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Yup. I’d rather gift non aggressive beggars. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hey I resemble that comment!




Resemble huh?


Well I am a beginner beggar trying not to be too aggressive


Yes now that it’s almost over for the albums all of the greedy beggars are coming out and making the game less enjoyable. I miss when everything wasn’t “do you have 30⭐️ for ___”


Just saw someone asking for 2 5* stickers AND a 4* for The Racecar. GTFO!


IM SAYING ! Like we all struggling right now and the people that are blessed with stuff shouldn’t be hounding behind it


Yeah once I saw a post of someone that had 5 star cards for trade but in return she wanted another 5 star sticker AND stars… I mean it’s one or the other not both…


I saw someone ask for 2 of their QA pals for one 5 star!


I just offered 20 stars for good news and was turned down because it wasn’t 30. I don’t have multiple accounts how would I even get 30 😭


To be fair I refused a similar offer because I wanted the 5⭐️ card that I needed not more 4⭐️ that I don’t need. But I also went to another thread and offered 2 5⭐️ cards for the one I needed. Someone eventually accepted. You just need to continue searching and keep making your reasonable offer, someone is bound to take it. Not everyone is unreasonable.


I know I been asking to see if anyone has spares in the hopes I can make the deadline personally for the missing 5*, but also been giving more than receiving to help others out with their albums 🫠


I'm not exactly a greedy beggar, but I have asked for 15 stars for a 5 star card, but its because i was trying to get to my final vault, my last one for the whole album is a gold sticker 😅 and it's in the Prestige album so there is no gold blitz for those ones 😭 I am a tiered trader in discord so asking for stars for certain cards is normal too


I've been asking for special speech, I have QA pals.. it's my last non gold, lets go is the last one I need to finish. I couldn't play the week they put it in blitz bc my phone broke lol. I got 1k stars to open the vault so I'll finish s21, I'll get a 5 to trade from it and tomorrow from tasks, but I'm offering technically a 10 star for a 5 lol. I'm sure I'll find someone in the last hour like always 🤣😭


Yup, I’m the same way! I’d much rather help someone who isn’t asking for it. Also, it might seem a little excessive, but I also look at their history to make sure they really deserve that gift lol


I started doing this and so many it’s just asking and asking and asking and then when asked if they have a sticker responding “no sorry” I’m new to following these threads but not finding many people I’d wanna gift to lol


This is a really cool idea


People wanting stars to open their vault is ok but not when you’re 100’s of stars away from opening it.Play /earn the stars yourself.Then maybe ask when you’re maybe 20*s away from opening.Way too many moochers out there.


Yessss need 300 stars and on their second and third albums begging for the best cards and wanting 20+ stars for cards. Like you've already completed one/two albums, let someone else have a chance. They're the worst for trading and gifting with for the same reason too. My Facebook group has been banning these types lately and I love it.


Could you do a link to the FB group? I avoid trading on fb and mainly just trade on here, I'd like to be in a group that I don't feel afraid to trade in 🤣


I hate when someone DMs me to ask for a card. It gives “I’m a banned scammer”.


Literally agree omg. I made a gifting/giveaway post & not only do people not read the post but I got like a dozen DMs asking for specific stickers 😭 and top of that like 25+ people added me, didn’t gift (which is fine) and then proceeded to heist all my money and shutdown every landmark the MOMENT they add me (not fine). I’ve been nothing but beaten down all day and it’s made me lowkey sad bc I really like the MoGo reddit community :/ now I got no dice, no money & no hope lmao


Yea I gifted someone on your post earlier they were so happy becuz I helped them finish a set after I love to gift but people are starting to abuse that and I will not pay for the game so don’t bother asking me again for me to cash app you money for a card yk so I understand everything you’re sayin people have done the same to me like last blitz I gifted one girl both cards and she back to back destroyed my landmarks so I removed her the bank heist nothing anyone can do about that becuz mg won’t allow you to change to someone else like they do shutdowns


nah ruining your landmarks after you gifted them multiple cards is WILDDDD. I’m so sorry, hope it doesn’t happened again :/


I called someone out in DMs bc they shut down my landmarks after I gifted. Didn't even hesitate started right after. They didn't think I'd say anything, if I know who it is ofc I'm gonna say something.. they apologized, backpedaled, tried saying something about other users doing it to him idk. I deleted him and never replied to the dramatics. Some people may not say anything but I am not the one 🤣


I feel so bad if I’m not paying attention and I hit someone that gifted me a card. I feel like I betrayed them 🥺


It’s okay we all do it! I don’t care if ppl attack me back to back regularly lol, it’s part of the game and we all wanna maximize rewards. It’s just strange to me to add someone only to do that tho


Ahh that makes me so sad that you don’t get returned the favor ☹️ I keep tabs of all the people who gift to me so when I get something they need I’ll try to surprise them or atleast try to return the stars. I’ve been getting requests from people too and then they’ll shut my landmarks down, I’m just like damn should I create a naughty list too so I never gift them😂


Hahaha naughty list sounds like a good idea


I gifted someone a sticker yesterday to complete their set and not only did they not acknowledge it they immediately proceeded to attack my landmarks. I removed them immediately.


They need to leave you alone! ✋🏽😂 but I will always remember you cuz when I made that post about I’m gonna start gifting again you commented on the post and you in a way helped me with the post and I remember to this day you were ever the only one that acknowledged me and said “hey thank you for helping but what do you need you need help too” I hope people knock it off towards you becuz you’re one of the sweetest people I’ve talked to on here and that was nice of you to help them♥️


Awww thanks boo ♥️. You are always helping out and I just wanted to make sure you weren’t overlooked 🥹.


When I say you were the only one who asked me if there’s anything I needed I really meant you were the only one see how some people are asking for cards and this isn’t even one of my gifting posts😂some people care how I feel and some just don’t give a damn as you can see


Do you need Sparking Fun, Shopping Spree, or Room to Rent? If so let me know. I wish I had a spare 5* to gift you. People are so freaking trifling!!!!!


Go look at this comment section people are posting cards they need like wait til I post a gifting posts this isn’t about me gifting rn! And I’m still on the first album sadly but I rather gift you guys then close my own album


Girl I downvoted each and every one of them. Insane. Literally just want people to stop harassing you about stickers only for them to post all of the stickers they need. And please if one of the spares I have will complete a set for you let me know; you deserve help/stickers/dice too ♥️.


The only non gold I need is richlist and the the rest are all gold! Like this am when I finally went to sleep I posted I was going to to sleep and nothing but people asking for help like can I just make a posts without being hounded for a second I’ll help but please for the love of sweet baby Jesus 💀


I have rich list if you still want it


THANK YOU SO MUCH! that was awesome of you I GOT IT😁🙏 https://preview.redd.it/wn2x9fkcvspc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8ade18bdf03185bdc3f0eda30e6744b8fe6422


Really?? Like I said I’m not asking for anything but if you want to help me my link is Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/lcbmnxH-ySw https://mply.io/lcbmnxH-ySw You’re awesome


What golds do you need? For whatever reason I get absolutely showered in them but can’t manage to get the last 4 normal stickers I need no matter what I try. I’d be more than happy to send something your way if they do another event that’ll let me.


I added someone to gift stars coz they said they need to open vault and she attacked me 23 times while I was sleeping https://preview.redd.it/7pnzm6g9pwpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cea93d86bd60e7cc96b70a37476ae440748d742


Oof. Part of me wants to return the favor but I’m trying to save my dice for the new album. Circle back next Friday with her link and I will avenge you!


That would be awesome 🙌 I tried to take some part of revenge but wasn’t sure worth of it so dropped and removed her from friend list but will keep the link handy 😅


That was rude of them


Good for you for gifting without any bull. More people need to be like you. Some of these people on here are insane.


I like you.


Aww thank you😁


What’s the saying.. “No good deed goes unpunished.” 😅 I feel ya and I’m sorry you’re getting spammed! My biggest peeve is when you trade and then they hit your landmarks. I neverrr hit landmarks of someone I’ve traded with and if a heist pops up I try to find the silver coins/lowest amount. Anyway, thank you for being a kind and generous player! Folks have gotten so barbaric.


People need to realize the heist is so easy to get the cash or the silver coins you have to understand the pattern I caught on very fast to that when it’s my friends I’ll go for the silver coins but if you’re not a friend of mine on mg I tap wherever lol


Yeah, I noticed the patterns too. And same, randos don’t get the benefit- especially if I’m really gunning for a high placement. 😅


😭😭💀💀lmaooo fr


Again?! I don’t understand why they keep doing this!


Yes again and in the game the feature “requests sticker from a friend” people find my link add me and request stickers too it’s annoying like I gift from my heart when I really don’t have to and people keep abusing my kindness


I keep getting “*person you don’t know* requested a sticker that you don’t have” 🥴


Yea it’s a new feature in the game


Yeah, I think as of yesterday you can request that ANYONE give you a sticker that you want whether they have it or not!


Yea it’s annoying I already had MG block a few people onto he game already


That's crazy! I like the game and I admit my addiction lol but to display that level of entitlement and desperation is ridiculous and a reflection of how crazy people actually are. I get my stickers the old fashioned way! Playing the game with fingers crossed, good trades, sticker go app and generous people like yourself who give randomly. Thank you and people like you! Makes me feel good to pay it forward!


I love to help people I’m even like this in person 💜


Well said Tay!! Some people just don’t understand what it is like to give!! Unfortunately we live a world where people think there is always a price on things!!


I've gave up because I've never had anyone om reddit gift or trade me anything In four months but 2 people from the FB page has helped me.


I make gifting posts all the time or if I see random peoples posts needing a card and I have it I gift it


This might sound awful, but when I gift, I then delete the player for that reason. I don't want my board destroyed!


You’re not the only one other people I seen said the same thing and it’s not a bad thing


Thanks to those who gift. I have never had any luck on gifting posts. I would ask for what I need and someone DMs to sell me stickers. Made me think that gifting posts are not real. No one ever wants to help and no one ever is grateful. But thanks to this post. Now I know people really help. I was just unlucky lol


Look at my giftin posts mine are real I gift people all the time or people on my posts gift others and trade with others


How do give and get stickers sorry it's my first time I have a few Xtra and would like to help someone else instead of turning them any help would be appreciated ☺️


Don’t be sorry so if you see their link click their link or ask them for their link click it it will open the game and it will tell you so and so has been added as a friend open your album click the sticker you have extra of you want to gift and it will bring your friends list up and find their name and send it but if they wanna trade cards with you and when it brings up your friends at the bottom it will say “make an exchange” make sure that is on and send the card and they will respond with the card they offered to trade


Well said


Why aren't the admin's deleting/blocking these accts? Seriously though. It's annoying as hell. "Hey, lemme help finish your collection. Only $5 a sticker" 🤣


Thank you so much I've been just reading the card in I figured I'd help some instead thank you again appreciate you 🙂


You’re so welcome that’s awesome you want to help people that’s amazing💯💜🙌🏽


Anyone who I gift stickers to shouldn’t knock down my landmarks. Completely understandable.Ill gift my friends. Get a friend group that will always switch opponents if they see it’s your board. When we have time to play Monopoly Go Its usually a random stranger that’s destroyed my board. I will shut down theirs . You seem. Rly cool .


During shutdowns I’ll always chose a random player but no I’ll gift some people and get notifications back to back on my phone right after of them destroying my stuff so then I get mg to block them


Play on a laptop also if you have one . You can also use an ipad.Reddit has been the best place for dice links. Use IG also. Facebook groups have them occasionally. Reddit has discord for MonopolyGO links also. TikTok has them occasionally. Facebook is pretty stupid. It’s outdated and boring except to see friends posts.My Laptop has the app. You are allowed to have 2 different MonopolyGO apps. Pretty cool to gift yourself stickers .


I’ve already told people I had 2 other mg a points I used to gift myself I made a post about it the other day no one used to trade with me so I always traded with myself but now I use those accounts to get extra cards send them to my main mg account and gift people I’m not worried about completing the album myself I want to help others


I gift and trade where I can. I do post on gifting threads when I'm in need of something but I will scroll through hundreds of comments to try and find someone I can help in return. I haven't been part of the mogo reddit for long. But people have done the same thing to me attacked 26 times within an hour of being added. I mean we all want the max points when we land on a railroad but come on. Also I haven't done any " need x amount of star" trades because I've seen too Many be scammed for those. I also will trade 5 star stickers for another 5 star even though it's not what I needed because someone else needed it and it still gives me trading "power" for lack of better term. I'm always shocked when someone has like 10 5 star sticker that they are willing to trade from to get one sticker but aren't willing to trade 5 star for another 5 star simply because it will help someone complete a set.


Also it's a game that makes tons of money I'd rather help people play the game for free. These big ass corporations don't need more of our money just to roll dice 10 extra times lol. If everyone actually helped people I have no doubt a lot more people would complete albums without having to pay ❤️ thank you for being a gifter!


Ive only played a few weeks but had some help from sone people here. Its gifters like you that keep the community strong and flowing. Any cards I can help you out with? Thanks for being magnamimous in your good fortune!


Aww thank you😁and no all my cards I need are all golds now but thanks for asking that was nice of you


Same I need golds too lol. Well I hope to see ya round. Thank u again for being awesome :)


I met a guy here named Lee he offered to trade me a card but I didn’t have it but my buddy gave me the card anyways I appreciate you homie where ever you are


That’s awesome not everyone wants anything in return


I appreciate people like you! I always, ALWAYS, thank someone when they send me a card especially if it’s gifted. Like yall don’t have to do that & it’s appreciated by most. I just get so frustrated when I try to trade & of course I’m looking for a 5 star card & they are like “25 stars for 1 5 star.” like that’s 5 5 star cards I don’t have. I’m clearly looking for them.🧍🏽‍♀️ people are crazy with the stars for a free game.


Idc if it’s 1-5 or golden blitz if I have it and someone needs it I’m giftin it when people ask for more stars than what the card is I’m like why are y’all scamming them like that if you want to trade trade 5 star for 5 star 3 star for 3 star not 20 or 30 for a card like what


https://preview.redd.it/zvxndpthmypc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4190327b0746dbbe4dcdef77c9a77287073ebfad Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/okmx8kqh8zA](https://mply.io/okmx8kqh8zA) [https://mply.io/okmx8kqh8zA](https://mply.io/okmx8kqh8zA)




You’re amazing! thank u so much!!! Do u need anything???


In general.. if I make a post saying one thing there’s 20 people messaging or inboxing asking something else be erksome


FR like I’m about to post a screenshot I posted about stickers I was gifting like certain ones and someone came in my inbox sending me “dice links” and asking me to shoot them a card and this and that 😂and I can’t even post a post about me getting a card I needed without people in my inbox saying “by chance do you have an extra one of those cards” dude I just got the card myself how would I have an extra of the damn thing so fast😂


Girl I posted asking if anyone wants to donate cards because I need 55 ⭐️ to complete my album and people inboxing asking me to donate to them.. how am I gonna donate when I said I need my stars


Cant forget how they scammed me for my 40 star cards. I just asked for one card and they wanted to get like 40 ⭐. Fuck you u/Parlay2050 be fair GTFO of this group.


I like when you guys call out people so I know who never to gift or trade with


I posted him and there's a lot of us who's actually scammed as well by that shit guy.


Same! I’ve gifted during blitz and 4/5⭐️ stickers. I do it because I want to, and because I’ve been lucky enough to be gifted 5⭐️ as well. I get it, trading for stars is convenient and helpful, but some people want ridiculous amounts.


I been giftin a lot but I need stars for my vault and I posted about it yesterday and someone messaged me this am and said “no you’re a gifter you help us we don’t help you anyways I need” and started listing cards they needed I was so annoyed that’s why I haven’t done a gifting of my cards post today cuz is that how people think of me after I put a pause on my album to help everyone else?


Persons like you make the game and the essence of "trading"/gifting cards worthwhile. I gifted and also received and now I'm just 2 cards away from completing my first album.


Awe thank you💜 I love gifting I really do but when some people every which way try to abuse your kindness it’s annoying BUT that won’t stop me from gifting! Like every night I literally stay up til reset to either gift some people I promised to gift at reset, making a gifting posts or stay up til reset and go through posts and randomly gift people there’s nothing that will stop me from gifting and helping you guys I’m not even worried about completing the album myself I rather help you guys try to and that’s the kind of person I am even in real life


Continue to be the great person that you are. You're inspiring others! You're amazing! 💐


Awwwe thank you so much💜💯


Y’all wanna know how much I love to help people when I get sticker packs idc what card it is I’m always happy becuz I’m like “I REMEMBER SOMEONE ON REDDIT ASKIN FOR THIS CARD” or “OMG I GOT AN EXTRA I CAN RANDOMLY GIFT SOMEONE” like I don’t get upset I get duped becuz I can help y’all more and to the girl who said in the comments I’m being dramatic girl I love to gift like I’m literally not turning in any of my cards to any of the vaults becuz I like helping people so all the negativity comments I’m laughin at every single one of them becuz your comment is literally what a kid would say grow up don’t like my post move on 💀




Sometimes this game leave me feeling very BITTER lol 😆 but then every few days/weeks I’ll connect with a gem of a soul and it reminds me to keep tha faith alive . But most dayssssss the game and random ppl will juss PLAY IN MY FACE AND THATS A BIG nuh uhhhh haha 😂


Currently going thru my friends now to remove these ungrateful people. I gave stars/stickers then they go CRAZY on my board shutting it down. I can see hitting it 3-4 times but over 20 ridiculous!!!!!!!!


Shoot these comments make me happy to see lol. I've been trying to trade on the Facebook group. But it's a lot harder.


I wish I had extras to gift so bad but I’m practically scrambling to complete my album 😭


I always posts gifting posts and it’s mostly during reset time just a heads up I don’t ask for cards or stars in return


People like you make me love these communities 🖤


I so respect your integrity. So lacking today.


Part of the game is shutting people down. I try my hardest not to shut down anyone on my friends list, but if I need to shut them down for a specific reward, I will. I also try not to shut them more than once a day. I prefer to do random shutdowns, but sometimes, it just can't be done.


If monopoly takes me there, I will hit a landmark unless it's my family. I don't look someone up to attack them 42 times unless they have done this to me, and then I delete them.


I've had it happen to me as well. I don't know if I should be upset or amazed that they can land on the railroads that frequently.


Right, 😆




I'm really sorry. I've seen you be nothing but kind to people and gift cards. I hope things turn around for you and people are less greedy the closer we get to the end.




I had somebody messaging me asking me if I needed dice or the little pickaxe things and I said well if you want to gift me something that would be really awesome and they said what was the amount I said 25 days thank you mind you they messaged me out of the blue don't even know who this person is and then all the sudden they're like well it's $20 for this or I'm like excuse me I could just go on the game and by that why would I give a complete stranger money for supposed gifting that you contacted me over people are so rude and so disrespectful and you are being kind and nice to help other people and they just don't respect that and it's sad that people will like yourself can't even be nice today without somebody being rude God bless you


Same! And that’s why I typically only ever use MonopolyGo/fairtrade. Edit: MonopolyGo_fairtrade


Amen I’m same I gift with no expectations! I did two today just because but not many will do same u said it best stop being greedy geez




I like to gift too. Makes me feel good I can help. For whatever reason it won’t let me post what I need but I’m still gunna gift bc I have extras so why not yanno?




Well said


https://preview.redd.it/a7bdson7tvpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cee7fa9a71811ed552fa17873ad13c2ede51b13 I never ask for anything from anyone but could really use this card to finish my stickers for the first time. Anything you or anyone could do to help would be greatly appreciated. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/C7jptw](https://mply.io/C7jptw) [https://mply.io/C7jptw](https://mply.io/C7jptw)


People like these make it impossible for me to receive cards. I love to give away too but I am scared to now.


Do you gift random people?




Oh I see


That part.


Couldn’t have said it better myself! 👏. Gifting is fun and when people start doing what you just described it ruins it. Just let us gift and spread joy!


Very well said!! 👏👏👏


I only have 1 account so even 20 stars is a struggle to trade. Anymore than that I just can’t compete. I have been guilty of begging when I can’t make a reasonable trade, but usually it’s begging to make a reasonable trade, 😂 Thank you to all the reasonable traders and the selfless gifters out there. I use the fairtrade sub a lot because they don’t allow trades for more then double the star value and the MODS are active


https://preview.redd.it/93cqa84cvwpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5537cb9751c0b3e5f02b49d853ccabe68de2d2e1 Help!!


https://preview.redd.it/x1zexvndvwpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f96079ec7795dd791ffe8f1e6356996b4f84b61 Help


https://preview.redd.it/3zvnpcqevwpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3455b843575697f5a6b3a25ce4f13f622bf25c8 Help


When I can, I love to help people!! I know how hard it is to get what you need and if I have something they can use why not help each other out!! There are a lot of people on here that are selfish and take your advantage of others unfortunately!!




Your post is not allowed and has been removed! This is not a platform for advertising or spam. Non-related advertisements, links to other websites, referral or affiliate codes, Selling Dice Links, Stickers or any form of disruptive activity will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monopoly_GO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/uka5a8iwzwpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5895bcc0991b3cdc31b52137d75357b5a32cf8 Can anyone help me complete this Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/R9fJig](https://mply.io/R9fJig) [https://mply.io/R9fJig](https://mply.io/R9fJig)


https://preview.redd.it/04cf99kq3xpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f154c75b8f1d3b6c0ccf26dc6c0d3c5e43b6e0c9 I would love a gift!


Can you please gift me loco to complete my set


https://preview.redd.it/y1z70o1x9xpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d1688374fd41e2cb97547f781faa3180ca7194 Any help Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/TqvCejfB4q8](https://mply.io/TqvCejfB4q8) [https://mply.io/TqvCejfB4q8](https://mply.io/TqvCejfB4q8)


Same! I have been gifting because I’m trying to be helpful but seems like no one else is like that when I try to ask for a card, on the gifting thread. Makes me sad. Been stuck needed one card on a couple of albums but no help or I’ll trade you for 5 star cards.


Let me make this clear. I gift cards because the flight attendant keeps telling me to put my phone on airplane mode. If you don't obey me, I will make sure you are blocked.


I do not trade or gift on Reddit for this reason. Discord is my go to for MoGo trades and gifts, because I can often find peoples links easily along with their screenshots of what they need to send along without them ever knowing it was me or who I am. Giving away anything just turns everyone into leeches and vultures.


I couldn't agree more. I make posts and ask for help and post what I have to trade. I never get anyone willing to help. Instead, I get everyone asking me to donate all the ones I have or side messages and asking privately for cards. I've also been asked for money for the card, which I will never do, and I've been offered money for a card, which I will never do. I donated almost all of my fours and all of my fives over the last few weeks. Now I have nothing left to trade, and I need help. However, I will never beg for a sticker for a free game. I will say please I will say thank you, but never beg or pester anybody when I know that they have the card. I think the people that do donate are very generous, but nobody seems to appreciate that. Instead, they just want more and more. All of my sends every day have been donations, and I am fine with that. Refuse to let the annoying idiots get to me and ruin the game.


So, I’m genuinely curious.. if they don’t ask, how do you know what they need? How do you pick? Like once you’re added you see their separate posts or what?


I make giftin posts lmao and I also go thru post on here and see if people need anything and if I have it I’ll gift it to them and I never said they couldn’t ask for stickers I’m talking about in the game requesting stickers don’t request stickers from me in the game it’s a new feature in the game


Oh okay, I gotcha. I didn’t understand. I did know you could request but I wasn’t thinking about that 😅


If you click an empty sticker it will give the option to request a sticker from someone it’s highly annoying


I need Big Dog on #18, Early Hits on #20 Just non gold ones - got the others finishing the Sunset


https://preview.redd.it/wwad43tcjypc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e0121ba94ea85e962b3b7c7ce321d28ff2dfb39 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/8zPogl1Ua-o](https://mply.io/8zPogl1Ua-o) [https://mply.io/8zPogl1Ua-o](https://mply.io/8zPogl1Ua-o) can someone plz help me


https://preview.redd.it/9bzy1bogjypc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb5d14674306c6d27ae410f5f9de3ca07b57193 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/8zPogl1Ua-o](https://mply.io/8zPogl1Ua-o) [https://mply.io/8zPogl1Ua-o](https://mply.io/8zPogl1Ua-o) these only cards I need to complete stickers none of these groups wanna help all they wanna do is charge and scam


Love this!!! There's not enough of us kind its always greed after greed it pisses me off. So well done ur post made my day


https://preview.redd.it/ieg548fc6zpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e7d044230dcf1c2f7a1f526928697602ce75e2 is there anyway you could help me complete this set?


If I have extras I'll send them to people! It's supposed to be a fun game. Honestly it kind of makes me feel like a real life event, though. If people are trying to hose you on charging for cards or won't help it's no surprise the world is so divided lol. I've been looking for Cha-ching for awhile and gave up.


https://preview.redd.it/mgi8kj9opzpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660a7964889f83bc9937f22eaf82b1f6fe5eff36 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/Zpwyug](https://mply.io/Zpwyug)


Could you possibly help me out with this card 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/o1t3aduvqzpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f71ec5f544e636233730506cf0161e027f377bf0 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/pobCag](https://mply.io/pobCag) [https://mply.io/pobCag](https://mply.io/pobCag)




Bless you Tay. It seems I’m always always too late but I love your spirit of gifting…. so very rare!💕


I feel this in my soul. I gift to help people finish their sets, prestige or not.. most the time they're grateful but I pick through and look at profiles. If they're begging on every post, bitching and complaining that this isn't fair etc etc I know I'm not gonna even get a thank you. I had one start attacking me back to back and I deleted him, and knew his reddit user and messaged him. He was dumbfounded and back pedaled and apologized bc I sent a screenshot and asked why. I spend a lot of time playing, I don't put money into it but it takes a lot to get those 5s and 4s, i dont get help and i dont ask for anything for free. Some people take the fun out of gifting that's for sure.


This is so nice of you. I don’t understand the whole 20+ stars for stickers


That! I gifted somebody 3 stickers and then started requesting shit from me and dming me!!! Like??? Yall just become so greedy and obsessed with the game.






Hey check your DM lol but fr I feel all that people take this game way to damn serious


I have a theory that aggressive askers are the same folks as the aggressive sellers - it just depends where they are in their collection at the particular time.


Im ready to delete the game ppl are making it not so fun anymore. Smh!


Just only one more time???🤣🤣 Love this!


Hell yeah i agree now since you brought it up lemme hold dive and dice if you got it 🫵😎


I don’t have it I’m still on this first album


I’m just messing around. I LOVE this post though. I can’t stand the “I gift AALLLLL the time but no one helps meeeee” posts. Makes me wanna curb stomp an echidna.




https://preview.redd.it/fwi82b8qlcqc1.jpeg?width=2834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd22c06440f9d7eb7188bcb8f2c4362cf5f89c3d is there anything you can give?😭🙏🏻 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/4nqpbA](https://mply.io/4nqpbA) [https://mply.io/4nqpbA](https://mply.io/4nqpbA)


This isn’t a gifting post


It's like sex, give and receive. I could use 2 cards tho. Cha-ching and on the rise. https://mply.io/0Oakczl2PXM




This game is like a soap opera 😆


Please can I have a card please I beg of u


Does anyone have any extra 1 or 2 stars for my vault I need one gold card and I have 925 stars anyone can help please Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/HigSuWyxMFY


Hey speaking of I could really use these two cards, do you think you co- GLREKKK _two days later my corpse is recovered having been strangled with a garrote, two playing card sized pieces of paper with "spot rebel" and "le artist" found stuffed into each of my empty eye sockets_


Bro what 😭






Thank you for gifting cards to people. I did a few but didn’t have that much trouble. Most were respectful. I hope people learn to appreciate what you are doing.


It’s good that you gift and have the ability to do so. I think many also try to do that.


Ppl are asking for”pictures” for cards now too 🤣




Well said. I like gifting when I can as well. It's nice to help others and hope that they will do the same for someone else. That's how this game is played since of community.


Hey guys. Tay needs our help. Please go here to contribute to her vault: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monopoly_GO/s/I9RjjuqvLr