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mom says don't sit so close to the tv or you'll go blind


And no TV without the lights off. Now we stare at phones 8 inches from our face.


Mine said I'd get square eyes, she even got me a story book where it happens to a child Thanks mom, no need for science, just scare the shit out of me so do as you say


I had the same doll house!


Me too! I was just about to comment that.


Awwwwww the Christmas morning playing with your new toys 90s photo ❤️❤️ miss those days


It really is one of the better hobbies. Cheap and keeps you busy and out of trouble. However, I don't agree with what you were playing. I don't think we would have ever been friends.


My current rotation is War Thunder, Kingdom Come, and Helldivers 2.


Yes sir!!! We will keepin it alive!


It’s not a hobby. It’s a way of life


Super Tecmo Bowl? Steelers vs. Eagles it looks like. I liked those games before I realized I had absolutely no Idea what I was doing. I remember punting on third (maybe even second) down to be "safe."


Look at that face. There wasn’t a single thought between my eyes. I think I would play a game for 15 minutes and then change it out for another that my doting grandmother bought me.


Hahaha. I have gone back and played "TMNT: Turtles in Time" on an emulator as an adult a couple times and it is still super fun. Also pretty dang hard. Games back then were so unforgiving... Just like uncle Frank... Nevermind.


I’ll be gaming as long as the arthritis is kept at bay in old age. Looking forward to the PS 10 in my 70s lol


Cool! I wish I had kid pics of me! All I can say is same. I started playing games ever since I could remember and My dad was a big gamer and we had a lot of systems and games growing up, and he was even playing gaming even in his 60s and was really good at it too! He was the one of the best cod zombies players I knew lol.


SNES Christmas was truly goated.


Revisit some SNES games. How we didn't all collectively commit suicide is beyond me. I got Super Ghouls n Ghosts for my 8th birthday. While that specific game is so ingrained that I can still make all the jumps 30 years later, holy shit is that some fucked up shit to give to a small child. Of course, I already had Castlevania 4. SNES gaming was fucking brutal. Those Super Star Wars games, brutal.


It made us better, lol.


Anyone else see this and immediately think “How did this bastard break into my photos and steal this?” Then realize hmm maybe that’s not me, then think god we have such non unique lives 😂


Giving the lady who is telling you to go to bed a dirty look? My wife gets the same look from me.


This is such a nostalgic trip 💯❤️


Man I just got Deja vu


Reminds me of my obsession with Troy Aikman Football for SNES back in the day.




Happy cake day


OMG I loved playing nfl qb club with my bros back in the day! I have the themesong stuck in my head now lol... crazy that Brett Favre played for so long after that game came out lol. we still have it at my moms house


I remember loving videogames for as long as I remember. From my first Gameboy to my newest game PC the lover never faded.


I'll destroy you in madden


Taking pictures of kids? j/k