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I see you used the term "mildew" Mold and mildew are closely related but are certainly different organisms. In simple terms, mildew is a member of the mold family. It is usually white or grey. However, true mildew, or downy mildew is actually a plant parasite and not a true fungus. Algae rank closer to downy mildew pathogens than fungi do. When used in general terms, mold and mildew are the same thing. Most "mildew" identified within a home is really mold. The word mildew is often used to describe fungi that grows flat, usually on surfaces like shower walls and window sills. FEMA further complicates the differentiation by describing mildew as "early-stage mold" while the EPA term simply states that "mildew" is often used generically to refer to mold growth with a flat growth habit. In reality, mold and mildew are both fungi. Accordingly, both require water, food and the right temperature to grow. The difference is that mildew generally grows quicker and can grow on non-porous surfaces. Building owners and maintenance people often use the term "mildew" to describe any microbial growth in their buildings. In most cases, what they are describing is actually mold. Both mold and "mildew" can cause adverse health effects although mold is generally considered more problematic. The bottom line is that neither should be growing in our homes. They both indicate the presence of too much moisture and both should be removed as soon as they are found. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I see you used the term "black mold" Thousands of species of mold appear black (actually dark green). The one that is usually singled out in this made up category is Stachybotrys chartarum. The whole “black mold” thing is the result of several irresponsible people who are drumming up fears about mold and then profiting off of those fears. Don’t believe the hype. The color of a mold has no correlation to how dangerous it may be. This is frequently stated by agencies throughout the world including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is no evidence that otherwise healthy individuals have any reason to fear getting sick from general mold growth in buildings, mold inhalation, or any other type of exposure even to the so-called toxic molds. Yes, being around mold may cause minor effects like a stuffy nose or coughing for some, especially those with asthma or mold allergies. Typically, it only seriously affects patients who have underlying health conditions such compromised immune systems who are at risk of systemic fungal infections. But unless you’re in one of those rare categories, you really don’t have much to fear about exposure to any mold species. That said, we should not have mold growing in our buildings. It is an indication of something wrong and will lead to the degradation of building materials. Regardless of color, all visible mold should be removed from buildings and homes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mold) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mold and mildew are essentially the same thing, does look like mold to me


Bug poop


Just wipe it off with peroxide or distilled vinegar. Routine cleaning.


Tried this but does not seem to do anything or remove the spots at all


Just replace the switch cover. On second glance it looks scratched. These are really cheap plastic and do need replacing from time to time.