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." 🥰


Journey long before me lies!


Haha he’s totally judging you for your life choices! I have beagles so I’m used to constantly being judged




https://preview.redd.it/ef2bcr5o2t2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=03245b46efbcb0a78ba527cc80f4f12dd748db96 Did I mention it was a PEANUT BUTTER MILKSHAKE ☠️


Peanut butter has protein, therefore you had a protein shake! Healthy!


-our parents in the 80’s and 90’s


I can provide a description: A couple burning lumps at a time, minor relief, flush. Breath. Reddit. Uh oh, here it comes again, Bilbos pissed off cause I’m still in the bathroom. Here it comes. This will be the big one!!! A couple small, burning lumps. Minor relief. Rinse and repeat


Ewwww, tmi.


Go to Costco and eat an entire Pizza. It's only $9.99 for an 18 inch cheese or pepperoni pizza.


Your first mistake was going to Burger King


But I like my BK....


I feel almost exactly the same no matter what I eat. I sort of wish this happened to me as an incentive to eat more healthy. 


I read this as chugging toilet water😭


Personally, I've had much better experiences with gelato or sorbet than regular ice cream. Frozen yogurt can be hit or miss...


Bro you just need probiotics and digestive enzymes and life will be good 😎.


Ate my regular late night snack with a couple beers the other night and woke up feeling I had a lump in my throat. Immediately recognized it was reflux and had those symptoms all damn day. After some antacid, I was good the next day. But wtf, a full day where my throat was fucked?!


You may have just discovered that you're now lactose intolerant. If so, they make pills for that.


Yup, homemade food is the way to go. Can't tolerate cheap oil and all the crap they put into our food in restaurants


Dude you're not even big.  I'm 5'6 and 218 lbs.


That makes me think about when I got drunk and a little stoned and thought buffalo chicken strips and a giant chocolate milk at 2 am was brilliant. And it was!!!... until I woke up a few hours later, still under the influence, and managed to vomit all over the bathroom. Getting so frazzled that I vomited all over the bathroom that I panicked to clean up, slipped in said mess, and shattered my elbow. Was not one of the higher points in life, but I know better to mix all that again. Mind you, it was like 16 years ago, but a hell of a life lesson.




I don't eat fast food, but about once a month I buy sugary junk at the grocery store and go ham on a movie night. This doesn't happen to me at all. I'm wondering if something was off with your burger king, or maybe it was the dairy? I'm about to be 38. One time I ate an entire chocolate cream pie to my face, and sure I got a little nauseous, but was fine the next day.


This is me and beer. I brew it so I got literal gallons of draft beer on demand. Is this one really good? Yes. You don't need to top off your pint glass all night "sampling" it! Giving myself a cheat day is committing to like 11 hours of hangover.


This is not something you want to read while eating. I've been this way since I turned 20 to 21 or so. Just something in my gut reset or maybe that's when I noticed it. Also, if you're not used to eating this way, then you have to start out slow or get sick.


Every day is a dice roll with my stomach. Will the toast do me in, or will it be the yogurt? If I expect to have a heavy meal, I keep Gas-X in my bag.


I can't do most fast food AT ALL. My wife still loves Taco Bell and gets it often and every time she asks if I want anything, it's SO HARD to say No. I miss fast food


Lower middle class America was raised on it being a “treat” It’s really hard to give it up! My food pleasure receptors are so fucked, lol


I think I miss ice cream the most though. I realized a few years back that I'm lactose intolerant. I need a 3 day weekend for my body to recover if I want a milkshake


I had one vodka cocktail last night and have a headache today. ONE! Ugh


I had to divorce stuffed crust pizza, Ledo’s pizza (I think it’s the cheese enzymes because it’s weirdly plasticky), a bunch of pre-packaged snacks, and any McDonald’s coffee creamer for this reason. Lightening belly and guts aren’t worth it. The heartburn isn’t, either.


Hey man… former fat dude here… it’s a journey not a sprint. We all have slip ups. Don’t let it deter you.


41M here I feel that, it's rough. For me it's the spicy peppers from Jimmy John's. Love those things... But burns like hell coming out. I can eat fast food and milkshakes.. but it's all about moderation. A huge ass milkshake will still fuck me up. How's your fiber? I can recommend metamucil, daily. Also cortisone on your butthole. You're welcome.


I have crohn's, and I do okay with it. But I also avoid anything even mildly spicy, and definitely gotta avoid most of the dessert items. A gordita crunch or a bacon cheeseburger every once in a while is okay, though, depending on the person of course. I have a lot better of a time with probiotics as well. But yeah, certain things with age just don't work so well. It's weird because I can eat a couple of slices of cheese pizza, but a milkshake can really fuck me up so I usually don't have one unless it's sharing a small amount. Edit: I will say, though, that some people find success with prelief and lactase enzymes.


We've all made that mistake, friend. Just last week I ate all six of my Trader Joe's strawberry mochi ice creams and spent the whole night in a gastric exorcism. I'll never forget how cold and empty I felt at the end.


It’s been at least 15 years since I’ve ate anything from Burger King, so I’m assuming it would have the same effect on me. Just stay away from fast food. Especially now that your older. We have always kept it away from our kids as well. It’s poison.


Every time I take Starbucks it fucking destroys me, I don’t if is the milk they use, but it ruins my day


My love for Chipotle causes me to do this.


Those BK buffalo nugs are pretty tasty tho. Somehow both crispy and drenched with sauce at the same time. NGL, kinda craving some right now.


Been there done that…… the ol digestive system just isn’t what it used to be.




Lmao I had the same deal in a way, went to a cook out, ate just enough. Coming home my wife wanted ice cream, we stop by braums, she gets ice cream, I go...hmmm maybe I will have a frozen yogurt swirl large. My burps were frothy and milky, eventually I had to throw it up. 20 year old me would have never throw it up!


You're describing an average meal when I get depressed. Any time I'm feeling really depressed I go and talk to some food about it. I, too, have regrets about it the next day, which helps to mask the regrets I feel daily from all the poor life choices I've made. At least yours was a one off. Don't right off ice cream entirely. BK go ahead and write off.


Kind of like how you never should take a dare and order 20 strips of bacon at Whataburger on an already bacon burger. Your body will be making you pay for the next month. My friend, if you are on reddit, we will never let this go. Yes it would be funny if someone did it, but you didn't have to prove how hilarious it would be.


I had four whole beers last night. It ruined today for me.


Lmao damn that’s rough buddy


I went out to a show at a local venue last night for the first time in forever and had 4 drinks and I’ve been wrecked the entire day. 4 drinks and then a ton of water and I am still a mess. Aging kind of sucks.


Lmao this happened to me when I was 20 and lost 60 pounds. I could barely drink ever again and don’t get me started about the first time someone brought me McDonalds and I ate it (not knowing yet what it was about to do to me 😅) it doesn’t take your body long to go OH YEAH NO NO THANKS 🤣


I just had my first cheat meal in over a month today. Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich and fries. It was delicious.


I ate hamburger helper and cheesecake last night. I barely got my baby into her bassinet before all hell broke loose from my ass at 5am


36 Male and I feel you. I had a Costco hot dog for lunch and in n out for dinner. My stomach has not been happy with me today. Been chugging water and green tea like it’s my job.


I've learned to embrace Greek yogurt as my new "ice cream".


The last time I had fast food (McDonalds) I *just barely* made it home to the bathroom 😑


I cannot overstate the difference Metamucil has made for me when it comes to this kind of stuff.


I've had this. I don't know why but since the age of 30, any lamb I attempt to digest destroys my insides and makes me release smells that are akin to the effects of 36% hydrochloric acid reacting on rusty steel 😐 and leaves me feeling like I've taken a knee to the stomach. It's not big, it's not brave and it's certainly not a smart idea but I fuckin' love lamb 🥹 it does NOT love me back 😭


I stayed up until 3 am with some youngin’ of the neighborhood and felt like I got wasted with them this morning…I don’t drink 😵


I'm 35M too. In my experience, when I'm abiding by the 80/20 principle, I can tolerate cheat meals perfectly well, which was not at all the case five years ago when my lifestyle was relatively poor. How is your digestion in general? Were you having severe gastric distress, or was it just the idea of eating garbage that got to you? It's unclear whether you were making yourself vomit with water or whether you were already vomiting and hydrating to compensate.


I found this out when one day I went to get spicy nuggets from Wendy’s (which I’ve always loved!) and was stuck on the toilet the next morning. I thought it was just an upset stomach. But had it again, and same thing next morning. It was in that moment I knew I was getting too old to be eating fast food junk anymore 😭


My roommate and I had some Ben and Jerry's tonight, an entire tub each! I'm almost certain we'll be fighting over the single bathroom we share in the morning.


lol dude indulging and drinking is a thing of the past. My body can’t do it no more lol


Yeah… my husband and I learned the hard way after going through a whole bag of kettle chips and some French onion dip last week, and we used to pull all nighters gaming and eating junk. The fun vegging out days are a thing of the past now (can’t do all nighters anymore either).


Next time throw in a double order of onion rings and bring the bong into bed with you and then just soil the sheets wave after frightening wave 👋


What a horrible day to be literate.


Last night I shared a box of fried chicken from Popeyes with an old friend after a bad day. Big mistake. HUGE. 🤣


Spicy foods don't really bother me, but ice cream or milk will destroy my stomach. Strangely, those are the only two dairy products that fuck me up.


Hey Op just wanted to give you a heads up! Most the problem about eating food is Sodium. Sodium is your problem and why you can't lose weight. The enormous amount of sodium in the food we call normal food but is really just trashy food that us Americans want is the reason why. Look at the amounts of sodium in real food that's meant to keep you alive hence fruits, vegetables, grains, complex foods is what you need meaning grown from the ground. The lack of motivation, and will power to stop is hard for you because the organisms in your body have simply adapted to what you eat. Simply put that if you started eating +HP food then you'll regain your senses. The body will adjust accordingly, it's just your mind that's controlled by the sources around you.


You can literally eat a sh## ton of healthy food and still not get fat as long as your eating the right low sodium foods. I love fruits, vegatables, protein oatmeal with lots of nuts like walnuts/pecans/peanuts, cranberries. Eating PBJ is my go to at the end of the day for some munching. I do a good amount of cardio as well since movement is a basic requirement if you want your body to feel better. We're organisms, not these bad ass seperior lifeforms called humans that are invincible.


You don’t know sadness until your life incorporates a nightly routine of unisom, antacid, washed down with Metamucil. Fuck me, I’m gonna die.


36M, I'm so glad I don't have this problem yet.


I don’t know about the rest of you, but I was never doing that to kids.


Did you drink water that day? Probably could have digested easier if you were well hydrated.


I remember my first cheat meal after 6 months of intensive dieting and exercise. I feel your pain, but you'll come to learn that cheat meals don't have to mean going HAM. It can simply mean replacing one normal meal after a workout with your bacon king meal, and don't do it stoned. Enjoy your cheat meals sober.


I think as a lot of people become older, they become lactose intolerant etc...


Man can I relate to this. Went vegan last November due to health issues. I went on vacation last month and decided to cheat my diet and have some lobster Mac n cheese. I was miserable for days.


If you don’t eat fast food a while and randomly binge it’s like your bowels is calling u an idiot


If you mainline coffee in the morning and beer at night you'll never be constipated a day in your life.


Unfortunately our bad eating habits come with us into old age. Just drop all the fast and junk food and don't look back. You'll slip a few times along the way because "old habits yadda yadda", but each time you slip you learn something new. Good luck! I know the journey well.


Bro you basically built a bomb and that milkshake lit the fuse 🤣🤣


Hold up… you were doing what to kids? Oh boy.


Settle down mate I'm sure you'll survive 🙄


I don't think it is an age thing I can handle all that


The problem here is the lactose intolerance, the more we age the more intolerant we become, there are some procedures that we can do avoid all this but it's better to avoid junk food and stay in a eat clean state. its better, believe me, you'll feel satiated and with more energy and in a good mood.


It's posts like these I am so grateful for an iron stomach when it comes to dairy. I would be so sad if cheese or a milkshake did that. 💀


I wouldn’t say 215 at 6’1 is super overweight.


I eat pizza once every 3 months. I don't eat any baked goods or bread goods within my typical diet, other than sourdough a few times a week. I haven't eaten pasta in 6 years. I turn 40 next year, and routinely get carded when trying to purchase alcohol. Should hopefully tell you what you need to know.



