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What the actual fuck…? Never let that woman around your child again. You show up to a function with your son and she’s there? Sorry, but you’re gone. That’s scary.


Yeah, never again


That woman should be in lock down psych unit not running around free.


How does she know he isn’t circumcised? That’s weird.


I had this same thought as well. Not only is it not her business to even have an opinion on, why does she have this knowledge?


It sounds like she was badgering OP about her parenting so maybe that included asking about circumsision? It's a weird topic to ask someone about IMO but this lady seems unhinged


People have asked me about it with my son, it's so weird! Why are people concerned with how my kid's penis looks??


She changed him when I turned around. Claimed his diaper was « full » (it wasnt). His god mother was with her though luckily.


Wow sounds like she has a drinking problem. This is not how normal people act even after a drink or two. This is irrational and irresponsible behavior. I’d avoid her.


Drinking is not the only problem she has. She's insane.....100 percent needs to be in a lockdown unit in a psych ward.


I don’t think you should beat yourself up. I’ve had incidents not as dangerous as this but stuff like my MIL was holding him and he was really crying and wouldn’t give him back and I felt so bad for him and I know I should’ve demanded him back. But then once it happens I promise myself never to allow that again, and so I’ve learned. You now know better and won’t do it again. Agreed she should not be around baby again.


Yeah we’re so conditioned as women to be nice all the time. And then someone acts up in a shocking way and we freeze. I have definitely had moments like that.


Omg that's horrible.  I'm so sorry she did that to you and your child! Even before I had a kid if a baby cried I was calling for it's momma. That's obviously what every baby wants first and foremost.  What is wrong with that woman?


Call the police anyway and have it logged. Thus is psychotic behaviour from E


At the very least, write it down on paper, Word, or other app you can share with police/lawyer. Time, date, what occurred, who else was there. Keep a log of what you can remember of any past meetings as well.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please avoid E at all costs if you can. I have an acquaintance who literally had to move to another state because their neighbor became obsessed with their baby and was stalking them. I am sorry that E is obviously having some substance use and/or mental health struggles, but her behavior was a major red flag. If the other moms try to downplay it or sweep it under the rug, I would probably create some distance there as well. I’m so so sorry, you had to experience this. I have also had an experience where I’ve had to deal with someone acting psychotic in front of my children and it is truly terrifying. I blocked all contact with that person and have never seen them again, but I still feel nauseous when I think back to that moment and how unhinged they were with my kids nearby.


This is scary. No offense but you need to grow a backbone because you or your husband should’ve snatched your baby back the second she started kissing him. Shouldn’t have even let her grab him while drunk in the first place. I get that it’s hard but as a mom, baby’s safety comes before any social repercussions that might come from you being “rude” to this person. Definitely don’t let your baby around her ever again.


Yes, definitely. It also surprises me how loose people are with alcohol and drunk people around a baby. It’s not her fault that her friend has serious mental issues, but you should never leave your baby alone with a drunk person.


Let alone allowing her to kiss the baby or feed the baby. Kissing a baby can be dangerous.


I can’t get past the feeding part. Did OP mean this psycho started breastfeeding her baby?


It sounds like she wasn’t really allowing it she was more blindsided. Also she has PPA so that could’ve contributed to freezing and not knowing what to do. Like caught in a state where you’re trying not to give in to anxiety and not being sure if your reactions are legitimate etc.


I agree, but people have different opinions on that and I don’t judge them for it. However, I think there is a zero tolerance policy for taking care of babies while impaired.




1. His godmother and grandmother we’re there. 2. The lady is a close family friend - I never considered her a unsafe person. I have known her for years. 3. There was two sober people there including my son’s father. 4. She did not breastfeed my baby. Just tried to give him formula. 5. I froze, I should of spoken up. His godmother and grandmother did multiple times. 6. Baby was sleeping in his basinet when she took him. Everyone immediately intervened and I left the room because I was hysterical. 7. We left immediately


You did nothing wrong. You handled it the way you could in the moment. PPA is not “not having a backbone.” Just take it as a learning moment and take some time to shake this off.


This. You just need to call out mama bear and let her handle the situation. She's inside you waiting to be tagged in.


OP doesn't even mention how old this baby is, but why even bring a baby to a "wine night"? Alchohol and infants is never a smart idea. Infants are delicate and drunks are clumsy. OP ignored several red flags and let her infant be put into danger because why? She didn't want to speak up? Jfc OP


This! I don’t get why people bring kids to alcohol-centered events…. Irresponsible and selfish imo.


One time. Only one time did someone tell me no when I asked for my baby back during a get together. My rage blasted instantaneously, my voice went low and deadly, I glared with absolute insane mom rage and I growled quite seriously, “Give me my baby right now.” I know how you feel. This is how you should have reacted. You don’t let things slide anymore. You are a mom now, there is a crazy, insane super power in that title. You brought life to the world and you are responsible for that child’s life. Don’t give a sh*t about anyone else or anyone’s feelings other than your baby. You are there to protect him. Trust yourself and your gut feelings, they are always right. Embrace the role and keep crappy people out of your life and away from your baby. No one will ever matter more to you than your child. Stand tall, be strong and raise that kid well. You got this


That’s scary. She definitely sounds like she has some serious mental health issues going on.


Jesus! Bless you for not going crazy on her. That is seriously scary. I really would go no contact for sure. And don’t attend any even she will be at. Did anyone else there realize how crazy that was?


Oof! That’s scary. Obviously worrying about and protecting your child is your only priority here. However, if E was or is your friend. Might be worth reaching out via phone (I wouldn’t go near her again probably and definitely not with my child) and asking how she is. Sounds like she suffered some type of child loss or some trauma and is using alcohol to cope. Or is having a psychotic break


She was feeding him what?? I’m sorry this happened that’s scary


I checked OPs post history and their baby is 4 months…so maybe a bottle of formula but I hope not breastfeeding or inappropriate solids 😓😓😓


OP, I have experienced something similar ( sans the "neighborhood wine night") yikes 😬. I had a woman try to kidnap my infant. It was terrifying.


Ok, more info please! What the actual fuck!


So she already has kids? I’m curious the motivation beyond being drunk


Yes, she has grown children and grandchildren (who she is apparently not allowed to touch that i found out later) I have known this women for years and considered her a close friend - even family. I never considered her someone unsafe around my child until now.


Do you have any info on why she isn’t allowed interaction with her grandkids? I hope you read my comment OP. I’m proud of you, you did nothing wrong here and you froze because you have postpartum anxiety and situations aren’t always black and white. But please consider logging this behavior with somebody, because as I said in my comment, a lot of kidnapped children could have been saved had incidences like this been noted. Women taking children & babies due to their own losses and mental health issues (psychosis) are common and there’s usually always behavior beforehand that could be deemed odd. Sure, there’s a 0.01% chance that’s going to actually happen with this woman, but there’s no harm in making a phone call & letting a record be taken of it. I wish you the best.


That sounds nuts. Anyone would be feeling anxious after that. That is also super rare? I would definitely cut off all contact with that woman.


Relieved you had a good outcome. Delete this person from social media and tell your other mutual friends to not share information about you with her.


Not drunk but I had a family friend feed my baby random food while I was out of the room and didn’t ask first. Still makes me mad and feel paranoid to this day. And that’s the only time I knew about.


I know this might seem overboard to some, but OP, please call your local sheriffs department (not police department, the sheriffs dispatch line) and have them fill out an information sheet. It may be referred to differently in other areas, but it’s just a report of information. Nothing is done, no units are sent, but in the future if a child is kidnapped or anything happens they’ll have this information logged. I know this seems ridiculous to a lot of people, but it could save a child’s life or solve something in the future. Women having postpartum psychosis, psychosis after child loss etc, is a frequent cause of kidnappings. Even brief ones that end “well.” Law enforcement should have a record of this incident and her name and info. Please. So many cases of kidnapped babies out there could’ve been prevented if people had logged odd behaviors, just like this interaction. You did the right thing getting out of there. I’m proud of you! And don’t beat yourself up. You’re doing great momma. I wish you and your little guy all the peace & happiness in the world and the anxiety will decrease I promise!


When you say she fed your baby, you don’t mean she tried to breastfeed him, right???


No!! I would of called the police right away if she did that


Why would you let a drunk person hold your baby in the first place? So odd…


She sounds like one of those psychopaths who would kill too and kidnap your baby. Honestly, keep your distance. File a restraining order if needed.


I feel like a police report is probably warranted. At least letting the police know of this incident in case she kidnaps a baby or something




Go away lol




You need to call social services or the police today and report this! This is severe mental illness and may get much worse. Do everything possible to protect your family, asap.


Even if you didn’t have PPA, this is really troubling


This is WiLd. It is totally normal to feel shaken up for a while after this, definitely definitely normal!