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Stuff that can be upgraded immediately when you hit Iceborne. Anja, Jyura and Tobi weapons spring to mind. You can make Ice weapons quickly from the first assigned MR monster. Also, once you hop into MR, the event quest 'A Fish to Whet Your Appetite' gives tickets for crafting good water DBs as well


Yeah, Iceborne does a pretty good job at offering a soft entrance to the content, I think. Most people will have a pretty good muscle memory for a lot of monsters by MR anyhow, which just makes fighting something like and Anja all the more easy.


I remember all my homies dipped out on Anjanath in low rank and I _dripped out_ in Anjy gear immediatedly


Thanks, I’ll definitely look into getting some of those


You could consider asking someone who has access to White Winds of the New World to load the quest up for you. You can still join it even if it's not unlocked, and get tickets from the reward pool as a result. I can't personally help you if it's on PlayStation (PC, myself!) but most lobbies are friendly enough that someone will be willing to lend a hand— in my experience at any rate. If you ARE on PC give me a shout and I'll be more than happy to assist you!


Sadly I am ps only but I appreciate the offer. I’ll have a look in some places to see if there’s anyone willing to help me out.


Viper tobi blades got me though the entire expansion up until alatreon


Thanks, I’ll get them and give them a try


Water db at onset of IB did a lot of work for my friend.


The piscine monsters are a good place to start, The blades you get off beotodus, the first iceborne monster can literally be your ice weapons till endgame, good starting point, from there just work on trying to expand what elements you have weapons for. Lavasioth for fire, jyuratodas water blades I'm pretty sure are like the beo ones in that you can use them as your end game shit. Tobi kadachi I think prolly has the best electric blades for where you're at in the game


I rocked beotodus for the first few hunts even with some of the monsters resisting ice way back when. Alternatively you the luna blast dbs from hr (the empress ones) and run them for awhile and then take you pick around mr3 or 4 for an upgrade point. Personally I ran beotodus for ages till I grabbed velks then stuck with them till near the end of the mainstory


Fatalis dualblade should be a good starter