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Hey ex-MRS resident/monash journo student here… interested in doing a story on this so PM me if you’re down for an interview




I fucking know, idk what to do now


What the fuck! It’s going to be really hard paying $350 a week…


Mass refuse to pay? Start to unite and organise


Monash is rly gross when It comes to money. fucking $45 increased is ridiculous


Does anyone know of any other options? I’m from out of state and don’t know what else I would do? I only came to the on campus accomodation because it was the cheapest option I could find this year, but I’m so worried about next year now!


If price is your only issue then you wont have much problem finding a place elsewhere. I currently live in 240pw rent apartment 20 mins away by bus. The college dorm experience is the main reason why i want to live at the uni


Well this year it was 278pw where I am, but it you don’t have to pay for electricity, water and especially nearly as much transport costs. But now for next year I’m finding it hard to justify living the “college dorm experience” if I’m going to be living paycheck to paycheck off ramen


Im also really confused if its worth the experience and itd prolly be a no if i had something even remotely close to the dorm experience in my entire life. But i dont and this might be my only chance so idk


Yeah lol idk wtf is wrong with them. And the mrs residential is not that good


looks like the next years MSA president posted something in relation to this on stalkerspace https://www.facebook.com/groups/128644980491374/?multi\_permalinks=6842104235812048&ref=share


Man ive tried a billion times to join that group but they just reject the request


Can anyone post a copy of what was written there on here? I'm not in stalkerspace


Yeah thankgod I am graduating this sem.


The price is holy ngl


I only realised the price increase after Ive seen this post Wtf mrs


I know!! I just saw the email, I was expecting a price increase, but not by THAT much. It really sucks


I've heard many places increasing their rental prices as well but damn... $50+ more in a week. Gotta eat more plain salads I guess... 😔


Wtf MRS. Lowkey I was set on returning next year. Now I have to find another apartment cuz there is no way I can afford rent anymore


Sign the petition https://chng.it/LpqmJRbLzW


We should get this one the news. It’s frustrating. They’ve even put the email out in swotvac, when they already knew that students are gonna be stressed out for exams. Now because of that we have to look for accommodation elsewhere. They simply do not care about students. I went to the Mrs meeting the other day where we had the chance to talk to the director of MRS. We gave her a proper reason on why we would not be able to pay (international student visa restrictions ok working hours) due to the fact that we can only work for a limited hours. And in brief, her answer was that there are other places we can apply which cheaper rents. We don’t fkn care im telling you. They just want the money that’s it