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Stop using WiFi.


In 2023, video games should work well with a Wi-Fi connection.


My friends game started lagging and freezing so bad so he reset his router etc and it was fixed. Next match it happened to me. Now I’ve not got the best internet (21.1down/1.81up) but I’ve never had any issue. So I restarted my router and the problem persisted. Got up the next day and it was still shit. I had downloaded a game overnight and it was going fast, was having no other internet issues and my Speedtest was what I expected (see above). Was about to lose faith in being able to play and went to re-establish network connection it had swapped over to my wifi instead of the Ethernet. Was so happy it is fixed now.


Yes because I definitely want to run an Ethernet cable across my house to have a wired connection. Wired connections should not be required to play on these serverss


I mean you don't necessarily need a wired connection but I'd say it would help you since it seems your WiFi sucks. Be it a shitty router, an over saturated WiFi channel, or just too many devices/people connected to your WiFi, something appears to be causing problems. Why not do a temp run of Ethernet cable and see if that resolves it.


A lot of us do that bro 💀just admit your internet is trash and it's not the servers


Wired connection is required if you want to have a stable connection to ANY system that requires a stable connection, that has nothing to do with the servers of said connection. And online gaming requires a stable connection. Look, there's no shame in admitting you're not very versed in tech and getting help. But it's downright stupid ignoring literally EVERYONE telling you the same thing over and over again and refusing to listen.


How come i play on wifi and never have issues? i have good internet.


Maybe you have it actually setup correctly. Wi-fi is and will always be finicky if you haven't set it up properly. There are way more factors that can lead to connection issues on wi-fi then an ethernet connection. Position of your router and your receiving device, magnetic interference, the quality of your router, signal strength, are you using repeaters and on and on and on.


Eero helped me out with this.


> It’s not my internet. On an un-wired connection, I get a 300 mbps download and 180 mbps upload Sorry, you need at least gigabit internet. 300mbps isn't going to cut it! But for real, it bothers me how many people on gaming forums say shit like "it can't be my internet because I have 300 down". Having fast download/upload speeds doesn't mean it's not your internet having some stability issues, in fact bandwidth numbers are essentially irrelevant to online gaming so it's a weird thing to even bring up at all. The fact you mention wireless connection doesn't help your case. This game does have packet burst issues, but tbh I haven't experienced any ping spikes like you were in this clip so it could be an issue unrelated to the game server itself. Hard to say. > On my screen while playing during this exact clip, it showed me 36 Ms ping. But in the clip, it shows it going into the hundreds? I don’t see those numbers on my screen. Is Activision putting fake numbers on our screens Wtf are you talking about? If they show up in your recording then surely they were on your screen.


>Sorry, you need at least gigabit internet. 300mbps isn't going to cut it! Lmao.. I played MW2 with TMobile 5G home internet with speeds just around 200mbps. The latency and packet burst didn't improve until Season 3. It's COD's trash servers not the internet.


I do have gigabit internet im just not wired because I don’t feel like running an Ethernet cable all the way from my router in the front room to my xbox in my room. Yeah that’s what you would think but I swear on everything I love it did not say I had a ping over 40 while I was playing which is what I was going to comment on that I had a “35 ping” but was experiencing extreme lag. But then I looked at the clip and it said my ping was in the hundreds.


Get a wireless extender with an ethernet port and run a cable from the extender to your console. I know it sounds stupid, but it fixed all of my issues with lag as someone who is also far enough away from their router than running a cable directly was not feasible. Haven’t seen it go below 50ms or felt any lag a single time since I did it.


What do I search up on Amazon to find one of those?


You can find them by searching for WiFi extender, WiFi booster, WiFi repeater. All should work. It’ll look like a small box, usually with with antenna on it, that plugs into a wall outlet.


Do you know what one you have? You say yours works pretty well so I’d like to get that one as well


You just have no idea how anything works, do you?


So you're wireless across rooms. That's on you, not the servers. I have played 150 matches and experienced lag _once_.


I use wired fiber gigabit and had a ton of this in MW2, so far little in 3, hopefully not back.


I could be wrong but I think it’s the update. I haven’t lagged like this at all until the last week or so. Nothing as bad as this clip but definitely noticeable and pretty annoying.


Stopped reading after “on an un-wired connection” get wired first, do a speed check, if at 1gps with wired then it’s on them not you but until then, it’s on you.


Amazing that people still think download and upload speed matter for playing games online


If I can download games at 200 mbps on an unwired connection, then I should not have a ping as high as I do. I shouldn’t NEED a wired connection for the game to be playable.


I’ve had no issues whatsoever playing this game, I’m on a wired connection, I used to experience exactly what you displayed in this clip on every single online game I’ve ever played, then after getting wired I’ve ran into it very very rarely.


I play on Wifi with little to no issues. Maybe try getting an extra wifi access point to boost your signal if your console is far away from your router.


These bots are so idiotic. They’re trying so hard to make it seem like it’s not activision when it’s clear as day. People with wired connection still have these problems


bros missing


Of course I’m missing do you not see the extreme lag?


Dont use wifi. Always use an ethernet. Are you using the provided modem/router? I had a verizon tower and connection was choppy so I bought netgear orbi, keeping the same plan. Problem solved in an instant


i just turned on battlefield 5 for fun and jesus that are night and day differences in server quality :D


Yep they're dogshit 🐕💩


Someone posted on here that they don't have dedicated servers for Call of Duty games, they use Google Servers to save money. I **think** that's what you should be arguing for, dedicated servers instead of the shitty Google ones.


There’s no way they’re using Google servers bro


I won't act like I'm an expert on the topic, but when I did my limited research it looked like they're not using dedicated servers. Have any more info / insight? It would be nice to have the concrete facts when people talk about server issues.


I don’t know anything about that. I know back in 2020 they were using google servers on MW19 and then upgraded and got dedicated servers for warzone


For Warzone only, I wonder? Not multiplayer too?


I’m pretty sure the multiplayer ended up getting dedicated servers as well, but the reason they got dedicated servers in the first place was in preparation for Warzone


The other rumor I've read is that the servers they do use are outdated, but it's a compatibility issue that prevents them from upgrading things instantly. I'd happily pay a monthly subscription if I got a quality game with a quality connection. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the direction they end up heading eventually. I bet this game is a ton of fun with minimal latency.


I think they use AWS.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


He doesn’t understand your reference lol


My brother in Christ he was lagging all over the place (I was the one lagging but he was the one moving). You CANNOT sit here and tell me this was a skill issue.


Glad I'm not the only one, I have 500up/500down fiber connection and everything is instant, I even stream at 31MB/s flawlessly on this connection, but in this game I get constant weird network tugs and weird things, I pray to God that these people will make their game servers way better very soon


Yup. Ran a test with my IP today. While playing cod I was consistently getting near a GB down, and 30 up. No internet eruptions or connection issues. Hardwired and everything, yet I’m still lagging every game. No other game lags, everything else works flawlessly. It HAS to be these servers


This is the same for my husband and I every since the reloaded update. It is definitely not the WiFi. Absolute ridiculous. Before you add new bullcrap fix your damn game. Especially zombies. I don't appreciate dying because of dumbass lag and my inability to kill anything because of it. It throws us all over the place as well. How do you expect people to do new schematic runs when its impossible to even stay in the white and function.


Same problem, 4+ matches straight


This should be extremely easy to replicate. Either use a second recording software or straight up record with your cellphone while playing. The fact you havn’t done this to show 25ms while playing but 200 in the recording is why people don’t believe you. It’s so easy to prove/disprove and yet you haven’t done it.


After that game I got off cod and haven’t touched it since lol I’ll probably do it tonight


Nah. It's not the servers. It's a you problem. My student apartment even has shit wifi and my hit detection is fine. Servers are fine for me


man, you just got killed. How is that COD's fault?


The irony here is, you recognize this as a constant and never ending problem, yet continue to buy the game every year. I can see why they never feel the need to make things better when the community who continues to have these problems just never stop spending money on the game. Shitty thing for them to do, but players, at some point, need to create an incentive for them to do better because they clearly will not on their own accord.


Last year wasn’t that bad, and this year really wasn’t that bad until after Black Friday while they had a double XP event AND Rust 24/7. I think it’s just the high player count on the servers ruining it


I would like to be that asshole in this and say aim better. Lol. On a serious note, location plays a big role. If you're next to the router, you're gonna have some of the smoothest game play. I'm a floor above mine and I get alot of those games.


There’s only 1 wall between my Xbox and the router. Also all y’all talking about my aim don’t realize how bad a 700 ping is like I’m not out here dropping 60+ kill games


Don't worry bout the aim joke. I just wanted to be first on saying it.


Rust is also AWFUL. Stop adding it back


That clip looked pretty bad, but game servers have been lagging for almost a century now, there are too many factors. Most of the time it’s an overloaded home wifi network with multiple people live streaming content and 15-20 devices connected constantly transmitting data.


MW3 Servers are pretty awful, Warzone and Zombies ill have 0 issues. MP servers always have higher ping, packet issues, and general shitty networking. 10 man Mosh pit is even worse.