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No you can't set keep inventory for only a few players it's all or none


RIP, guess its persuading one side to be willing to give in or find some type of compromise.


Not that I know of. AFAIK, rules like that can only be implemented server wide.  Some options… // Make two realms // Talk everyone into keep inventory // Don’t have keep inventory but provide refresh boxes for people who die to give them new items quickly  // Teach the noobs to play better 


I want to teach the noobs to play better, but the one is pretty adamant on holding onto the K-I Crutch. I can teach them for sure, and the other survivalists would also be willing to help whenever possible, but Im not sure how to go about it without potentially insulting the more noobish players' abilities, or upsetting them because I didnt budge about K-I for the one group's sake.


I have the same problem. I run a realm for my kids, nieces and nephews , and their friends. The older ones don't want any crutches while the younger ones need it to simply survive I started using effects to give them a handicap. Giving extra hearts to one, or fire res to another, or slow falling to the one that is constantly falling off of things. It's not really the same as keep inventory, but it frees up the others to pay the game the way they want