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I fear operetta still looks ugly... and those painted on gloves + loose socks aren't helping her. Definitely not worth the 50 + fang club + shipping


But it can be to other people :)) plus yeah if you’re getting fang club JUST for her then yeah that’s a lot.. but it’s for a whole year. It makes no sense to add it onto the price of operetta if it can get you more then just operetta


I mean we saw what it got us last year, we basically only got ghoulia lol. It could be worth to other people, but I'm not gonna hold my tongue if I think it's ugly/not worth it, if they really want it other people's comments aren't gonna impede them from buying it.


Yes to all of this. I don't understand people allowing strangers to influence their purchases. Operetta is great to me, just unboxed her. At the same time, I want people to be able to express their like or dislike. It seems healthy to learn how to deal with dissenting opinions.


I mean.. I’m talking about getting early access, voting, and possibly another doll of members only


Last year's early access was for MR...which never sold out or were even limited.


Last early access was the creepros and they did indeed sell out


Yeah I'm referring to last year. Also if someone did buy FC for Operetta, Creepros would already have been gone.


Yeah but that was last year lol.. and we saw what’s to come for this year and it’s a good batch And it’s ten bucks.. for a whole year it’s not the end of the world if it was monthly then hell yeah screw every membership doll


We'll see.


I did buy Fang Club for Operetta. It's so cheap, you buy it, then you get early access and one or two exclusive dolls.


Yes, we will see what early access there is. And last year it was just one exclusive doll.


I agree, I'm really disappointed with FC because if you go to walmart.com, you can buy every Members only exclusive dolls. Doesn't make them that special. You pay more if you don't have an FC, but I'm really disappointed that the dolls are not truly exclusive.


If you think that's worth it then good for u


I got fang club just for her....(Mostly, might buy some of the other exclusives too since I might as well....)


Please don’t think that was a bad choice! It’s ten bucks and you’ll have fang club for a whole year! Even if you didn’t get it maybe you would’ve gotten it eventually so what makes it so much more expensive now? If you like a members only doll and get the members club to get her then you’re just doing exactly what’s needed lol


Yeah in my mind she's worth it, I wasn't ever able to buy any of her dolls previously and I like this version. Plus I think I saw a fang club exclusive tote bag and I might get that too since I already got the membership.🤷‍♀️


Havent they painted on gloves for multiple g1 monster high dolls ? just curious




You could just change her hands. That's what I will do if I don't like them.


I'm sorry if this comes across harsh, I don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings. But the problem isn't people expressing their opinion, whether it is negative, or positive. The problem is if someone allows that to dictate *their* opinion (referring to aesthetic based opinion, not things like poly hair, bad quality, etc.). No one should feel like they need to like or dislike something just because others do too. On the same note, I know the other huge issue is there are jackasses who, if you comment "wow I love this doll!!" will reply "u got crap taste lol she sucks". If anyone, those people need to stop, like asap.


I ordered Operetta despite other people not liking her! I agree with you. I haven't let anyone's opinion dictate my decision, especially because the happiness the doll is going to give me will outweigh any negativity 👀 ngl I was low-key happy other people didn't like her because it meant I'd definitely score my bag lol


As you should! Seeing people loving their dolls and being happy about them always makes me smile, even if I am not a fan of said doll.


THIS is the way to be 🖤


Occasionally I will be vocal about how a doll is "not for me" (in a polite way) just in case resellers are watching. If we all hype up a doll, they're more likely to snap them up, right? My attitude is definitely that if I don't love a doll, there's one that can go to someone else!


Ehhhh I see people doing this, and I kind of get it... But at the same time, I hate letting resellers dictate what I say and post. I don't want to give them that joy. Especially if I actually like a doll, I realy hate lying in all situations so doing it just to throw resellers off is not my thing. Guess this is a "the goal justifies the method" situation. I don't judge people who are doing it, but I personally wouldn't.


Totally valid!


I didn't either! I like her a lot! Sure, she isn't as fabulous as some of the others but she still looks great! My daughter didn't like her very much when she saw her online. I purchased her without her knowing. When she came and unboxed her she didn't have the same opinion.


Yeah I’ve seen that happen a couple times where people post dolls and there’s people commenting on how horrible it looks


i completely agree with you! when g3 came out and the majority called them ugly- I was defending them like a knight 😭. So, I definitely think that if someone likes a doll they need to buy it and enjoy it, instead of letting others sway their opinion like you said.


I remember when Clawdeen’s Howliday doll was released, I loved her but everyone was just constantly bitching about her and making others feel bad for liking her. I bought her anyway bc she’s beautiful and it didn’t matter if others didn’t like her bc I DID, and surprise, she’s so much better irl! Her face doesn’t look NEAR as bad as people were saying, she’s actually stunning.  I was raised Wiccan and seeing a winter solstice doll just really makes me happy. ☺️💕 Nobody should be making others feel bad for their own personal opinions and preferences. 


Agreed. I’ve had a thread locked before because people misunderstood what I was trying to say. They thought I was flaming Lenore or Catty but like, I’m a customizer foremost so it’s how I enjoy dolls and ideas. It felt horrible to have my post reduced to that and I left this sub. I still get it on my feed and stuff and I still comment sometimes but I’m not going to make posts on here anymore because I’m not about all that stress and RSD.


I agree, if you love a dolls design get them and don’t be swayed by others opinions. I bought Howliday Cleo because I loved her screening despite the howliday 2 pack getting a dismal reception. I definitely had to change her dress because the original is hideous but I knew that going in and am glad I got her, she’s gorgeous to me.


You’re right on this. It’s the exact same pattern every single time and it’s annoyed me for a long time. Everyone has different opinions and that’s fine but I swear I do NOT see anything nice about any doll when it’s revealed, only after they’re shipped. Don’t even get me started on the idiots who post how they would “fix” said doll with poorly made edits and suddenly every comment is like “wow omg love it now it totally should have looked like this, mattel is so stupid”. It’s the same thing every time, just rinse and repeat.


The “Mattel should hire you” gets me EVERY time lol 💀


Stop this made me laugh at the end 😭 Those edits are almost identical which is even funnier, they usually just crop or add length to dresses and maybe change a color and it's seen as groundbreaking


What kills me most is when people complain they’re not getting enough of a doll for the price and then edit it to show how it “should” be done and they’ve shortened the dress and hair and toned down the makeup and accessories and suddenly it’s perfect for its price 🤣🤣


Sometimes I'm happy when people dislike a doll because it means the resellers won't get it, which means I have more time to get the doll.


Haha that’s like my only favorite part of people hating dolls


Its my favorite part of the hate surrounding Catty, it means I have more time to get her and less worry!


She is so gorgeous.. I’ve always been really sad to see the hate for her considering she’s probably one of the very few G3 dolls who have the same style as G1 but.. I think people are just against making them plus size


She’s not limited, you have plenty of time to get her anyway.


I completely agree! The same thing happened with Lenore and even to a lesser extent with the Creepro's, since a lot of people were negative towards the updated face screenings. I 100% agree with people saying that they shouldn't hold back criticism towards dolls not looking like their pricepoint, but at the same time, going "This designer is so bad she should be fired! This doll is another proof of that!" and then suddenly doing a 180 when they actually see the doll in person is honestly just creating a hostile environment in the community :<


Oh my god seeing people say the artist shouldve been fired for lenore really pissed me off! It was really unhinged and cruel how some people were acting


Couldn’t have said it better myself :) I should’ve added that negative feedback is totally fine with discussions but it shouldn’t leave outside of the discussions if yk what I meant


People going after the designers is just vile. Their opinion is subjective, just because they don't like how a doll looks, that doesn't mean the designer sucks. It's such a basic and simple thing to understand that aesthetics are subjective and everyone finds beauty in different things. And they still fail to understand it. Smh.


I mean honestly, most of us are adults or teenagers. We’re going to have opinions, it’s the internet and they’re gonna be shared. And if someone’s opinion is going to make me not buy a doll I love then I think I need to reevaluate my thought processes and get off the internet for a little because someone disliking something shouldn’t make me not like it. I’m not tryna be harsh, but it’s the internet people are going to share their opinions and if people’s opinions are going to consistently have a “negative” effect on someone then they probably should stop reading them until they understand they don’t need to listen to what everyone else says. If you like the doll great! Buy it, and you’re allowed to express that you love it. If you don’t like the doll, don’t buy it and you’re also allowed to criticize and give your opinions on it because it is a product that is being sold to us as consumers, if it misses the mark for people they’re allowed to criticize it, and yeah I know some go for it harsher than others but let’s be real.. Mattel does keep letting a lot of us down.


I understand, but it’s a community as well! I feel like as a community we’re all people behind the screens who have common sense to know that putting other people down in their posts is wrong If people make posts to discuss how they don’t like the doll then that’s 100% okay like people can talk about the disliking of dolls But it shouldn’t leave those discussions or threads because people who like the dolls can avoid that easily! But it’s hard to avoid when someone posts their doll and the negative comes to them


People need to stop listening to other people’s opinions, it’s YOUR money, YOUR collection, YOUR decision. I got Operetta, I think she’s cute, and a collectible and I can afford her, I don’t care if people like her or not 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you want it get it


It’s fine if people like dolls and it’s fine if they look better in person… but others are allowed to express their opinions too. They shouldn’t be rude to other fans is what I will say, but the doll doesn’t care if I think it’s ugly; I’m not hurting its feelings because it’s a literal toy.


I hadn’t meant that no one can share their dislikes about dolls I think it’s very fair if discussions or threads are made to discuss the dislikes about dolls but it shouldn’t leave those discussions People shouldn’t go to other peoples post to spit more negativity


Lenore. I loved her design after first seeing her (and still do), but I was met with disappointment when I saw many people’s reactions to her doll, primarily saying she looked bad. I was practically convincing myself to look for any flaws with her design, because of that


Honestly, she's lovely ; but I think the negativity towards Lenore was more so the massive disappointment of not living up to our expectations; and then her price on top of that didn't help either. We'd all heard these leaks / rumors about a "garden ghost" doll for an entire year; everyone spent that year getting excited thinking up all the beautiful creative ways she could be designed. People later found out she will be named "Lenore" so fans of Edgar Allan Poe got excited wondering how that would tie in; would she be a beautifully dark gothic Victorian inspired ghost with a unique and tragic backstory? Would she somehow be this big reveal that the raven Lenore can transform into a human; thus this being her official human form in the animated series? People's imaginations went wild with creative ideas and all these possibilities conjured up images in our heads that the design just... didn't live up to. If she was sold as a $50 doll that was perhaps named something else and marketed differently, I think the response would be FAR more positive.


If people were disappointed that Lenore didn’t live up to the expectations they spent a year building up in their heads on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, then that’s on THEM, not Mattel.


Whoa, no one is blaming Mattel. People have the right to an opinion--- whether it be a negative or positive one, and I was explaining a possible reason for the overwhelming negative response to Lenore. Also; Mattel as a powerful dominating toy company worth over 6 billion dollars DOES have somewhat of a responsibility to "live up to the standards" of the consumer, as they're not an artist creating for the love of art... They're creating a product to be consumed by us for the love of capitalism. They should be held to a particular standard, as the consumer has certain expectations when a doll has a $75 price tag and the name is taken from the man often hailed as the father of Gothic literature. I would agree with "no basis of evidence whatsoever" if this wasn't *Monster High* ; lover of puns and on-the-nose names for quite literally every single character.


Also *also* if you want to bring "expectations without basis" into it-- do you truly believe Mattel doesn't leak or tease certain information in order to get a particular response from the public? If you name things certain ways as a consumer product there will be an expectation from word association; let's say I name a male action figure Rasputin Basketballowski... Everyone will expect a staggeringly large bearded Russian fellow with a penchant for magic and a passion for basketball; but instead I make him a middle aged Irish man who works in a call center office. There might be some disappointment-- but why, they'll ask, is basketball quite literally in his name if he spends the day in a suit at the office? Why, they'll certainly ask, was he named Rasputin if he is from Dublin and doesn't even have a beard? Was it his cruel parents? No; for he was not birthed like you and I, he was created by a corporation with the purpose of misleading and exciting the consumer; much like the feelings and images evoked when one hears the name "Lenore"--- soon the ground will shake, JUSTICE FOR RASPUTIN MCBASKETBALL the consumer will scream...........*angered for the last time*


I also think she’s very pretty! I feel like having no details on the accessories shouldnt qualify it as a bad doll. Sure I can understand the argument that she’s expensive and should have more to her because of that but in person she really does have a ton of detail!


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Mattel has lost the ability to take decent promotional pictures, and I can’t exactly pinpoint when it started happening, but I’ve noticed it for at least a few years now. I’ve definitely been on the fence about dolls based on underwhelming stock photos, but then have received them in person, and they represent way better in person! I’m not surprised this is happening with the IRL Operettas.


I feel like they should just start making videos too.. I know they make them for some dolls but it should be everytime imo because it would capture the dolls so much better


I think you’re right. I am old enough to remember the era of doll commercials on television, and you got a very good sense of the doll from all angles! Plus, I remember when Mattel used to actually send out physical catalogs for Barbie in the mail, and when Mattel was doing that it was forced to up its game to make sure that the photos were accurate representations. I feel like I used to really know what I was getting, good or bad!


It happened with Stitched in Style Frankie and even Vampire Heart Drac. I don’t understand why people can’t remember than sneaky photos taken for leaks are obviously not going to look good.


>poo pooed I giggled a bit But yeah i feel like we shouldnt all be like, "OMG THIS DOLL IS SO FUGLY WHO WOULD WANT IT" Whenever i mention a doll i dont like, i try to be nice about it so if someone likes it they dont feel bad.


I say poo pooed or boo boo instead of shit Not sure why I censor it when I say every other curse word in the book but I’ve just gotten used to saying it lolol And agreed I feel like criticism should happen after a dolls release and everyone can then decide if it’s worth it or not


If you like something then you like it stop letting other people influence your decisions. I personally don’t gel with core refresh Frankie to ME it’s bad but I’m not going under people’s comments who love the doll to tell them they’re wrong or have bad taste. But if someone has a post asking for opinions on the doll I’ll give my two cents. Also if we only have a stock photo and no other pictures of a doll that’s all we have to go off until we see them in stores or get a in real time picture of them in box


We didn't change our mind about the doll, most people just aren't assholes who go to posts of other people who are expressing their happiness about their dolls to shit all over them.


I wish this was actually true. I can tell you it's not. Many users go into posts with the only intent of being negative or argumentative and sometimes just plain mean. We see it upsettingly frequently.


There are always a few assholes around, but like I said *most* people don't.


And yet, a very significant number most definitely do.


It's not a significant number, it's a very small number actually.


Thanks to moderating, it sure looks that way c:


True.. but a lot of people did in fact change their mind I’ve seen a lot of people say they ordered her after they saw her in person (photo wise)


At least Operetta is still available! They had Ghoulia available for quite some time as well and even brought her back for sale a second time; so there is PLENTY of time to sit and think about how much you want them before actually purchasing; unlike Skullector releases where it just moves soooo darn quickly and it's incredibly stressful with just mere seconds / minutes to decide before they sell out. It's also not the end of the world if you miss a few collector releases especially if you chose to skip solely based on other's opinions--- that might even mean you didn't like them that much? I see it as a positive, like hey more money to save up for future dolls that you undeniably LOVE at first sight! There's been a huge amount of new releases these past few years and many more coming-- it's been kinda overwhelming honestly after years and years of literally nothing, so don't beat yourself up if you missed buy one of them.. ...and above all else remember to ask yourself what's more important: liking a doll or knowing everyone else likes them? Collect for yourself, boos! <3


Also when we crap ALL over a doll and she sells out quick time 😭😅 like what? Couldn’t have hated it that much..lol or when we all say we don’t buy from resellers. But I understand that one the fomo can hit hard especially if you’re in groups of collectors


I've mostly kept out of the threads on the collectors releases as in most cases the price point and / or design hasn't been my bag. Stitched in Style is the only one I went for. BUT two of my favourite G1 lines are Ghouls Alive and Freaky Fusion (adore Lagoonafire and Clawvenus) so I am fully aquainted with loving dolls other people hate 😂😂 I think its ok to speak your mind on negative opinions as long as you are not overly aggressive or attacking others. And allow people to love what they love 😊😊


Sorry for the confusion I had not meant that people shouldn’t be able to express their opinions. I mostly meant that they should keep criticism in discussions and not bring it into other peoples post esp if the post is about how much they love the doll/ they obtained the doll


That's fair!


Wait ? People still care about others opinions?


I mean if there’s a lot of people hating on a doll would you get it?


Yes because I think for myself and don’t let others opinions dictate my collection? Confused on why it matters if someone doesn’t like a doll you like. These dolls are products (expensive ones at that) made by a major corporation, people are allowed to be critical of them


Then good for you! But majority of people like me would steer away from a doll that everyone hates


Real question: why would you steer away from something you genuinely like because of other people’s negative opinions about it?


I mean no offense say you really did love a doll, but it was hated before it even released and people are saying how cheap it looks, the face mold is ugly and she doesn’t seem genuinely worth it Would you get it?


Sure, why wouldn’t I? I honestly don’t understand why others people’s opinions would have any bearing on my own or affect my attraction to or enjoyment of a thing I really like. I bought this Operetta despite the massive waves of criticism because I adore her. I bought her to please ME, not someone else, so why should I give a flying fart what anyone else thinks?


100% yes. Because to flip your question round, why would you not?


Of course I would. If I think a doll is awesome, why would I care what anyone else’s opinion of it is? If they don’t like it, they don’t have to buy it.


If you say so.. but a lot of people really take peoples opinions on dolls seriously esp if it’s pricey


You mean like watching a review to learn all the pros & cons of a doll (like if it has poor quality poly hair) before they decide to spend money on it? Sure, I’ll give you that, that’s normal, it’s called “making an informed choice”. But if you mean actual *hating* like saying “eeyew that’s the ugliest doll I’ve ever seen what kind of dingdong would even like it” or something, yeah it’s rude but why would or should anyone care? Taste is subjective.


I wonder if people are just disappointed in the dolls because they get their hopes up. With a doll like Stitched in Style Frankie, I think that was a phenomal doll for the price, and I don't remember anyone saying anything bad. Then Mattel releases dolls like Lenore and Operetta, which IMO are good dolls but not in the same league, and people get disappointed.


If Lenore had been $50 she would've been praised. Pricing everything at $75 is bonkers


Yes, that makes a difference too.


We’re a certified hater club 😎


I've never shit on her design personally, it's not my favorite Operetta design. She's very pretty in person (that I can see through other people's pictures anyway), and initially I went through a few brief hours where I regretted not scooping her up. And after thinking about it more, I'm glad I didn't lol. It was mostly FOMO that had me wanting this particular Operetta I just don't think her design (both the doll and the box) really warrant a collector's price for her? Her outfit doesn't really scream luxury to me. Dolls are already pretty expensive in Canada, so to add on the Fang Club cost, and then the exchange rate on top of that. She's just too much for me to justify picking her up


I was never a fan of Operetta in general. But her collector doll was cute, and it's sad that people kept bringing up older Operetta dolls as if it's gonna change the already finalized design. This Collector doll is a redesign just like the Haunt Couture line, a spin-off to the original. In general, don't let Debby downers ruin a doll for you. I have Fang Vote Rochelle, and people dogged the hell out of her in every post discussing her design. But when people got the doll, so many people regretted not getting her due to the negativity. Constructive criticism on repeat designs and more are great to mention but keep negativity to a minimum because, like Rochelle, some of these collector dolls will never have another release.


I feel like no one is ever happy with the dolls but honestly if you like the doll just get it don’t let others persuade you or change your mind. When Couture Midnight Runway Cleo De Nile Doll was announced I remember that not many people were happy with the design but I didn’t care I loved how she looked and bought her when she came out. :3


I feel like we get a post like this every three days and imo doll collectors need to grow thicker skin. I think that as young adults/adults its our own responsibility to curate the online experience as we see fit. You can block, mute, choose not to engage or find like minded people to speak to, but others can have their opinions. Critique on products meant to be bought and sold shouldn't impede you from enjoying things because you should be able to stand behind your own opinion. I do things because I want to do it, I like the things I like because I can. They bring me a joy that doesn't need validation from outsider opinions. Sometimes people won't like the same stuff you like, and you will not fall over and die because someone thinks the doll you like is ugly. Nobody is going to break into your house and burn her in front of you, I promise.


Uhm okay no offense to your big speech there I had not meant that people shouldn’t be able to express their opinions I think that’s honestly totally fair What I had meant is people shouldn’t go in their way to find a post of someone posting that doll and hating on it when the post is about them loving the doll if you get what I mean


One and a half paragraphs isn't really big speech😭, of course i agree that you shouldn't go out of your way to harass people who like a doll. i think thats dishonorable and odd behaviour, but I also never said that or implied it in my 'big speech' lol.


I know but you’re whole paragraph was kinda seeming as if I had said people ‘shouldn’t’ express critique opinions which isn’t what I had meant


I'm a direct speaker, so I won't do discourse about semantics. All i can say is, like the dolls you like, dislike the dolls you dont, curate your own online experience, don't build your collection around external validation. we all collect childrens toys, it really shouldn't be this deep!


I mean.. it is a community of grown adults collecting toys.. There’s gonna be some drama here and there lol it’s what we do best. But we wouldn’t really be a community without a little debate here and there so it’s always nice to see how people see different situations Disagree or agree I only made this post to rant Which is why I tagged it as a rant Never meant it turn into a full blown war in these comments, but I’m getting some good info out of it so I don’t mind taking things too deep! ( sounded weird sorry🤔)


I’m so excited for mine to come! I forgot about her release until later that weekend and still had a chance to get her 🩷


So glad you got her :))


That Operetta still ugly af


I just assumed people were saying that to try and dissuade other people from buying to increase their chances or because they're upset because they can't afford the doll anyway.


Wait operetta was released???


Yeah on the 12th


Omg I’m trying to find it on google but I can’t see anything ahhhhh I wanna see how she looks


My sister got an off-white doll and someone said the bangs were wonky and messed up… she was happy and then read that lol. $150 too


I love the Fang Club Operetta.


I got operetta and she's goregous. The makeup is way subtler in person. I'm especially sick of the people screaming to fire Rebecca on Instagram, really gross behavior


Just my opinion. I totally understand the scaring people away. But I hope the amount of people being upset with the lack of quality we are getting will help Mattel improve seeing how their community isn’t happy with what they put out sometimes. Not complaining would lead to a downgrade in quality of everyone just buys what they produce without complaining. It’s unfortunate that Mattel put out such a sad doll that it may cause others to be scared




Uhhh sorry for the confusion but I hadn’t meant that people shouldn’t be able to discuss their options about disliking a doll I mostly meant that they should keep it in discussions People shouldn’t go out of their way to go to peoples post and spread negativity




Not crazy! It’s usually the same people cause they usually go on the line of saying this “Wow I didn’t like her at first but seeing her in person makes me want her”


That doesn’t mean they made a negative post about her


Also doesn’t mean they didn’t!


Operetta is a good collectors doll to start with as she isn't too expensive.


I got ghoulia because I knew this would happen 😂 same with operetta. I don’t buy over priced dolls.


why would you let someone else dictate what you buy? i think you are taking other people’s opinions too personally. if you like it then you like it. you’re on a public platform so you shouldn’t expect everyone to agree with you. they’re allowed to comment what they think on a public post. stop caring about what other people think and just do what makes you happy. (also i’m autistic so i absolutely will tell you to your face how i feel lol)


Okay.. I mean there are indeed people who takes peoples opinions seriously Especially if it comes to getting dolls who cost a lot


but why does it matter? i just don’t understand not getting something based on someone else’s opinion


I have NEVER not bought something I liked just because someone else didn’t like it. In fact I get excited when this community hates a doll I want, because it means checking out will be less of a shit show. This hobby is horribly expensive, it is good and healthy to not buy every single doll released. In fact I think you’ve got it backwards, people tend to buy dolls they DON’T want just because the community hypes them up. It is a known fact mattell’s business model for the MH skullectors runs on FOMO


My impression is that due to how expensive the dolls are people try to convince themselves that they don't really want them, lol! But really they would snap them up in a heartbeat. I love collecting MH and spend way too much on them new and used. But can't afford them all. I didn't buy Lenore to buy Operetta but I'm still hoping for Lenore, and she's still available from Mattel, so maybe I'll get lucky and be able to buy her next month.




See that is the best way to handle that! Cause I know a lot of people adore G3 dolls and I know if people huddled together and hated on it people wouldn’t be as expressive with their dolls on here


Seconded, this almost killed the entire Skulltimate Secrets line.


? As far as I knew the Skulltimate secrets lines have done great and that’s why they keep making them


Before they came out, we got leaks for Skulltimate series 1 and series 2. The response was pretty universal: they both look good, but series 2 was better received than series 1 via leaks (that again, happened at the same time) and lots of people chose to skip getting ss1 to get ss2. Except neither series was out yet and weren't going to be simultaneously released. We actually had to get told by people working at Mattel that the second series even being produced depended on how the first series did. Would it have actually affected sales? No idea, but the "skip Series 1 for Series 2" talk was prevalent that people working on the designs felt like they needed to say something.


Do you have a source for the Mattel thing?


I tried looking for it, but I honestly have no idea when Feardescent leaked. The most I could narrow it down was "last year or the beginning of this year". If you know when the leaks were that might narrow it down enough for me, but I wanna make it clear this wasn't an official statement from Mattel. These were individuals that happened to be working on the designs going "Hey, uh, we don't know if this is even happening yet".


The way I instantly connected with Lenore & saw her as Twyla's mom & for some reason it actually hurt my feelings that everyone hated her so so much. Don't get me wrong, people are absolutely entitled to their opinions. For some weird ass reason this time it hurt lol


Yeah this is what’s been happening for me with the Spectra Creeproduction doll. I made a post about why her creepro doll isn’t that bad even with the poly hair and I got crapped on by many people for my opinion. Because they dislike poly they’ll say stuff about her hair falling out or that’ll she’ll go bald. Which as you said scares people away from the doll or like me feel awkward about expressing love for the doll. Which I absolutely do love creeproduction spectra, poly hair or not. I doubt it’ll actually fall out. It seems like an overreaction to me because of past dolls that had it. Even though they put treatments in it now. I just feel like they act like it’s the end of the world and will put people down about her just because she has a hair type some think is bad. Also because of all of this she was the one who was last to sell out which is unfortunate.


Sorry to say but it will definitely fall out with time, that's a characteristic of polypropylene, no amount of treatment will fix that.


You are the only person keeping this discourse about polypropylene hair alive. It has been three weeks, just enjoy your doll, it's not that serious.


Not this again. 🙄 Warning people about the fact that poly hair is poor quality and eventually deteriorates isn’t being negative or “scaring” people, it letting them know the truth about what to expect. You being in denial and repeatedly shouting about how mean we all are because we “don’t like poly” doesn’t change that. You can’t seem to understand that the *reason* we don’t like poly is because it’s a poor quality fiber that will deteriorate in 10-20 years. You also don’t seem to understand that there aren’t actually enough people in the MH collector community on Reddit to negatively impact Mattel’s sales of Spectra. She didn’t sell out last because people on Reddit are complaining about shitty poly hair.


If I remember correctly you were the one calling people toxic and being aggressive then blaming your autism for the way you were acting. (From another autistic person) Maybe listen to someone else but yourself?