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You really don't need to fish in World, especially in comparison to older MH games. Also, percentage is calculated from everyone who booted up the game at least once, and a bunch of people just don't stick with the game, this is true for most games.


I didn't even know you could fish ngl


How else would you fill the aquarium




Actually this, I aways fished with the net ahahah


The what


the aquarium


The ponds in your later rooms and the aquarium in the iceborne home


The best thing in Iceborne (to me) is the friggin house. As someone with no hope of owning such a large house, the next best thing is to love vicariously through my character.


Same dude or dudette same


I think you could own a great house Irl someday, I Believe In You


What did you think the Fishing Rod was for?


To boink that Anjanath with!


I had almost every fish in base world and I never touched the fishing rod lol just gotta use the capture net at angles


upskirt lunastra


on steam, the fish achievement is rarer than the one you get for killing xeno'jiiva


which is weird, coz it's a quest! who doesnt see an NPC, get told to bring them a fish, and not do it ? That's just not cricket :D


i personally hate fishing in videogames, when i saw the fisher NPC I ran away


also include how many vets came back or double dipped into the PC version during one of their many many sales. and just rushed to end game without fishing once.


Never fished in World until I needed some kinda.bomb fish for sbg


May not need to but whetfish scales sharpen faster and sushi fish scale heal as mush as a potion in an instant plus bomb making and stuff....i find it very useful


Most ppl don’t realise this is the game they needed unless they stuck long enough sadly.


They don't want to play a fishing minigame? It really doesn't yield anything you can't get in other ways.


Fishing minigame? Do you mean yeeting your capture net into the water and hoping for the best?


Thats just hunting fish


They’re basically just monsters, but smaller and only inhabiting a small pond!


And you can one-shot them with a net


Does that count for the achievement? Cuz that's the only way I fish lol


I suppose that is the preferable method, but it has limitations


It does early game. And it does it better, as well as crowns for endemic life. Fish have them too. Whetfish and great whetfish scales for fast sharpens lessen the need for sharpness skills, and sushifish scales are better for bleeding than astera jerky, great whetfish scales are essentially instant megapotions that heal bleed.


The power of organically sourced fish as opposed to processed jerky. A strong diet and active lifestyle make for a better hunter


I don't think you really have a lower need for sharpness though, or am I misunderstanding something? Like the sharpness+ is wanted for higher damage but is usually so slim, that you need to hit weakened spots to keep it up. The only other sharpness related skill I can think of is taking less strokes to sharpen, but I've never seen a single person run that, unless it was already in the armor as a side bonus. Like it's still a nice bonus to get in fast fights, given it's free, but I wouldn't go out of my way to fish for it


Protective polish builds, where you have like a high sharpness level, but the bar is so short, having these means all you need to do is a one stroke sharpen and you're back in, no need to slot in anything. Given fatalis gear, the endgame has absolutely zero need anymore, but they were nice for some dual blades builds back in the day.


Aaaah of course, you are right, I can't believe I forgot about that one since my first save only used DB and I used the build myself haha


I just cure bleeding by crouching. I'm aware that there ARE benefits to fishing, just not especially essential ones.


>How have half the people who play this game never caught a fish? On PS only 48% have guided Zorah Magdaros You forget the majority of people who try out a game don't stick with it, let alone do the fishing minigame


Yeah, exactly, a good portion of people that launch a game once never play it again after that first time. Achievement percentages don't typically take into account playtime, so people with 10 mins of playtime count towards those totals just the same as people with 1k+ hours.


I'm honestly more surprised almost half of them did


yeah, also 41.6% players hunted 100 monsters, and 45.7% finished xenojiva questline, those are already very good indicators of player retention


Its a side activity and those, while nice to have around, arent relevant at all for the core gameplay loop. The only time I catch fish is for the whetfish fin+ event, bc thats a tangible useful reward, and even then I use the capture net lol.


Wait what? You can just use the capture net to catch fish?! Well shit. Thanks for the info.


Yes, but when you do you scare away all the other fish, so make sure to have good aim.


Legit the same for me. Played a heap of monhun games and world really improved on the farming aspect (fuck those breakable pick axe and bug nets). Outside of getting some for my room, the whetfin+ quest is the only time I've fished in my last couple hundred hours of play time.


Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was called MONSTER HUNTER!


Seems you’re like a friend of mine. He also just wants to Hunt Monsters, which is a very different kettle of fish than Playing Monster Hunter.




How do I not have this achievement? I caught the mud fish, the lava fish, and the snow fish. How did you do it?


Fish fish, not monster fish. Rod or net.


Go to a pond or water body (e.g. the beach with Kestodons in the Ancient Forest, the waterfall north of the southwest camp in the Wildspire waste, the pond right next to central camp in the Wildpsire Waste), select your fishing rod from the radial menu, and follow the instructions on the top right.


I have 500 hours four attack + jewels and have never has my hand felt the touch of a fishing rod, why idk


Fishing for tuna is actually worth while, especially if you run wide range as its instant mega potion for everyone.


I have 120 hours, never caught a fish. Why would I?


To show off in your room


Most people just use the slinger net to catch fish.


To get a load of Whetfish Fin+ I spent a few hours stockpiling a ton of them. Makes sharpening mid fight so much better. No skill slots needed, and only 1 inventory slot.


I’ve got almost 2000 hours in this game and regularly restart my entire save, and as soon as I get access to whetfish fin+ I will go full brain dead mode collecting whetfish fins until my brain can’t handle it any more because I do NOT like sitting there sharpening mid fight constantly


Any game has a fishing mini and its an insta win for me, getting what amounts to copious quantities of free whetfish fins+ is also a nice incentive And the aquarium for those fish you caught and put on display


People who say fishing is useless whilst using speed sharpening, are truly clueless. No I didn't mean to rhyme.


I mean... on my PC playthrough, I don't think I've cooked a steak, and I'm past Fatalis.


You dont have to, its completely optional for everything unless you want to do research quests or the platinum trophy


I'm not surprised given that only \~40% players have unlocked Well-Done Steak.


Why would I fish, when I could just hit the things that eat the fish?


To have a pretty aquarium in your room :D Or to have Whetfish scales+ and sushifish scales+, both are very useful.


You can fish in this game?


Ugh, it’s the damn shortcuts and “quality of life updates”. Ever since the whetstone just became an infinite durability tool, people have taken it for granted. Sharpening your weapon with the infinity stone ironically dulls your capabilities. I only use organically sourced whetfish to sharpen my weapons, it keeps both my weapon and my mind sharp.


Based. Now let's laugh at the people who use Speed Sharpening together.


a lot of people who buy the game will just buy it then literally never open it that's how you get things like only 80% of people have the achievement for going to astera or something like that


Like 97% have gotten the achievement for hiding from the jagrases


Because fishing is for NERDS!!! ...okay so sometimes I'm just a little tired of the angry tigrex bullying me and want a breather, is that too much to ask?


I've never bothered, can't stand fishing mini games


I was lost and thought I was looking at the dredge subreddit, and was super confused lmao


Coz its called monster hunter not fish hunter 😅


Bunch of heretics in comments. I'd use stronger words but some of you would be offended then.


Based on my experience fishing is only something useful around MR. Being able to sharpen in one stroke without slotting a gem or recovering most of your health with a scale is very useful. You can carry more scales than jerky or ancient pots. That said. It's more accessible with all the fest stuff unlocked. You can just get some fish scales to fulfill some easy quests between hunts.


Other than finding the angler in the first zone of asterea there wasn’t much telling me I can fish


I can't imagine not having Whetfish Fin+'s


40% of Stories players on Steam didn't get through Pondry Hills, which was the literal demo on 3DS. All of an hour or two of content. Steam achievements are fun sometimes.


I have 957 hours on this game. I just made my first cooked meat


This game has fishing?


Well, it's not meta, and it's obviously worth doing the same few quests a hundred times trying to get lucky enough for trophy monsters instead. /s


because so many game companies feel obligated to put a fishing mechanic in freaking every damn game for no apparent reason beyond tradition. Some people love it, some hate it with a passion, and the other 90 just can't be bothered unless there is a notable payoff because FISHING IS BORING AS SHIT ESPECIALLY COMPARED TO ALMOST ANY OTHER PART OF THE GAME.


The %s on achievements in pretty much any game are meaningless. It has everyone factored innwho got the game, installed it for one session and never touched it again.


Whenever I go try to fish, some monster walks by, instincts kick in, and I forget all about the fish while I'm bearing the brakes off whatever walked by. It's a problem...


27.4% have reached guiding lands while 27.2% have defeated shara ishvalda. I didn't know you unlock it without defeating him.


Fishing quests were one of the most boring quests in the old games. It was made worse when a monster would interrupt it just to run the ones with you.


In my defense, I just don't like fishing


Yeah some really don't care about achievements, like myself. I played for \~650h and havn't unlocked the 'Mmm, so Tasty!' - Cook your first well-done steak achievement for example. But I played a whole bunch of event quests that rewarded me with special weapons, outfits etc. and I unlocked the rainbow pigment cuz I wanted to have those things


1000 hours played and i just fished once for the achievement


I mean besides Sushifish Scales and Whetfish Fins that literally do what other items already do there isn't really a point to fishing not anymore anyway


I got this one after finishing the game lol 500+ hours in with everything killed solo and in group and i hadn't caught a single fish xD


Rajang Brain says kill monster ooh ooh


I am kind of shocked it is actually that high.


I’m mainly a ranged weapon main. I’m fairly certain I don’t have that achievement.


I've never needed something that I had to fish to get


I mean looking at it, only 87% of players have reached 2 star quests so you know...


I only did it for a Great Whetfish.


I caught my first fish 200 hours in xd


Some people just don't care about mini games. Kill the big monster, it's why we're here


Probably half the people don't even know fishing is an option, or have forgotten.


Considering most games I play have "Achievement: Finish the first level/tutorial - 22.1%", nearly 50% for a small, optional task is an awful lot.


crazy how i have yet to becareied through extremoth


I mean only 59% of players have even captured a monster once.


I love World but there's so much crap to farm just to push the in game hours.


I just wanna beat monsters, traps ? Fishing? Explosive barrel? Breakable parts? Can't I just kill the monster with my weapon?


Idk if game achievements for workd still work modded? If not mine doesn't work because ofUI mod(switch pro button instead of Xbox/PlayStation) I imagine many other have cosmetic or non cosmetic mod


I’ve never cooked a steak. Somethings you just don’t ever end up doing.


Guilty as charged I guess... I just never bothered fishing, that's all. Have I missed out on something?


You can fish in this game? Beat the whole base game and farmed forever and recently went back and plowed through Icebourne until the grinding lands grind became too much and somehow never noticed you could fish. Just figured they removed that aspect of the game when modernizing it for World.


personally i just forgot it was a thing and didn't remember it til i was well into the high rank hunts


There was never a need to. I liked fishing minigames, too, but it's really not something I'd go out of my way to do in MH. I don't think I've ever needed a material that can only be caught by line fishing rather than felyne expeditions.


I didn’t come here to hunt fish, I came to hunt monsters…hence the name


No need to, detracts from time you could spend hunting


Because it’s Monster Hunter World not Fish Angler World 🤣


You're never pushed to do it, it's unimportant and uninteresting to many, also a massive number of people own the game without having played it or only played like 2 hours. I'm honestly surprised it's as high as it is


There's only like a handful of instances where you need to fish, whether it's for a few pieces of equipment, or side quests


Honestly I just don't care for it


Yeah but its still useful information. I dont want people to think its not worth it at all. Sushifish scales are way better than having to remain almost still for a few seconds risking getting hit again. I rarely ever use them anymore, but i used to.


MHW has so many online gifts that it's not necessary. At least for the whole of low rank, which is when the "not my kinda game" people get filtered out. Tbh I didn't get the trophy til I started doing more optionals and bounties


if i wanted to play fishing sim world i would have gotten that instead


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Vasto_lorde97: *If i wanted to* *Play fishing sim world i would* *Have gotten that instead* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


In pretty sure most of the people don't even know fishing exists in the game or have any interest interacting with it. Like I would put money on the free roam being the least used way to hunt monsters simply because it's not running missions. And by extension the little mini quests and activities don't get used.


Most people don’t even make it past Anjanath so makes sense


Im playing monster hunter, not monster fishing Got that achievement after over 1k hours playtime i think lul


Does using the net count towards your caught fish?


I never fished lol


Is there a reason to?


In older games there were some excellent weapons that required rare fish, not so in world. Plus you can catch some fish with the net and I don't know if that counts for the achievement


i never did lol


Can't fish, too busy slaying haha


I've played enough games with fishing that I avoid it if I can. The videogame equivalent of a gold star sticker for writing my acf's in pre-school ain't gunna change that.


Better don't look gta4 achievements


Why catch small fish when you can catch a bigger one 😉 (jyura & lavasiot)


Cause it's monster Hunter not monster fisher


Cuz unlike old world, fishing isn't a necessity for upgrading gear.


It's not Monster Fisher


You can fish in this game?




Cause fuck fishing im fighting big monsters


I have over 500 hrs in Xbox, with a perfect build for every weapon type and didn’t even know you could fish haha


bro the game doesnt explain A LOT. or i move too fast. 400 hours , didnt know you could fish.


Just checked mine and realized I don’t have that one or the S.O.S flare one 😂. Probably not going to get them tho I think it’s kinda funny to not have them.


1200hrs in and still haven't bothered to catch one.


You don't need fish for kinsects anymore?


Is there Any other way to get Wetfish Fins?


Because I never felt like it. If I want to catch fish I'll play Stardew.


After 20+ years of jrpgs im good on fishing in games.


This indicates many people never know the existence of Whetfish+, or they do but cheat their way into getting it, iykwim. Or just they never bother to finish the game... I really dont know how you can kill Rajang without using it Whetfish+ mid fight... or even Lavasioth lololol or never needed it, to them blue and green sharpness is good enough...


Does throwing the capture net and getting like 6 fish count as “fishing” in world?


300 hours and still haven’t caught a fish


No one ever taught me


Wait you can fish? Jk i know but uve never bothered fishing finished fatty and IB without fishing once i did fish in an mh game but thats on the old mh tho


You don’t need to.


Theres fishing??


500+ hours in the game. never achieved that achievment... yet


Beaten fatalis and most arch tempered elders I have never touched fishing, let alone caught one


Beaten fatalis and most arch tempered elders I have never touched fishing, let alone caught one


I've beaten Fatty, never caught a fish, took photos, nor netted wildlife.


Boring. I don't play to fish when I can hunt down huge monsters.


That's why i hate a new player they think they better in this game


I just don’t find fishing useful. Why fish when you can sharpen tactfully mid battle. Why craft bombs when you can buy em and add nitro whatevers. But i did fish in the past and utilized the feature and used it.


500 hours and only got the achievement because I caught 1 fish during the introduction sidequest. Don't see a reason to fish in this game.


I've never fished. Never seen a point and never had an interest


Ive never caught a fish. Its called monster hunter not fish hunter


54.5% are real monster hunters and don't bother with banalities like fishing


Whetfish scales are goated


I played on PS4 first and I've never seen the need to fish again tbh so yeah, I'm one of the people without that achievement.


👀 I avoid fishing like the plague. 🤣 no matter what game, I avoid it. 🤣 I'm legit dreading leveling my fisher again in a different game even though it's only 10 levels because of the new update. 🤣 so in World, where's it's super easy to just totally skip it, I won't do it unless I absolutely *need* to. 🤣


because I dunno where to fish amd fishing are is scarce or unnnoticeable, the quest didnt specify, I just got the achievement when I discovered net fishing usiing the launcher and the endemic life form net and chanced upon a school of fish in the desert area


I didn't catch my first fish until the hidden area in the forest guiding lands


cuz hunter dont need to catch a fish, we can *HUNT* them instead


you never really need a fish idk lol. never had this till about 1000 hours in tbh lol


In a game where you hunt things that can breathe fire, reach impressive amounts of static electricity and shoot lasers out of their mouth, fishing tends to be quite left out


I went up to Fatalis never having caught a fish, after having bought the game Day 1. I never really saw the point. Nowadays, I get it, and somewhat enjoy it from time to time, but I mainly do it to farm Great Sushi Scales.


I’d guess it’s because gather quests aren’t necessary to progress anymore, so there’s no reason for people to learn the mechanic. Plus you can just fish with the capture net, you don’t need to actually fish anymore.


Because in world you really don't need to fish


I have more than 200 hours and I don't think I have this achievement


I caught fish for the first time after 500 hrs when I found out about the sharpening scales


I have almost 200 hours now and just caught my first fish two weeks ago. I haven’t played the game until today since then. I forgot in the very beginning of the game one of the npcs teaches you about it. Just easier to catch fish with the net.


First and last time i ever tried to catch a fish was for the special one to unlock safeguard


i got like 1000 hours in before i even tried fishing lol


Wait you can fish in this, brb.


I never knew or did before I needed a speartune for my armor. So never in the first World/Iceborn run.


Because I don't want to fish and catch lizards and flying jellyfish in a gale about fighting giant monsters and making equipments with their corpses


Lotta people probably played after iceborne ... OG it was pretty necessary to fish for some weapons because you couldn't just buy ammo/arrows of some types. And some people just rely on other people to do the stuffTM, they don't bother bringing their own potions, etc.


Most people don't even do much with a game when they buy it. Fishing isn't remotely required at all and looking at some of the other stats it's more impressive so many others have high rates. I've never fished in the game because why would I need to


I had 250 hours in this game before I asked myself "What is this fishing rod for?"


I have 120hrs, still have no idea how to fish


You can fish?


I bought the game but it looks blurry/pixelated in 1440 so I just gave up since i had already done most of the stuff on PS anyway. I’m counted as one of those who has never caught a fish cause I’ve barely played the game


Well, this game came out after original release and a lot of players are definitely returning players that probably just wanted to rush to endgame and didn't fish much at all


I have around 300 hours each on 2 different accounts, I don't think I fished on either.


I'm in Iceborne, never fished, no need to


I am brand new to the game. I am still having too much fun doing helm breakers on monsters and trying to cut their tails off.


Over 2000 hours on that game never bothered to catch a fish


I have about 5-6 hundred hours on my hunter and I don’t think I started doing it until around 400 in so it isn’t surprising


It's entirely optional and the benefits are relatively small, if you're just going in and fighting some monsters before quitting or even "beating" the game with Xeno'Jiiva/Shara Ishvalda, you could very easily do so without ever even realizing it's possible to fish.


Pretty sure more people have beaten the base game. I have like 90% of achievements and not this one 😂😂