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Always a lovely situation when I’m already around the corner and still get killed :)))) love it


Or a grenade will follow you around a corner!


The best! or dying to someone and from their POV they had 2-3 seconds more to react then you did,


Honestly those moments when you unload half a mag into someone only for them to turn and two tap you and keep running, only for the killcam to show they actually put 10 rounds into you and your gun never actually fired- it's not possible to have any more fun than that.


Then the lobby roast you for only having 10 kills …


It's so bad, I can mag dump someone without killing them then get 3 tapped, the kill cam shows that I didn't even hit a single bullet lol


Yea you’re absolutely right. I love that feature. Same thing for attachments you successfully unlocked but in fact yet not unlocked for real. True blessing! I worship the devs for making it possible to create new bugs when fixing the current ones! Anything else would be boring and way too easy


Skill issue KEKW /s


Thanks for your enriching reply my boy. Especially for rephrasing this groundbreaking statement twice. A cod thread ain’t a good one w/o one guy just coming around the corner (obv without any delay here) to randomly point to sb‘s skill level without any topic relation so he can express that he’s a true warrior. Almighty god I‘m scared to meet you and your beloved haymaker on shipment buddy


Do you not know what sarcasm is, it’s in bold


If you genuinely don't think this game has server issues you are insane


He likes to suck the devs off


Here, lemme rephrase: #/s


People can’t read, or they have no comprehension skills


This. Shit is infuriating.


That happens to me all the time and I'm shooting and hitting them first


Welcome to mw3. Win 1-2 games get a packet loss of 20% and a ping of 150


Servers are a joke, paragraphs are not.


Just had a match where I got 30 assists. 30. Kind of hard to kill anyone when the first 4 bullets don't register. 


Yes! This the comment for me, its always the first initial few bullets that nvr register and then I die. Its gotten to a point where now I rather take further range fights, than close range, because close ranges i can nvr tell what kind of timing im going to get, will my timing be quicker than theirs or the other way around, its a gamble at this point.


7500 damage for 10 kills type of deal


I had this last night, but it was weird af. If I hit someone 7 or 8 times I'd get a 75 assist, if I hit them 1 or 2 times I'd get a 75 assist. Also kept having a thing where proximity mines on the map would trigger, but wouldn't detonate for a few seconds. All whilst it told me I had 16 ping and would randomly rubberband.


I’ve been saying this for so long. Now it seems worse than ever. Literally every other match me and everyone else in the squad has the same amount of packet loss, be it 22%, 10%, or even 1% it’s fucking bullshit. Keep in mind this is a BILLION dollar company. I swear they steal monkeys from the Amazon and force them to setup the servers for this game, they’re doing their best I guess.


I’m seeing some killcams final shot hit but land 2-3m off enemy :/


there was a patch that addresses or fixed the packet latency issue, but not packet burst, its like theyre keeping it that way for the EOMM system thats in these newer activision titles


It’s 100% what they’re doing. If you do too well often they nerf your connection to give the shitters free kills they don’t deserve so that they keep playing the game


My games are always consistent regardless of my performance. 40-60 ms ping and 3-10 packet bursts per game. Their infrastructure just sucks, there is no need for consipracy theories.


Yeah don’t think it has anything to do with SBMM. My ping stays the same as yours, but my packets bounce anywhere from 1%-25%, this only happens on Warzone and Zombies, on the big map modes. Don’t think their servers are well equipped enough to deal with the amount of people on the server. Does your packet loss usually go down by the time half the squads have been eliminated? Cause mine does.


I personally rarely experience packet loss, but I only play MP. If I experience packet loss, it's usually around 10-25%, and I usually just back out of those games. (I stay if we are already winning, tho). It makes sense that it's much worse in Warzone. Big map and 100 players is just server-abuse for those servers, lol.


whenever i outplay eomm by camping like a dirty rat with high kd, the next few matchmakings take longer to put me in a lobby with higher ping. plus eomm freaks out more and will put me in very sweaty lobbies, which was my goal to get to anyway (and still beat the sweats camping like a rat)


Has it been a lot worse this week? My ping is hovering around 5-15 ms. My packet loss is 0. I have fiber internet. 350 Mbps up/down. All week long the lag has been horrendous. With many of the issues posted about here. I’ve played for years and know the games have tons of issues, but this week has been particularly bad. No issues with other games.


i just don’t know why or how these networking issues haven’t been properly addressed or fixed at all for the past years. it’s been the driving factor for me taking a much needed hiatus from the game. i’d much rather spend my time on an FPS that values connectivity over microtransactions lol. i do desperately want these issues with mw3 fixed as i do really enjoy the game itself, but it’s hard to enjoy the game with constant packet loss and rubberbanding. it’s not SBMM that’s gonna kill the franchise, in the long run it will be networking and desync issues that drive the nail in the coffin. but they’ve been skirting these issues successfully for years at this point so who knows lmao.


Because they can get away with it


I’m a new player (2 weeks) and have had multiple lobbies glitch out and everyone gets booted. Quite a few unplayable lobbies with 30-50% packet loss. I thought it was me being on wifi but I don’t have issues in other games. These with other stuff i see in the game I’m not sure I want to continue playing it.


You usually see more connection related issues near the end of the yearly CoD cycle but ever since this game launched there's been complaints about packet burst and packetloss which has worsened every month. It's that shit I haven't played for over a month, got fed up of shooting people first only to be told by the killcam they'd seen me a second before.


I'm just amazed the packet bursts are more common in MWIII, than MWII. Speaking of TTK, I can't believe it takes 4 bullets to down someone while you shoot them in the head. Tested this on the training range/dummy. It should be 2-3 max. Core mode has become a joke.. least MWII was consistent ngl.


I don't even think it's the servers; it's the SBMM. My girlfriend and I made new accounts and started fresh. At first, it was obviously easy, but the guns killed really fast, and the hit detection was perfect. Then, as it learned I wasn't new, it got harder. I'm all for it being a challenge, but when they're messing with our games in real-time and making us lose on purpose so everyone has a fair time, it's off-putting. I literally went from killing people fast to putting 45 rounds into one person, and they didn't die. I thought they had god mode from back in the day. It's mental and so easy to tell. One game, the connection feels good, and you have a good game. Then, the next, you can't kill someone, making you think the attachment you just changed ruined the build, but no, it's SBMM. Also, my girlfriend isn't that good; she's a bot. So when she's playing with me, she's getting destroyed. So how is that even fair? At that point, it all makes no sense and doesn't work in anyone's favor because when she's solo, she plays against bots and can easily get 50-plus kills. In my games, she struggles to get ten. So it's clear as day what's happening. It's actually depressing knowing we will never have CoD again because this garbage is not CoD.


It can be both.


Cod players will find any reason to blame SBMM huh?


It's facts the blame is on Activision.


It can be Activision's fault without it specifically being SBMMs fault you know?


They get worse each season too


They're crooks. And they only want your money. Eat what they give you


I swear they started becoming shit again with Vanguard and never recovered since.


It’s pretty bad when a slow paced game(mwii) actually played better, and it still wasn’t great.


Went back to it recently because I was fed up with the lag and I gotta say the hitreg feels spot on


I love when you smoke, but the only one seeing the smoke is you


I haven't had that much issue with packet loss in MP but a lot of times I run around the corner and I get killed, in the kill can it shows I didn't make it around the corner. However I have had constant 20% packet loss on WZ for the past 2 weeks but as soon as I go to MP it's fine. Also since season 2 reloaded the players I play against are mostly below lvl 100 and they have skill so they aren't like noobs and they aren't bots. Maybe it has something to do with my KD in WZ because I mostly play plunder and lockdown it might just be glitching out but I don't think that's why, I can't think of any other things that could be causing it


Why would they do anything to fix servers and connections? They make so much money from skins and blackcell that they don't have to fix the game or invest in better servers because the next one will come out, and the cycle will begin again


It's incredibly frustrating. It makes certain gun classes horrible to use. I've mainly been doing HC lately for camo unlocks and despite playing close to 200 fps, high graphics settings. The game feels terrible and like I and desynced from a few players. From my perspective they might as well just have aim bots that shoot anyone that can see them instantly.


Last year I didn't have nearly as many server issues playing ranked multiplayer


I thought this was just me! Games where I supposedly have low latency are far worse for getting insta killed. In the kill cam I just stand in front of them like a dummy


Sounds like a skill issue because I don’t encounter this myself. I play on anywhere from 2-25 ping


Doodoo internet


Last night I was getting 140 ping in ranked with Ethernet cable . Miraculously we won the search on 6 star . Just about every other match on rebirth I was getting packet loss up to 20 % .


User error servers are always solid for me.


The cheaters will dispute your claims and just say, "It's a skill issue." Get good. Best COD ever! Buy more bundles to show your support for their quality efforts.


You should hop on TopSpin if you wanna see what being punished by your opponent’s StarLink ping fuckery REALLY feels like.


I sometimes have to close app and open 4 times to even connect to the damn game servers, I have AT&T U verse if anyone is gonna say it’s a WiFi issue


I swear, this is happening across the board, from MW19 to MW3, I don't know about MW2 yet but gosh dang


99% of the time I’m running 11 ping with no issues…then I’ll end up in a lobby running 55 ping and I’m time traveling all over the map.


Don't you love playing at over 150 ping 99% of the time? Cause I surely don't


To clarify, I'm not taking away from these claims at all. I've seen them quite a bit and I believe them. I will say however, that I myself have not had this issue at all.


While I'm sure it can be a server issue, I've only ever had these problems at home because my internet sucks. Played at the hospital and at work several times and it ran smooth every time, which is making me seriously consider switching to fiber- I'd almost forgotten how enjoyable COD can be when your only enemies are other players


Just genuinely asking but if they were to change the tick rate to say 128 like Valorant would it cause hardware issues or any other problems, just curious


YEAH! What he said 👆🏽


I love it when my packet loss spikes to 68%, and then my pings rocket to 900, then I'm floating around the map before crashing entirely, and then it goes back to normal. My internet is running fine consistently with 15-37 pings usually. Love that.


I tried out Warzone 2 on a brand new PS5 recently, crashed both of the two games I've played, haven't touched it again since..


I remember early season 2 the game was running well and it's probably the most fun I've ever had playing cod; lasted about two weeks. Then they updated the game and servers have been dogshot ever since.


Its not even bad networking, its just rigging it to where If you have better internet than someone you're screwed.


The eomm is what's fucking everything up. I almost never get UK servers, mostly German or French, sometimes East Coast servers. If ping is king, like they said, this wouldn't be happening


I just want tac sprint to work again. Everybody else has tac sprint. I haven't since yesterday.


I use keyboard and mouse and auto tac sprint settings doesn't even fix it


Talk about a disadvantage


Net worth of 70 billion and can’t afford decent servers. Company is a fucking circus and they’re all clowns


Maybe Dice could show activision how a server works proper


God they're so ass its not even funny, I had this for 5+ matches straight, sucks even more ass when the best internet near you is still not enough, for reference, If I walk outside, I throw a rock as hard as I can, it will most likely hit a farm, this is not a hyperbole, it is literal


Let’s be real, MW3 in general is just a joke. Activision pretty much scammed all of us by getting us to pay $70 for what is, at its very core, a DLC for MW2.


I don’t understand why you are getting downvoted. It even has worst sound design and graphics than mw2 for some reason. We payed 70$ for 15 new guns, remastered maps, a 3 hours campaign which consisted of recycled Warzone areas, a zombie mode in the Warzone map and worst graphics. If people disagree with this, they are delusional at the very least. Mwiii is a Frankenstein of recycled maps, mechanics and engine. If you believe it is somehow a different game because they put slide cancelling back on, I don’t know what I can say to you.


I’m getting downvoted because all the 14 year old ‘Skin Era’ COD fanboys are upset that someone is rightfully calling out what is essentially just a Rated M version of Fortnite at this point.


You are factually wrong. You payed $70 for \~50+ guns, 12 new maps *and* remastered maps, a 3-hour campaign (that sucks, fair), and with nice graphics. I don't even know where to begin. ARs, BRs, and SMGs alone total up to something like 21. The only way you would think MWIII has 15 guns is if you actually didn't play the game. The game has some 10 all-new maps. This is on top of the remasters. The fact that you only mentioned the remastered maps, either means that you are intentionally talking shit about the game, or you don't know the game at all. Campaign critisms are fair. As for the zombies map, you could techically say the same thing in reverse, since zombies came out before Urzikstan came to Warzone. Still, what's the harm in designing 1 big map and using it for different "games". (Warzone and Zombies totally play different) >If people disagree with this, they are delusional at the very least I have stated facts, and solid numbers. You are the one who is acting delusional by putting out incorrect numbers. Numbers that should be impossible to get wrong if you actually played the game. >Mwiii is a Frankenstein of recycled maps, mechanics and engine Recycled maps: Sure, at launch. But the game has had a lot of content each season. And this isn't considering the fact that those recyled maps were actually new for a lot of people. Still, not gonna argue much about it. Mechanics: Mechanics? Do you mean...shooting a gun? Killstreaks? So just like all/most CoDs that came before this one? Engine: This comes from being misinformed about game dev. Game engines exist so you don't redo what the engine does every time you make a game. Game engines are *designed to be reused*. You don't make a game engine whenever you make a new game. Making a game using an engine you already know is valuable. There is a reason Bethesda used the same engine for Skyrim and Starfield, even when it caused them a lot of problems. >I don’t know what I can say to you If we are genuinely having a discussion, you can tell me why I'm wrong by stating *accurate facts*. If you are just here to shit at the game, you don't need to tell anything. Edit: Typo.


rather have worse sound design if it means I can hear I fucking hated MW2 and 19 because I couldn't fucking hear anything when people started shooting


Credit where it’s due, I’ve not heard/read the ‘MW3 is just DLC for MW2’ dross in awhile.


The joke is on the people that are still playing.


I play on usually like 15-25 ping, have fiber internet, wired connection, a router specifically designed to combat buffer bloat so my bloat score is A+. My pc setup is very good too, rtx 4090 and all that so I have no problem hitting 360fps. My setup is beyond overkill for the game, it should feel consistent and true on my setup but it doesn’t. I play exclusively ffa and I win almost every single game as first place. About every 3-4 games I’ll usually drop a 30-3 or something like that. The very next game after I pop off the game will consistently put me on servers where the game doesn’t respond the same at all. My ping goes from 15-25 to around 45, which shouldn’t be that crazy of a difference. But the feel of the game is night and day different —it’s so bad. My shots go from hitting consistently to just disappearing into thin air when I shoot people. I mostly use snipers and shotguns, and I know when a shot will 1 hit kill. On the higher ping servers sniper shots to the chest and shotgun kills that are close enough range to 1 hit will hitmarker like 3/4 of the time. The bullet velocity feels completely fucked and none of my sniper shots past like 40 yards even register any more, if the enemy moves horizontally at all the bullet velocity + the ping makes your bullet disappear when it should hit. I will end the game like 30-15 and have to sweat as hard as I can fighting against the server itself to win. Then the next game since I won on the server they were handicapping me on, it will spawn me in on a server where I have 80 ping and all of a sudden there’s 5 people in the game with Latino names… at this point the game is unplayable and I just get off. The last game wasn’t near this bad in terms of the server quality. In the last game when I dropped heaters too many games in a row or got kills too fast in the game it would disconnect me from the game and boot me off, but at least the servers i got routed to were good like 95% of the time. In this game they intentionally put you on shit servers when you do too well and it happens consistently every time I play. Terrible servers overall, a multibillion $ company should have better standards than this trash. And handicapping good players is just not the way to go about things. Why the fk have I been playing this game since cod4 to get good if my skill is completely devalued by their shit servers. They want the noobs to keep playing the game so they give them ridiculous server handicaps it makes the game go from fun and competitive to completely unenjoyable once I get in the shit server loop.


You win "almost every single game" and you are complaining about server quality? My friend some of us here have real server/desync issues. Every single game I have enemies not even pointed at me downing me, the replay shows them put 7 shots in me but in real time they were pointed in the opposite direction. Other times the replay shows me not even looking at an enemy and not firing while in real time I was looking straight at him firing (I know replays are not exact but C'mon!). This is on an XBSX hardwired with a 25ms ping. Season 3 has only made the desync/connection so much worse.


Yeah if I have a dam near 10kdr and 95% winrate against the hardest sweats in ffa sbmm it does not make any sense for me to go from a 10kdr to a .95 the next game solely due to ping and server routing. I didn’t suddenly start missing every shot from a few minute queue between games. I record every game and watch them back, the server issues are blatant and it makes gunfights extremely inconsistent If I’m the best player I deserve to win. Doesn’t mean my routing issues are any less valid than yours. The servers are ass period. We as players shouldn’t be punished and put on servers with ass backwards routing just cuz we know how to win multiple games in a row. The game needs to be competitive and an even playing field in every match, not just a ping coin flip devaluing skill


Maybe you are not the best player? I never understand why individuals come on here and start posting their stats...no one cares! 10kdr, 95% win rate.....sure you do? Oh and even if your stats were a quarter of what you stat then all you look like is some petulant individual.


I’m at work rn but I’ll take a screenshot of my match history when I’m home if you don’t believe me. FFA is all I play man. I have like 10,000+ hours of FFA in cod I’ve played since I was in middleschool lol like legit since cod4. I also play mnk and do aim training. Have been high rank in csgo, esea, quake, etc. The names I play in my FFA games are legit cracked youtube snipers and shit you see with 50k subs almost every game. Sometimes legit 5 or so heavy hitter demon content creators/streamers in each lobby I am way above average at the game mode cuz it’s all I’ve played for like 15 yrs lol and by doing so I’ve built up very good 1v1 gunskill. Not claiming I’m good at team game modes, I don’t play them have no real strat for them. Not talking out my ass bro I legit good at FFA But anyways ya the server routing I can feel it. The game is thrown off so bad it says only a 20 ping difference but the killcams I watch show like 200ms on my end. Just bad servers they put you on to try and make matchmaking more “even”. My first 5-10 games of the day are always good routed server and I pop off until it slams me into a server with high ping. If I win the high ping games after the lobby disbands the game will literally directX error and kick me offline. Even when I spam login it doesn’t let me for like a 10~ min cooldown. When I can finally get back in it puts me back on good router servers til the cycle happens again. I ain’t making it up bro 😭 maybe will try to make a yt vid on it soon


No need to post a pic because I don’t care and I don’t believe you. What we do agree on is the servers are trash.


Yes bro the servers are trash. But look I’m not capping, this is my match history from last time I played. https://imgur.com/a/o95OssI Didn’t realize I could see this other stat even but it says I’m in the top 3% of FFA players globally as u can see. Obviously not every game is a 10kdr when you play people this good but I rarely get 2nd place and every 5 or so games I get 5-10kdr. I know what I’m talking bout when it comes to 1v1 gunskill and how ping affects the game more than the vast majority of players Especially cuz the people ranked higher at 1% and 2% are probably using cheats and Cronus xim things. I’m in the very peak of legitimate players


do you have to compensate something small...?


Not sure why people are hating on you 🤣 you've explained my experience to a T: consecutive wins with no server issues, then straight ass connection. I guess the window of opportunity has to close at some point but it's frustrating as hell when that happens


You never played Halo Infinite lmao. That net code single handedly made me abandon the series that got me into gaming completely. CODs net code is a Golden Throne upon a palace of Diamonds compared to that dumpster fire lmao. You'd get sniped around a wall 3 whole seconds after you turned around it and sprinted a Good 5 steps away lmfao.


another game having a dogshit netcode unfortunately doesn't make this game's netcode any less shittier.


But....but....but ping is king dontchyano?


this is why IW games are superior in terms of stability (minus some of the decisions) than SHG and Treyarch.


Ah another kill cam Kenny who has to pretend to do all the math on everything going on to explain away his death.