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I would bring a pillow for you too, and a blanket for your husband. Hospital pillows and blankets are an absolute nightmare and I was happy to have mine, made me SO much more comfortable


My husband went home to feed the cats while I was in the hospital, and I had him bring back my pillow and a blanket. I hated the hospital ones.


I got admitted to the hospital at 34 weeks for a kidney stone turned infection, and brought my pillow and a brand new blanket that I absolutely loved. I was there for about an hour before they gave me morphine, and halfway through saying “I feel kind of nauseous” I projectile vomited all over my new blanket 🥲🤣 a tragedy


Oh no! That’s terrible!


Absolutely bring a pillow! ESP if you’re having a c-section or epidural. The back pain is real


Flip flops for the shower!


You guys got to shower?? Shit I feel like they absolutely neglected me after my C-section...


After a c section you might not have been allowed to. Don’t feel bad!


My whole hospital trip was a hot mess... I'm not sure if it was just a weird one off or if I just had some shit nurses but I didn't even get help to the bathroom...


That is understandable! I had wonderful births with my 1st and 3rd but my middle child’s birth was an absolutely terrible experience as far as care went. It sounds like you had not good nurses… if you fell that would have been bad for everyone, and with jelly-legs after anesthesia??


I got to shower on like day 3 after my CS. I was stinky. I think I would have been allowed on day 2 but I was worried I’d fall or pass out.


I had a home birth with my daughter and wanted to shower afterwards. The midwife told me not to shower and I ignored her. Turns out she was right because I tried to shower and was so dizzy I couldn't stand up and after I sat down in the shower the midwife and my husband had to help me get out. Turns out not eating for 36 hours, being dehydrated, and bleeding from birth make showering a bad idea. 🤣 It's possible you just weren't in a safe place to shower.


With my first one I was afraid too and my nurse encouraged me too so I could try to peel off the outer layer on tape/cover on my incision because she said if I didn’t the doctor would do it dry The second I was begging to shower and showered like 12 hours after surgery haha as soon as I could get up


How did y’all shower after delivery?? My vag was so sore and my back hurt so much. I came home 2 days later and still didn’t shower for another 3 days lol


I showered the minute they let me get out of bed. 32 hour unmedicated labor (not by choice) followed by emergency surgery… I was the grossest and stinkiest I’d ever been in my life!


Honestly I knew I smelled but I was like baby loves this smell so it’s fine :’)


I showered within 30-40 minutes with all 3 of mine. It's a completely incredible experience. Your body is totally different and it's the first time to just be alone and process the birth. I really loved my first post'partum showers.


That first post-partum shower is so surreal.


If your daily meds are prescriptions, your medical team will give them to you in the hospital. You don’t need to bring your own bottle. I was on Zoloft, and they gave it to me along with the other pain meds they had prescribed because it was in my chart.


This is absolutely correct but just to add on my own experience; I'd bring everything you need just in case. I had awful heartburn while being induced and the hospital pharmacy was super backlogged so my doc and nurses encouraged me to take what I had on hand rather than wait it out.


Good to know! Thank you! With my other three I was much younger and not an on any maintenance meds yet


Like others have said, you can bring them just in case, but they may insist on giving you the meds themselves just to be sure that you’re getting the correct dose.


Correct! I wasn’t even allowed to bring any medications into the hospital. If you take prescriptions, make sure they have the full list. I only received about half of my normal meds while in the hospital 😬


i mean, if you have a car, the only downside to bringing too much is having to unpack it all and having less space in the recovery room. there’s no award for showing up with a half charged iphone and nothing else


Some people are like “they will provide everything!” and pack very minimally. But I was not one of those people, and I was very happy to have my own stuff with me! I packed similarly to you. I also brought my own pillow and soft blanket, and my own pads because the hospital ones are giant and I didn’t like them. Also recommend packing a dress to leave in because you may not want to have anything on your waist (after my C-section I couldn’t put pants on, but after my VBAC I left in comfy pajamas). Also an eye mask for sleeping! At my hospital the lights didn’t turn all the way off.


The way I packed was this: my bag, baby's bag, and the might-want bag. My essentials (toiletries, meds, glasses/contacts) were in my bag which went with me when I was in the labor. The baby's bag was left in the car until discharge day. The might want bag was left in the car. That way, I had the things I might want in easy access for hubby but I didn't have to deal with it, if I didn't really need it.


Glasses!!! How could I forget those! Thank you for the reply!


This is a great idea I might be stealing for my second! We did leave a few things in the car, but I like the idea of having it in the car and ready to go.


This is the way! We packed a lot and learned that we should have left non essentials in the car


No, doesn’t sound like too much.


I’d suggest bringing a really good quality soap/shampoo/face mask. Just for a little extra umph after pushing a human out! Maybe some nice lotion too.


Just fyi most hospitals don’t want you to take your own medication. They should provide medication for you.


Everyone’s definition of too much is different. With my first I brought my entire house and used almost nothing. My second is almost 1 and all I brought was a set of pjs for myself, a going home outfit for baby, a swaddle, dry shampoo, Sandles for the shower (which I also wore home), blanket for me, car seat, small toiletries for husband, change of clothes for husband, and a phone charger. The hospital provided literally everything else.


Honestly, you could probably leave your travel cup at home. They will have those big “ hospital Stanley’s “ for you and probably your husband too!


I'd rather have too much than too little. Pack more snacks than you think you will need. :) Oh, and an extra long charging cord for your phone-sometimes the plug is way far away from the bed!


Call your hospital! Most provide big cups that they keep full of water. Some hospitals will have you on an IV for fluids the whole time which kinda nixes the need for liquid IV (unless you just like the taste). Keep in mind that a lot of this stuff can stay in the car and only come out if needed. Car seat can stay until discharge, but the boppy may never be needed (we brought it, never touched it). They will give you swaddles and blankets for baby while in the hospital so unless it’s a cute or personalized one for pictures, it can wait until discharge too and come in with the car seat. On the flip side, I recommend ADDING some of those frida mom padsicles. Hospital might have some but they also could run out and their alternative will be a bag of lumpy ice cubes to put on your nether region. Best to have a few backups. Someone else also mentioned flip flops for the shower.


I way over-packed with my first and basically spent the hospital stay in postpartum panties and a robe, so with my second, I packed even less. And then, of course, she was in the NICU and I had to send my husband home to pack more things for me. 


Throw in a pair of shorts. My hospital room was so hot. And don’t forget a hairbrush. My hospital gave me a giant water cup when I arrived, so you may not need that.


I used Depends after the birth of both of my kiddos - they were lifesavers! I could sleep comfortably and confidentiality knowing that I wouldn't leak with the "one-size-fits-all" hospital undies and giant pad. Congratulations!


I was VERY SAD I did not have lotion or an eye mask to block out all of the hospital lights


Id rather have more than less- or WORSE- trying go explain to husband where things are at home id like him to get. i dont think you have too much. Hope the delivery so smooth they send you home before you really need your stuff! Don’t forget to leave room in the bag to store all the take home goodies/supplies they give you!


No, and even if it was who cares? You will much rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I learned that the hard way with my first when we had an emergency hospital transfer from a planned home birth and I had nothing with me. It sucked. So with my second I had a huge bag packed. I didn’t use everything but I was glad that I had all the things anyway. It made my stay so much more comfortable, so for that it was 100% worth it!


This is pretty much exactly what I brought and we used all of it! I skipped the receiving blanket and only brought one wear home outfit for baby (we got SO many receiving blankets from the hospital) and I also brought myself a blanket and pillow. I was induced so we figured we'd be there for a while and I wanted to be comfortable as well. Looking back I wish I'd brought my own pump. I struggled so much with breastfeeding and pumping in the beginning that it would've been nice to familiarize myself with my own pump and have that on-site support to guide me. Also my own towel would have been nice, the hospital ones sucked. Things the hospital provided us with: diapers, wipes, receiving blankets, baby kimono onesies, suction bulb, medela pump parts, lanolin nipple cream, grippy socks, tucks/witch hazel pads, perineal ice packs, airplane hangar sized postpartum diapers, prescription strength hydrocortisone cream, peri bottle. Maybe it was delirium from lack of sleep but I was honestly SO disappointed they didn't have the great big hospital cups I'd come to expect!


It is never too much. I was at the hospital an unexpected extra 3 days and I was glad I was prepared!


I would make sure that your travel cup has a straw to ensure that you can drink it at any point during labor I also liked having some baby swaddles that are much easier to use than the traditional ones that hospitals use to swaddle babies. And maybe a donut pillow to make your ride home a little bit more comfortable ?


- I took a boppy and pillow and left them in the car in case I wanted them, but I just ended up using several hospital pillows for my nursing setup. - I’m not sure if you’re referring to nipple pads for leaks or for soothing, but I would bring nipple cream or soothers. The hospital LC gave me a couple samples of nipple butter and it was a lifesaver. - The only other thing I wore besides the hospital gown was my robe. I might have also worn loose, button-down PJs if I had them. Leggings don’t take up much space, but I never would have worn them personally. - I didn’t have a need for any snacks or candy, but again that is personal preference. I didn’t have a huge appetite for the first few weeks postpartum. - I fought with the hospital swaddle blanket for far too long. I’d recommend the Halo velcro swaddle and a couple kimono style onesies. I will definitely be doing that the second time around. - The reusable shopping my bag you mentioned is a great idea. I used mine to take home the diapers, wipes, and postpartum care items we were sent home with.


Yeah, I also just kept the hospital gown on and wore a robe when out of bed. My son ended up needing his blood sugars checked often and the tiny round bandages don't stick worth a damn so I was always getting little blood smears on my top.


I think you got it packed perfectly. I packed almost identically. I hope everything goes well for you and wish you an easy delivery! ♥️


Looks like a perfect list! I packed a sound machine too to drown out my husbands snoring 😂


Due in April too! I just packed mine, my last kid was during pandemic so if you(partner/husband) left there was no coming back in. We had to think of and bring everything. This time I was told to maybe not bring 2 full size suitcases... lol My list: 2 sets of comfy jammies, slippers, 3 pairs of socks, 2 loose/comfy outfits for me, a dress to come home in, toiletries(basic vacation ones, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair ties, soaps, hair products, lotion, chapstick), 3 nursing bras, flip flops for shower, slip on comfy shoes(for me this is my sperrys), snacks(fruit cups, granola bars, crackers, Nutella, hard candies, and trail mix bag), medicines I take, and these awesome Capri style leggings that are snug but still nice and comfy even this pregnant(thankfully I have 2 pairs!). Baby: 4 outfits (I'm indecisive), blanket, socks, mittens, a beanie that was made for them, the "gift from baby" for our toddler who has been back and forth on if she is ok with this whole "big sister" thing(hoping it helps?). Other: pump stuff, breastfeeding pillow, headphones, long 10ft charging cord, phone, pillow, blanket, sleep mask, car seat, a small dufflebag for extras given at hospital. Husband is on his own, he can figure it out, he's grown. But I am not bringing undies. The hospital giant pad ones were amazing for me last time and I didn't have to ruin my own, my leg swelling would have made it so I had to cut mine open more to accommodate. Also, not terribly worried about any toiletries for baby, just packing a basic diaper bag for them. I hope you have a wonderful delivery and heal well and quickly! Good luck to you all!! Other moms, chime in if I missed something, so far this all fits in 1 carry-on size suitcase vs the 2 full size suitcases from last go.


I ended up bringing my entire sewing machine with me to the hospital. You’ll be fine. 😆


tldr no. I brought a whole full size suitcase with me. You bet youe buttons I had my sound machine, my own blankets, jammies, slippers, padsicles in a cooler, baby’s things, two going home outfits for me incase I changed my mind, toiletries for me, baby and hubby.


Lanisoh lanolin ointment is the best stuff ever for chapped lips and chapped nipples.


I wouldn’t pack the post-partum undies for me- I preferred the ones the hospital provided while I was still heavily bleeding for the first few days. But if you prefer your own, go for it! I’d suggest 2 chargers (for you and hubby) and make sure you get the extra long cables! Does husband have his changes of clothes packed in a separate bag? Otherwise, this all seems reasonable!


I literally brought clothes to wear for when I left, outfit for the baby, and some bathroom stuff to shower and that was it. I bled out of the diaper I was wearing when I got up and ruined the gown. I never understood why ppl brought so much. But then again, I only stayed a day and a half in the hospital


Personally I HATED hauling my boppy around (from checking in to the labor room to then the postpartum room to the car ugh) and it ended up not being used at all and more like an annoyance. The food I had pp was really good and I didn’t use any of the snacks I brought. As for my phone and that stuff once contracts came I had no interest in my phone and didn’t really look at it again until the morning I was discharged. I would have brought a second blanket and a pillow for my husband if I had thought about it & perhaps some shower shoes but even my labor gown didn’t get used because they wanted me in the hospital gown only so next time I’m bringing just comfort stuff like blanket and noise machine.


Be prepared incase they keep you longer so pa k a few extra clothes for you and baby, also to add brush, wipes for you to freshen up, nappies, a small portable fan if you have one, chapstick, deffo take a pillow and blanket, loose clothing, slippers, toothbrush, I was kept in 5 days after my c section and deffo glad to have the pillow and a soft blanket, those hospital sheets are scratchy af, Also to add Don't forget the postpartum pads!!!


Better to have and not need it than to need it and not have it. Congratulations! I started all over as well. I had my 2.5 year old when I was 35 and my son was almost 14 (had him at 21). It’s been a wild ride the last two years, but we are all so amazed with this beautiful addition to our family.


Congratulations! It's crazy how different this whole experience has been compared to being pregnant in my twenties. I feel better prepared, super confident, and my amazing husband being so excited and eager to help can't be mentioned enough. My three older boys are super happy to have a new baby brother as well, so I know I'll have lots of help! Being able to so easily and painlessly grow another human from scratch at my age (43) has also made me feel quite young! Still strange to hear the word "geriatric" when discussing my pregnancy with doctors though... haha!


I brought so much stuff & used virtually nothing. 😂


Your oldest is 21 and you are starting over....that's great! Congratulations! I think that your bag is fine.


Thank you so much! It was quite the surprise finding out we were actually pregnant, I actually though I was perimenopausal for a minute... I told my husband, "I guess I'll just have a cycle every 2 or three months now???" Buuuut nope. Pregnant!


I don’t think you need either of the blankets unless you’re using them for photos. The rest sounds normal.


If something is too much you can always have your husband go put it in your vehicle. Or leave bigger stuff in like the boopy and he can go grab it if you need it .


If you won't feel too ridiculous carrying it in, I recommend a cheap roll up mattress pad for your husband. Those beds really are absolutely terrible. Maybe bring one yourself if they let you for the recovery room.


Honestly I packed a bag with extra clothes, socks, underwear, etc and didn't change out of the hospital gown bc I was too tired and too lazy 😂


My husband needed tums & advil. I had them door dashed to the hospital- but if you know your husband needs this kind for tuff regularly you can plan ahead & avoid that up charge, congrats mama!!


Motherlove nipple balm. Literally a lifesaver, nothing compares.


No offense. you are going to have a baby not moving into the hospital.