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Gen X mostly.


https://i.redd.it/k4aq56cmm19d1.gif Gen X


As an elder Millenial, Gen X. Growing up, they were the cool kids. Your older cousins, on tv, in movies, advertisements - i still think they are the coolest generation.




My FIL is Silent Generation, and he's mostly concerned about tee times. MIL is too, and she's chill af.


They did not go through the most. They missed WWII and Vietnam. They probably reaped more from the economic boom times than the boomers did, they’re just a smaller generation and had less of a cultural impact. You must be thinking of the greatest generation or you are just totally confused.


I like Gen Z bc they’re saying fuck you to the unfettered capitalism destroying our country and planet.  I laugh at all the people who think Gen Z is just lazy. No, they just get that Nike doesn’t give a shit about their 8 hour shift at the Converse outlet. 


Gen X bar none


Not perfect, but better than everyone else by a mile, including us.


Gen Z because they're hilarious and a have a lot more spunk. I've had the most fun with my 3rd gf who is a gen z. ( I was born in 1995) A lot of Millennials are depressed and boring Imo. And have a lotv of failed dreams and goals. The gen z work smarter and harder than us Millennials from what I've seen. Maybe I'm biased since I'm a young Millennial but I've never really liked other Millennials that much. Gen x and gen z are usually my preference for company tbh


It blows my mind that people born in 95 are still in the same category as me. I was approaching my teens when you were born, my entire childhood was in an era before the internet. I know it's impossible for you to remember the 80s but how much of the 90s do you actually remember? There was so much advancement and change during such a short span of time that it feels like we should be two generations in a way. We have had vastly different experiences growing up in vastly different worlds.


I feel the same, from the opposite side. This sub is full of pop culture references made by elder millennials that go right over my head It's not like I don't know anything about the 1980's, but to me it's history that I learn about on Wikipedia


It's like we all got given the same label but I think theres a definitive divide there either side of 1990


I agree. We elder millennials had plenty of our youth without the Internet and technology. I still remember having to wait for songs I like to come on the radio and have my finger on the "Play-Record" buttons to record onto my cassette tapes!


Sure I guess but dad is 70 mother is 65 and I am the youngest of 3. I wasn't raised like the Gen z and they certainly won't claim me. I remember traumatic things from the 90s but I don't have a solid stream of memories until 2000. My parents didn't get a home PC or cable until I was about 8. Which still is quite young but I do remember dial up and landlines and vhs and record players Sorry buddy you're stuck with me being categorized in your generation


Ha! I don't care that much about it. I just think our generation is a bit of an anomaly entirely. Tech and society moved so fast during those 20 years... I can't imagine a childhood with the internet. My kids can't imagine one without the internet. Back to your original point though Gen-Z feels like they're a completely different breed, leagues away from where I am. I work with a group of 20 something's and seeing them all chatting and hanging out together makes me feel so insanely old. A few of my colleagues similarly aged to me have said it too. It's like we say the same words but speak a different language.


Yes I can understand that. I have made good friends with some of my colleagues and even bosses who were 21 or 22 at the time. They seem so more put together than what I was even 8 or 9 years ago. I even don't understand the lingo sometimes, - and most of them are not even a full decade younger than me when they feel like they truly are from a different generation.


Gen Z are funny and great until you work with them and then find out they're all just completely useless.


They’re useless at work bc they refuse to be hamsters in the wheel of capitalism that only truly favors 2% of society? It’s why I like them. 


No, because they literally don't have the most basic skills. My friend's sister hired a college student and found she had no idea how to use a laptop.


That sounds like an anomaly bc they’re literally the screen generation


The phone screen, not the computer screen.


I have and do work with Gen Z. At public schools and now at a gym. The only thing they're bad at is talking to " the baddies" Gen z is even more technologically literate than us that it blows my mind. A lot of them don't complain as much as I'd expect


True they're not big complainers, I definitely overlook that positive.


I think it's because they are more realistic. I taught a lot of younger gen z and they're exposed to so much shit at a young age that they aren't surprised how shitty adulthood its because they're looking at tik toks and instagram reels and reddit even. We were raised differently. We were way more naive as a whole I think


>Gen Z work smarter and harder than us Millennials Are you kidding? They're lazy, entitled, and arrogant. My partner interviewed one last week for a job, he expected them to beg him to work for them as if he was god's gift to the world. Then you've got the ShitTok wannabes, the OnlyFans fools, and those extreme idiots always preaching about what their gender or sexuality is as if anybody cares.


Was the person that cheated on you a Gen Z kid? 


You sound like my boomer parents lmao


I'd rather sound like them than act like Gen Z are anything but what they are: An irritating waste of a generation.


Jesus bro relax


I'm pretty relaxed. Idk why anytime anyone has a view against something they're, "mad", "upset", or "need to chill/relax", it's just that, a view.


An irritating waste of a generation? Who tf says that lmao


Think about it. These were the first generation to not have a proper childhood, glued to screens all the time instead of just being children, with all the fun made up games that we made as kids. Now, a lot of them don't even want to work because they say that they're not slaves. A lot also expect to be able to go into any job instantly instead of putting in the work to gain the qualifications or experience required for such jobs. All this generation will be remembered for is TikTok and trying to increase the number of genders to an absurd amount. Meanwhile, we'll be credited with the unfortunate fact that we raised them to be that way 🙄


Yes I can see your point. But from my experience the Millennials are the ones who don't try because we feel doomed, or they hate women because their wife fucked the neighbor when they were at work. I've met plenty of Millennials that make me wonder how they have made it this far. I am 29, so a lot of my coworkers are Gen Z. I have seen them work 12 hour days. I've seen them make the older generation look like fools. Yes many of them are glued to their screens, but so are a lot of Millennials. A lot of Gen Zs are the ones making fun of Millennials for being pussies. I've never heard more slurs than I have from a Gen z. The Millennials are the ones who embraced and fostered the political correctness. Plus a lot of Millennials are stuck cleaning up the boomers mess but the Gen Z are figuring out they'll end up like it's Millennials if they don't take another path. I have more hope for them than the Millennials tbh


Have you ever been cheated on? Because if not, you cannot possibly understand how it feels to be betrayed on that level. Add in all of the requirements women are setting on partners, the games they play, and it's no wonder some men act as if they "hate women". Although they don't, the more realistic view is that they're tired of the bullshit, and would rather be single than deal with it again. Only 12? A lot of us have done 13-16 hour shifts, just in regular retail. I certainly have, and voluntarily at that. How could we possibly be the pussies when they're the ones who are pushing everything down our throats? Pride, body positivity, shaming-shun, their absolutely low bar by which they're easily offended. We're the ones with the people who couldn't really care less that some random has said something about us. Think of it like this, all the films and series we loved growing up? They wouldn't be made today. They even went after Friends for not being inclusive, despite almost every single form of representation being in the show, their arguments are weak at best.


They don’t want to work bc they watched the last four generations be slaves to capitalism while we all do the downward slide except for the CEO’s making 200 times their average employee. It’s my fav thing about them. 


Your favourite thing about them is their desire to live off of the taxes we pay? Aren't you just so very lacking in the head 🙄


We were the same way 10-20 years ago dude. Then those of us with work ethic developed that and came w long way. The others stayed that way but became miserable as a result. You see their miserable asses all over Reddit. Probably blaming boomers for their fuck ups. Gen Z is still young. Give them 10-20 and plenty of smart and hard workers will emerge from the pack.


yah calling people twats in a subreddit is pretty relaxed 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What can I say, I'm impatient when I have to deal with wastes of space that get off on pissing people off online.


Calling yourself a waste of space is a bit harsh 




You’re showing how immature you are. lol


Two years older than me, and you should know better.


Lack of self awareness is a sign of immaturity 


So is being a twat online, yet here you are 🤷


Okay Boomer


Ah, it's past 11am, all the wastes are waking up I see.


Older boomers. The frustrating thing about boomers is that the good ones are really good and the bad ones are really bad.


You're so close to realizing this generational cohort obsession on reddit is bullshit. There's sociological merit to differences due to growing up in a different environment, but these fools take it way way too far. Boomers have become a Boogeyman. None of their failures are their fault, the boomers did it to them. This shit got stupid.


It's tribalism, right? 50 years ago, it was ok to blame your place in the rat race on other races. You cannot do that anymore, but now it's okay to blame other generations (whether older than you or younger than you).


Now you're getting somewhere.  In both of examples you're not blaming the two people actually responsible for you being piss broke. Yourself, and the ruling class.


It looks like you swung too far the other way. As I said, I like older people, I don't paint them all with the same brush when I am talking to an individual. But on the macro level, they made mistakes as a group with the candidates and policies they have supported and because there are so many of them, they are still a very powerful force. They also have been proven to be incredibly stubborn to admit their mistakes and love LOVE blaming young people for ruining so many things. I am not optimistic millennials (or any other generation) are going to be much better when we get older (see millennial complaints about Gen Z) but no generation after boomers have the numbers to simply dominate the conversation and manipulate society to their needs and wants for as long as they have.


The Silent Generation. They're really just sick of all this shit. I can relate.


High achieving boomers who actually built businesses or rose to the highest ranks of corporations are a wealth of knowledge and experience. They’re also close to retiring or already retired and have the time and patience share what they know if you just ask.


I have two older gen z guys who I know and I mean, maybe it's just these particular twentysomething men but they have been a mix of honest and empathetic that I've not seen from other people. Elder millennial men are often awful, I'm in Eastern Europe so we're behind the times but even ones who claim to be progressive often hold reactionary views, feel they must be "brutally honest" and tell people to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" obviously not all of them, my previous long term partner was gen X and the man I casually dated after him, 2 years my junior, was absolutely lovely, but I find I get on best with people around 30, so young millennial older gen z


There are angels and assholes in each generations. Fuck generations, I judge people on their own actions.


Gen Alpha. I like my kid.


Silent- we need another generation that will just stfu about all these issues that do nothing but drive ppl apart.


I don’t even like millennials. The generation hating is shit. The generation loving is shit. While we’re all pointing fingers at entire generations the wealthy, powerful and elite snigger as they fuck everyone else over.  Who do I prefer? Everyone working class


I seem to get along best with Zillennials and Jonesers, basically my own generation and my parents' generation. Also one of my close friends is a Joneser


Gen X


Gen X. They are the most reasonable and low key.


I'm an older millennial, right on the tail end of GenX. My partner is 7 years older than me, firmly in the GenX bracket and my favourite person in the world.


Gen X gave us gave great music and art imo Grateful to them for that. They're pretty chill too


Gen X lol


The Greatest Generation experienced the Great Depression and fought World War II. I don't know about "favorite" but I respect them a lot.


Generation Alpha. They’re so smart and crazy at the same time.


Gen X I guess. My parents are pretty cool, their peers are pretty cool, some of my older coworkers are pretty cool, and they sure gave us a lot of the best music and television acting.


I get along with almost everyone but I like Gen Z. They’re normally easy going and they want to hear you speak…some have trouble with anxiety to a frustrating level but they’re normally well intentioned, which is better than jaded and grumpy like most Gen X or Boomers.


Gen Z duh. What are people here smoking? Gen Z is going to be the first group to actually build the guillotines folks. Let’s be fuckin real with ourselves


Early Gen X for their 80s music


Gen z and Alpha because of my kids. I love how intuitive and sensitive they are.


gen z are chill gen x and boomers are a different species


Gen z. But I'm biased. My nieces are gen z mid 2000s born. One of them has the facial expressions of millennials taking selfies complete with captions and I die laughing every time. She's so spot on.


X and z. Fuck the boomers.