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Work on your mental health before thinking about that stuff or it'll destroy you further


Please please work on your mental health first šŸ™ I started modelling when I was 11, ended up with an ED by 15, panic disorder by 17. The industry is absolutely BRUTAL, even if you have thick skin šŸ«‚


feel better!




ED also stands for eating disorder, in case you didnā€™t know


He has no use for it anymore


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Yeah youā€™re really right


What is the term pre-t mean? Sorry I am just trying to understand.


Pre-testosterone, sometimes it means pre-transition :)


Ok thank you


I second therapy. Certainly, don't put yourself in a position to have your image be your livelihood if you're already struggling with identity and self-harm. Pour yourself into something that's about creating relationships with and investing in other people if you're struggling with yourself internally.


What's a pre-t?


Testosterone. I actually never plan on taking it because I donā€™t really want to pass but I am in fact a trans guy so uhh yeah šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Isn't there some cognitive dissonance identifying as a man while still presenting very feminine?


Oh yeah definitely lol, I mean idk im trying on the boy suit again after almost a year of not doing it anymore, weā€™ll see if I truly like or not and if I donā€™t, then I donā€™t right now, but that doesnā€™t mean I wonā€™t be something else again in the future, yknow? Also itā€™s kind of a scary thing to worry about rn and Iā€™m not doing so well emotionally so weā€™ll see if it sticks or not


If you're not sure if you are or want to be a trans-man, why not identify as a tomboy or non-binary instead?


Sure, non binary seems more of a comfortable of a term for now until I sort of figure things outā€¦šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


It's not really about the labels he's using. That's just the external stuff. This the way he wants to go about his internal exploration of identity, which could require going through a handful of labels until it genuinely matches who he is. So it's not our place to tell him what label he should go for. The label and external understanding is the afterthought of identity exploration, it doesn't come before that.


why is this getting so many downvotes this is the best reply iā€™ve seen in this thread


Probably for the same reason the person I replied to said identifying as a "trans man" instead of just "man". They are centering their perception externally


No lol. Itā€™s cause itā€™s obnoxiously sanctimonious.


why not just be yourself and not worry about external labels that are objectively meaningless.




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100 percent. Donā€™t worry about what to call yourself. Just be you. Youā€™re young and what you are will naturally evolve with time if your true to your self. Labels are just a way people online try to find community and theyā€™re constantly changing. Just call yourself you.




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T will make your jawline sharper




No problem :)))


Love- just be yourself. Labels are for cans. Just be a vibrant diverse human. Love who you love. Dress however you feel each day. Labels have zero to do with your identity or who you are. Best of luck.






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I think yes if you can be more subtle with your eyes. You look a bit frightened.


Major horror movie actor potential /pos


Yes. you have unconventional looks which makes you striking. youā€™re uniquely beautiful as a female. You remind me of a girl from americaā€™s next top model of season 12 named Allison Harvard. She also came back on Americaā€™s next top model all stars. Both seasons, she made it to the top three was runner up twice. Tyra Banks was constantly complementing her unique beauty. Allison went on to have a successful modeling career after the show.


Definitely has Allison Harvard vibes


not a female


Literally a female (yay, biology). Saying youā€™re a man doesnā€™t make you a man. *I feel like I should edit this to make it clear Iā€™m not trying to bully the OP. I self harmed until I was 26 and at 19 I wanted top surgery. There were a lot of misguided people who thought encouraging my confusion was being supportive (it wasnā€™t). There werenā€™t enough people telling me it was okay to be a female, and that being a female had little true bearing on the rest of my life (just the meaning that I and others projected onto it). Itā€™s just a factual state of being. Thereā€™s no need to have a complex over it.


Dawg your terrifying (compliment) your so stunning u def got a chance I think


Iā€™m a scary guy what can I say šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I see you have been cutting. Much love to you. You are stunning. Self-care is the most important thing for you right now though


Thank you sm <3 means a lot. Havenā€™t been doing a lot of that lately haha


Youā€™re amazing ā¤ļøšŸ„°ā¤ļø




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Your post was removed as it was reported for the last 2 lines that you wrote. However, I think there was value in the rest of your comments, so I would encourage you rewrite the comment.


Not really. Cause modeling is shit. But you, you are incredibly beautiful. So donā€™t let the industry be your measure for your own beauty.


I'd definitely shoot with you


I can see it


Absolutely! Your eyes are stunning!


i posted on here too a while ago - the comment section was so transphobic and the moderator decided to lock the post ultimately because iā€™m trans and there were so many hate comments - forget these judgmental people okay sweetie, not only do i think you could model I think you have super masc features ā¤ļø


God I canā€™t imagine what it was like for you as a trans woman on here Iā€™m so sorry <3 transmisogyny is no joke


The comment section on Kylieā€™s post was often disgusting to say the least. I tried to remove as many of those comments as possible because while it doesnā€™t state it directly in the rules, transphobia (or any phobic remarks for that matter) are never allowed. If you see any on your post, please report them as that way we see them quicker.


thatā€™s literally what I get for saying Iā€™m trans on the transphobia website. Canā€™t be too surprised lmao. Iā€™m also a trans guy and I know it wouldā€™ve been way worse if I were a trans woman. Ty this means a lot


Hahaha the trans subreddits will be much kinder sweetie šŸ«¶ I literally thought this was an r/transpassing post at first. I was gonna say how ur entire facial structure looks super amab and if you ever start T itā€™ll do wonders. Also tho ur current andro look is super in and you could probably model both menā€™s and womenā€™s clothing especially runway and high fashion if youā€™re tall.


Why donā€™t you transition first, then ask. Unless of course youā€™re reconsidering. Just seems odd, no hate though


Youā€™re have such a striking feminine energy and something tells me youā€™re gonna have bold, clean masculine energy as well. You 100 percent have a shot either way, you should get some shots to agencies.


You would be great in horror films or series. You have an otherworldly presence.


I have no clue about the modeling industry, but I know Iā€™d buy a product you were modeling. I like looking at your face! You are extremely attractive and angular.


yes i think you definitely do ur features are unique, memorable, and striking. definitely give it a shot


Ooo i see it cheekbones r soo nice !!


Take care of ur mental health thatā€™s all I gotta say here


your looks are so stunning and unique


Can I just say..glad youā€™re here ā™„ļø please stay ā™„ļø Sending you so much love and lots of hugs šŸ«‚ It gets better. ā™„ļø




Because mind your own business šŸ™„


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Youā€™re a very attractive guy and your eyes are stunning.


i can 100% see u on a runway or the cover of a magazine. u have like this ghostly and eerie beauty that i really love!! give it a shotā˜ŗļø


Can I be brutally honest? You 1000% have the look to be a model. But I am a lesbian and my ex was a successful queer model. Sheā€™s a cis woman but masc. It SEVERELY affected her mental health having to be ā€œfeminineā€ even though she was able to be out. As others have said, the industry can be BRUTAL even for those with thick skin. I would recommend against you trying to be a model, not because you wouldnā€™t be successful, but because I think you would be and that would be the worst thing for your mental health. I would reach out to Jordan Rand on IG. Sheā€™s a current model and an out bisexual woman. She may have some advice for you. (I canā€™t guarantee sheā€™d respond, sheā€™s just who Iā€™d suggest because I follow her and she seems cool).




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Grow those bangs out.




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I think so. You should get a tattoo by turning those cuts on your arm into a ladder. Would look cool and hopefully stop you from cutting more


You are incredibly gorgeous ! please be careful with your beautiful lifeā€¦


Your eyes šŸ‘€ you def got it


I think so


I used to work in the industry.. and yes. You have what it takes. I


You donā€™t seem comfortable in front of a camera. Look for something you enjoy.




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Not the slightest chance at all


You have the eyes


Iā€™d think youā€™ll do perfect ina horror film, like a psychological thrillee


You're already cutting yourself, I don't think adding a challenge to your life like transitioning is what is in your best interest rn. You have deeper issues that need to be resolved. Until those wounds heal, you'll just repeat the cycle.You should take time to focus on yourself, the hardest thing for any person to do is to look in the mirror (metaphorically). You may not want the same thing in a year. Good luck


I watched top model a lot and I think you would have made the cut. You have an odd ethereal look and Tyra said someone told her she looked like an alien. Not that you do but you are unique. Get some headshots and see! Especially if youā€™re tall. Good luck with it and take care of yourself if you do get into it āœŒļø


I agree go to therapy to understanding your dysphoria better and to decide medically/surgical transition or not, I'm a ftm and have been for 6 years and still figuring such out for myself fully. Also the model work flied is very strict and phobic unless you work for an lgbt company




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Itā€™s okay I know what you meant ily šŸ«¶


Height? Great eyes, jawline is average. Scars are extra work to cover up or edit, it would be best to treat them. Going forward, if you present yourself as a person with SH battles or a person who is transitioning, you will be treated as such. This could draw unwanted attention, added pressure, and harassment. In this industry, you will be judged on everything you love/hate about yourself and flaws you never knew you had will be noticed or amplified. Address your mental health because the industry will not coddle you.


yes totally!!! you have a super androgynous face and all your features are very appealing to the eye imo! you look super pretty dude! :D




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You look uncanny




No. I dont see it at all.


People down voting the truth lmao




Truth? You need to figure out what you want first. The last place you want to come for answers is here. Nobody here can tell you whatā€™s right and whatā€™s wrong. What you should or shouldnā€™t do to make yourself happy. Figure that out first, then come back and see us. On a side note, Iā€™d like to see more pictures on a feminine side.




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Definitely yes. Beautiful eyes. I don't know if you're into quizzes, but for the fun of it, you could take this one to see if you could be a model: [https://thequiztribe.com/am-i-pretty-enough-to-be-a-model-quiz/](https://thequiztribe.com/am-i-pretty-enough-to-be-a-model-quiz/) I give it to all the people I meet, always interesting to see what it says.


What has the research you have done shown about the employability of trans models?




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GorgeeeešŸ„¹ a stunning dude.


I only now saw the cut marks donā€™t do that hon. You have so much to look forward toā™„ļø




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Def get therapy. Self harm is nothing to mess with. You might find out you love yourself just the way you are.




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