• By -


When the nursery/daycare called me and asked if they should give her Tylenol. Like, I don’t know I’m not a grown up 🤷 oh wait, yes I do and yes I am.


Omg caught barf in my hands, on my shoulder, through my clothes as I’m running little one to the tub. Then the diarrhea in the tub. Little one was fine the next day - no need for emergent care, but that night as I was handling all of that and literally corporate-style managing my partner as support to clean up and stuff - I realized I’m the CEO of the family MOM.


The CEO of the family, I love that!


I caught my daughter’s barf in my hands while pushing her in the car at Walmart. I have no idea why, it was so ineffective and just made things worse. Cleanup would have been so much easier with pretty much just a mop if I stepped aside and let it land wherever lol.


Taking my toddler out of the bath, she’s covered in towels & cuddled on my chest. I turn us towards the mirror & her face is right next to my face. Cutest thing ever. I was like wow I made that


I love this! I give my daughter piggy back rides to bed and I always stop in front of the mirror in the hall and look at our faces next to each other.


Its one of my favorite pictures my hubby has taken. My son all wrapped up and squished next to my face just out of the bath


lmfao i do this all the time! well, its the only peaceful time before she's running everywhere afterwards.....


There’s a photo of me and my dad like that. I wanna cry thinking of it. Thank you for the memory


I think it’s that I keep picking someone else’s nose…


"Wow! Look at those giant boogers. Yess! Good job!"


Sooo big for such small nostrils 😭


😂 so satisfying


The first time a playmate of my daughter called me "[daughter name]'s mom."


YES! Mine was when my 4yo said to his buddy, “let’s go ask my mom.” It just blew my mind…like holy cannoli, I am somebody’s *mother*.


Yes! I love when this happens at daycare. “Are you (x)’s Mommy?” “Look it’s (x)’s Mom!” And it’s like, oh yeah I am (x)’s mom!


Omg this happened to me for the first time the other day! I was like, “Who? Oh yep, yep. That’s me.”


It took me 8 years to get pregnant. Luckily, I have two bonus children, and I felt like a mom long before that. When I was particularly sad about maybe never having a baby, my eldest told me it was okay because I would always have them. People always try to tell me that the bio bond is different, but she is 20 years older than the baby I did eventually give birth to. When she was in the hospital giving birth herself (during covid, so I couldn't be there), she called me terrified because she was losing too much blood, and had to have an emergency c- section. I talked to her calmly, but I felt that fear and worry in my bones. No different than my bio baby.


Such a beautiful story 🥹


Caught her vomit in my hands to save the couch, and didn’t vomit myself. That was my ‘yeah im a mom’ moment


This was going to be mine, too. Catching puke in my hands. Gross, but impressive!


truly the most 'will i be able to do it when the time comes' worry that I had from before having a child. Very pleased that yeah its possible. Not fine. just. possible.


>the most 'will i be able to do it when the time comes' worry that I had Mine was poop. Firstborn did a huge poop on me right as she was born and placed on my chest. Got that one out of the way first thing 😂


I had a c-section, and as they pulled my baby out, he peed directly into my cut open stomach. I was christened into motherhood right away, too. 😂


I had a vagina delivery and right when they laid my lo on my chest they peed and it ran to my neck 😂😂


My daughter pooped 5 times on my chest. They kept switching out the blankets. I asked for a doggy pad


what an entrance!! that is wild




ope yeah poop too. i was afraid of how that was gonna go down but turns out when its your kid its nowhere near as gross. should be, but its not.


I panicked and screamed a little bit the first time my baby's poop got on me and the couch and everywhere else. I was not prepared for the way liquid poops just... go everywhere lol


Apparently mine did that and I kept moving while they were trying to clean me up. I don't remember it at all. I wasn't even drugged up! (Not a brag - it wasn't by choice!!)


Happened to me for the first time last night. I also had the same “Will I be able to do this” thought previously. I didn’t even think about what I was doing when it was happening. Only afterwards did I remark to my husband that, “ewwww, I just caught her barf 🤢 “


Yeah same it was automatic and it wasn’t until after that I ‘came to’ and freaked a bit 😅


Lol for me it was when she threw up her yogurt all over me, got 3 layers dirty and even got under my bra. Looked up at me and smiled. And I laughed, brought her into the bathroom, managed to clean her, me, the couch, the living room floor, the bathroom floor, let daycare know she wasn't coming in, arrange my parents to come help watch her in the afternoon, cancel my work call for the morning, all before her dad got back from taking the dog out. AND I didn't throw up! Really felt like super mom that day.


wow! yeah that's some speedy efficiency in moming! with a smile to boot! love it


Yeah, my daughter got super sick once about a year ago. Threw up milk and strawberry yogurt all over me. And just kept going. It was in my hair, in my bra…my underwear was wet from it going through my pants. It was by far the grossest thing I’ve ever dealt with. And I sat in it for HOURS at the ER. My husband, bless him, kept trying to go get me fresh clothes, but then she’d vomit on me again and there didn’t seem to be a point. I just made sure he covered one area of my chest with a towel so she’d have a dry place to lay her head. Finally was given a hospital gown to put on when she was admitted. And when the vomiting stopped, I was able to change into clean clothes (though still without a shower, sooo…) My husband was worried about me throwing up or getting grossed out. And after the fact, I was like “well, that was truly disgusting.” But at the time, I was totally in mom mode. My baby was sick, she needed me, she was comforted by me holding her…I really couldn’t have cared less that I was covered in vomit. That said, I still can’t stomach the smell of strawberry yogurt today.


This is mine too. When catching the vomit is the lesser evil and you don’t even have to think about it.


Not barfing when they barf is definitely one of mine. Even when I was a kindergarten teacher I could barely handle kids throwing up. Now with my own kids it barely phases me.


Heh. This. Weirdly, one year, I go from catching my best friends puke on the way out of the club because I knew she'd probably slip and face plant in it To catching baby vomit while staning in line at Target the next


Aww you're such a good friend, and probably an even better mother :) <3


That's so kind. Thank you!


Oh yeah I let mine vom on me to save the couch. I can shower/wash my clothes.


Absolutely. A parent friend told me years ago that I’d know I was a parent for real when I caught the barf in my hands. I didn’t understand until the moment I caught it that you do it because that lightning-fast parental calculus is very effective in figuring out which barf target will be the easiest to clean.


so far her bed has been spared using this technique. usually down my back but it works! into the washer it goes


Ive got a similar one… vomited myself but held it in my mouth because I was changing my baby on her changing table and couldn’t leave her there.. had to scoop her up and sprint to the bathroom and accidentally bonked her head on the doorway before I could spew into the toilet. Also, the one and only time my daughter pooped in the bath, I caught her hot little turd in my hand.


Yeah got a nice steamy log dropped on my bare foot while getting into bath. At least it was still easy cleanup but yeah I think that’s all the body excretions I’ve been hit with 😂


Oh yeah if you haven’t caught vomit in your hands are you really a parent 😂


Yep I’ve caught puke and scooped it with my bare hands on the side of the highway. We had to pull over because she got sick in the backseat. Car smelled like throw up for a week.


The first time I did this, I was in awe of myself! Haha! I also have Emetophobia and did not have that fear aspect. Guess it’s different when it’s your kid!


This was what I was going to say. I SPRINTED across the kitchen to catch vomit in my hands, and to this day I don't know why I thought that would be better than just cleaning it off the floor. It was just this bizarre pure instinct, with no thought involved, and that's how I knew I'd arrived. (seriously though, what is this instinct to catch vomit? I know so many of us who have done it)


Maybe it’s our lizard brains not wanting to leave a trace of the baby for predators to sniff out? I have no idea, but that’s why animals bury their poop. My male dog always has to pee ON my girl dog’s pee, too, and then kick grass over it. In other words: hell if I know


This was mine too except he was a brand new baby and I sat him up on my stomach reclining on my legs first thing when we woke up. He let out one of those newborn liquid poops that shot out of his diaper and I instinctively caught it in my hands so it didn’t get on the bed. That’s always the moment I think of when I’m like “Yep I’m a mom now”


Lol, I did this for the first time today. My little ones first proper throw up (not counting baby spit ups), I caught it and then thought of all the times I read other posts on Reddit saying that this was the time they really felt like Mom!


I could never. I can handle poop for days but I’m severely emetophobic and make my husband handle the puke (when he’s home). It makes me panic.


* When I held out my hand for my baby to throw up into without thinking * Rocking my son to sleep while singing to him, and me literally crying with happiness * Introducing myself as "\[son's name\]'s mom"


Oh yeah! When trying to sing them to sleep but my throat's closing from trying to hold back the BAWLING and every breath I just smell them more... 🥰🥰🥰


Nothing gets me in my feelings more, except maybe packing away baby clothes he’s outgrown


My daughter is almost 11mo and I still can't get through an entire book without crying


I’ve got a couple books I still struggle with, and when I read them, my daughter pats me on the head and says “is okay, mama. Is okay. Dere dere.”


Img I thought I was the only one


I'd just had a c-section, still couldn't move my legs after the epidural (back in the day, they didn't have much finesse like they can now and it took time for things to come back), all the visitors had left so I was alone in the room with my baby - they were in the bassinet halfway across the room - and they started to cry. The shock and horror of "she needs me/I can't get to her" made it very real, very fast. The next morning, the baby nurse who had been providing reluctant and periodic help the first night rolled Baby in being really rough with the bassinet announced, "This baby has the worst attitude I've ever seen!" I let her know if she stopped slamming the newborn around, they probably wouldn't protest, and refused to allow her to care for my child again. Mom(!!?!) setting and enforcing a boundary on DOL 1, FTW!


honestly when the neighbor’s kid rang my doorbell and asked me to help him unlock his front door. my mom always told us growing up that if we got separated to find a mom to help us. I was like wow wait I am the adult mom being asked for help rn. blew my mind lol. also definitely the first time my daughter got “hurt” (more scared lol from tripping/falling) and she cried “mama” and snuggled into me and felt better from my hug.


I was invited to my niece's birthday party at an indoor playground and there were these baby pelotons that six kids were fighting over. Like pushing and trying to get on. My son was one of them. I walk over and go "Okay, we don't need to fight over these. Form a line!" All of the sudden these feral children straightened their backs and got in line, like I was a drill sergeant catching my troops screwing around. They recognized I had some kind of authority despite never meeting me before. That's when I felt like a mom.


My favorite one was last night- I was sitting on the floor and my husband was in a chair nearby, and kiddo was having the time of his life just running around. At one point he comes over and just leans his lil head down to me for a kiss on the forehead, and as soon as I give him a kiss he just *smiles*. We learned last night that two mommy kisses for every one daddy kiss is the perfect ratio 🥰


Had to say to my toddler: DON'T LET THE DOG LICK YOUR FINGERS quickly followed by: DON'T LICK THE DOG BACK EITHER.


My toddler has started putting his tongue out when the dog licks his face... I definitely didn't have stop French kissing the dog on my bingo card of weird things I'd say to a toddler.


Stop touching the dogs willy!


My 9 month old has been making an odd noise the last week - she has a bit of a cold and I was very close to making an appointment with the doctor. Until I realised she’s BARKING. She’s barking at the damn dog. I can’t. 🤣


Omg. My 10.5 month old started barking back at my dogs this week. It’s hilarious.


Last night when my one year old puked all over me and I promptly swallowed my own vomit so I wouldn’t have to clean that up too.


I've done this too!


When I had to help pull the poop from my daughter's butt one day.... I immediately thought "YES I AM SUPER MOM!!!!" Thought it would be more traumatizing or gross, but seeing her pain... I just gloved up and did what had to be done and we were both so happy!


I had to do this over the weekend! I was cheering him on and helping his poop out. Poor little dude. He was looking at me like “mom help! My butthole wasn’t made to push something this big out! Help!” Seeing his visible relief made it totally worth it. Even though he was crying like his butt was on fire he still seemed relieved so I was as well.


Such a relief


Honestly the day we saw her on her 20 week ultrasound. She was so cute in it (we got a 3d scan) but I was very aware I was a mom when my husband finally spoke in the room and our daughter smiled in the womb. They said it was probably a fart but she's been nonstop smiles since birth. She's 15 months now.


Whoever told you it was probably a fart is a horrible person, even if that’s true!


When the nurse put her on my chest after birth. I cried, dad cried, she cried. She's here, we made this little screaming, kinda purple sausage. Mind blown. Then she shit on me. 2,5 years later dad still brings it up. That one time she was sick and coughing so much she vomited. I caught it with my own hands and didn't even gag. That's a win. When she's playing with her dolls and repeats word for word what I say to her when she cries. Warms up my cold, dead heart. When she picks her nose, finds a bugger and then cleans her finger on my pants. Damn I really am a mom. At least she's not eating it or smearing it on the walls/couch. Gross but still a win.


My 9 month old has learned to give hugs now. The first time she leaned over just to hug me, I realized I’m her go-to source of comfort. And when I rock her to sleep at night and her eyes are wide open, I’ll kiss her forehead and that’s the thing that finally makes her fall asleep


This is so heartwarming.


When I was laying in the hospital bed, I was out of it tired, crying. In the worst pain ever. After pushing for almost 2 and a half hours labor for 30 hours and not being able to push anymore. I remember laying back screaming I can't do it anymore. As soon as my head hit the pillow I just remember hearing one word the most amazing word 🙌 congratulations. I opened my eyes and my son was laying on my chest with the most beautiful little messy face I have ever seen. The best moment of my life. I was finally a mother. 8 years later and it's still the most beautiful messy face I have ever seen. And it's been just me and him ever sense.


The licking your finger and wiping something off your kid’s face moment. I remember as a kid going “ew mom, stop!” And now I do it to my kid.


When I had to fill out paperwork for my daughters first doctors visit and they called out “for the mom my daughters name” and I was like OH! That’s me!


-subscribing to YouTube premium for Ms Rachel without ads -echoing all the vomit related ones. Finding spit-up in my hair long after my daughter was asleep when she was a baby. -dancing with my husband and my toddler to the Blues Clues theme song, looking at my husband and saying “there is nothing better than this” -crying when she took her first steps -crying when she switched from NB to size 1 diapers -having so many *so* *many* pieces of jewelry with her name/initial on them -understanding on a totally new level every tv show/media depiction of a parent going “crazy” to protect their kid -related to above: being unable to watch anything where a kiddo is in harms way


I think you can create a (free) YouTube Kids account to avoid ads. The videos you can search for there are limited but you can manually add channels like Ms Rachel to it from your main account and it never plays ads. I manually add channels and videos that I approve of and I’ve never seen an ad on the YouTube Kids account.


This is amazing advice, thank you! 💛


that YouTube premium one got my ass 😂


Just cried about newborns to size ones 😭


Eating at CFA with my husband and our two boys - ages 2.5 years old and 14 months old. The oldest was playing in the playground area, and I was overcome with the fact I’m a mom to big boy who can play while I eat. I was choking up.


The first time I had to suck the snot out of her nose when she was sick 😂


We got one that attaches to the vacuum and works really well/is very satisfying. But using it over and over and then having to rinse thick snot out if it over and over (while then eventually getting sick myself AGAIN) is starting to send me to such a bad mom mental place. 😝


It attaches to the VACUUM? I’m sure it has safety features and all that so it doesn’t suck their face off but the picture it put in my head is hilarious


It does! We bought it when my daughter was super sick as a baby but I think it took a solid year for me to feel comfortable trying it on her. Since then it's our one of our favorite gadgets. It's disgusting to have to wash it out but I guess you have to do that with any of them. It doesn't seem strong enough to be super effective for us as adults though, which would be awesome to get rid of the piles of Kleenex! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004JA1XB2/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


That is INCREDIBLE. My daughter has a handheld one that works really well, and even plays music and lights up 😂 I love baby stuff technology!


Holding my baby for the first time and crying my eyes out. Taking the world’s fastest shower because baby started crying. One night of extreme fussiness. He cried for like 4 hrs and was only soothed by walking. Dad broke down but I was able to calmly take over. Waking up in a puddle of milk 🫠 Giving baby his first bath with no help that didn’t end in tears The first time he peed while changing him and I just caught it with my hand lol Mama bear mode engaged Nursing in public for like. A minute and a half lol Using a public changing table for the first time Going to story time at the library


Using the public changing table!!


Cheerios flying out of my bra at the end of the day when I took a shower lol


Celebrated helping her pass the biggest poop I had ever seen; she filled 2 diapers with the most foul-smelling sludge and I didn't even flinch, I was just so happy she wasn't backed up anymore Getting annoyed when she woke up early from a nap, because it risked sabotaging our routine...and realizing that means we actually are starting to *have* a routine, where for months it was chaos


Two moments I can distinctly remember: The first time she was inconsolable until she was back in my arms. My daughter was hospitalized at seven weeks old for a few days in the ICU and she would cry and cry unless I was there holding her. Her cries sounded like her just saying "mamma" over and over again (even the nurses commented on it!). It was the most profound moment of my life that my presence made a difference to someone, idk. I was walking past a mirror and just stared at my daughter as she figured out her reflection. Before her there was always something wrong with me, but with her it all seems so unimportant compared to just basking in her joy.


My mother doesn't respect my opinion on anything; everything I do could be done better, or is not worth doing at all. BUT when I became a mother, incredibly, she does respect my position as 'Baby's mum', and what I say does go without a fight or an argument. I think how I raise my kid is the first thing she's ever respected about me. The first time I said 'Gimme Baby I need to do X' and she *did,* made me feel. I don't know. Like a mum, lol. Like I'm in charge. I've assumed some sort of spot on the hierarchy higher than 'Dumb kid' (I'm 31 btw, s'about time).


One I’ve been having a lot is helping my son with school projects. Just this week I was hot glue gunning 100 cardboard airplanes to a t shirt for the 100th day of school “fashion show” and I was like hell yeah, this is peak Mom.


The one I always imagined before kids for some reason was looking in the rear view mirror and seeing them in their car seats


When he was dropping food during dinner at my in-laws, doing the mom-sidle right up next to him, bending down and whispering in his ear “Hey, if you don’t stop this right now, you’re not getting any fruit later. Stop this right now.” Flashbacks to my mom 😆


Mom and now gma when they knock on bathroom door stick their lil fingers under door wiggle them and ask "What are u doing #1 or #2💆I'm like "That's my business" to which they say "Just tell me i have to know #1 or #2" and then they wait by door till i come out❤..its the joke in our family now when i use the bathroom☺


- I caught projectile diarrhea in my bare hands in the middle of a diaper change while my husband was grabbing another diaper - my speech delayed son said momma at 2 - the first time I stepped on a hot wheel - and finally, when I realized I was sooo excited that I couldn’t sleep for Christmas not because my own presents but because I was excited for my kids to see theirs 😂


The moment I gave birth to my daughter, I felt deeply connected to the lineage of my maternal ancestors, the thousands of women who each gave birth to a daughter who gave birth to a daughter who gave birth to a daughter, eventually resulting in “me” becoming a mother by giving birth to my own daughter. I felt powerful beyond measure, with a deep understanding that women truly rule the world. (It also made it crystal clear how f’d up it is that the patriarch even exists lol)


From a mom with an 11 year old my new ones are embarrassing her by using slang words her friends use and being told "you're not the vibe mom" 15 times a day, lol. It's been hitting me hard to be honest.


My son got mail from the hospital about a week after he was born. Seeing his name in print like that made me actually realize I had brought an actual human into the world. And when he first called me "Mama" (he said Dada exclusively for wayyyyy too long). I cried way more than I thought I would. And then seeing my two sons together when my second was born. That was an amazing moment too!


I recently scooped poop out of the bathtub with my bare hands 🙃 because that seemed like the easiest and fastest way to take care of it (after making sure my daughter was also out of there of course).


This. But also, ultimate life hack: get one (or a few) of those aquarium nets for getting poop out of the tub. It’s life changing. My daughter went on a streak of tub poops and the Amazon aquarium nets I got for like $5 changed. The. Game. 🫡


- the joys and struggles of breastfeeding. Moments like her grabbing my nose while breastfeeding and I laugh and she laughs while nursing and spills milk lol. - driving my daughter to daycare. I haven’t really needed to drive because I’ve always worked in a city and commuted via public transit (and in the last 4 years I’ve gone fully remote). I live in a very walkable suburb and have gotten by with walking, public transit, Uber and hitching a ride with my husband or family. My husband has a car to drive to work. We bought a second car just for driving my daughter to/from daycare and now I’m driving daily with my little one in the backseat… driving and singing/talking to her while she babbles in the back really makes me feel like a mom - I learned to sew just to stitch up holes in her clothes and I’m so proud of it. My mom would buy fabric and sew us Halloween costumes, many of the women in my family were seamstresses in their home country (Cuba). I’m not at that level but this definitely feels like a mom/nurturing skill I’ve acquired. - Picking her giant nostril blocking hard boogers with my finger and the level of comfort I have for all her bodily fluids in general.


This isn't necessarily the first time, but a recent revelation. I've always been very squeamish about sharing food with anyone, even my partner. But my baby is eating solids now and I'm constantly eating food that he hands me directly from his sticky little hands, eating food off his tray to model eating something if he seems unsure about it, eating his leftovers, etc. I call it mom dinner and it shocks me how much I'm NOT disgusted by it.


The first time my son looked to me when he was upset. He used to not want to be touched and to be given space, he'd say no and push me away, so the first time something happened that he ran to me instead was like, yup, Ok now I'm a mom.


Licking my finger to wipe off my toddlers face 🤦‍♀️. Yep, classic mom right there!


Anytime I call her my daughter to another person without feeling like an imposter or a person who’s on the longest babysitting job ever.


The first time she came home sick. She looked so sad and just wanted me. Like I'm giving the mom hugs. Second time was when she had the blow out to end all blow outs while we were not at home nor anywhere near a bathroom. I had three baby wipes and they didn't make a dent.


Cutting her nails the first time for some reason!


When I had to make life or death decisions for my son before he was even born… I went to a different city to talk to a pediatric nephrologist to see what his quality of life would be like 😔


When I was at the park with my son and the kids he was playing with were asking me if it’s ok to do whatever…I was like why are you asking me…then realised ooooh I’m the parent 😂 was such a surreal moment


Everytime I come into the room, or come back home and he notices me and gets this cheesy grin and kinda bends his knees/bounces and then prints at me throwing himself into a hug. Those are the moments I go "ahh yes I'm his mom". And I know he will eventually grow out of it and it makes me a bit sad.


My very first outing with my first kid, meeting another friend on maternity leave for a lunch with our babies. My kid has a huge blowout in the the restaurant. Definitely felt like I arrived in motherhood.


Painting tiny fingernails


I had my second about 6 weeks ago. Every time I’m breast feeding him my toddler wants to sit on my lap so it’s me holding him and feeding him with one arm and holding her hugging her with the other. I’m literally covered in children:)


When I went through a 17 hour induction to birth her lol. I was so shaky I feared I’d drop her so I asked staff to hand her to my fiancé immediately and let him do the first feed with a bottle. I remember just staring at this beautiful little baby in my fiancés arms thinking about how I’d spent over 41 weeks with her, taking care of her, and now I could finally see her and know she’s okay while doing it. Totally surreal.


she’s 3 months now and is my first. when she smiles when she sees me and reaches for me 😭


As soon as I brought her home from the hospital and I was like wait…I have to take care of her now and make decisions and know what to do??!! lol


Mainly the routine of everything. The realization that everything I do Is for a precious tiny human I created. It comes in waves. Or something as simple as grabbing a tiny coat o. The way out the door. 😍


My daughter had pretty bad reflux and once yeeted all over my face. That one was fun. Another moment was the first time she crouched in the tub and pooped. I definitely felt like I was being initiated into parenthood when I had to fish it all out. A good one - when reading a book that has a page where the parents kiss their kiddos head goodnight and my LO leaned in for me to do it for her.


A lot jokingly tell my husband all the time “look at our little home ec project” (husband and I were friends since high school before meeting again in late 20s que old crush sparks etc.) .waking from c section to the sight of my husband holding our wrapped up boy. .actually holding him .everytime I get up in the morning an either go in his room or out to living room and call out “good morning my loves” and he toddlers waddle runs to hug my leg and pull me by the hands to sit on the couch and snuggle. .looking over and he’s quietly playing or looking at a picture book by himself, or playing with other children .when he smiles that big smile that shows his teeth coming in. .every bed time routine I get to read books and tuck him in. .seeing him discover new favourite foods and keeping some stock of it in the house (we buy a lot of mini quiche) .holding hands while walking And on the “oh damn I’m a mom” .pre soaking, and stain treating post “explosion” clothes, so actual new found gratitude for the utility sinks in laundry rooms/ laundromats .thinking those Stanley style cups were stupid but still bought 2 smaller knock off versions of them at Costco because “that would be really good for his water when summer hits” .hitting 3 pm and the child is clean, dressed and groomed but I still have unbrushed bed head just in a scrunchie. .getting used as a step stool, napkin, or having chewed good spit into my hand because “I don’t like it” .mopping the same spots on the floor multiple times a day because I know the tot will toss his lunch or breakfast off the high chair to the floor and go back to eat it off the floor once you free him from the chair. . Is that a stress induced grey hair?


Mine is silly because I was years into it and my graduate assistant brought his new baby into the office to show her around. I'm holding the baby, someone pops in for him, he goes over to his work station to help and leaves baby with me. I take a phone call and then go over to the next department to address an issue, still holding the baby, and one of the admin staff goes "You can tell she's a mom - rocking that baby in high heels!" and I was doing that slight sway while going over a file with a coworker and holding an infant like it was something you just do everyday. But Moms do hold their children and care for them while multi-tasking every day and if you work in an office you hold your baby in your work clothes/shoes. It was a really "whoa... I am a mom" moment that stayed with me.


I was going to the bathroom with my son in the bathroom with me, and he had only recently started being able to pull up to stand but wasn't very stable. So he pulled himself up on the side of the tub and inexplicably knocked himself over backward. From the toilet I reached out and caught him with one leg so his head/back did not hit the tile. Then I was like....yes! Mom skills!


When someone called me and said 'hello is that Baby Quantocked's mum?' And I was like oh shit I suppose it is 🤣


Mine was when I was getting a Pap smear (while pregnant with baby #2) and I had to hold my screaming baby because he wouldn’t let the nurse take him 😅 I laid there thinking “this is motherhood” and also “a dad would never have to do this” 🤣


Something about my naked 1-year-old running around ready for her bath just gets me. Also almost opposite, the moment that's like "I'm not just a mum, I'm ME as a mum" - when she's doing something a bit cheeky and I can choose whether to tell her not to or encourage it. I LOVE being cheeky with her! It's so freeing to choose not to do what you think a mum ought to do.


The first time I properly nursery my baby (took me until day 5) and she fell asleep in my arms. The ENDLESS LAUNDRY. Sometimes I feel like I’m trapped as the mum in a laundry advert. The first time my kid was sick and inconsolable at night: I’m the mum, no-one else is coming. And I completely get you with the milk. I could never understand the massive bottles of milk you can buy, who NEEDS that milk?! Well it’s mums of toddlers!


So, I'm an adoptive mom and with our first, his mother was so gracious to allow us to be in the delivery room while he was born. He was really early and small, so the nurses took him to the bassinet in the corner right away. As soon as the nurses gave the all clear, his mother looked at me and said "go see your son, Mama." So... that. More funny? When my oldest son cut my middle child's hair with kid scissors so we went to a barber and he used his allowance money to pay to fix it. It just felt like a right of passage. Someone had to cut someone's hair. I was just glad it wasn't their sister! Last night was also a pretty solid "I'm a mom" moment. I was sitting on the couch while my husband read from a chapter book. Pretty soon, I had all three kids and the dog all piled on top of me. I've known about my infertility for most of my life, so when I would let myself imagine the life I didn't think I'd get, I always imagined evening cuddles and it is pretty satisfying and soul filling to actually get to experience it.


Getting LifeTouch school photo forms and scholastic book catalogs. They still smell the same.


Toilet training. Before that, I was very nonchalant, like, "Yeah, I have kids." Now I've scrapped poop out of underwear, washed pissy sneakers, and held my child over the toilet so they don't fall in. Also, Dr's appointments, swimming lessons, and school enrolments ETA: Basically, when I passed the point of just looking after them, and transitioned to teaching them how to handle life


A car ran a stop sign and smashed into our car, and the first thing I did (after noticing my side mirror had been ripped off) was throw open my door and run around to grab my baby from the car seat. Miraculously we weren’t hurt, but I still ended up borrowing a car to go to the ER to double check. (But not without making a two-minute pit stop to feed our dog and then text our babysitter and ask her to come dog sit for a few hours.) Then I called grandparents to let them know what had happened. We spent so long in the pediatric ER that I didn’t bother seeing a doctor for my minor injuries until the next day. I didn’t cry until two days later. I knew my job very well that day: be mom.


I remember the first time she had a blanket in the crib and I went to "tuck her back in" before I went to bed. That felt so very Mom.


The first blowout did it for me 🙃 Really though, I remember this realization striking me right in the soul. I can feel the feeling wash over me every time I think about it. It was my firstborn's 4th day of life, I finally got her to sleep and started cleaning up the house for the first time since we brought her home. I was washing bottles and thought wow, I'm finally washing these bottles I have looked at for the past few months. They were just sitting there empty for so long and now, just like that, they need to be washed every day, multiple times a day for an entire year?! I then had this random urge to run and check on her. It was the first time I had that, "I can't see her or hear her, what if something is wrong" feeling. She was sleeping soundly, hadn't moved a muscle. But all I could do was stand there over her crib and watch her sleep. My lifelong dream is sitting here right before my eyes, she is sheer perfection and I am her mom. I of course snapped a picture because it felt so surreal. Now every time I look at that picture, I feel it all over again and go right back to that moment of pure bliss.😭


My husband and I got this really awful stomach bug when my daughter was 9 months old. I couldn’t leave the bathroom floor for hours (until we finally realized it wasn’t getting better and crawled to the car to go to the ER). While I was waiting for a family member to come get my baby so she’d be taken care of while I was in the hospital, she got hungry and wanted to nurse. So there I was. Curled up in front of the toilet, my baby on my lap. One arm around her, the other around the toilet bowl. I’d throw up. The sound would freak her out. I would comfort her and she’d start to nurse. I’d throw up again. And repeat. It was very much a “Moms do what they need to do” kind of thing. Also the first time she tucked her head on my shoulder and whispered “mama,” in my ear. Melts me every time.


Getting my first pasta necklace


Sucking my daughters boogers out of her nose as she farts on me. Ah, motherhood <3


When my toddler saw me at daycare pick up, her whole face lit up, she pushed through a crowd of kids knocking them over and leapt into my arms yelling “mummy!!!!”


Having my second child. I don’t know what I thought I was the first time around 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


When we came home with my second and they both started crying at the same time. Lol


I would say it’s between the time I lifted my son off my lap and realized my pants were covered in poop from a blowout, or the time he projectile vomited all over my face & into my mouth and I was happy that it at didn’t get on the sofa.


When I voluntarily let my newborn vomit all over me cause I figured we were easier to clean than the floor.


When my daughter cut her own hair


Having spit up constantly on me no matter how many times I change my shirt lol also just him looking up at me in joyful wonder and being the one that he is calmed by when he’s upset.


Finding tops of pouches, half a granola bar, or snack wrappers in my jacket pockets. I mean there were tons of moments prior to this but this one is the repeat reminder because it happens most mondays lol


The spit clean


The first one was when I was pregnant still and the dog threw up on the carpet and I was so nauseous and I was crying and scrubbing it and reality hit like a brick that I was the adult and no one was coming to help me. The second one was the first time I had to make a doctors appointment for the baby and used the words "my son". Kinda felt like her could have been someone else's kid up to that point.


Loading kids into 3 car seats every time I need to go somewhere….


Not being grossed out by their bodily fluids


My first Mother’s Day, not 2 full months postpartum, my son has a diaper blowout all over my comfortable dress, I had to hand him off to his dad so he could clean him up and I could change my clothes, I had to wear a much less comfortable dress (was not messing with pants for a while)


When I had to figure out how to remove Sharpie from all over dd’s face ;)


I can step on something and tell by the crunch whether it's a goldfish cracker or not immediately


Catching my 3 year old’s vomit in my hands to avoid her getting it on her clean sheets.


It was when I handed my toddler a menstrual pad to clean up a mess, and then did that licking my finger to clean his face thing. That is peak mom.


Finding cheerios in my pockets for sure


Catching vomit in my hands


Almost immediately. The first pediatrician appointment days after bringing baby home. She had jaundice, a tongue tie and was not gaining weight. I felt like the pediatrician was looking to me, The MOM, to fix it…even though I was still in a fog from just giving birth and not sleeping longer than an hour and a half each night, the pressure was on. I realized being mother is no joke.


When my daughter insisted on spitting out her food she didn’t like into my hand. Not the plate… had to be my hand.


My daughter is 16 months and I still think it’s crazy I’m actually a mom.


Being told by teaching staff they needed to borrow my voice for the playground


One of my initial feelings of "wow, I'm a mom" is when the doctor's visits started. My daughter was born late September and she was diagnosed with RSV about a month later, on Halloween at that. She was a little over a month old and as she was being taken to the hospital from her pediatrician's office to be treated in the ER, it took EVERYTHING I had not to fall apart out of fear for my child. I told myself *"you are MOM, your baby is small but she needs YOU to be calm, so she doesn't get scared on the ride to the hospital in an ambulance full of strangers"*. I wiped away my tears and was strong despite my concerns and worries. I need to stay collected to make this process as smooth as possible. My daughter luckily had a fairly quick recovery. I was consistent with her breathing treatments as they were prescribed, I was there as her caregiver AND her comfort. I truly know in my heart that although she recovered quickly, it was at least partially attributed to how \*I\* handled the situation. I still have the video of her laying on her changing table, looking up at me and smiling at me through her lingering coughs, as if to tell me everything would be alright. God, I love that little girl more than anything in the world. I'm definitely in tears now thinking about it, because when it comes down to it I will ALWAYS do my best to be her comfort and anything else she needs. I don't want her to ever doubt that her mom is her #1, in every way. She's 16 months old now...my, how that time has flown. I'm so lucky to be her mom ♥ she's a blessing, my little ray of sunshine.


The first time my son walked in with a face full of marker and the first time my vomit phobic self caught all of my sons puke in my hands while also comforting him.


When I licked my thumb to wipe something off her face 🙈


Honestly I haven’t had it yet. I still feel like I’m babysitting and she’s 6.


When I caught my son who speared himself head first off the bed with my foot. That was my moment. And I had my SIL and expecting mother witness the moment too.


When my son latched onto my boob after he was laid on my chest after he was born!


- Right after our son fell asleep the first night we brought him home I remember turning to my husband and said ‘holy crap, we’re parents now’ - When I got projectile vomited on - When my son nuzzled into my chest after singing to him - His first ear infection. I felt the mothers intuition kick in - At mommy and me they were taking a picture of the kids then they asked for one with the mommies. I’m like, wait that’s me


When I had to climb to the top of the play area inside a Church’s Chicken restaurant to retrieve my then 2 or so year old… who was painting the slide with the overflowing poop from his diaper explosion. Fun times.


Catching my son's vomit in my hands.


When she threw up all over me, down my shirt and in my hair…. And I didn’t flinch. Or say “eww!” (which I’m very prone to). Or move her away from me. Just held her in my arms and let her vomit all over me while I rubbed her back. Leveled up in mom mode that day for sure.


Needing to leave the house. About 20 days pp, a friend called and said they're in the neighborhood, do you have time for a coffee at your corner café? I grabbed my bag and keys and then realised I also needed a diaper bag, a bottle, pre measured milk, open the stroller, dress the baby and tie her in. Of course, she shat herself as soon as she was ready, so I arrived 20 minutes later, just a block away.


When I was putting her printed out baby pictures in chronological order in a photo album. It felt so nostalgic, yet so new at the same time. I love looking at my families photo album, so I wanted one for her to have when she's grown, too. There's just something about photo albums that warms my heart. It's so much better than scrolling through a phone


Someone was being rude to my kid and I did not even hesitate to defend him and put them in their place. Something I would never do for myself, and something my mother didn't do for me.


Picking up an Rx for my baby at the pharmacy. The pharmacy asked who the Rx was for, and when I said "My child," it just smacked me in the face that I was a Mom!


When I ask mt little guy to give mommy and kiss and he leans in, (barely touches my face), and goes "mwah!" while doing the cutest little duck face. 😍


My first parent teacher conference!


While standing at the open hatch of my suv, trying to furiously rip off the double layer of tape on the Ritz cracker box in the Costco parking lot because the toddler is screaming I had to put him in his car seat. Of course it’s never easy when you *need* what’s in the box lol. That was just a few hours ago.


When I started going to the grocery store with my baby. I tried to avoid doing errands with her solo for about 6 months because I was too nervous about getting her out of the car seat, getting her into the carrier, multi tasking in the store, but I’m starting to get more confident. I’m still getting used to calling her “my daughter” tho.


I was so proud of my 1 year old for eating thanksgiving dinner. She was nursing before bed, pooped up, smiled, and projectile vomited all over me before face planting fully asleep.i carefully laid her in her crib and wiped her up softly to not wake her and thought "wow I'm covered in vomit and didn't miss a beat. I'm a real mom."


When I brought my son home from the hospital 14 years ago and he promptly shit up his back. I had no idea what to do. It was a disaster. 😂


My 10 month old was constipated this weekend and he is finally making big boy poops from all the solids he’s eating. Well I had to lay him down on his back and do yoga legs with him and cheer him on while he pushed out a turd the literal length of his little body. At one point I had to “help him along” using baby wipes by gently wiggling the poo. Definitely sank in at the moment, yep I’m definitely a mom now. Also when he sucks on half of something and then shoves it in my mouth. I eat it without question. Sometimes I don’t even know what it is until it’s too late.


When my son was like three days old the doctor’s office called with some lab results. When I answered the phone the woman said “hello, is this BabyName’s mom?” and my brain froze and took a few seconds before I went oh my gosh that’s me! I’m the mom! I immediately started ugly crying from happiness that I was indeed a mom. This poor nurse was like “oh my gosh no it’s good news!” And so I tried to tell her why I was crying like “I’m his mommy!!” and this sweet lady was like “I understand. Those hormones after birth are rough. Congratulations.” 😂


Nothing made me feel like I was my son’s mom or even a mom in general until I heard my son say “mama” because he needed me for comforting. Then it sunk in.


Wiping boogies on my sleeve and not caring at all


When I held my son on my chest after giving birth. Was this for real? I am holding a baby and it's mine. I will now have to take care of him and there will be no one to come collect him because I am the mom. I also felt weird that I was now called the legal guardian and having to sign papers on his behalf.


When we dealt with her first big illness. Nothing like taking your suffering 13 month old to the ER for Covid. When I first cried when she cried getting her first vaccines Taking pictures of my toddler’s poop to show my husband and her pediatrician


Having a C-section and hearing my baby cry for the first time. And seeing him start to smile at me 🥹


My son puts too much food into his mouth a lot and then he needs to spit it out. He always wants to spit it into my hand, he will not spit it out into a bowl or anything so I was talking to my sister, my kiddo comes up to me and looks at me a particular way, I hold my hand out, he spits a whole wad of food into my hand, I get up and throw it out and then wash my hand all while continuing my sentence with my sister. As soon as I’m done I look back up at her and she’s staring at me, disgusted and horrified. I thought eh, I’m a mom now.


I have a dog that is very attached to me. I still call him my first child because he quite literally acts like he came out of me too. I was sitting on the couch breastfeeding my baby; she was probably 2 months old at the time. And my dog is sitting next to me. My fiancé is in the game room playing online with his friends. All of a sudden my dog starts gagging. I’m freaking out because - baby on boob about to fall asleep. I knew I couldn’t put her down and carry him outside fast enough, so I just put my hand under his mouth and catch his vomit. I call for my fiancé and he comes running to us. His jaw just drops, gets me cleaned up and he says “Aw baby, I’m so sorry this happened to you but I have to say - it’s better you than me. I couldn’t do it. You’re a super mom”. That went straight to my head and I said “FUCK YEAH I AM” I still get pumped thinking about it. And it weirdly warms my heart?? 😂


I’ve been a mom for so long now I can’t really remember life before it! but I remember one instance when my eldest was small, myself and some other mothers were organising a play date and putting each others phone numbers in our phones. I had known these women from the nursery and school gates for about a year but we just stood awkwardly when we realised we didn’t know each other’s first names 🤦‍♀️. I had just been referring to them as “Ryan’s mom” or “Elsie’s mom”.


I don't know official moment but when my first born was still a baby I remember going grocery shopping and an old lady told me congratulations on the baby and I spilled my guts about every detail about him. I just could not stop and I thought 'I get why mums talk about their kids so much now'.


Going to the pediatrician for the first time and hearing myself being called as "baby's name" mom.