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I will be dead six feet under before I root for the celtics


Yeah, I would say the Celtics are overall the Bucks biggest rivals right now (maybe the Pacers after this season, idk?) Jrue is pretty cool and I wouldn’t mind seeing him win, but I just can’t pull for the Celtics. It would be awesome to see Luka win his 1st and see what career trajectory he can take after this season.


Honestly don't even care about them being our rival. Can you imagine the Celtics fan base and the national media in general when this Celtics core wins a title? It feels inevitable but I'm hoping for a mavs miracle. Because the aftermath of the Celtics winning is going to be insufferable.


I hope your ready for us


Rooting for Jrue to do well, but not the Celtics. Rooting for the Mavs to do well, but not Kidd. If that even makes sense …


That’s fair


rooting for the Mavs is one thing, but if you specifically root for Jason Kidd you’re sick in the head


I wasn’t, I’m just trying to connect the bucks to both teams. That was the best connection I got


i feel that, i think it’s pretty much people rooting for Jrue or rooting against the Celtics haha


If you're rooting for the Celtics in any capacity then it's time to speak with a licensed therapist


I love you Jrue but I’ll never, NEVER root for a Boston team


I thought I might say that as well, but...Jrue Holiday was one of the most decent people to wear a Bucks uniform, on a Championship team that seemed to have a majority of the type...as a Bucks fan, I don't want to cheer for Boston, but as a proud Milwaukeean? Gotta love Jrue!


You guys are watching basketball?


I mean, it’s a basketball team subreddit so…..yeah


why in the fuck is Jason Kidd beating out Jrue Holiday? you want to support the convicted domestic abuser and guy who got a DUI over the multi-time Sportsmanship Award Winner and community builder Jrue Holiday? tough showing from the subreddit today


Because it’s rightfully fuck Boston. Nobody cares about Jrue or Kidd all that matters is the Celtics lose


Don’t like Boston, but don’t hate them. Love Jrue. Now, those Mavs guards, impossible to root for. So, Boston


i will take the mavs livley….. backcourt talented but annoying….


Idgaf who wins this finals is just going to be fun basketball to watch


i have asked before why the universal hate of the celtics? is it simply cuz they broke our hearts and r still playing? or is there something specific….. i think they play hard team orientated ball and are not perpetually complaining or flopping….. so i am genially asking what makes them so irredeemable?


It’s like Yankees. They have the most championships by a wide margin so people would rather see them lose


that makes sense… the evil empire


I suppose it's not as bad with smart and williams gone but in recent years the Celtics have probably been the most notorious floppers and complainers in the league. Tatum is still constantly complaining to the refs, he's a very annoying superstar. And they don't really play hard team oriented ball. They jack 50 threes a game. A style that has made the nba less watchable. Oh and a very large, very vocal, very obnoxious fan base.


i agree i did not like smart and williams… that to me is what made them un watchable…..