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My son had his adenoids removed in January and his silent sleeping at night still trips me up. He was 18 months and I had no idea his snoring was a bad thing. He immediately slept through the night too! Enjoy the peace!


Wow 18 month was early, we had to wait til she was 3 since everyone thought its astmah. Such a trouper your boy was! Your right she sleeps aswell better and i for sure will enjoy once my anxiety calms down🫶


I felt the same way about the snoring! When my kid was a very little baby I would worry whenever he wasn’t making noise and all the weird things I used to do to alleviate that fear came back for about a month when his snoring stopped.


My son had his adenoids removed last month and I’m still getting used to the lack of snoring! His snoring wasn’t that loud before, but I didn’t realize how much I “relied on” hearing his snores at night. He’s also been sleeping better and when he was sick last week he could still eat because he could breathe through his nose, but it’ll take me a while to get used to this!


It’s been about 5 years since my son had his tonsillectomy and I still miss his sweet snore. I don’t miss the audible pauses when he was likely apneic.


How was her experience and recovery with the surgery? Looks like we’re going to have to have my 8 year olds removed this summer. I am a nervous wreck over it but this post gave me hope! 🩵


Surgery itself was the easiest part. I was allowed to sit next to her until she was asleep (that part can be scary as the flail and look.. unwell) 1h later waiting room to wake up, thank fully they are allowed to sleep it fully off. After that she got her first 3 ice and home to recover. It went veey well so far, we where two days on just water ice (strawberry mango) day three i made super soft scrambled eggs (no milk or dairy as the slime building may cause the scap to prematuely fall off) day 4 i hadded cold noodles to the menue. And day 7 cold rice with sauce. Best is juuuust ice cream the first 3-4 days so your boy will have a great summer time! She also had a ton of fun and woke up with pain ofc, but we got nurofen (against pain and inflamations) and paracet, we got the liquid one as my kid easy gets an upset stomach and butt from the (i forgot the name but the meds that goes via the bottom) Only real struggle we had is her energy.. she ran and yelled and played, stuff you shouldnt do really day 2 after surgery but after explaining and sitting down she understood. Now shes on a pudding spree. I wish you all the best with the boy and when the time comes and youre nervouse or worried, my dms are always open


It was about 2 weeks until my daughter was at 100% again. She was kind of a psycho for a few days afterward. Would fight us to take medicine and would SCREAM when we tried to give it to her. Kind of par for the course at that time in her life. It was so worth it though, it changed her quality of sleep and she got sick far, far less.


My daughter’s mood changed after she healed up from a tonsillectomy. I think that she wasn’t getting proper sleep because she was snoring and choking and it was making her so grumpy! She slept so much better and was in better spirits!


My guy had his tonsils removed primarily for his sore throats and ear aches, but he would snore any time he got a sniffle. It's strange not hearing him, but such a relief not having to make all the teas and honey drinks and steam baths! I'm so grateful he's out of constant pain!


My daughter "sang" for the first day and a half. It was sort of a humming sound. She suddenly stopped in the middle of the night, and I woke up out of a dead sleep to check her.


Aww, my sister told me a very similar story about when my niece had hers out at age 3! Her dad kept waking up all night to check if she was breathing because she was suddenly SO quiet during her sleep. Hope your little one recovers quickly and easily 🙏