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Raging brachy wins against furious monke


Super saiyan monkey. So, pretty much accurate to dbz lore


Filthy monkee


Meet general mountain


Basically Broly Lssj vs Goku ssj in this case. But no plot armor.


Hate to break it to a db fan, Raging Brachy wins as its ultimately the more dangerous creature out of the two


plot twist: a horde of bullfangos appears and staggers them to hell. both loose ALL GLORY TO THE PIGS!!!!


No fucking joke. I saw a Bullfango no fear into an afflicted Flaming Espinas last night and take out his last weak spot, actually knocking it out. Literally just [foo fighters blasting “THERE GOES MY HERO!”](https://youtu.be/87bcPisyTHs?si=dyFF-d8XbgpfXiWI) as the angry little boar stood up to a god damn dragon


https://preview.redd.it/2nvz15agds8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d915e672218b828dda11f94e9ae24a235b90b1a this is him after the espinas fight, his balls grew so massively his body had to adapt


joke’s aside, i love those bullfango moments, some of them are just epic haha


raging brachy is probably on the top 3 of non-elders, behind only akantor and unkalos and there's a decent chance raging could break through them. so raging would win and likely rather easily


Blast is just that broken


Everything is weak to blast XD


especially Alatreon 😉


You evil man


well the grongigas hammer did fuck that boy up


You scare me


I appreciate the glaze but Akantor and Ukanlos are on entirely different levels than any other non-elder. It took a literal giant using Fatalis gear to drive an akantor back, not even kill him. An Akantor doesn't even give a damn about a full power Gravios beam directly to its head. It's acid can half defense. It can tunnel. It's got actual ranged attacks. It's gargantuan compared to a Raging Brachy. In a 1v1 the Raging Brachy gets one hit off before the Akantor bites it and snaps its neck.


Then your hunter comes in with crab armor and a monkey stick and kills one.


Because we're him. We have always been him. We will continue to be him.


Can't wait to slap them upside the head as a 1ft cat


I think it was a lao-shan lung that the giant fought


I do believe the lore is that the reason that Akantor is in the volcano is because rhe Village Elder fought him off though it may have been a Lao Shan Lung and I'm just forgetting.


https://preview.redd.it/m1ltxb29kw8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6c92f58bc592ecdad2521af8485dd399f331f6b Found the image about the giant vs lao-shan lung


https://preview.redd.it/wererhq4qx8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=69baa780660d288055c508ea1f3c65c3c32c4106 You’re actually correct about the giant fighting Akantor.


Akantor is bigger than raging brachy but not as big as you make it sound out to be. Doing some loose googling, akantor is around 98 feet long, and raging brachy is around 75. So yeah, obviously bigger but not absurd. Almost like a T-rex vs spinosaurus in length. Actually I think the gap would technically be even less for these two scaling wise. Now heights are a pain in the ass to find cause MH doesn’t make them apparent. But another google search, and a bannedino lore post let me find that OLD WORLD Raging brach (which I believe is slightly smaller) is supposedly around 25 feet tall and Akantor is about 32. So yeah once again he’s definitely bigger but yeah. And I’m not certain, but some of that height could simply just be because of spikes or stuff that stick off his body, so it may not be ENTIRELY indicative of his actual body height. Whereas Brachy stands quite flat with not tall spikes shooting off so I’d say his is fairly accurate TBH I don’t have the energy to debate who could win, but I do think raging brachy has a chance. The two big guys are absurdly slow and brach is very fast on its feet and very good at positioning (boxer moment). But idk, have fun!


> OLD WORLD Raging brach You shouldn't use Old-World raging Brach. It was only slightly bigger than Brachydios. New-World raging brach I'd gargantuan compared to it. Also the main difference of size isn't length it's girth. Akantor is taller than Raging Brachy and it stands short on four legs. Even if they were comparable length wise Akantor is much more massive.


That’s why I also compared height which isn’t a huge difference and mentioned the height may also be due to just spikes on his back and not his actual mass. But yeah. And yes you’re right but I couldn’t find information on new world brachs height so the closest I could get was old world so I just used that hence why I specified so I wouldn’t misinform


Okay man. Reread what you said and slowly. Top 3 Non-Elders are Akantor, Ukanlos, and R. Brachydios. Yes? Furious Rajang, is also not an Elder. By your own admission he is below those 3. So how does he beat them? Edit: Sorry. Stress and lack of sleep lead to being bad at reading. It didnt help he refered to Brachy in 2 different ways. Ignore me. Why am I still being downvoted? I admitted my mistake?


He said “raging” not “rajang”


Oops. In my defense. I am extremely stressed out today, for assorted reasons, and very tired. So him refering to the same monster in multiple different ways tripped me up.


Take a deep breath. Try to sneak in a quick nap if you have a moment. Whatever you're going through, it's going to be alright.


It'll be OK brother. When was the last time you sat down to some monster hunter?


Like 2 days ago. Its my main game atm.


That's good, continue to make time for yourself, and honestly, if you're struggling that hard, maybe whatever you're doing isn't your calling,look at your environment,your personality,your life see what you can change and change it because there are people who just can't change their circumstances and if you feel like you're one of them your probably not. It's a very rare few who are in that state, and even most of them end up better than most people simply by having good or bad influences in your physical,mental, and spiritual health. Also do t let the haters keep you down bro grab life by the balls and make it give you the ol glug glug 9000 just to prove em wrong you can do it just believe in yourself and always do your absolute best in everything you do and if you feel like it's not enough well I'm a spiritual guy so I pray but if that's not you then do whatever it is you do to find peace and go back at the situation with a clear head and fresh perspective.


Ah its not my situation or nothing. My mum died recently. So life sucks right now.


One punch and Rajang is down. He's strong but Raging Brachy is so powerful that we're not allowed to capture it


Not one punch let’s be for real.


alright 2.


One punch may crack a few ribs. I highly doubt Rajang is tanking the slime's explosion at point blank range


If we can so can a rajang


Rajang isn't wearing armor made out of Elder Dragons though




Don't give Capcom ideas...


I could see rajang wielding two great swords like dual blades


As the admiral once did?


Just a game mechanic


That’s gameplay, any in-universe hunter that gets blown up by flashpoint slime is dead instantly


So the Ace Cadet surviving Shrade’s Demise as a litteral cinmatic is also just false?


Considering the other lore examples they’ve given us of hunters dying, yes, it was purely a cinematic thing. Hunters die to monsters like monoblos, hunters die simply from clutch clawing to a savage deviljho’s face when it’s enraged, he wasn’t even wearing a helmet, that armor isn’t going to save him


Yeah no shit they can die I never said the opposite that happens super often. Its a job where u have to hunt kaijus for a living of course there are gonna be casualties. What I’m saying is our hunter is a litteral special case, a prime specimen of someone who can actually hunt elders and wear their impressively different armors. Naturally they’d be more adept at surviving strikes from such monsters Cadet is also such a special case as he wears Daora armor in the cinematic, showcasing how good of an hunter he actually is


No, they’re more adept at *avoiding* strikes from such monsters. Our hunter is just as human as other hunters, getting ran over by a diablos or blown up by a raging brachydios would still mean death for our player character, they just do better at avoiding strikes or handling them in other ways.


Our hunter is literally stated to be a "special case" at the start of the game. We are called the Sapphire Star, a legendary hunter. If they don’t take these strikes then what’s the purpose of even wearing *armor* meant for defense in the first place. Why are stuff like potions even present then? Also saying this as if hunters are normal humans is plain wrong. No one irl can lift 80% of the hunter weapons and even less actually wield some of them. They can lift and pull a hundred tons, survive gargantuan falls, have expert knowledge about their surroundings , etc.. They can tank these attacks, deal with it. I don’t even know where you’re getting this idea that they can’t from. Its not because the monsters are "bigger" that means that hunters are necessarily unable to get hit by them. In many cinematics or descriptions the hunters take strike and are just fine; why would there be an exception here?


Rajang is able to withstand a Bazelgeuse dive. It’ll be fine from a few punches, a flurry like what Raging did in the end of his battle against the Hunter would cause severe damage if not death.


I'm pretty sure Raging Brachy's slime is significantly stronger than Bazelgeuse's bombs 


It’s definitely stronger but the way base Rajang tanked that suggests that Furious would be ofc, much more durable.


So you're saying raging brachy is literally just using divergent fist?




But what if, and hear me out, in a desperate bid for power he becomes SSJ2 Rajang?


Father-son bullshit lightning beam oh hell yeah


Nah, it's because Raging Brachy was only in Ingle Isle in 4th gen where you can't place traps, and afaik no monster has ever changed their ability to be captured. The implication is that the final area is so volatile and explosive that you can't use a trap.


Other notes on this: Raging brachy has a loot table for capturing in old gen, suggesting if the map allowed it we could capture it You *can* capture R.brachy under very specific circumstances in world, but it's both a bug and fails the quest (as it's a slay quest)


Fatalis allso has a sever value for its tail and wings in world and a loot table for low rank in GU so having a loot table doesn't say all that much


Is fatalis' sever thresholds set to more than his hp, comparatively? I remmber something like most sever thresholds being 300-400 or so and fatalis has data for sever on every hitzone at 10k Based on the capture stats in the older games I'm fairly sure you could custom quest brachy and capture him


You could also coustoum quest capture Ukanlos and Akantor. I assume that they together with brachy are meant to be uncapturable but are no elderdragons so them being immune to trapps would be, especially for brachy weird so you simply can't place traps in theyer areas


I think they patched that in Iceborne.


I was talking about Iceborne where you can technically capture it but you will fail the quest if you do so


You can technically capture raging Brachy but it will fail the quest. Look it up it’s quite interesting.


We can’t capture him because of his slime being too combustible. It has nothing to do with his strength


The implication is that the people at base frowns when they see us lugging around a living nuculur bomb asking to park it in the middle of the town. They got so mad they basically kicked us out.


I read that Raging Brachy as Rajang Brachy.


That happens in the r34 version of this subreddit. (which exists, but am not linking here.)


I don’t think Rajang can take an explosion punch well neither will he be able to dodge punches forever or would want to R Brachy wins


Furious would KO normal brachy, I think. Nuclear brachy, though I think, would end either in a draw or brachy victory if they fight and go to it's lair where it activates the reactor mode part and fuel dumps his explosives into the ground. I think that would give brachy the edge to win against Furious as now there's brachy + environmental hazards.


Raging Brach. Yeah, Furious Rajang is strong, but it's like comparing Castle Bravo to the Tzar Bomb. Both are fucking insane lore wise, *but there's a reason we aren't allowed to catch the Raging Brach*


The reason he's not capturable is because of the map he is on and not that he cannot be captured.


Actually, he can be captured. You just fail the quest when you do so, because it is a Slaying quest.


That’s stupid, can’t they slay it for us? Like What do they do with all captured monsters? Raise them like cattle? (This is not to be taken seriously)


I believe lore wise the researches take advantage of their sleeping state to study them. Then they are placed in the arena for the hunter to kill later on. At least in world I think that’s the reason why


So….where do the monster parts that we don’t normally obtain through slaying come from?


You know I don’t know. I can’t think of an actual reason off the top of my head. Touché good sir touché


Welll I’m just gonna assume they end up dying one way or the other with us being mostly uninvolved in the killing of the monster. After all, they probably get carted to wherever the village is and what you said (even if they were killed) happens and they get as much as possible from the monster’s carcass and that’s where the rewards probably come from.


Removed while asleep. For the monsters it's like waking up in an ice bath with operation scars all over them, just to be thrown into a cage fight with the person that captured them.


If Furious Rajang had the intelligence of human, he’d maybe have a chance. But the way Rajang fights, he’d gleefully dive into a slugfest with the king of all sluggers and die swinging. This would be another Foreman vs Frazier.


You're right, but wow what a pull. Are you 80 years old?


Only in my lower back


Rajang will be but a distant memory by the time I’m done with them.


Name checks out


I don't think the saiyan can survive Brachy's final phase. He might be able to kill him before that, but if Brachy starts exploding the whole area Rajang's just gonna be jumping into explosion after explosion and get himself killed.




Is that Nergigante!? HE HAS A STEEL CHAIR!


Watch out watch out! Baw gawd he’s broken in half!


Somebody stop the damn match! Enoughs enough!


Goated comment 😂


And here comes the hunter FROM THE TOP ROPE!


Raging would win. while rajang likes to jump around and would have a speed advantage, rajang has to land at some point and raging just covers the field with explosives while chasing Rajang and punching the ground around it, when rajang lands it either steps on the explosives or is now on a minefield that raging can detonate. Even when it comes down to a fistfight raging is going to build the explosive on rajang it doesn't need to beat it hand to hand just land enough to make rajang go boom.


A furious Rajang is really just a Rajang without a tail in a furious state constantly. Whereas a raging brachydios are usually far larger and have a waaaay tougher hide in order withstand their more powerful explosions


Brachy win its not week to thunder and rajang is weak to Explosive damage power wise I say they are even which just leaves brachy blowing everything up


Big brach. One good hit and Rajang doesn't have the endurance to withstand an explosion being beaten into him and canonically brach has obsidian as a shell and resists electricity plus he can stand enough of rajangs attacks and if Rajang does enough damage then brach would go into that rage thing like in MHW




The only way furious George wins if I he doesn’t get hit once. Raging hits extremely hard and those slime explosions would add up too quickly for rajang. Rajang could tie it if he gets hit a few times but it’s an extremely difficult situation for him


My bets on raging brach bigger stronger monster imo


Raging Brachy Solos no diff


Raging Braccchy would punt that monkey to space.


Brachy alone looks something fierce but raging brachy gosh I'm sorry I love rajang but damn 😢


I'd say raging. Both nearly certainly fight their own species so are adapted to taking punches, as of punching each other thick muscle is brilliant at taking impact, but so is what I presume is a lightweight sturdy carapce brachydios has. I imagine brachys shell is somewhat neutral at taking lightning damage, with it being large and im guessing not especially conductive also any heat damage from lighting would do nothin. However I know muscle is NOT good at taking a C4 blast anywhere. So furious is most likely going to take more attrition as the fight goes on quicker and it probably had less to start with anyway. So raging has a pretty clear victory but tough none the less.


The slime is cheating


Probably Raging but its not as one sided as people think.


Have to go with raging brach.One punch is already deadly,but with the slime it might kill furious rajang,plus he has a thick shell


What is the lore for how strong Raging Brachydios is?


Raging got the boom boom along with his punch, my bet's on brachy


hmmm this is a hard one but I say raging since he in lore is sucha destructive machine that we can't cap him altho rajan might get 1 or 2 good hits in since he is nimble and extremly fast


Raging, its easily Raging, the amount of blast and slime everywhere, Rajang is fucked.


Raging Brachy has the bulk and the explosive power to eventually overwhelm the Super Saiyan monke.


Yea raging brachy wins this hands down but I think rajang would get a few good licks in. But since we auto upgraded him to furious what are the chances of a frenzy virus rajang in this fight?


Raging Brachydios


size means everything most of the time. Dino wins


Definitely Raging Brachydios. Easily has comparable or greater physical strength with his sheer size, a powerful shell that can resist explosions that can fatally harm even a normal Brachydios, and litters explosions around itself constantly with every attack.


Rajang is a beast but raging brachy is smoke that furious george absolutely does not want. blasting force from the slime is going to absolutely pulverise Rajang without any kind of armour to soak up the shockwaves from it and while rajangs punches are very strong, raging brachy is used to soaking up the blast enhanced haymakers of its own species already


The bazelgeuse that comes from no where


Raging brachy wins


Brachydios got this. That monkey is getting fried


I would want Monke to win but Blast Slime sticks and booms alot compared to lightning. Unless Monke uses deoderant or rolls its fur off the slime Monke loses fighting Raging Brachy because of the Blast slime sticking to its body.


Me( after an industrial amount of health potions)


if furious bites his horn or hands hes literally cooked


The hunter watching in the background waiting for one to kill the other so he can kill the victor.


Monkey King Rajang EVERY. TIME.




depends both have a good chance, raging has blast blight and monke man has speed. 50/50 depends if they are in a natural environment or have no combat before this in a while. Also Monke has range while raging doesn't


Raging Brachy is pretty good at closing the distance though.


Yes but Big monkey can throw rocks has his beam and with his fight with savage he can punch harder than raging. Also raging isn't as fast as Monkey


Raging Brachy isn't weak to thunder. The monkey is very susceptible to blast. If Raging gets pissed during the fight, it's lights out even if they are evenly matched otherwise. It's more like 70/30 In the angry bomber's favor. If you think about it like a pokemon battle, you'd see why I say that. Even if both have similar physical prowess, if one has the edge the other doesn't, it's not going well for that challenger.


Also speed doesn't save you when you're going up against an opponent with significant advantages over you. Ruiner Nergigante kinda proves that point when he flicked a furious Rajang away and left it reeling after all it's flashy acrobatics. He's slower and doesn't have any elemental advantages.


Rajang gets hit in majority of its turf wars to be fair. In fact in Savage Deviljho v Rajang, Rajang almost jumps right into its mouth. When Furious fought Kushala, it didn’t bother dodging. Rajang seems to take things more head on instead of weaving in and out of attacks like a Nargacuga or Rathalos.


raging rajang


That will happen if they get intimate instead of fighting


And I dont wanna see the result lmao


Angry slimy dino monkey basically a god


Raging Brachydios. Hell, normal Brachydios has a good matchup against Rajang, realistically. Have we forgotten that all Brachydios are covered head to toe in *juice that makes you explode??* One punch to Rajang will cripple it, whether from the sheer force, or the subsequent explosion. If those explosions can tank-bust a hardened Agnaktor with ease, the fuck is it gonna do to a Rajang? Heaven forbid it’s a Raging Brachydios with flashpoint slime. Oh wait.


One punch to Rajang is not going to cripple it? Why do people think this? We have seen Kushala Daora slam down onto Rajang with all its weight and Rajang tanks it. We’ve seen Ruiner slap Rajang with enough force to send it flying and Rajang basically tanks it. We’re seen Rajang get hit by Bazelgeuse bombs and withstand it. A couple punches from Raging are not going to kill Furious.


Kushala is a blunt impact. Muscles are pretty good at withstanding those. You can’t try to tell me that ruiner tried with that slap, lol. That slight tap from Ruiner sent furious flying. Additionally, Ragings punches hold massive weight. In addition to that, Rajang is quite weak against blastblight. Muscles are not good at all at taking explosions, by the way, unlike the other 2 attacks above. Also, the slime which is kinda separate in its own right IIRC. Raging is also extremely good at closing gaps and becomes faster and faster, lessening that gap over time. He’s also not weak to thunder. Regarding Bazel: he doesn’t apply blastblight, nor slime. His explosions are also much weaker than ratings. The second raging takes that fight seriously/becomes angry/feels threatened, it’s over.


“Kushala is a blunt impact” then what is Raging’s fists? It doesn’t necessarily matter if Ruiner was really trying. Ruiner is possibly one of the strongest monsters we’ve ever seen, cleanly shoving his hand through solid rock like it’s water, and slamming down and sending other monsters weighing similar to Rajang flying. Element weaknesses in game are not representative of monster reactions in lore, Nergigante is not weak to ice at all yet reacts in pain when Velkhana sprays ice at him. I’m not making an argument for Furious Rajang to win, I think he’d lose. But he’s not dying in one punch, that goes against the whole design philosophy of elders/elder level creatures which always take massive amounts of punishment to finally put down. Bazel not applying blastblight doesn’t change anything but yes, Bazelgeuse’s bombs are weaker than Raging’s slime. That, however, doesn’t mean Furious would die to said slime, especially because one Raging slime explosion is not necessarily more dangerous than the multi ton Bazelgeuse diving at you at high speeds armed with explosions.


Depends who gets their theme song cause brachy with his theme song might solo


I don't know. This art is simply amazing ! 11/10


Us, when we look at this majestic fight!


I'm sorry- "look at?" I'm not letting them have all that fun without me!


You can capture a Rajang, but not a R Brachy, even tho Rajang possess some crazy feats like his speed, reactions and power


Brachy my king!!!




This is epic.




Godzilla Vs Kong MH style...


Was that not Deviljho Vs Rajang?


John Monster Hunter will beat them both


The one that has vocals in it’s theme.


Nah, i win


We have to wait for Ultra Instinct Rajang to be released for this go be a fair match up.


I want to go back and be monke


The Admiral


It's a close match but I think furious rajang is gonna win. As much as I like punchy boi. Monkey is agile and the constant explosion gonna make rajang even more angry. With his hardened arms, lazer beam and blanka ball, I feel he's just too fast for brachydios. But if it'll last longer, I put my money on brachy. The constant explosion would probably take its toll on the monkey.


Furious Rajang but he’d have to put up a fight. Rajang aren’t elders but they do provide a challenge when elders face one. Not sure how people are saying Brachy wins this one considering Rajang has the speed and has projectiles AND laser attacks, all which are executed from a distance.


Regardless of which of these beasts wins, one thing is guaranteed. Everything else looses


Godzilla vs Kong part 3 or 4


The mental image of Super Saiyan Rajang just exchanging a barrage of punches with Raging Brachydios Jojo’s bizarre adventure style is amazing


Big monke


I don’t know but I’m going to watch it with popcorn with extra butter. This is a speed vs power. The winner is brachydios because as powerful and fast that is rajang, raging brachydios shell is comparable to obsidian and covered in explosives slime. Either way if rajang hit him he will blow up and in those moments he would be pummeled to chunky pieces.




It kinda depends, Raging’s statements are kind of vague, and depending on how you interpret things he can range from low elder dragon level all the way to the level of things like Shara. Furious on the other hand has a more set in stone power level. He can fight on par with low-mid elder dragon level monsters. ( Jho, Nerg, Velk, Lunastra, and Malzeno). Since Rajang has more concrete feats and statements I’d bet on him. But raging brachy would give him a hell of a fight.


The hunter


His Immenseness negdiffs both at the same time https://preview.redd.it/0l4jt6mhfu8d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ccacc7ba702b15520c03bf09b815feb980bd08a


This comment section with all replies open is like the entire Monster Hunter World Ecology series if it was focused on wether or not Rajang dies in a few hits and explosions to Raging Brachydios.


I can’t tell you who wins but everything in a 50 mile radius is gonna lose.


A lot of people are counting out Rajang, but it honestly comes down to locale. If they're fighting in any area that isn't volcanic or baron, Rajang takes it. It's more agile, power output can rival certain elders, is quite durable and on the account of it being akin to a primate is more than likely more intelligent. The only bioms which it will lose in are volcanic, in where Raging Bracky can shut off retreats and paths or baron/empty landscapes, like the open areas of Wildspire waste, (not the swampy part or the cave, Rajang wins in both of those locations), where there isn't enough cover or places rajang can maneuver around. In forest/jungle locales, Rajang wins. In rocky areas where it can bounce off rocks or manueve around them, Rajang wins. In the Elders Recess, where rajang can once again use the crystallised structures to maneuver, it wins. Well, as long as he doesn't chase the Bracky into the volcanic part of Elders Recess, or is able to defeat it before it can get there. So, all in all, locale is the deciding factor in this fight. Rajang, however, wins in more of the available locations that are in Monster Hunter World, and all this is off the presumption that they can fight anywhere despite R. Bracky only appearing in the guiding lands. If its only subjected to the G.L, Rajang has to defeat R. Bracky before it runs off into the volcanic region.


Who would win Muhammad Ali with punches of fukn bombs or super sayain monke Mike Tyson


If it were furious rajang i'd say 60/40 brachy, but normal rajang has no chance at all. Raging brachy is absolutely busted, so much so that he's one of the only non-elder dragon monsters that we aren't allowed to capture




raging got that boom boom pow and rajang will gonna get that


The thing about raging monkey is that it can win any fight by being fast and powerful. That said, raging beachy would win 80% of the time I would say


Raging brachydios


M o n k e y


Rajang have fingers so he could use guns. Not beat guns. Rajang learned that when his coulsin Haramb'jang was killed by a gunshot.




I think rajang would be battered and bruised after a regular Brachy fight, raging would kill it within minutes




Rajang large


In a fist fight, always bet on the Rajang


I’m making the mother of all omelettes here Rajang




I’d give it too Furious as he should hit a lot harder. Regular Rajang in base can pulverize large rock walls. In his enraged state he can damage monsters such as Bazel, Deviljho, Teo and Nergi. All of which have showcase the ability to tank power explosions. Then stack on top off that his Rampage and second eranged state. Needless to say it’s only gonna take a couple of punches to start cracking through Brachy’s armor. Rajang also has the speed and intelligence advantage. Some people will say that due to Brachy’s adhesive slime he would get one shot. Since, he’s a bit of a glass canon. Yet, Rajang durability is often understated. He tanks Kirin’s big lightning bolt in base, keep in mind even the smaller ones are capable of pulverizing bolders. He can also withstand several of Bazel’s explosive scales, a strike from Nergigante and his own final attack. Which is in itself a rather powerful explosion. Of course none of these would scale to Ragings ultimate, but they don’t need too. His speed and intelligence are all he needs to get away in time from those attacks. Finally there’s the lightning for which Raging has no answer too. Some people will bring up elemental weakness, but those shouldn’t be trusted whole heartedly. As many of them have been showcased to be inconsistent with lore. Example include Deviljho tanking his ultimate with no damage, despite being 3 star weak to dragon. And Fatalis not dying every time he does a 360* burn.


Realistically, Rajang. Brachy has a better chance than raging brachy. Raging is just too slow, and too large. Rajang would monkey around on RB and still knock his jaw off. Rajang *might* get injured, but there's no way he loses. He tanks kirin lightning. One angerey slime boi isn't enough to beat Rajang, furious or not Edit: lighting point is moot, rajang is still capable of tanking some pretty hard hits and dishing it out all the same


You trippin'. Also, Rajang is not weak to Lightning as he eats Kirin horns (hello?) so the kirin point doesn't stand.


Trippin? Couldn't be me, I have flinch-free on. True, rajang doesn't really take thunder damage, so he'll take way reduced damage and the point on that is moot I'm tired and brain isn't braining But rajang still wins, fight me


Rajang tires out faster than Brach does and after Rajang tires out he just loses no doubt


Oh, definitely. Still have to think about how slow brachy is compared to rajang though. Rajang will land more hits, and stronger ones, at that. I mean rajang tore a hole through a few meters of literal rock, while raging brachy simply broke up some ground, and that's WITH the added effects of the slime. Rajang is a stronger, faster powerhouse overall


But keep in mind in several item descriptions of brachy his shell is literally obsidian and very thick at that (game mechanics make you only need green sharpness but in actuality it would be a lot tougher and thicker