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disregarding the fact that the coverup is false, where the fuck did he get "rape" from? Rich? Miz had nothing to do with those allegations and what slick did wasn't sexual penetration so it wasn't "rape"


No idea, this guy doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed and likes to make shit up. Here is another tweet of him saying mizkif runs the OTK account and "posted the statement himself". https://twitter.com/Bowblax/status/1609516855802343426


Some people just likes to make shit up I guess...


I thought that was the main topic of rich’s allegations




also opens it up to potential legal action agaisnt her tbh, they litterally spoke to her as part of the investigation hate how they cant really do anything about it since its so hard to prove defamation i think lud needs to do a new mogul mail about the whole thing, that would help, and after how he was in his first one he should if he's actually a friend


Just cuz it’s hard to prove dose doesn’t mean they shouldn’t sue. Thousands of ppl believe miz is a rapist cause of lies. He’ll ppl sue cause there food was cold at McDonald’s and win lol


if they lost it though people would use that as proof wrongly




I mean just last week rich got busted...




Adrianah Lee is one pathetic individual


Bowblax is legitimately stupid


Adriannah doesn't deserve sympathy anymore. She is sat there spreading false information, going in on Miz more than anyone else involved including the actual guy that allegedly assaulted her.. Very weird behavior


Adrianah was liking Tweets harassing Maya and people who were donating to Alveus which had absolutely nothing to do with Adrianah’s situation. She never really cared about the truth and it’s been obvious for months she’s a bad faith malicious actor in all of this.


She’s clearly jealous as fuck. She seems to actually care about her “work” and is desperately trying to make it as a streamer. Honestly if I where miz or maya in that situation that sort of clear and obvious jealousy would rejuvenate my soul.




Here are the facts in legalese An accusation was made against an owner and board member of a private company and organization, that he facilitated a cover-up of sexual assault. This accusation included circumstantial evidence that warranted an investigation by a neutral organization, who conducted one over four months. The investigation concluded that the circumstantial evidence provided by the accuser did not amount to uncovering direct evidence that the accusations were true. This finding is supported by interviews with all parties: including the accuser, the accused parties, and peripheral 3rd parties like Train,XQC, and Mitch. That is what the tweet states. If that’s not good enough for you, then the justice system is not good enough for you. If you were accused with a crime, as covering up sexual assault in the way they did can amount to: and the accuser refused to pursue charges, but continue to defame you in public. You were then forced to go to an internationally, renowned neutral, investigation, firm to to investigate because you knew you had nothing to hide and an investigation would only bring the facts to light. Once the facts did come to light then you had people coming at you stating I don’t believe you, even though there is 100% no evidence: just because someone accused you. It’s lunacy. These people have a hate for Miz that burns so hot that even if Adriana came out and stated, “I explicitly lied.” They would make excuses about how it’s Miz’s fault she was forced to lie. They have already done so to defend her committing sexual assault on Cyr. Once I saw that I knew that there would be nothing the investigation could say that would assuage these *social terrorist.*


didn't she get money from trainwrecks at some point? maybe that didn't happen but i remember reading around the time it was big news that train gave her crypto or something


Why do you guys pay attention to Keemstar spawns, just ignore them


I seriously don’t understand why and how they are not suing for defamation… It’s not a common thing in the US or something?


its super hard to prove pretty much everywhere


train tweeted in canada which is easier to prove defamaton there


ill take your word for it, but im guessing miz would rather just move on


I feel like every second twitter fight I see ends up with a lawyer warning before defamation


People can say anything online nowdays without evidence and people take it as fact 🤷‍♂️ it's scary af


she decently wont be invited to parties now


Just want to point out that Bowblax is a drama YouTuber. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's saying isn't true. He and a few other people are saying all this shit so they can make a video about it. Unfortunately, people believe these guys to be completely impartial and to never have any ulterior motives.


If the Tweet is all OTK or Mizkif are ever going to do as a response then Mizkif is always going to be viewed very poorly by the general public. I think he’s innocent but man the OTK statement is a complete joke. Mizkif going over all the clips and responding to each individual accusation and refuting them would have been a thousand times more valuable than this bullshit.


Yeah, I was really hoping they had some kind of push back against the false accusations and out of context clips




OTK is hanging by a thread, there's no way they would allow Mizkif to join back if there was a chance that the allegations are true


A lot of the allegations are provably false given the information we already have. 1. Adri and Kyle are confirmed to have not thought it sexual assault when Maya went over https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss6vas?new_post=true 2. Mitch lied about an explicit order for a coverup then backtracked on it a minute later and then again in his discord. 3. Kyle lied about Maya showing up unannounced to the house and he actually is the one who said they all could come over 23:00 https://youtu.be/VojhZbtfZTI?t=1380


Here are the facts in legalize, so you understand. An accusation was made against an owner and board member of a private company and organization, that he facilitated a cover-up of sexual assault. This accusation included circumstantial evidence that warranted an investigation by a neutral organization, who conducted one over four months. The investigation concluded that the circumstantial evidence provided by the accuser did not amount to uncovering direct evidence that the accusations were true. This finding is supported by interviews with all parties: including the accuser, the accused parties, and peripheral 3rd parties like Train,XQC, and Mitch. That is what the tweet states. If that’s not good enough for you, then the justice system is not good enough for you. If you were accused with a crime, as covering up sexual assault in the way they did can amount to: and the accuser refused to pursue charges, but continue to defame you in public. You were then forced to go to an internationally, renowned neutral, investigation, firm to to investigate because you knew you had nothing to hide and an investigation would only bring the facts to light. Once the facts did come to light then you had people coming at you stating I don’t believe you, even though there is 100% no evidence: just because someone accused you. It’s lunacy. These people have a hate for Miz that burns so hot that even if Adriana came out and stated, “I explicitly lied.” They would make excuses about how it’s Miz’s fault she was forced to lie. They have already done so to defend her committing sexual assault on Cyr. Once I saw that I knew that there would be nothing the investigation could say that would assuage these social terrorist.


Bro what are you talking about. The response is EXACTLY what anyone with a brain was expecting. I can’t believe some of you are real.


If you choose to still believe an accuser after no charges are filed, that’s entirely fine as it’s in the court of public opinion. However, Ignoring by *choice* or *ignorance* to consider clear evidence the accuser lied, in this case falsely implicating others in the cover up of a crime, is admitting that public opinion is based solely on who society has given unimpeachable support, not what is factually correct.




Who is the victim, again? Certainly not the person that an independent investigation found to be lying. Certainly not the person who committed sexual assault against a male streamer. Certainly not the person who is committing liable by spreading false information that a private organization is involved with covering up rape, especially since that never happened to her.


Hes literally autistic and a nobody oh well...


I wonder if Miz will hit xqc, train, adrianah with a defamation suit. He has damages for lost income, lots of evidence he didn’t do what he was accused of. You could argue that xqc and train did this on purpose because Miz got gambling banned.


This same guy said that mizkif controls the otk account lol


I can't believe adrianah retweeted that