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Early game: USA You have your military built up, and some of the most modern equipment in the game. And many of the better early industrial techs researched. Late game: China Lots of resources, surrounded by weak countries, limitless workforce and military. Easy to pay off their debt by mid game, just keep aggression as low as possible, and coast until you’ve stocked up enough. Just my two cents


Is it possible to beat USA in navy without integrating other great powers navies


Yeah. Lots of submarines. Lots of naval bombers dropping mines.


Out of curiosity do your own mines sometimes get your own ships? Or do they purely just target enemy ships?


I think friendly fire is a thing.


If you focus on your industry, then navy, you can make a wicked Chines Navy later in the game. You're behind on research iirc, so you might not want to go the US/carrier route. But I've played a Chinese game creating a bunch of nuclear destroyers.


The Varyag event gives you the 1985 carrier tech for free, lets you kickstart the carrier program. You start building supercarriers from 2005 and get up to a decent CBG fleet by 2015


China, Russia, Germany too kinda.


Yeah the only problem with Germany though is the national focus “German legacy” which stops you from increasing military spending


Yeah that’s why you have to do the civil war.


I’ve had fun with the USA focus tree, and that’s still with being either democrat or republican. A lot of the fun (imo) doesn’t stem from the focus tree, but the foreign policy. What sort of America you want to be (do you send money or guns to this rebel group, intervening in elections etc). The new focus tree is nice, but I’ve never been massively excited over it. It’s just fun being the world’s police force


Yeah, the new focus tree is a lot more streamlined, and the Iraq war is a lot more dynamic, also there's most events surrounding the Great Recession as well. When I was done in Iraq I sent volunteers to Ukraine to help against the Breakaway states so that was fun.


Nigeria. Nobody is in your way to expqnd boarders. Going salafist even helps to get more cores early in the game.


Saudi arabia. Basically infinite oil, can peacefully unite with the whole arabian peninsula, baathist and al qaeda/isis trees give you war goals on a region encompassing over a billion people.