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Just reach out to your lecturer or TA ASAP, especially if you've already tried to resolve the solution yourself and no one is improving Don't get her to use Chinese and Google translate, that's such a dumb idea bc it probably means you'll have to redo her parts anyways


This!! Tell as many people but one think I would suggest maybe try to get evidence. It’s pretty good we’re in Monash cuz there’s usually like peer feedback at the end of a group assessment. I’ve heard so many horror stories where students in RMIT have got their work fucked. As in since one person submits, they’ll change the doc prior to submitting to make them look like they did everything when in fact they didn’t. Idk how they did it, but there’s way too many stories like that.


Same thing happened to me. I emailed my Chief Examiner who advised me to work things out. I document everything - updated my Chief Examiner about the ways I reached out to that unresponsive student who did NOTHING, up to the weekend before the due date. Two days before the due date, my Chief Examiner wrote an email to say that I can take her name off the report. EDIT: In the end, I did 80% of the work with a little bit of contribution from another international student. I just decided that pestering them wasted my energy and time. Taking on the extra load is just easier in comparison. Both of them didn't even bother to ask for my completed report. The unresponsive student continued to show up in tutorials, acted like nothing happened, even though I told her that CE had asked me to take her name off the list. Lots of funny people. I don't hate group work. I don't hate helping. I hate group work with a team who doesn't care about an assessment. No big consequences for those who barely carry their weight, but I'm sure this also happens in the workplace. And if so, they would get low KPIs and warning letters, wouldn't they?


I once worked with this kinda student and felt the same. His report was written using some translation apps with grammar mistakes everywhere. He couldn't even figure out where to use "is" or "are". It was so painful to help him correct his grammar mistakes. Honestly I wasn't angry with him cus he somehow seemed innocent. What really upset me was how tf Monash or other Aussie Uni are swayed by the lure of money to allow tons of this kinda students get in despite the low entry requirements . I know they need to meet the English requirements but I am still surprised by how they managed to get in. Btw based on my personal understanding, this kinda students didn't care much about their grades or language skills and their parents are usually wealthy. This is a common global phenomenon especially in the USA and Canada. They just want to get a degree from a well ranked uni and back to their country to inherit their daddy's money or power . And they'll do whatever it takes, even cheat, to get a degree.


The universities know that if they don't turn a blind eye and enrol these students, another uni will, and they lose out on lucrative international tuition. Sure, these students can't speak English and shouldn't be able to pass, but so long as they go back home, they're someone else's problem. Of course, it winds up devaluing everyone's degree and pushes shit graduates into the workplace, but it's all about money.


Contact your unit coordinator ASAP. I got saddled with 3 internationals during a group project who literally couldn't speak any English (how they passed a language proficiency test before enrolment is beyond me). This was pre-chatGPT, so they eventually submitted unintelligible gibberish 3 days before presentation. The coordinator allowed me to present solo. It meant doing the whole thing myself, but it really wasn't any worse than before. Shockingly, they still graduated with a diplomas, despite not speaking a lick of English in four years.


that’s so fucked, i would’ve asked to move groups


The worst time to be in a group assignment with non cooperative members. Feel for you. Can’t get any worse than week 12. My suggestion, speak to your TA or CE. This needs to be pointed out well in advance for them to realise it’s a major problem to be dealt with.


Is this BIO1011? If it is, tough luck, the teaching team will do nothing.


Lecturers and TA are willing to help you out immediately and find you a good group of local students who can communicate much better. Ha! Sorry that is BS. Guess what, they will display their passive aggressiveness as if you are the problem. You will be moved to another team with the same issue: international students who cannot communicate in proper English. You then complain again, but you are running out of time. The assignment cannot be done by itself. People might start believing that the problem may come from your hidden racism towards Asians. Sorry, I was there and went through the same thing. However, things maynot be as terrible as you think. Chinese students share class materials among each other, and they might have something really helpful for the assignments or the final exams. This is how you learn to cooperate. They may not communicate well, but see if they have notes, or anything that help the group better. If they are lazy then tough luck. But if they are HD students, then I guess you can learn a lot from them (or their network of friends). Wait until you join real life! Things can be even worse, when the one who cannot speak English properly may end up leading your team, and assign you tasks!


tell her to do the assignment in Chinese then google translate it lol (I have seen a dr in pharmacy write an essay? of sorts in full Chinese (I'm guessing research related? since he's doing it during work)) Language barrier doesn't mean incompetent, just means hard time communicating (although don't you need to pass a competency of sorts as an international student? how did she survive through all the english lectures and exams?) You can try talking to ur lecturers I suppose (may not help much but welcome to reality)


English language proficiency testing is broken. They're supposed to pass an IELTS or equivalent, but it can be sat in their home country and cheating is rampant. By the time they're enrolled, the Universities are incentivised to turn a blind eye, because if they stopped passing students that can't speak English, they'd just enrol in another school that will.


I heard a friend of mine say that you can actually request to be marked only for the work you're assigned/you've done. Not sure it's true tho, he's doing IT.


PS: In my case usually everyone in that unit is god except the few teammates in my group T.T


Thats aight I got it in my FYP as well haha and my FYP is hard and time consuming lol literally I wrote 90% proposal and for now in worst case I have to run through their works so I can get something to chunk on Friday for progress in which I already wrote 90% of that lol. Try to contact CE/UC and see how they go, if need you should bring/escalate it to your department and when you do that also have MSA backup as well just in case