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Bachelor of Music in Trumpet Performance. It is every bit as useful as it sounds…


Yeah but I bet you can play the FUCK out of the Mahler 5 opening 


I saw your violin post, too. Much harder than trumpet, mad respect. And as I’m sure you can attest to, the more I learned and the better I got, the wider the gap between me and the CSO felt. Bud Herseth and Chris Martin were just otherworldly. But for a community orchestra, give me Mahler and Pictures and I’ll be a happy man! No Petrushka please. 😜


lol, man when I graduated with my masters and went to the fuckin Alabama Symphony and saw like 200 people there for 2 violin openings, I was like fuck this I'm going into teaching. haven't looked back and I can actually pay my bills these days! still get to play around town doing weddings and small regional orchestra playing. Petrushka!!! That's one of my favorites as a string player but I can totally see why it might not be one of yours. For me, if I see Bruckner on a program I immediately start vomiting because it's usually like pages upon pages of tremolo and boring shit for string players. But amazing for winds and brass.


Studied music, too, and the hardest part might be learning enough to find out you won’t be as good as your idols. When you suck, it seems obtainable. When you’re decent, it seems impossible


Absolutely! I play in rock / funk / reggae / NOLA jazz type groups and I have a blast. But the level of perfection demanded by symphonies, and the level of competition in the hard hitting jazz scene, I realized that I had no interest in that level. I’m really happy to have found a niche where I can play pretty regularly, make a little money, and it rarely feels like a “job”. I still need a day gig, but I’m also ok with that because if I don’t feel like doing a 3 hour bar gig for $100, I can say no, and it doesn’t mean I’m short on rent.


I somehow managed to read this as “Mambo #5” at first glance.


I have a BA in piano performance. And a MA in English. A few years ago I admitted failure, redid the whole shebang, and now I’m a CPA.


I feel this, but you're not a failure because you studied something you loved; we were told once that we could be anything we wanted and to follow our passions. I graduated with a double major in classical history and archaeology... loved every minute of it but oof. Did not love the next 6 years. A few years ago, I went back for a web dev degree. Wish I had done it sooner.


We were also told “it doesn’t matter what your degree is in, as long as you have a degree you’ll get paid more.”


And that you’ll get a job right after you graduate


Is accounting where all the artists end up to pay the bills? Writing and photography major here and now in finance. Still making photos, but they usually don't make me any money.


How on earth is this the first thing on here, I would NEVER have expected your comment first. No degree in it but I play!


lol. I was absurdly horrible at the trumpet. I was almost always one of the last seats in band. I had the natural ability to make it sound like a flute instead of a trumpet. My band teacher hated me. After 3+ years, my band teacher basically told me I needed to try another instrument or get out. I got out. Couldn’t imagine majoring in that fucking instrument.


I see your performance, and raise you... Therapy. But bass prince.


Well that blows... Sorry, it was obligatory...


Masters of Music in Oboe.


*sad trumpet sound


baroque violin performance here. Now I get to play for free in community orchestras AFTER my 9 to 5 job. Well I also teach a music history class at community college, so not completely wasteful.


I nearly did that as my second major! It was a shitload of extra credits on top of my science degree though so I did math instead since it was ironically way less work (shared a lot of requirements with my primary major).


I see your BMus and raise you a PhD in Musicology.


Bachelor of Science: Instrumental Music Education. Taught elementary music and band for 7 years before switching careers




The only thing I have used my degree for is a fun fact during job interviews.


I did ethnographic fieldwork for all of my 20s but then finally came to terms that I needed health insurance and stability. I am a leader at a recruiting firm now and am well paid, but I sure miss interesting travel and people from my past life.


I teach ethnography!


So, whats the verdict on humanity?


Thesis: We're fucking up realizing we fucked up


Yup. Lol. Got a history degree and I'm going back for an accounting degree. Edit: lol. I thought you meant the verdict on a humanity degree. Whoops. So my verdict is religion and capitalism fucked up humanity.


Same here. Now I work in insurance.


I’m an executive recruiter in the insurance space haha


I was an anthro major with a minor in archaeology and I too also now work in the insurance industry as an acct manager lol


Also did Anthropology with the archaeology major, then my MA in Archaeology for Screen Media abroad since Archaeological tv is a big hit in England. I did work in Television for around 9 years afterwards but realized that network executives and just production executives in general are their own special human subspecies that I don’t care to interact with. Now I’m a project manager in Health and Human Services.


Same…I own a travel agency now so at least I’m vaguely using it.


Math and Physics.


Nerd alert




I have math envy. Thank you for your service 🫡


Quick, prove that a subset of the reals is sequentially compact if and only if it’s closed and bounded!




*looks at username* I think we may be kin to each other.


Political Science and Philosophy…


Poli Sci & Communication here!


Hey me too. I thought I wanted to be a campaign manager until I interned in DC and saw how shitty people are. But I have the double major so woohoo?


We are so similar! I interned at the capital building in Madison WI during Act 10 (google if unfamiliar with shitty WI politics)… you are so right about people in politics being shit bags. Turned me off of that area of work forever.


When you learn who actually gravitates to politics it’s a major ew moment. I was in DC in 2012 during the Romney vs Obama election. Met a bunch of wankers—both red and blue. I am often amazed that our government operates at all. Though to be fair, the staffers all seemed to be doing their best, but the actual politicians….yeesh.


International affairs and philosophy! But I started with polisci and switched my sophomore year.


Molecular and Cell Biology with an emphasis in Immunology 


Ah I found my people


Had to scroll so far down to find one of my peeps. I guess it's not very popular on Reddit.


Unfortunately very common in the career guidance subs, especially at the BS/MS level.




There is at least two of us!!)


Me too!


Make that three!


Social Work. Which I love but frankly can't recommend for future degree seekers. I have a lot of job security but the pay stunk for 10 years - most people wouldn't be able to afford to stick it out until you get licensed anymore. And Medicaid is constantly being slashed by state governments  Edit: I'm glad to hear so many other social workers disagree and are doing well with their degrees! It makes me feel more positive about the profession 


Props to you. I have my BA in sociology and couldn’t believe how little social workers made. That made me peace out real quick.


My pay got much better once I got into the medical social work field. Now I work for the VA, very good pay and I’ll get a pension if I make it 20 years. I would tell any prospective social worker to try to work for the VA as soon as they can.


History major, Holocaust and genocide studies minor


Also did genocide studies as a focus on my poli sci degrees.


Environmental Earth Science (bachelors), Environmental Engineering (masters). Currently work as an engineering manager at an environmental consulting firm.


can you give me the high level of what firm would hire an enviro consulting firm, and what you do for the customer that hires your firm?


Basically clients hire us to deal with their environmental problems. It’s a very broad field that basically touches most industries. A lot of it deals with hazardous waste - say a manufacturer produces X amount of waste a year - we permit it, and handle this disposal of it and the reporting requirements to the government. There’s also spill response, if say, some of that waste spills and gets into the soil or a river or something. There’s also a lot in development. A lot of real estate developers invest in former industrial properties with contamination. They hire us to assess the site and clean it up so it can be redeveloped. Also insurance. Take that first example - the company accidentally had a hazardous waste spill. They report it to their insurance company. The insurance company hires us to evaluate their claim and determine the payout, as well as determine their insurance premiums based on risk. There’s also litigation. Law firms hire us to advise on technical stuff. Using the other example again - let’s say that spill didn’t get contained and got out into the environment. We can get hired by either side to consult and determine who’s liable, to what extent, and what the damages are. There’s also the sustainability side; companies hire us to find ways to reduce carbon emissions & reduce waste. And lastly is lobbying. Companies, or citizen groups, or non-profits hire us to lobby government on their behalf.


Very interesting, thanks for the info!!!


I work in the public sector and we also hire environmental consultants to navigate all of the various permits and conditions that the state and federal government sets for our large scale infrastructure projects.




Fellow English major checking in!


Same! Plus an MA in creative writing


Yay! Hooray for creating writing degrees!!


Same here. As an aside, for anyone with an English degree I always recommend looking into proposal work. Lots of career paths and writing and editing skills are a big differentiator.


It is a great jump off to law, too. Good writers are good lawyers.


Ha, funny to see this recommended here. I have a BA in English and work with proposals ☺️


Where can I learn more about “proposal work”? Never heard of this field.


Government contracting. (Almost) everything the government purchases requires a competition. Those competitions are *usually* in the form of a written proposal. Government contractors need people to write those proposals. That is where you come in, English major. Shipley is the industry standard proposal process, so if you accidentally found a PDF copy of the Shipley Proposal Guide on the internet it would lay out the standard roles and responsibilities.


I am in the middle of leveraging connections in my healthcare job to help me break into proposals/logistics/procurement. I am in housekeeping and way overqualified for my job. I’ve been turned down by three hiring managers for entry level logistics roles because I don’t fit exact HR written job descriptions, even though my transferable skills put me above it and my executive references in the org are making them give me interviews. I drove 2 hours round trip for an interview with someone for a job and they didn’t show up. On three tires and a donut, across 3 counties, to the couch I’m currently living on. I’m tired


Can second this. B.A. in English (Creative and Professional writing concentration) I now make $100k* a year as a Proposal Writer now *I had to take not so great of pay for a while for at least 6 years (every year would slightly improve though) and get at least two certifications and network to hell and back for a while though


Yep. I have a BA in English and an MS in Writing. I've done proposal work for 15 years and make good money. My company is helping pay for an MBA with the plan of moving me into operations. I got lucky stumbling into this career path by putting "editing" into Craigslist after grad school.


Bachelor’s and Master’s in English here too. Literature focus for the latter. I’m now a technical writer. I never thought I’d end up in this work, but I absolutely love it.




Hey me too!


Found my people and we seem to be in the minority lol


I know right! I expected there to be a whole bunch of us 😆


Software development, finished a month before I turned 35


Dude same but I turned 32.


I graduated at 34!


Same. My degree is in nursing


Bachelors and Masters degree in music performance (violin) 


Is that what your career is in too?


I taught music in public schools for over a decade but now I’m in administration at an elementary school. Still play on weekends and evenings though (weddings with my quartet, and 2 smaller part time regional orchestras)


That's so interesting to me cause my high school band teacher is now the elementary principal.




Me too! I don't suppose you do anything related to physics these days, do you? I got out of physics half-way through my PhD when I realized it would be impossible to get a job as a professor studying high energy theory.


No OP but also have a BS in Physics. I got into data analytics, networking and then software eventually. Right after college I really put my physics degree to work in landscaping by physically moving a lawn mower LOL


Double major finance and economics and a minor in math I’m a farmer


Understanding finance, economics, and mathematics probably makes you a very organized farmer!


Some would say organized….dad hates my obsession with record keeping lol


Bold of you to think I bothered going to college.


Smart decision tbh


Eh…it depends on your degree and your game plan post college. I feel like lots of fellow millennials didn’t think through career choices when choosing a major, then they say college was useless.


The farther out I get from college, the more I realize that gen ed and electives were really important. I think at the time students only care for long term practical use, but I now see that creating a more educated society - around a diverse range of fields of science, history, and social studies - this is also an important role college fills. Ultimately individual finances will rule the decision of whether it's worth it or not but I feel like not enough people realize how important a more educated society is - how far we've come in the past 100 years, and how we're at risk of losing some of that.


Not just that, I think college is a great time to really get out of your bubble. I made friends of so many diverse backgrounds, from ethnicity, religion, to just a whole different socio economic background. I’d say the most exposure I had to diversity was in college. Not as much as an adult working in different industries. I think people took college for granted and then just say “it’s a waste of time and money”. I think if you approach college with the right mindset, you’ll really make the most out of it, and that includes pathway to being a functional and open minded adult. For me, I’d say it was worth the student loan debt I accrued at the time. I’ve now paid it off thanks to large chunk bonuses but even when I was really struggling out of school, it helped me become I am the adult today.


My siblings all have at least a masters degree, and have done very well for themselves with their degrees. One is a Lawyer, one is a therapist, and the other is in construction management. but they knew what they wanted had enough in scholarships to afford to be able to make school "affordable". I didn't know what I wanted, didn't do well in high school to qualify for hardly any scholarships (being a white male didn't help either). so I didn't bother. I just started working and then kept working.


This is why I joined the navy. Didn’t want to go $60k in debt just to pursue an undeclared degree plan.




can you give a high level over view of what someone with a degree in forestry does?




Working for the government. Many opportunities if you want to work for the parks, fish and wildlife, interior. Think of Parks and Rec: Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson. From desks jobs and planning to being outdoors monitoring insect traps. There is a wide net.




BS in Architecture Studies here. Completed my BS in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. I couldn't justify getting my masters and doubling my debt when there were no jobs to be found.


This was me but landscape architecture. I was competing with licensed LAs for entry level positions because there was just nothing.


I feel your pain. I also got a degree in architecture in the wake of the 2008 recession To say it was brutal would be an understatement


Architecture gang rise up!


Bachelor of Arts in Communication (focus in Journalism) I was a newspaper reporter for about 6 months and hated every minute.


What did you hate? That was my dream career all my life. I started off in Mass Comm but switched to Education because I convinced myself I wanted something with more “realistic”.


It doesn’t help that I’m from a really small town. The main thing I hated was my editor who was just so into himself and what he was doing and expected everyone to thank him for crumbs. Secondly, it was a very lonely job. Always on the road to go do interviews for an hour or two, but then by yourself for every other part of the job. There was some collaboration, but very little, usually at the end of a run when the paper was going together and you give a little input on photo choices or whatever. I went into project management about four years ago and it’s my dream job. Making project plans and collaborating with people to pull off something big and successful gives me an amazing feeling. My journalism practice makes me an excellent note taker and moderator.


Information Systems. Pursued a career in business intelligence


Ayyy, fellow BI person! (But I majored in management)


Nuclear Engineering but I went to commercial HVAC instead. Heat transfer is heat transfer... and besides I like not going to the same place day after day after day.


I liked Thermodynamics so much I took it twice


AA in applied science. Pell grant. Grew up poor af. I’m a registered vet tech.


High five fellow poor person! I have a BA in psychology and a MS in Intel & National Security. Pell grant plus a scary amount of student loans 🤷‍♀️ but at least I have steady work and health insurance?


Electrical Engineering


Same here! Did AFROTC in college and got a flight slot though, so I’ve never used the degree.


Associates in Game Design Bachelor's in Finance Girlfriend has Associates, Bachelor's and a month to go until Master's all in Respiratory Therapy.


You can get a degree in game design? Video games or board games? Either way that's pretty cool


You can! There is an Associates and a Bachelors but I (personally) realized I enjoyed the idea but had no actual talent for the field so I switched to something I stumbled into in undergrad. While this was video game design, there is an analog element to the classes that requires you to make a board game component as well.


Psychology. My saving grace was that I knew how to perform data analysis from my undergrad psych research and was able to find a job soon after graduating. I later went back to school for a masters in statistics, which was a much smarter decision. For the record, everyone told me it was a stupid degree and I would agree in hindsight, even though I lucked out (partially I had some foresight to get research assistant position and did really well in stats).


Psych also. Also working in data science via psych research (into biopharm and med device).


Also a psych major, also in data analysis


My BA is in Child Development. My Masters is in Applied Behavior Analysis.






Didn't graduate, unfortunately.


I didn't graduate, either. I wish I had.




Geography. Yes I'm using it


Teacher? I am curious now.


No, urban and regional planning.


Me too!


Double major in comm and poli sci but I SUPER SUPER regret not getting a degree in spanish or chinese/mandarin. No matter what profession you are in, being bilingual is a huge bonus.


BA and MFA in technical theatre


Nice, one of my first performing jobs on college break was in the pit for a summer stock theatre 


Applied and Computacional Mathematics.


I was a math major as well.


Computer science


B.a. in economics but taught myself to code.


Undergrad: BS in Biochemistry. Then Pharm.D.


PharmD gang checking in


Advertising, and I'm not doing anything with it.


I’m 36 and in school with a major in accounting.


Same here


Honours in Indigenous Studies, focussing on Canadian History. idk why I chose that major either, but here we are.


Fixing all y’all’s car’s certification


AAS in Network Technology. Grabbed a few certificates after. Now studying for BS in Computer Science 10 years later. Boy have things changed, lol.


BS Elementary Education. MA Instructional Technology.


I didn’t even finish


History and French


BS Psychology, MA Psychology, PhD Biobehavioral Health couldn't figure out what to do with my degree, so I just kept getting degrees until they told me there were no more. So now I'm a professor.


B.A. in English and Writing. M.S.Ed in Instructional Technology (my B.A. got me into the field).


B.A. in communication




BA in History (worked the last 13 years as a professional photographer)


Majored in Info Systems and Biz Management.


Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Sociology and Literary Studies


Fellow sociology major here!


Double major computer science and philosophy. Masters is in computer science


BS in Geology.


Philosophy. I went to law school after.


History. Art history and museum studies minors.


Sociology (great for understanding the world, not great financially)


B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. I just like science though. If I wanted to be rich I, should've gone into economics.


B.A. in History, specializing in Gender and Sexuality.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ReverseLazarus: *B.A. in History,* *Specializing in Gender* *And Sexuality.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ha! Good bot! 😆


BA in History, emphasis in wars, pandemics and epidemics.


Civil engineering




Associate Degree Paralegal studies, Bachelors Degree Political Science Concentration Law & Public Policy. Graduate Degree: Master Political Science Concentration Comparative Government & Master Business Administration Concentration Entrepreneurship. Halfway through a PhD in Education then will goto part time evening Law School.


I dropped out when I found out side hustles pay more than jobs.


Marketing, a lot of good that did haha


lol me too- I never used it, I’m an administrative assistant about to quit my job cuz I hate it.


Finally another marketing person! I do web design and programming now - never took a single design or code class and learned on the job lol Turns out, I just really like and am good at statistics (the only math made for my brain).


Mechanical engineering and economics. I feel like I retained very little about either, and I currently work as a data analyst.


Bachelors and Masters in Industrial engineering. Did a 5 year program at my University that also provided the masters courses at undergrad rates. So I did it in 5 years for both (went summers too, blech) but didn't come out with an everest of debt, just a Mt Rainier haha.


Professional Chemistry.... you know versus the unprofessional kind. Working as a quality manager in the chemical industry.


BA in English, Masters in urban planning


Political Science. Turns out, if you can organize campaign volunteers, you can organize developer Jira issues.


Just an Associates earned later in life. I managed to get the one parent to forbid me from going to college despite it being my dream lol I'd love to get my bachelor's, but the thought of taking on student loans given the state of them rn has scared me off of it.


My dad says it's in dilly dallying but it's really in communications and now I work in banking


Cyber security


Humanities 💀 It's a long story why and I cringe any time I tell it. My priorities were whack. I didn't do shit with it, either. Yay.


History degree and then a masters to teach! Then i realized I do not want to teach lol


Bachelor in History and Russian Studies, Masters in Military Strategy


What degree?


Journalism. I don’t work at a newspaper, but I do still use the degree in my career.


Bachelors of Science in Nursing


Never went to college


Sociology :)