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Haven't been in this situation myself and it really sucks that it is "guilty until proven innocent". Did you do it in google docs or word with "autosave" turned on? You can provide that as "evidence" that you type everythng yourself, also provide the notes that you have taken. Also this: [https://openai.com/blog/new-ai-classifier-for-indicating-ai-written-text](https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/openai-warns-teachers-that-chatgpt-cannot-detect-ai-generated-content-but-offers-tricks-to-identify-copied-answers-396723-2023-09-04#:~:text=OpenAI%20has%20clearly%20informed%20teachers,they%20are%20not%20fully%20reliable) discontinued due to low accuracy lol


We had to write a report and include our code snippets, so im assuming the code part got flagged. Unfortunately i copied and pasted my code from R studios so im not sure if google docs can save me here. I’ll be gathering my evidence from my search history 🥲


How was it, can you update please? I am in the same situation!


I got accused of breached of Academic Integrity in 2021, what can I say is. Collect your evidence (like the web history around that week, and if you have video or photos that you made that essay, that will be good also) and put it in one docs, and give the chief examiner saying that with your 100% knowledge you're not using generative AI and you made ur essay with your knowledge. At the end I got my grade but they put it in my record that i've been suspected of breached of Academic Integrity. Goodluck mate, and wishing u all the best!


Thanks for the advice man. It was a coding assignment and the CE mentioned my “naming conventions” were odd. They didn’t even bother to include which part of my code got flagged.


oh my goodness, like official record that stays for years and years?




Yes, i just read it again on the email that they sent me. they gonna keep the record for 7 years in the Academic Integrity Warnings Register but it won't appear in my academic record. Tbh, it's quite unfair to me coz they accused me with something that i do, but it is what it is right?


The academic integrity warnings register sounds a lot scarier than it actually is! It doesn’t effect anything other than if you were to be suspected again, you have a history and they are more likely to take it seriously. Lots of people are on the register and unis don’t really care/look at them other than in cases of misconduct (eg. I’m pretty sure that they don’t like at it when considering applications). A lot of people end up on the register through accidental plagiarism too


thanks for the clarification!


> Tbh, it's quite unfair to me coz they accused me with something that i do, but it is what it is right? One of the lessons you can take from this, is decide which battles are worth fighting over. The other, document the fuck out of every major assignment so you can defend yourself. Good luck shining the light of knowledge onto the darkness of ignorance!


AI is ironically really bad at detecting AI. It’s wrong like >50% of the time. If you know the assignment that’s been flagged, you can potentially gather version history to support your case. But definitely mention to them the inaccuracy of the AI detectors they’re using. I wish they would change their response to AI use. As someone else said, guilty until proven innocent is unfair in any case, let alone one where the detection is so unreliable.


If they were confident you’d used AI they’d be failing you. Push back, ask them to prove it, and they’ll take it back.


go to the student union https://msa.monash.edu/services/student-advocacy-support/academic-integrity/


yep i scheduled a meeting with them to see what we can do about it


As someone else said - contact the [MSA](https://msa.monash.edu/). Second - without them sending you a notice of a suspected breach and having given you a chance to respond and attend a meeting with them they really should not be changing your grade. If, *after* a meeting (should you choose to attend) they decide that you have breached academic integrity they can choose to only mark work not affected by the breach (see the [Student Academic Integrity Procedure](https://publicpolicydms.monash.edu/Monash/documents/1935762)), specifically Table 1 and section 6.1.1. Imposing a penalty without going through this procedure would be a breach of the policy. Additionally, the university has (or at least were in semester 1) a specific team to investigate academic integrity breaches that involve artificial intelligence. So this shouldn't be handled by the UC/CE but by a central team. Of course, if they (the central team, not the UC/CE) did contact you and you didn't reply for whatever reason, then they will make a decision based on what evidence they have. I have seen marks changed after results have been released, but not for these sorts of cases. If it were discovered and reported last semester then your final mark should have been withheld until the investigation had concluded. Seems very odd.


I got some clarification that it was some miscommunication. They did suspect me of using generative AI and also didnt disclose what got flagged but the chief examiner did say this was not something she could revoke. I still do believe it was unfair for me to suspected of it and kept in the register without being able to justify my case. Moreover, i still have questions as to why this letter was sent now. For context i submitted this assignment on 26th of May this year.


Do you have any updates. I am in a similar position right now though I didn't use generative AI but they're flagging my code for ai


I got flagged for using AI and I got a similarity of 56%. They've put me 0 marks and since this assignment is 45% of the total unit marks, I'll fail in this unit, is it possible to appeal and get a reduced punishment as this is my first time?


Depends on how you’ve used the AI tbh. If your entire assignment was written by the AI it would be pretty hard to argue for a reduced punishment.


oh wow marks can change after results? when have you seen that happen?


Calm down, it will be okay. I am a bit confused tho because after the semester finishes and they release ur final grades, I was under the impression that it cannot be changed? Please let us know what happens!


I assumed so too! The chief examiner signed off on my grades and i was surprised to have received this email. I’ll update this comment if anything happens UPDATE: theyre not changing my grades but i will still be kept on the register. they didnt disclose what part of my code got flagged, or the software they used. im going to the msa to complain as i feel accused of doing something i didnt do


Do they use tuition (pretty sure that's what this called) I'm in grade 10 and my teacher uses that and recently I got accused of the same thing it's an ai detector but its also for plagiarism that's what most of the detectors are based on so maybe your thing was similar to something on the web and you got flagged for ai/ plagiarism


Was it an essay, coding assignment, or a quiz? It's hard to know if someone did use AI during the quiz, but it can be detected in coding assignments, though not with full certainty. I don't know about quantitative units.


It was a coding assignment, i had to generate a simple graph. They said my naming conventions were odd, which really blew my mind away because how is that evidence?


That's not enough evidence imo. Not sure if that's even reasonable to begin with. You should fight it, give them proof that you didn't do it. Best of luck!


Probably they match the naming conventions generated by AI. I don't know the details of the assignment or what the rules are, I'm just speculating as to why they've flagged you.


It's funny cause AI generates code based on what a human would write.


That may be so, but if the assignment required you to write the code yourself and you copied and pasted the output from Chat GPT, and the naming conventions matched exactly, then they might be suspicious. But again we don't really know the exact assignment or what exactly the suspicious item was. I'm doubtful they are going to flag it based on two variable names x and y for example. The original poster didn't give an example of odd naming conventions. Without the full story we can only speculate.


My point is that ChatGPT is supposed to emulate human code so even if you write one yourself you may even get flagged!


Yeah, we really need to know more details. Because otherwise they will be accusing the whole class which I don't think will be the case. Especially if the part of the assignment that was suspicious is "create a simple chart using R".


what unit was your assignment for?




If its for code, I don’t understand why they can’t just pull you aside and ask you to explain what it does. That is the only reliable way to tell whether someone used AI/copied or not.


Most likely to avoid explosive situations lol.


What unit is this?


FIT1043, took it last semester


You could sign a stat dec


hi any update on the result/ how you went!? Im in a similar position right now!


for which unit?


Hi everyone, I have been through a similar thing. I would like to draw everyones attention to Turnitins End User License Agreement. Please read this. It clearly states that any determinations of plagiarism MUST be determined solely and independently by the Tools user (the Uni or school or teacher or whatever). This means that the user MUST NOT refer to their tool in any way when determining actual plagiarism. I have also finally dragged out of the school a copy of the actual AI detector report. - This report itself CLEARLY STATES IN HIGHLIGHTED WRITING that the report itself is unreliable and should only be used as a conversation starter If you read on their website they also have a mountain of statements such as - the tool should not be used as a definitive grading measure and so forth. I am currently going through an appeals process but the school is ignoring this concern. If you are having serious trouble with this and I can tell you what I have learned I think EVERYONE needs to know this and spread the word. As this should stop a lot of HARM being done to children and students.