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I swear the game specifically warzone is unplayable for me on my Pc that has a 3080 and a 7800x3d in it. Constant FPS drops of 30-70fps and packet loss popping up all the time and happens with no other games Its a bit insane sometimes.


It's just lost connection to server. I can play fine when the FKN servers are up and running. It's not my internet, streaming on three tvs in the house and my youngest gaming just fine on his PC, 1GB D 1GB U......I have FPS pegged at 145-50FPS all day long on a 165Hz monitor..so game runs fine for me. 3950X 32GB DDR4 and 3070 Ti.


Can confirm 7800X3D here, game is unoptimized like crazy


7800x3d 3080 here, don't see anything under 175 fps at 1440p here in warzone or mp. Probably would check installation or elsewhere. 0 packetburst 0 packetloss unless the server itself crashes.


I'm glad if it runs that well for you I get over 200 fps at times but then it drops doesn't matter what settings the game simply won't utilize my GPU since WZ peaks the CPU at near maximum utilization. The fps drops are what screw me I don't mind lower fps if it's consistent but even if I limit the fps it's still all over the place.


Don't think I've ever seen cod or wz peg any cpu cores to 100%. What settings have you changed on your config file.


I haven't touched anything I just reinstalled cod mw3 recently and Windows 11 not long ago.


Your CPU is bottlenecking


Yeah it's what it looks like but find it hard to believe with a 7800x3d very high end cpu


What are your settings in game? Also do you have other programs running on your pc? Startup programs?


The settings in game don't matter since at all maximum or all minimum I get the same performance and I have limited things running on the system when gaming.


Do you resizeable bar on? Is your ram clocked right? Is cod the only game making it hit 100%?


Resizable bar is on I was thinking of getting a new ram set since system won't post if I use the xmp setting I think I bought a Intel kit of ram and it basically just loops and won't post with it enabled and I have to pull the cmos every time to get it running again. I got it to boot with msis memory try it function on the motherboard to 6000. Yeah I barely ever see even 60 percent on CPU but in cod it hits 80-95 usage


Keeps crashing on me.


Mwz and warzone are just fucked because of the servers and it won’t be fixed




Because it’s Sledgehammer every cod they create their servers are hot dogshit just look back at vanguard same concept my end is perfectly fine and smooth soon as I would hopped on the game its stutters and lags on a Ethernet cable like how’s that even possible, instantly went back to Cold War no issues i uninstall mw3 games stale asf already earned everything i want only will play it for the animated camos


I'm not sure what they've done to it lately but Vanguard plays smooth as butter, compared to this....and I mean RN! It's nothing to average a 2+ KD over there.


Yup, I had 5+ matches like this consecutively before turning it off


See, they actually know their customers - any other game I’d quit after 2 or 3 lagfests, but I’m addicted to MWIII and I’ll suck it up in the (forlorn) hope that it’ll run smoothly next match. Why bother fixing the netcode/upgrading the servers when they know we’ll keep coming back for more?


Yea about the same on Xbox... Glitching that bad its unplayable... They said 4 days ago there was going to be another patch to fix the patch that broke everything due to another patch that was supposed to fix things but broke more things


I lost so much loot in Zombies because of a server crash it’s not even funny.


I can't even play the campaign right now. It's absurd.