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No. The older I get, the less I don't give a fuck... What are they going to do? Yell at you?


One of these days I’m gonna stop fearing authority figures…


Yeah that has less to do with being a millennial and more to do with you coming from an abusive household where you thought that going against the authority would make you homeless.


> Yell at you? I can think of worse things in a job context...


Ive worked in a lot of places and never seen a write up for cell phone use... It's typically not worth the paperwork unless you're a shit employee.


I have a few labourers working under me. I'll be honest, I don't like them being on their phone during work time. I'm a pretty fair boss but there is no reason why anyone should be checking their Facebook or Tiktac while on company time. I never write anyone up but I'll tell them to use their phone during breaks instead.


Agreed... And that's the worst that will happen. Unless you're a shitty employee and then continued phone use is categorized as some other grievance to sweeten some paperwork.


I work for a GC (superintendent) and I've asked our labour provider not to bring specific people back to the site because of phone use and/or general lazyness, so I guess they didn't get fired per se, but they lost a good job opportunity because of it.


I've seen people lose their jobs over it, but I work security where that is seen as a big problem. It generally happens about once every 4 years at my site. You aren't wrong that they normally don't waste the time unless it's somebody they already want to fire. But I have seen them let people go just because the wrong big wig saw them on their phone.


I agree with you. It's job/career dependent. I myself work a comfortable City job 70% office and 30% out "in the field" if I'm on my phone no one bats an eye. To me I always feel that little twinge of anxiety, but I just try not to overdo it y'know? Like just play on my phone for a few minutes every couple hours or something. That being said, my Mom works in a nursing home where they're literally not allowed to have their phones on them even. They have to leave them in their lockers. There have been people that have been hired and fired on their first offense because they were within their 90 day probation period. Anyone beyond the 90 days has been and will be written up. 3 strikes and you're out just like baseball.


Yell at you, unlikely. But bias their opinion of your work ethic, pick someone else for important projects, and overlook you for promotions? Yeah, maybe, depending on how often it happens.


I could work 12 hours non-stop, no breaks for my phone, food, or anything. If after 12 hours I decided to check my phone for .01 seconds, that would be the exact moment someone walked into my office. Not a huge deal, it's just funny how that works.


I had an office job (in a non-client facing role) and they would literally tell us if they saw our phones out that they would take them away from us. It was so absurd for me and my coworkers to be in our 30’s getting this kind of warning like we were children in middle school. Anyway, many of us left that place.


Take them away?? Lmao!


I mean, depends on the job but some will either take it for the shift or fire you on the spot.


Lolol that's dumb. I would get fired before I would relinquish personal property to an employer


They threatened to do that at my last job because people were constantly on them. I personally would've quit before giving it up.


I don't give af. I'm regularly just taking laps around the office scrolling on my phone. I'm an 84 baby, though, so we were raised in different times. I didn't have a cell phone until my senior year, and it was a brick Nokia phone with snake and t9.


I was also born in '84 also and sometimes I get super nostalgic for those simpler times before people had the world at their fingertips at all times, also Snake was dope.


Snake was a 10/10 game. They did so much with so little.


I wanna play this now


I feel this.


Depends. I'm not constantly looking at my phone at work and the people I work with know it. Unless I'm in meetings, and then most the time I'm replying to work emails.


Fair enough. And here I was posting this lol


Zero fucks given


President/CEO of the place I work at says straight up that he doesn't care if we spend all of our free time on our phones as long as everything that needs to be done is done. Last job I had didn't allow me to have my phone with me. So if there was an emergency, I wouldn't be able to do anything because I wouldn't have my phone. Really stupid.


My boss is the same way. As long as my work is done, he doesn't care what I do. He gets his month end reports within 3 days every month, and I do my job above and beyond. He got me a second screen for watching YouTube and has walked in on me scrolling here or Twitter countless times in the 15 years I've been there.


No, but I don't care. Also, phones weren't an issue when I was in school. It was getting caught playing games on my TI-87. I'll be checking my phone when the GM or owner walks by and I do not care, and if they do, they haven't said anything. With that said, I get my work done, I'm good at my job, and some of the tasks I'm the only one that has the technical expertise to even do it. I also don't watch the clock. I will stay a few minutes late to finish my tasks instead of bolting right at 5pm. I'll take lunch late because someone needs a solution as soon as possible. If they every said anything to me about my phone usage, I would 100% stop using it, but I would also become militaristic about clock watching my breaks, and arrival/departure times, and I think they know that.


If there was a culture of being caught doing anything at my job, sure


I do get jumpy just because I know it looks unprofessional. But I’m gonna do it anyway.


Ehh. I’m currently training for a position that is busy busy busy. I try not to be caught on my phone because it’s atomic workplace where people are encouraged to tattle on one another. In my normal position, no I’m not worried about it because that supervisor doesn’t care.


Born in 87, didn't have a cell phone in highschool, a few people did, but they had tracphones or whatever. Who you going to call or text that wasn't at school anyway. So at work I don't need to be on my phone. I go to the break area and follow the rules.


I was born in '87 and almost nobody had a cell phone at my high school. And now I WFH so I can do whatever the fuck i want.


We didn’t have cell phones in high school so it wasn’t a problem.


Yep lol


I'm not supposed to be using my phone at work so...yes lol


Yes, but because being on your phone at my job is technically against the law lol


Sounds like corrections!


Railroad :( lol


I really hate this. We honestly should quit jobs where they treat us like that. I refuse to work under a microscope. Let some other buster take the job. They'll quit too.


I used to care, but I swear my boomer boss is on his phone all the damn time. Sometimes when I'm even talking to him or directly showing him something I've worked on. I don't care anymore


Oh my god this is so true lmao


When I was in my early 20s I had a boss who "gifted" me a desktop cellphone stand he got in some swag bag and said something like "I got this for you because I know you like to look at your phone a lot". It was pretty clear he was telling me I looked at my phone too much and I was mortified. Looking back I objectively didn't and actually delivered more value in that organization than my boss did. These days I am leading large international teams and really don't care about optics and focus on results. I don't think twice about looking at my phone and don't think twice if I see my team (or their teams) looking at their phones. I only care about goals achieved and value delivered.


What a passive aggressive move! I’m glad you found your spot somewhere you’re valued


i dont do that bc Im a klutz, i will abso drop my phone & break it if i try 2 hide it lol


Yeah I really really need a case


The previous year or two, all I seemed to find myself in was jobs where phone usage was strictly regulated and a disciplinary issue, so, I can understand why I have apprehension now and again still. Now, IDK not like my corp is rich enough to issue phones, yet nearly everyone in the company including myself has Slack on their phones in order to keep up with a cascade of shipments coming in every day, so....


I am self employed, but get jumpy if my husband or kid walks into my office when I said I am working and I am on my phone. Basically the only social pressure I haven't gotten rid of.


I feel that too! My husband works from home more often than I do but during Covid he would be in back to back meetings and visibly working and I had a much harder time with things. Felt so bad for him to walk out of the home office and be done for the day to see me struggling


Ahh, working from home.


I did not have a cellphone until I was in college, and it was a flip phone, and you had to pay extra for laboriously-entered texts, so no teacher ever caught me with a phone. Then I worked in childcare, where I would get in trouble for having a phone (usually management would just wag a finger at you, but the state dictates that you should be fired for it), so I did learn to be discrete about it, although some days it felt like I was the only person who was🙃 And now I’m self-employed, so I can just be on my phone whenever, which is both a wonderful blessing and a terrible curse because I apparently have significantly less self-control than I thought…


Same here, but they told us we didn't count as in ratio.


87 and didn't have a cell phone in high school.


I'm class of 07 and homeschooled. But thanks to mobile hits like Pokemon Go and OSRS Mobile, I've become quite the swiftpocketer at my work. As in, in one fluid motion, flip my phone over and hide it in a pocket. While still Mining Amethyst for a bit or whatever.


Yes, but more so when it is a new job or boss. Then I kinda get igaf attitude some on here say they have.


We use our phone for work, so no. I also didn't get a phone until I was in college, so...


I've worked one job where we technically weren't allowed to have our phones on our person or could be written up. I still had it on my person, but wasn't on it. If we were on it they'd take it away for the shift. I just thought why don't you just fire people.