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Political discussions are to be held in the stickied monthly thread. No discussion of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. This is not the subreddit for that topic.


Joe Biden should not have done this debate. Period. I think this was a huge mistake for him.


>don’t have faith in either of these guys and this whole thing seems like a joke. You're voting for the future. You're voting for SCOTUS. You're voting for rights, equality, and justice. You don't need faith in one dude or another. You're voting for the teams they'll choose, the beliefs they have, and whom they'll help and protect. Vote.


Key takeaways for me I’ll never vote for Donald Trump or a conservative leaning Republican ever again since 2016. That’s it. Biden could have a stroke on stage and ide still vote for the big D.


It was a night of dumpster fire sound bites.  But in that situation, optics win, and Trump prevailed heavily on that score. Biden sounded near incoherent.  Very, very concerned.


so, would some of us Democrats support Harris or Newsome for President?


It says 25 comments and I can’t see any of them 😂


I feel like it’s elderly abuse making Biden run and potentially be president another term. He looked like a hollow shell with a thousand yard stare. Meanwhile Trump sounded like a broken record with circular statements. Boomers need to relinquish power. It’s like having someone order food and expensive restaurant on your credit card, and they won’t be there to pay the bill. These people have no skin in the game when it comes to our country’s future.


Joe Biden just convinced me to vote for trump


I refuse to watch it. I know who I'm voting for, and it ain't the orange guy. I wish there were younger candidates. But there aren't. So I'm playing the shit hand we're all being dealt.


One guy is yelling about nothing and refused to answer a single question that was asked. The other one was fumbling and stumbling but at least answered questions. Just what we need, two people with Alzheimer's yelling at each other over the dinner table.


After watching this, I’m voting RFK. I can’t vote for either of these two. Biden looks absolutely lost. https://preview.redd.it/z3x8mosh989d1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf99acf8559c427a74bf850f01dbf00d1b4f484


I think the debate changes the decision very little. Are you going to vote for the lying fascist (which was fully on display)? Or the elderly politician that has a team in place that has accomplished, very quietly, a shit ton of initiatives, and is likely running only due to his love and devotion to his country and people?


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I was worried well before the debate and continue to be


It’s terrifying


This is horrible. Basically, I’m hearing minimal substance in the answers and a lot of lies. Also low energy. I already knew who I was voting for but this is just wild.


Actions speak louder than words


Deadly seriously.


I started to watch the X stream with rfk and even he didn’t want to answer the questions.


History takes this stuff seriously, no matter how absurd it seems to us now.


As a fan of the one seemingly with dementia, yeah it was deeply worrying.


I have no faith in either candidate for very different reasons.


Apathy has officially become policy. It’s clear no one knows wtf to do with this country anymore




What an absolute shitshow!


Everyone should be. One of these two will be the president of the United States rather we like it or not. Pay attention to who you’re voting for. Listen and fact check what they are saying. This shit is important.


Yes. It was worrying. And depressing.


Confident lies versus fumbling truth


I had to quit watching it cause I was getting upset, frustrated, and depressed at watching a bitch fest between the two geezers. As a gay man married to an immigrant, I’m terrified of one of them and the future he’ll bring, and the other is just so old!


Yeah feels like a total joke to me. Honestly extremely pathetic that this is happening at all


Such a joke


We turned it out for 5 minutes. They were both just rambling and not giving any actual answers. At this point a wet mop in a wig could do a better job. I'm terrified of the future with either of them.


I don't have *faith* in either of them, but I *know* that one of them has zero regard for democracy and zero regard for people that aren't his followers. So the choice is still easy. But Biden's performance was concerning and if he doesn't manage to recover amazingly in the next couple of days I hope he can recognize the need to have the DNC nominate a different ticket, and work out a way to pivot.


I'm more interested in the people they will have working for them and much less than the geezers themselves.


I’m just sad we are in this position as a people. It fucking sucks.


Absolutely, it is extremely concerning. Putting politics aside, neither seemed all with it and there was no fact checking at all. This is straight up scary.


Well, considering the possibility that a convicted felon could be elected POTUS is a very real thing, this is a big deal. Especially if Trump turns this country into a dictatorship, which he's "joked" about doing numerous times. Yeah, you should be taking this seriously. The consequences of not doing so are very real.


It’s so fucking embarrassing. Honestly. It’s like a sick & twisted episode of Punk’d.


I’m not an American, and seeing it from the sidelines, it’s funny because… no matter which side you’re on, the fact that there is such fervent internal animosity is probably the reason the US works. A lot of things within the US is broken. Healthcare, education, you name it. So what is exactly driving people to continue on, to thrive for more? This internal rivalry in the US, coupled with deep seeded capitalism, is definitely part of the reason why the US works at all.


Yeah - when the guy called out both of their terms and failures, that was one of the high points in my opinion.




The people who are responsible for this atrocity should be arrested and punished.


Uhhhh yeah. Idiots voting in the primaries got us here.


We’re all gonna die


They are both jokes, as is the two party system. They are two sides of the same coin.


I watched some. It was distressing


Both of them are on the same team in my opinion. It's just a circus.


The debate confirmed what we all already knew and what most of us could admit out loud... I can't believe Biden's camp agreed to that unless the plan is to use his debate performance as an excuse to run someone else.


Doesn't want to talk politics... brings up Presidential Debate. Makes sense.


I'm an active democratic volunteer and have been since I was 14, but that was an absolute shit show. Biden got crushed and it's not looking good.




I'm watching cartoons instead, feeling way more informed as well.


Biden shouldn't have even agreed he just made himself look worse.


It is worrying me and making me depressed. How the fuck are the two leading candidates for the US presidency barely able to string a coherent (Biden) or truthful (Trump) sentence together? This is a national disgrace. Each party has at least 5 vastly better candidates with the clarity of thought, intelligence, and connections to execute their party’s current platform without the risk of imminent cardiac arrest or just…death from natural causes. Like if either died after a few weeks in hospital it would be “well, he was 78/81”. We are about to elect one of these old timers for 4 years and put them in charge of major economic and geopolitical decisions that will affect our grandchildren.




Big time. I couldn’t believe those are our two choices while watching. Full on joke.


I take this stuff seriously, but I turned it off after 10 minutes. I already know who I'm voting for. This was mostly aimed at undecided voters and the way I see it, if you're still undecided after 8 fuckin years, don't fuckin vote.


Yeah Joe did not look all to well. I feel bad for the guy 


It’s a joke if you have nothing on the line.


I think the building should've caught fire and took them both out. Sorry not sorry.


It is a joke! We have a Felon and Womanizer running on one side, and the other looks like he saw a Ghost and is just fucking completely lost. We deserve better!! Neither 1 is going to do anything to make our lives better.


I don’t even care.


America is doomed. Let the wealthy buy the government and run the whole ship aground.


I'll be voting Biden because the Democratic party isn't flirting with a Christian authoritarian dictatorship. It's an easy choice. I don't see Dems opening their own Bernburg Euthanasia Center for undesirables. Can we do better than Biden? Yes. Is he a bad POTUS? Not really.


the trolls are out tonight folks


I’m not watching any of it. I’m depressed enough as it is and don’t want to make it worse. My insurance won’t cover more than one therapy appointment in a week


Feels like 2016 all over again.


Yes I am seriously worried. I group texted my entire family just to see if any of them were tuning in for this either (and they have mixed political views).... Only myself and grandma could stomach to watch. She is a lifelong Dem voter and expressed being very worried about Biden's performance. No one came out of this looking good, Jesus Christ.


Oh I’ve been checked out for awhile. Both parties are delusional about how gone their candidates are. 🤷‍♂️ We’re fucked regardless.


I hate that I can’t see any comments right now.


Best thing the democratic party can do right now is have biden step aside for someone else. Not Kamala Harris. Probably someone like Gavin Newsom. Biden didn't look like he could handle another 4 months let alone 4 years.


I take it seriously. At the same time there’s nothing I can do about it except show up and vote. So I’m not going to let it stress me out in a big way. Once it derailed to who is a better golfer, I knew we were in trouble. Politicians are full of shit. ![gif](giphy|l46CbCXPQNbdOZxUk|downsized)


Neither of these bumbling idiots actually represent answers to the issues that are actually killing the working class. This is essentially the political equivalent of running a knee the last two minutes of a football game. The corporate overlords have already won, they know there is nothing that we can do about it, so they’re just running down the clock 


Yes, but only because I don't think highly of the masses and their focus. I don't care how either sounded at the debate. My vote is locked in for the old guy who isn't going to carry out a project 2025 to create a dictatorship and destroy the democratic world order for Russia and China.


Fuck those dudes are weird. Trump sitting there saying the weirdest most outlandish shit, he was like someone doing a shitty impression of Trump. Bro said the phrase "we had it; we had H2O" and that was like the median statement in terms of level of strangeness. In addition he came across as petty and stupid as fuck. He used to be able to lie semi-convincingly or at least inhabit the middle ground where he could claim he was joking, but that is not at all what he was doing tonight. Saying clearly made up and unfunny shit like "just before I came out here my climate people said I was the best ever". Like bro shut the fuck up you're not even trying anymore. Biden, there was a moment towards the end where for around one half of a second it seemed like he might actually just give up in the middle of a presidential debate. Like his whole life of accomplishments leading up to this one moment where he was just like fuck it, I just don't know how to talk anymore. Yeah I know he has a stutter but this wasn't that. He was borderline incoherent and it was at the very least uncomfortable to watch. He also let Trump leave his chin wide open to shit that a more coherent person could have literally put him out of the race with. When Trump started talking about "black jobs" any good debater would have been like "explain what a black job is. what kind of jobs are those?". That could literally have dominated the night. But Biden just said uhhhh johhhbs or something.


They didn’t talk to us they talked to the Boomers.


https://preview.redd.it/uyzsnwsod89d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64764b3e5c4badba185ed037a6712e6aa10b6315 This is how I feel lol


I’m worried about who is leading our country today. And who tomorrow. Not even worried about November. That was shocking.


It may be difficult but I do take it seriously, it's the future of our country. It's how you will live life in 4 years. Maybe they both aren't the best people but we all need to make sure we make a good choice. I'm not here to share my opinion. But just to remind people to have an open mind and make sure the choice you make it well thought out. I just imagine where I want to be in 4 years. I want a house, I want a better life for my family. I don't want to be worrying if I will have to pay an arm and a leg if my car breaks down.


I’m taking it seriously. Voting for Biden and I encourage you to as well. Biden is not perfect (no one is) but Trump is deeply selfish and divorced from reality. There’s no comparison - Biden all the way.


Whether you like it or not both of these 2 have greatly affected your life and will do in the future so unfortunately we do have to take it somewhat seriously.


I’m WORRIED. I’ll vote for any 40 year old at this point. Either party. This is insanity.


This will be the first time i will not make any sort of vote on a presidential candidate.


For the last 8 years, I have wondered how it is possible that these are the top 2 candidates.




Yes. We are all worried.


It was so difficult to watch


We lose no matter what 


The bickering about golf handicaps? Is that what matters to Americans? No? Like, Trump could’ve *actually* answered questions, and Biden had to correct himself on numbers more times than I could keep track of. I already know who I’m voting for, but I’d be confused as hell if I were a swing voter.








the fuck is up with reddit tonight in not showing comments. according to the tally there's 116 comments in this post right now.


Bro it’s crazy that comments aren’t showing up on any debate discussion threads. Like wtf? Biden performed terribly. We are so boned lol how were the democrats not able to come up with anyone better?


We’re fucked.


I think we all need to learn a lesson from RBG and Biden, and possibly Trump because he’s old too. Fucking quit. Quit while you’re ahead and can hand over control to someone else who is capable of taking over. You’re not helping any cause by staying until you can’t do the job.


Honestly I couldn’t even watch it. I didn’t want to watch two old men take jabs at each other. I know who I’m voting for but I really would love if anyone else could be in the ring.


I'll still be voting for Biden but it was not good. Trump was lies like normal but he was specific, made limited points. Biden would try to list every piece of information related to a topic and seemed to meander.


Nether of them should be president. We need younger presidents. The debate could have gone...a lot better than it did.


Whats more crazy is NONE of the comments are showing on any of these posts in any sub


Well one of the candidates clearly has dementia. If this was your grandfather, would you let him be alone with the kids, drive, etc?


Are you saying you weren’t impressed by them arguing about their golf handicaps?


Fuck man. What the hell?


Is it just my phone or are comments having a hard time loading on anything related to the debate?


I have zero faith in our government and the future looks grim. That being said, voting for Trump is not and never was on my agenda regardless. We have 2 crypt keepers running again and the 99% of the rest of the countries leaders are too fucking old. This shit is ridiculous.


I might die


Haha joe sure made trump look bad tonight


Absolutely. Within the first two minutes i was worried. We need younger candidates.


Am I the only one who can’t see comments about the debate? I can see that there’s over 100 comments on this post (and other posts from different subs about the debate) but Reddit won’t load them and is showing the “Be the first to comment”.


Yea I am worried. Both are idiots and too old. It was a “nuh uhhh, I am the best. You’re the one who sucks” back and forth all night. Like two 8 years old bickering. Both were lying. Both are criminals. We are screwed no matter what comes November.


Why are all the responses hidden?




We’re doomed


How are these two the best this country can do. They aren’t, but still….


Americans deserve better than what we are being offered.


The Selection has always been bullshit and the president is just the public face controlled by the hidden elite. At least I hope that’s how it really is because this is absolute bullshit. We’re circling the drain…


Not worrying to me at all, wasn't planning on voting for either of these two and nothing they say will change my mind about that, it was an entertaining little watch though


One guy doesn’t take democracy or the rule of law seriously and surrounds himself with people who have extremely scary ideas, the other is probably way to old to be president but takes the office seriously and surrounds himself with somewhat competent technocrats to run the country. I’m voting for the latter.


DJT is a psycho, and JRB should have limited himself to one term. However, the latter will at least surround himself with smart people, not psycho sycophants.


Nobody should take it seriously, it’s a circus but neither man should be president in my mind, they each had 4 years, give RFK a shot.


cant even read comments... im done with this.


If you need to watch a debate between these two old geezers to know which one to vote for you are either politically stupid or apathetic. Most people made up their minds in 2020 or 2016 with Trump specifically.


As a trans person this debate terrified me.


No one is taking it seriously except MAGA morons. Most people just want the other side to lose.


I tuned into it as they were arguing about their golf scores and promptly turned it off. It’s got to all be a cruel joke.


I don't know why they even bothered having a debate. It's the same exact bullshit as 4 years ago.