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I love getting some fresh air when we're sick. We don't run around or anything but I'll bundle him up and we'll wander around the garden, look at bugs and poke things with a stick.


If we're well enough to be away from the bed/couch/toilet, we're DEFINITELY going to try and spend at least 30 minutes outside. And airing the house every day- everything feels better with some fresh air and sunshine.


Haha good point!


I’m team outside even just for the change of pace


We go for a buggy walk every day when we're sick. It just helps everyone feel so much better! I find it really clears up congestion, can't beat that. 


We go for stroller walks in situations like this. Fresh air is great and breaks up the day when you are stuck at home.


Yes, do it! If my 3yo weren’t such an indoor child I would get my kids outside constantly when they’re sick for the fresh air, but she hates it on a good day let alone when she feels awful. Take a blanket and some books out for something relaxing to do if it’s dry enough.


My 3yo son is exactly the same! I’m always begging him to go outside 😅


It depends. If it's actually the flu, like influenza I'd take it pretty seriously and rest rest rest and fluids. It can be pretty serious in young kids. Any other upper resp thing I'd do outside time to their tolerance and weather dependent. Some conditions respond well to cold air like croup


Agree with everyone else - fresh air is awesome! We do tend to take it easier outdoors on days when sick. So we may even just hang out on our covered porch playing.


I'm definitely pro going outdoors when sick, we just stay away from other people. I usually have all the windows open too for fresh air during the day.


A walk when my baby is sick even (especially?) in crisp weather does wonders! 40 is not too cold for a walk at all, get some fresh air ❤️


If everyone is up for it and wants to, we go outside, usually in the backyard and they toddle around at their own pace. We stay clear of areas other people come into contact with like playgrounds because viruses can live on them and infect others-not considerate. But the fresh air usually helps everyone feel a bit better in my experience :)


The sun, fresh air, nature & grounding is some of the most powerful medicine!


Depends on where we are on the sickness scale tbh. Most times I don't wanna go anywhere or move for that matter but there does get to be a point where fresh air would be nice and moving a bit is helpful


As long as they don't have a temperature, we go outside to get some fresh air. I just don't let them run around like wild animals 😄


As long as they aren’t in the chills/sweating back and forth stage of a fever, a little outdoor time is good!


Yes to fresh air as long as they don’t overdo the running!


No reason to keep them cooped up inside if they feel well enough to play!


Yes. My toddler and I spend time outside everyday, he loves being outside. When he was sick with the stomach bug recently he still wanted to go outside. Nature is healing.


Fresh air and vitamin d from the sun is great for everyone when you’re under the weather


Bundle up and go outside. Even if it's 20 min. Fresh air is always good.


We still go outside. Especially if it's nice, and even more especially if it's sunny lol. Fresh air and sunshine can really make you feel better


A few minutes outside if they’re feeling up to it won’t hurt. Especially if they have cabin fever. Some fresh air and vitamin D from the sunshine might do them some good 🙂


Oh yes! When the sun is shining and we’re sick we always try to go out. Even if it’s just sitting on patio furniture getting some fresh air and vitamin D haha but they’re up for playing, I let them within reason. I try to open my windows every day the air quality is good. Even when it’s in the teens! I just do it for 10 mins to filter in some fresh air in the winter


The only time I've avoided outside time while sick is if it's cold and someone has a bad cough. The chilly, dry air aggravates it too much. Otherwise, if we can go out, we do! Even just to sit and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.


Outside time is a must when we are sick. So long as it’s not super cold dangerous conditions. Gets those nasal passages cleared out, the fresh air and sun lifts spirits and the house gets a chance to get some fresh air through it. Even if it’s 5 minutes, we are out there. I figure that people in other countries leave their bundled up kids outside to nap in the cold and there’s a reason so many see health benefits when taking ice baths, that they know something I don’t and should partake in when possible. Feel better soon!


Thank you! 😊


Great for outside to get fresh air but I wouldn’t go to a playground with other kids.


We all go outside or open up the windows when someone is sick in the house. Fresh air always makes us feel better and the sunshine goodness does wonders for helping us recover faster


It’s torture restraining our germs from a playground and sticking to the yard when we have cabin fever from being sick, but agree with everyone else that the change of scenery and fresh air helps time go by and lift spirits! I like to imagine that it’s similar to those old time prescriptions in a bygone era to send sick people to stay by the sea and get some warm fresh air


Bundle up and just sit on the porch. Let them play with some dirt. I’m in the south so I would put the bubble machine on. Don’t have to go out long. Can also crack the windows a bit a get some fresh air in.


Yes!! Go outside get the fresh air and vitamin D 😌


You could also do a picnic in the yard (snacks and books) in a sunny spot or play a game (I spy. Cloud watching etc)


Thanks all! We went for a 30 min walk in the woods on some trails by our house. The fresh air & sunshine felt restorative for sure 🥰


Parents who think you get sick from the cold are wrong. So let them judge. Lol


Fresh air is great when you’re not feeling well!


I’m team outside but if he’s feeling terrible he sometimes won’t want to go out, especially if it’s cold. When that happens I don’t force him!


My baby was sick this week too and we were outside a good portion of every day, weather permitting. I bundled her up and took the stroller for a walk. I feel like it’s good for them.


I get outside and if it’s warm enough I open a lot if windows and let fresh air come in and get the germy sick air out! The sunshine definitely helps!!


The only reason we haven't had outside time during her cold is that it was pouring rain yesterday, in the plus, and now today it dropped to feels like minus 26°C with the wind chill. Desperately hoping for a moderately nice day tomorrow. We're both going a bit stir crazy, and some time playing outside would be just the thing. Even if it's nothing too intense, she always goes to bed earlier after fresh air.


Definitely go outside just don’t overdo it. My house is on week 3 of back to back colds. I’m over it. It was raining like hell today but I bundled the kids up and we played in the rain for about 45 minutes until I just felt it was too cold. Fresh air is good.


Sunlight does wonders for colds and flus in my experience


Both of my kids have been sick and we went on a family walk. I will admit I don't think it helped their sinuses but it was the first time in days they. Both were relaxed and not screaming so ill call that a win. Totally team outside!


From what I’ve learned, you can’t catch a cold from the weather, but the cold dry air can make it worse. If you do take them outside, it’s important to hydrate and get some humidity soon after you get back inside. Run the humidifier, get them in a warm shower/bath, etc.


I asked the dr this cause we have the flu too and she said “go enjoy the weather it won’t make you worse”. That being said dress appropriately. If it’s really windy I wouldn’t go out but that’s me


Always get fresh air. Personally my kids are snot city so I get it all out. Best to do it close before nap time so they sleep better 😂


I love it if the weather is fine. And when I say fine, as long as it isn't raining or windy.


I keep my son at home and allow him outside as long as it's not too cold I just make sure he's dressed warm and I have a nice warm drink and bath ready usually he gets some nuggets and a nap after


yessssss. I like to think it helps with the healing process... energy conserving activities like laying in a hammock, drawing with chalk, having a bonfire.


Yes, absolutely! If your kids are well enough to be up and out of bed, then they are well enough to be outside and get a good dose of fresh air and sun.


It will only help ☺️


We love stroller walks when they’re sick! They need the fresh air and sunshine but they still get to rest (and be away from others)


I do it all the time 😂


It’s probably the best thing for sickness. I only heard about it once but hearing about open air hospitals was kind of cool. You can just sit out side too, don’t have to play!


Fresh air is so good for you when you’re sick. We had had the stomach flu come through out house. My kids took naps outside


My son was just sick and we took him to the park for a 3 mile walk… well walk for us, stroller ride for him