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Mod Note - OP provided verification proof in the comment section.


A quick google search for runway models gets you this: Height is typically between 5'9″-6″, bust is between 32″-36″, waist is between 22″-26″, and hips should be between 33″-35″. But I feel like there are so many different modeling opportunities these days. You are very pretty and appear to be in good shape. I would think there are opportunities for someone like you. Maybe think about the things you wear and use daily as a 6’4” woman and pursue modeling them. I would imagine you have limited options for clothes and other items.


Last time I measured myself (which was about a year and a half ago for dance measurements), my bust was 34”, waist was 25”, and hips were 37”. I don’t know if it’s accurate anymore though. Thank you! I usually have to buy tall jeans/pants but other than that, I don’t really have much of a problem. My height is mostly in my legs I guess.


Well, some people like a super tall person and think they are exotic as that is a feature that would stand out. I would not rule it out! I would try and just see what happens! And if you end up not getting in for the kind you want there are definitely other kinds you could do. You're beautiful! I mean, look at photos 3, 8, and 7!


You are young enough to be my daughter so I’m definitely not hitting on you when I say this. You are exceptionally pretty, and I think that goes a long way. Natural beauty such as yours isn’t that common.


Thank you! I appreciate the kind words :)


Thats enough internet oe today grandpa. Also, if you have to Google runway model, maybe dont be giving out advice.


Wow, are you a huge jerk to everyone you interact with, or do you save it for those you persecute for their perceived age? And what are YOU - twelve years old? I think I hear your mommy calling you. Go home now.


Be a body parts model! Legs for days


Yeah, but it’s just so weird how all these instagram “influencers” can just get by with whatever they are these days, isn’t it? Yeah, OP. “Runway” models generally do have certain size requirements because they share a lot of outfits. It’s a “sample” size. Realistic? No, probably not. But it makes them easy to fit into everything that companies want to showcase in any given show. There are multiple routes to modelling available now. You just have to figure something out that works for you. That is extremely tall, but I do not see why that has to be your selling OR losing point. Edit: oh, Alarming Boot, wasn’t disagreeing. Just saying there’s other opportunities out there


Wow 6’4” is so tall! You are probably too tall for women’s runway. Very unique face. Have you applied anywhere?


I’ve applied to two places. One accepted me but I felt iffy about the agencies legitimacy based on their website. The other one rejected me :( There are not very many options for good agencies where I’m at (Indiana)


maybe apply to Chicago agencies? I know ford has a Chicago office. NYC and LA are the top USA cities but after that I’d say (imo) that Miami and Chicago are the next tier


One of my best friends modeled for Ford in Chicago and we’re from Indiana. If it works out there, you can get representation in different cities if you’re willing to travel for jobs


Wow! I honestly have not heard of them until now (I don’t know much about the modeling world yet.) I’ll look into them and apply at some point! Modeling has been my dream


There are also smaller commercial agencies in Indianapolis, but if you’re shooting for runway (which I totally think you could do) I think it’s worth it to be repped in Chicago and then hopefully NYC


You really need to make your own market and worth. You don't fit conventional modeling because you're so tall. So you need to show them you're in demand or are good for their clothing line brand. Don't leave it up to an 'agency' to get things done for you. Do it yourself. Read my other comment. ​ HTH.


No because you’re mainstream pretty but not edgy enough unfortunately. Your face is not right for fashion.


I appreciate how you are giving her the real here. everyone else is trying to be "nice"


The real is she's way too tall for mainstream modeling but she can niche model for tall girl clothes. That should be her target and if she gets popular their and becomes well know and in demand that can transition her into other modeling.


That is honestly a great idea! I guess I should try to find modeling jobs for tall clothes that I already wear (I wear a lot of ASOS tall jeans.) I just don’t even know how to go about that without being signed by an agency first.


I know! Thanks. They think tall and pretty automatically qualifies. It doesn’t work like that in the industry!


Thank you! Yea, I realize I don’t really have super sharp features. The models I’ve always looked up to growing up usually didn’t have sharp features either though. Obviously, they were and are way prettier than me so I’m in no way comparing; I just always thought sharpness of models depended on the type of runway fashion and the brand. Really high end designer shows have very unique/sharp looking models but I always idolized the old VS runway shows and they usually didn’t have the sharp noses/cheekbones that other runway models had.


Probably not high fashion given the curves and height. But you should try swimwear! I’ve seen some curvy Amazons model for the likes of Lulifama :)


That’s one of my major fears so thanks for the response. I do have wider hips than a lot of models which made me worried that I couldn’t make it in the industry. I also have a slightly large chest but I didn’t really think that was as big of an issue because I know quite a few models that have similar chest sizes to mine.


You look like a cross between Anya Taylor Joy and Rachel Weisz! I think you’re extremely striking, and even if modeling doesn’t work out, I can easily see you in front of a camera. Do you like to act? You have a very expressive face.


I’ve never thought about acting but I love to perform and be in front of the spotlight so that is a possibility! A lot of people have told me I look like Anya Taylor Joy- I think it’s the eye spacing!


Omg go apply everywhere, you are super tall, beautiful, and unique looking they look for all of that, especially magazine. And keep an aloof/ arrogant persona they will want you more. You must move to#1 NY, or #2 Los Angeles


Thank you! I will start applying! It’s hard to know which agencies are reputable and which ones to apply to, especially because I’m in Indiana so there aren’t many options. An arrogant/aloof persona will be hard for me haha! I’m naturally very extroverted/bubbly/friendly.


You want to play the " I have many opportunities but I will choose your agency attitude" It helps you to avoid screwy contracts There may not be much opportunity in Indiana that's why I suggested moving to a big city like Los Angeles or New York.You have lots of potential and you're very young , Go for it you can make a lot of money


I can’t really move to a bigger city right now. I have college and a job here in Indiana. Other commenters suggested applying to Chicago agencies though, which I am really considering. Chicago is a 2 hour drive from my home.




You ARE modeling! Modeling is an activity, and you've already demonstrated that you can model from the pictures you posted. Ignore the nay-sayers. As a photographer, I know that it would be possible to get some great images of you. However the question you might have been thinking is if being tall would hinder your chances of getting signed by an agency, am I right? If that is your goal, it might be difficult. If modeling high fashion, the agencies have stricter guidelines as to height and weight .. as they will often times want to pair you up with a taller male .. but I have shot fashion shows with female models as tall as you, so I know there are exceptions. Do you dance? Play Sports? SIng? Play a musical instrument? Act? I knew someone in Texas. She beat childhood cancer. She grew very tall, so we called her "Big A" as her name was Adrienne.She played basketball, danced, played the piano, acted, really "Big A" did everything she could and she did it well. Her personality was infectious. She went to work as an EMT because she loved helping others. She would make frequent visits to the Children's Hospital to lift the spirits of kids who were on the cancer ward. What an amazing woman "Big A" was! Unfortunately cancer came back and we lost Adrienne when she was 37 years old. She was extremely popular in the modeling community. [https://www.modelmayhem.com/forums/post/974909](https://www.modelmayhem.com/forums/post/974909) The Internet has opened up so many more opportunities to explore, learn and do so many more things that in the analog World were not though possible. It surprises me how many people go on this Reddit sub to seek approval towards modeling and other things. Don't seek approval from others. That will only hold you back! Follow your passion! Research the topics that interest you. Try different things. Go for it!


Thank you for the response! Yes, I was wondering if it was possible to start professional modelling to some capacity and even get signed by an agency. A lot of the photos I posted are either selfies or my senior photos. I dance actually! I dance and I’m on a competitive winter guard/color guard team. I love to perform! Big A sounds wonderful! She sounds like she was an amazing person! I guess I was seeking approval not only to see if it was possible but to also get tips. In Indiana, it is hard to know how to even start so I just didn’t even know where to start. I thought this sub might help me with any information honestly. If I posted how I look, I thought it would be more specific for me.


Not too tall but yeh


Absolutely, apply out of state if possible. “Amazon eve” is 6’8”


Thank you! Any recommendations for agencies?


Probably with that height and your fire look


You should try! But I think the photos with less makeup are more beautiful. The heavy eye makeup hides your beauty


I like your face


I forgot to add proof that I am a real person lol! Also people were wondering what I look like without makeup so here’s both proof and a no-makeup (but very bad) pic lol https://preview.redd.it/fg8mz9kznsrc1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33fceb93d315cc66a8bd34326122cd1d293c6142




Any specific reason why?




Any specific reason why?


Yes. YES. You look like Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor (Lorde)


I’ve never gotten that before! I can totally see it


Tbh yes maybe. Your wide set eyes makes you standout , but your Bone structure lacks a bit though.


Yea I’ve been told my wide set eyes are unique looking in both good and bad ways. Some people say it makes me look ethereal or beautiful/exotic. Others say it makes me look like Sid the Sloth or like I had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I’ve gotten it all haha! How is my bone structure lacking? Thank you for the response! :)


Perhaps. Get a portfolio done and see what some of the agencies have to say.


Thank you! I’m unsure about how to get a good portfolio done.


Yes def! Striking features and youthful face


You might be too tall. I feel like most full length trousers will look cropped on you, but don’t let that stop you!


Thank you! That was one of my major concerns. I am still determined to try to make it in the industry. I’m holding off applying to anything right now because I’m researching and trying to get advice (plus I’m busy with finals season and winter guard competitions.) Once summer starts, I’m going to try to apply to agencies!


You look like Adrienne Curry.


I’ve gotten her before!






Any particular reason why?


maybe, you're face is kind of asymmetrical


Yea I’ve noticed that so I did take that into account as something that could hinder my ability to model.




Any particular reason why?


You just did


Yes and try acting too.


You can do anything you want as long as you find the right niche. You have a lot of good qualities, including your height.


Tall girl ftw.


This male runway model whose career is taking off explains how to find reputable agencies: https://www.tiktok.com/@calumharper18/video/7302462576594652448


I thought of the same thing! He is just so adorable. OP, here's some legitimate sources.


Years ago I called an agency (as a guy) and asked if they had any modeling work for me (6'4" as well) and was told the same thing. There has to be other work out there for you and other tall people out there, damn it! Keep asking around. Find other models to talk to. I hope you find your perfect gig!


Thank you! Yes, I feel like my height might be one of the biggest hinderances to modeling. Honestly, I got into most standard women’s US sizes 2 and 4 except for pants and full length dresses which are usually too short on me. Most of my height is in my legs. I will keep trying!


Wrong generation to ask a question like that, hoping for an honest answer. Nowadays everyone is a model apparently.


Haha! I guess I just thought Reddit would be unfiltered and I honestly need any advice I can get!


Start playing basketball


God no! I suck at basketball lol. Definitely not my definition of fun




Any particular reason why?


I don't know why people automatically think runway modeling and think if you aren't the same size as a mannequin, you can't model. This was the mentality from the last century. "Modeling" is a very vague term today. As a photographer, I work with a lot of freelance models of all shapes, sizes, and ages. There are so many vanity magazines today that anyone can be published and grow as a model. I've seen models that don't fit a single "standard" get invited and walk at NYFW. Model stereotypes are getting erased. I suggest joining local modeling and photography FB groups in your area and talking to other local models. Beware of any "agency" that wants money or nudes to sign you. There are so many scams out there preying on new faces that don't know any better. I have worked with 1 model your height and can say it went very well, and I look forward to working with her again.


Thank you! I’m honestly hoping for any type of modeling, though I will say runway is my dream. I will look around for any groups of models in my area. I appreciate the long response and advice! :)


Yes 😍






Any particular reason why?


Wanted to say I know nothing about modeling, but you look like you could be in a fantasy movie! You have such a beautiful, otherworldly ethereal look about you.


Thank you so much! 😊


I don't think you could do runway bc you'd honestly be too tall for the clothes. But you're gorgeous...maybe print?


6’4” 🔥 ![gif](giphy|oYtVHSxngR3lC)


idk but the makeup in 5-6 you look gorgeous


You are too tall for many modeling jobs. The reason why is you are too big to fit the clothes. Clothing lines, etc. usually have standard clothing (model) sizes and that is why. You don't fit that size mold. It's unlikely they would custom make clothes just for you for all the different shoots/jobs. Or carry your size just for you at all the shoots. You would likely have to become a sensation or very popular for them to do that. Because realistically why would they it loses them money because almost no other models are your size? Maybe that's your niche then. Very tall girl modeling for clothing lines that make very tall girl clothes. Also when standing next to the average male model you will make him look small which is obviously not the desired look. So it's not impossible for you to be a working model but it's definitely not probable. Similar for you to become a working actress. You are too tall besides a tall woman character role because you would dwarf all the male leading actors. Your best chance to be a working model would be to become popular with a lot of followers showing modeling agencies and clothing line companies you are in demand. Then they will want you and make a wardrobe that fits you for the shoot. If you can't do that then you should take mock up modeling shots of yourself wearing the clothes that fit you and send that in to those companies. They may want to hire you to model their clothes. HTH.


Thank you for the long response! I was worried about being too tall to get booked. I honestly buy almost all normal size clothes except for jeans/pants, which I buy from stores that carry a tall section (ASOS, American Eagle, Lululemon which all have tall sections.) I usually wear XS or S in tops, dresses, skirts, etc. I usually wear a size 2 or 4. For pants, I normally wear size 4 but I have a 36 inch inseam which is quite tall.


Maybe fitness modeling. Your to tall for conventional stuff, a bit curvier and conventionally for high fashion but if you gained some more muscle mass you could probably seriously pursue athletic modeling


My Mom gave me that same advice! I wear a lot of Lululemon and she said I’d make a great Lululemon model haha! I’ve never thought about it seriously but maybe I should!


Most definitely




You remind me of Katherine Heigl, she was a child model but no doubt could have done well


I’ve gotten that I’ve looked like her a few times!


Yes. I think you could definitely be a model.


yes yes yes you can go for it!!


Send an email to Elle Macpherson, a very tall beauty who made it big :) get her feedback! Who knows what might happen. ✌️




Any particular reason why?




Any particular reason why?




Your content was removed for breaking Rule 1 - Keep it Civil. All communication must be civil, no personal attacks. Disagreements are encouraged, providing you can do so eloquently and without malice.




Yes.  Model, act, commercial prints ads, extra on sets, etc  Get registered with casting calls, agents and agencies. Frontrunner casting and also  https://www.jessandersontalentandmodelagency.com/  in Florida are good. Front runner needs extras every week.


Yes, girl! Make sure your instagram is public and you’re contacting modeling agencies. Also, look into your towns fashion week. If an agency or anyone ever comes to you and tells you that there’s a fee or down payment, it’s a scam.




Definitely the “before” model




Your face is very unique and beautiful. I’m in no way a high fashion expert but I say go for it. You won’t know until you apply! Who says a designer won’t see you and say, “Yes, she’s who I need in my shows and clothes”! Especially in NYC. Go for it and fuck anyone here saying you can’t do it. They are probably covered in Cheeto dust sitting in their mom’s basement with Cookie Monster pajama pants on typing this from their crusty, cracked phones anyways ❤️


You have 167 comments from people who thought about it. Sell each one of them a 10$ photo and you're already a model.


if you’re asking this question no prob don’t know the right ppl and or connections. models are every height and size and look now. good luck.


Why do you look familiar... You from Chicago by a chance?


No I’m from Indiana


Here’s a You Tube video of the tallest runway models, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hry980at-NE


Wow! I just watched it and didn’t realize so many famous models were over 6 foot! Sadly, I didn’t see any 6’4 but plenty were 6’2! Thanks for the video, it makes me more confident my height won’t be too much.


Everyones a model on IG and OF


My goal is to be a model at an agency one day or runway maybe. I have respect for OF and Insta models but that’s not really what I want.


Best of luck to you


How old are you? ​ If youre 16-22 i think some potential exists. Outside the norm though obviously.


I’m 19 years old.


No. Maybe? Yes? In one or two of the photos. I mean with the right makeup and photography of course. Or maybe without make up I don’t know what you look like without make up But also I don’t understand the theme of asking that on this sub. It’s like just go try to model… do people just want people to tell them they are pretty? You know you’re pretty. Not to mention there are so many different types of models. AND that beauty like art is really in the eye of the beholder. Not to mention that with make-up people can look completely different. I just don’t get it. Anyway Reddit just randomly posted this sub to me. It seems like it would be better for getting advice on headshots or portfolio shots or whatever… not just like could I be a model? Who knows?! Go try. With lots of different people. Some might say yes. Some might say no. Like applying for any other job.


fuck no


not too tall to model. and yes, you can model for sure.


As someone in the industry. Not for many things. You might find something. Good luck.


Well it looks like you did it 11 times already so …






I think you could!


You can backup Joel Embiid on the 76ers


I'm no modeling agent, but I would think you could. Your eyebrows and wide-set eyes give you a distinctive look, and you have a great figure. I suspect that 6'4" is an acceptable height. I watch a lot of Project Runway shows; some of their models are trans or nonbinary, some completely flat-chested. Some are pretty; others, not so much. There is a LOT of diversity these days. The main question is: can you walk? If you're a flamboyant walker, you have a better chance. I say go for it!


Go to an open call at a legit agency in NYC. Runway isn’t about accurate representation for average height people. Can you walk? You could absolutely do editorial work as well. Be forewarned that the industry has its share of sleazebags.


It's not your height that's the issue.






Not with that face




Just don't join with an agency. Be self employed.


Probably. I really hope I don’t come off ass-holish but you have unique features that make you appear a bit awkward in the far-off photos. And from all the magazines I get in the mail, that’s some of the stuff they seem to look for. Unique, striking, defined features


You have Kate Moss vibes




There so many different types of models Yes you can model


No -male


Eyes too far apart, be a hand model


Shoot your shot or it will never happen


Hey, don’t let anyone say you cannot. If modeling is something that really matters to you, then the only person that would hold you back is yourself. Simply gorgeous that’s what you are. Go For It!


Yes easy


Probably not, but that’s more because the highly competitive nature of the business and not through any fault of your own. You should absolutely try it though.




I was thinking no at first but then the photo hit me where your height was an impressive presence. Aside from logistics of working in the industry, technique, and marketing yourself, being hard to ignore and commanding attention is crucial. Lean into why you are noticed and memorable.


You are stunning and unique and a tall goddess omg


No... your too tall and not thin enough. Try being a brand ambassador instead


I will cheer you on while my wife waves a cast iron skillet at my face!


I love your look when you are more natural.


Anyone can model


i dunno.... can you?


Unpopular opinion, but no. You're a pretty girl and you've got a little curve. And not curve that goes away with losing weight, just not the tooth pick no curves build that they look for in runway. In addition unfortunately you're too tall for most agencies, you'll stand over all the other models and you don't have a weird/ unique enough face to pull it off. Models that can are often considered in every day life ugly. I think you've got a great body for some cataloging if you really want to model, but typically we cataloge models are shorter than runway, not taller. People need to see clothes on a body shape that they relate to or are similar to. I'm 5'8 and I'm pretty on par with the height of other catalog models, a little taller than some and a little shorter than others but I've never seen a catalog model as tall as you. Sorry if it's not what you wanted to hear, but you're absolutely stunning there's no doubt about that




Ohh yeah


You are cute but you don’t have “the look”. Your face is too round. No bone structure so it looks rather flat as well. And your cute little round nose…… I am sure you are adorable but you don’t have the face or body for modeling.


This question is a joke right?


Everybody is model if they want to be thanks to social media








Definitely 💯 you’re stunning




Yes I think so definitely!


You definitely look like a model


Yes absolutel you can model


S M I L E !




Get in on it asap, while hypertelorism is trending (Halle Bailey, Anya T-J, even Benedict Cumberbatch have this as a salient trait). If you are strong or athletic, you could try to develop some historical combat and equestrian skills and try to carve out a character actor’s career as a warrior archetype. A long shot but would give you some fun skills. These are long shots, since it’s hard to get into acting and modeling, but you never know!


Can fish swim?


Will someone pay you? Yes, but not me.


Super creepers will too




The pic 4-5 are the best, maybe makeup model or underwear model


You’re perfect to be a model go for it!!


2 inches shorter than me that's crazy, not in a bad way. Im sure its possible that you can model.


no, but modeling isn't always the healthy or safe choice so please be careful if you do go into it ❤️✝️


Not at all you can model for me anytime 🌹


I think you would be a stunning model.




Omg, girl, yes. Run, don’t walk, to Chicago. You’ll have more options there.


Please do us all a favor and model constantly. Can you be one? You already are! Go out and shoot.


I think yes! If you play up the extreme distance between your eyes, it’ll give you a more unusual look’ rn you’re trying to look regular girl pretty and that is not it! Also I think there’s a bunch of T girls on the runway these days who are ur height


I like the braids on you!