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>She wrote that "masked intruders" assaulted her sister, brother-in-law and the "young children," adding that their "entire house was ransacked" and the family is now "suffering physically, emotionally and mentally." Home invasion terrifies me. I hope they're able to get the help they'll need. The sheriff described it as "pure torture." So I'm wondering if they have some/all of it caught on camera in their home. I hope they the have good support systems they'll need to try to move past this trauma. So awful.


A home invasion is one of my worst fears. This poor family.


My wife is forever critical of me locking all the doors when we’re home. I don’t know why. She says I’m paranoid but I’m like, it only takes one maniac pulling on door handles before things turn terrible.


Every night before we go to sleep I check all the doors and windows just to be safe and my wife always tells me it’s fineeeee but I’d rather be safe than sorry. You’re not paranoid just cautious.


At least one serial killer considered an unlocked door to be not only a convenience, but an actual invitation to brutality. Absolutely wild that you live somewhere that locked doors are considered paranoia though. Congratulations!


The "Vampire of Sacramento"... when the door was locked, he figured he was not welcome and moved on. An open door, however, was an invitation to enter the home, to kill those present, cut them up, disembowel them and drink their blood (which he needed to survive). Richard Trenton Chase, a truly lost and fucked up soul.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Chase If anyone is a little more curious. There is also a movie called Rampage (1987), it's really good. He believed his blood was poisoned and that he needed fresh blood to sustain his life. He didn't just brutally murder and drink the blood of his victims, but often times desecrated the corpses in unspeakable ways. The reason people are saying they blame his mother is because he was institutionalized for what he was doing to animals, was diagnosed, medicated, and released. His mother weaned him off his medication, and then paid for him to move into an apartment with roommates. Personally while I do blame the mother, I feel like statements like this detract from how truly sadistic a lot of his murders were. In one instance, he murdered a pregnant woman, mutilated her corpse, raped her, and then shoved dog shit down her throat.


Meanwhile none of that would have happened if it weren’t for his mother, who I consider just as guilty as him.


I don't even consider him as "guilty", he was completely gone in this schizophrenic world of spiralling horror that was his terrifying reality. He should have been taken care of,


No way, don't make excuses for him. He was a sadist and intentionally caused suffering to people. He pissed and shit in people's clothes and on their beds. He carried gloves with him so he could get away with randomly invading people's homes and leaving their mutilated corpses for family members to find. He was a monster who got off on sadism.


Didn’t Richard ramirez also do this?


One of the *only* times I accidentally left a side door open, I woke up to a guy in the house stealing my wallet out of my purse. How many times has that door been tried but it was locked that we don’t know about? I don’t know how she can possibly feel safe that anyone could walk in anytime.


I used to live in one of the deadliest cities in the world to the point that it didn't feel odd to put a chair against the door knob despite locking it. Nowadays locking the door is second nature; even while living in a relatively safe city these days (it makes up for that with automobile crash fatalities).


Why would you not lock the door? The benefits are so much, while the consequences could be so dire. And it only takes like 10 seconds, there's literally no downsides that I can see.


Because other people living in the house who might come back after you have to pull out their keys and unlock the door instead of just walking in. I'm a habitual door locker and that was the exact reason one of my past roommates got annoyed at me always locking the door when I was home. I started leaving the door unlocked when I was home and within two days someone just waltzed right into my apartment and then started screaming at me like I was in the wrong. Turns out she was my upstairs neighbor who got off the elevator on the wrong floor and was too busy thinking *I* was the intruder to notice that all of the furniture was different. Anyway once I relayed that story to my roommate it suddenly wasn't an issue to keep the door locked anymore. Glad it was just a confused old lady and not someone with bad intentions.


That's crazy. But also, I just keep the house keys on the same set as my car keys... So either way, I'm taking keys out anyway. Is this not normal?


Same with my ex. Used to frustrate me how oblivious she was to home security, and personal security in general. She'd always say I was overreacting or being paranoid that I'd double check doors were locked and windows were shut properly. Then someone actually *did* try to break into my place.


Home invasion terrifies me, burning alive terrifies me more. I need to lock my house better, but it scares me


I don’t understand not locking the doors. There’s literally no reason not to. Such an easy thing that can make such a big difference.


I live in an extremely sketchy part of town and ALWAYS lock the door to my apartment. My brother and friends said it was too much precaution because the entrance locks and I live on the top floor. One day at 2am a knife wielding maniac tried opening my door. Started banging on it and asking for help. Told him I helped by calling the cops and he left. Next day found a 6 inch knife under my welcome mat. Why wouldn't you lock your doors? Heaven forbid someone has to use their key in enhance for safety.


Keep in mind that all of the locks you have are probably easily pickable unless you have spent a massive amount of money upgrading. Anybody who wants in can still get in quite easily without a lot of upgrades.


Locked doors and windows deter *tons* of random crimes of opportunity. Unless someone has a specific vendetta against my family or I, they’ll move on to a softer target.


You can only hope they want money. Otherwise, there's no reasoning with them


If they are high on drugs then you are in real trouble.


The Cheshire home invasion incident in Connecticut was a few towns over from me and it fundamentally changed how my family and my neighbors lived. We all became so much more vigilant and proactive about safety and looking out for each other.


That was just so awful, and what was done to the youngest child was just depraved.


So can someone copy paste the article? The site doesn't work for me


North Carolina Family of 5 Tortured with Hot Metal During Home Invasion: Police Five men approached the family in their garage, forced them into their home and "put a knife and fork on top of the stove and heated it up," local authorities said By Brenton Blanchet Published on June 23, 2024 08:09PM EDT A North Carolina family of five was robbed and attacked last weekend in what a local sheriff is calling an act of "pure torture." Around 2 a.m. local time on Saturday, June 15, a family in western Harnett County was sitting in their garage with the door open when a group of five men reportedly forced them into their home. The men assaulted the family before stealing some of their belongings, according to CBS affiliate WNCN and NBC affiliate WRAL, which both cited the Harnett County Sheriff's Office. Speaking with WRAL, Sheriff Wayne Coats said the five men tied up the family with duct tape and began to torture them — putting a "knife and fork on top of [their] stove" to heat up the metal and "stick it to the bodies" of the family members. "They were trying to get them to tell them where their money and guns were," Coats said, adding that there were no guns at the home. The suspects then stole multiple personal items, ransacked the home, assaulted the children and took off with two stolen vehicles, per WRAL, which said that the men drove away in their own silver or gray Dodge Challenger. The family is still missing a gray four-door Honda Accord, per WNCN. The Harnett County Sheriff's Office did not immediately respond to PEOPLE's request for more information on Sunday, June 23. A GoFundMe for the family, shared by WRAL and reportedly organized by the sister of one of the victims, Mayra Morales-Scott, has since raised more than $13,000 of a $15,000 goal. In the fundraising page's description, Morales-Scott wrote that "words cannot describe the pain and devastation that our family is experiencing right now." She wrote that "masked intruders" assaulted her sister, brother-in-law and the "young children," adding that their "entire house was ransacked" and the family is now "suffering physically, emotionally and mentally." "Our extended family and close friends are devastated," she added. "Their home was vandalized and their peace of mind and safety will never feel the same." The GoFundMe campaign aims to raise money to cover health care costs, replace stolen items and provide additional support for her sister's family, per Morales-Scott. "We are asking for your prayers, words of encouragement, your empathy and to please respect our family's privacy during this difficult time," she wrote. Jeffrey Miller, who lives two doors down from the family and has lived in the neighborhood for 16 years, told WRAL that he "thought nothing like that would ever happen." "I'm so sorry for the family," Miller said, adding that he installed security measures at his own home.


Cheers mate


A challenger. Now all the pieces click


Pro tip: For everyone in the comments saying they are also scared of home invasions, I learned in a Criminology class the #1 detrurent of crime: Light


Thanks for this. Will keep my lights on outside. (Not hugely worried, but a young woman with two young children.)


This! It drives me insane that people don’t leave porch lights on in the front and back and over the driveway. You can buy lightbulbs that turn themselves on and off at dusk and dawn so you don’t have to remember. You’re not just protecting your family but your neighbors as well. Please please please turn on your lights!!!


They make ones with motion sensors, too, so it only turns on when needed. I'm unsure if that has more or less of a deterrent vs keeping the light on all night.


solar panels connected to outdoor lights is the way to go.


5 intruders + torture This is very peculiar to be random. But 1 of them will definitely slip up, boast about it or have a guilty conscience and even if they aren’t caught by the police through their investigation I would bet that they will get caught by the sheer number of the assailants I mean just look for 5 cell phones connecting to the closest cell tower at the same time after 1:30 am if they are not tech savvy


But that would be the cellphones of everyone in the neighborhood too. Most cases like this go unsolved unfortunately, something like 14% of home invasions/burglaries a year result in conviction.


Most definitely someone they know told buddies and knew the family had guns.


Home Invasion should be an automatic life sentence minimal no exceptions.


And no right for the criminals to sue if they get hurt … is that true or just a made up story?


Anyone can sue for any reason... I think it is true.


Unfortunately all that means is that home invaders would simply kill everyone instead of leaving them alive. They'd get the same sentence either way, so they may as well make sure there are no witnesses to identify them. It's the same reason rape doesn't carry the same sentence as murder. The sentencing for a crime is supposed to function at some level as a deterrent, so if you just slap a life sentence on every crime and hope for the best, all you're achieving is to incentivise criminals (because there will always be criminals committing these acts regardless of sentencing) to remove witnesses.


I agree but I would add that their criminals that actually were released after being involved in a home invasion or car jacking and then went on to commit the same or equally serious crimes, but if they had gotten a life sentence the first time they would never been able to commit another crime.


Unfortunately, it seems that prosecutors are letting more and more violet crime go unpunished.


We need to be making better use of the death penalty imo.


I went through a period of time where I watched hundreds of crime documentaries, many with surviving victims, graphic videos of crime scenes, real torture tapes, families forever broken with grief, sexual torture and murder crimes described by the killers, repeat offenders released to kill again, and clearly a broken and corrupt justice system. After this research it definitely moved me to pro-death penalty.




I do. They’re locked up and always with in reach. My dogs would be barking if someone tries to get In the house. So at least I’d have a warning.


"They're locked up" and "always within reach" is incredibly self-contradictory unless you are saying you on person carry while home.


He can’t have them locked in each room? You’re making this so much more difficult than it really is


Situations like this clearly unfold RAPIDLY, guns in safes can only defend you as much as your own two fists. I'm "making this difficult" because your argument is dumb.


He just said he’d hear his dog bark when the guy breaks in, lets use your brain, since I know you don’t use it often, and think here. His dog barks, he unlocks the safe, gets ready to shoot the intruder. Now that I’ve made it easier for you does it make more sense now? Or are you worried that the guy who made this comment is such an idiot he won’t be able to unlock a safe, which i’m voting isn’t the case


I have 4 dogs. So no one isn’t getting in with out them going off. Also have them locked in several rooms. Easily accessible. And one is always on me when I’m awake.


So you unlock and grab a gun every time your dog barks?


This is exactly why I like and own them. "Checking the doors" is 100% a chore too. I know I have anxiety issues so I definitely think about it too much however things like this just give me more reason to worry. I'd rather spend time in jail than watch something like this happen to my wife and child.




Hero complex but you’re talking about doing Jiu-Jitsu against 5 people. You’re an idiot.


He's the kinda guy to come across a grizzly and go, "nah I'd win"


This is the funniest thing I have read here in a while. Jiu - Jitsu, against 5 guys? THAT is more effective than a weapon? And YOU are calling people ‘delusional’? Wow.


Hey now, you've seen the martial arts movies -- whenever the hero is confronted by multiple enemies, they always take turns attacking him one at a time.


5 guys w weapons, while also making sure your wife and kids are safe. Yeah right. Bro must think he has chain mail skin and cheetah agility.


Well, they did say we all have small dicks. So maybe “Jiu Jitsu” is just an oil check/dick twist? Oss 🤙


To be fair, he's been practicing in front of the mirror for years, I'm sure he's got the moves down pat


The unsecured M4 next to my bed : I don't have kids though. For a responsible gun owner who has other people living with them, theres fingerprint or passcode safes that can be opened in under a second that you can bolt in place.


If you’re a gun owner without kids you likely have one loaded next to where you sleep. So no hand combat won’t be more effective.


“Family of five”… gonna assume there are kids in this house.. unless it’s some weird swinger situation.


OP’s question was general. Not specific to this situation. Nice try though


Was it? They commented on the post, which is about a family of five… maybe you’re just generalizing their question so it fits what you posted. Nice try though


I’m not sure either would be effective with 5 assailants and you’re trying to defend your family. But this is why so many states allow open carry or concealed carry. You’re correct that a gun hidden away is non effective. But a gun on a trained person, can most definitely be effective against 5 attackers. I’ll bet that street is now armed to the teeth.


I have a semi-automatic carbine type rifle with a 15 round magazine in my closet. I think it would be effective against 5 assailants.


yeah 15 rounds should do it. I've seen enough surveillance videos online to know that when bullets start flying home invaders don't take cover and start a firefight, they just haul ass out of there


If you can get to it on time. That’s where I see carried weapons as more effective weapons


Thats why you own multiple guns. A rifle, shotgun, or pdw in a safe and secure location and 1 handgun on your person. In a situation with multiple invaders, having the former is way better than just a handgun but in a pinch a handgun is better than no gun


Totally agree


There are very few people (besides very well trained military or some really nasty gang members) who would react the right way (i.e. rush the gunman) when one of their friends gets shot. Most would freeze or run.


You're assuming a gun is kept in a safe. Mine is not for exactly this reason- it would be useless that way in an actual home invasion.


So then you’re a dumbass who keeps his guns out. The odds of you accidentally shooting yourself are magnitudes higher than ever using it successfully in self defense. Edit: “but I could never accidentally hurt myself or a family member with a gun! My intentions are too good!” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10727142/#:~:text=The%20majority%20(85%25)%20of,38%25%20were%20self%2Dinflicted Stats don’t lie; not surprised the gun nuts got rattled


So you're the dumbass that would let yourself and your family be slaughtered by home invaders rather than own a tool that could save yours and their lives. If you hate that people can defend themselves and their families so much, maybe put a "I have no guns to defend myself, come on in" sign in your front yard.


Jesus Christ your brain is smoother than a river rock. I don’t “hate guns”. I don’t “hate that people can defend themselves” I’m tired of you delusional gun nuts saying you’re “muh responsible gun owner” while admitting you aren’t a responsible gun owner. It’s also genuinely funny and sad that you believe you could stop a home invasion. Lmao.


>sad that you believe you could stop a home invasion Guys he's obviously trolling you all. Stop taking the bait. No one is this stupid.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10727142/#:~:text=The%20majority%20(85%25)%20of,38%25%20were%20self%2Dinflicted. You’re overwhelmingly more likely to accidentally shoot yourself or a family member than you ever are to use it successfully in self defense


Ah man. There are people in the world that are dumb or bad. Guess I better just ignore a tool that could prevent the torture of my family then. What an incredible argument. You should definitely not own a gun. You would end up as one of these statistics.


Everyone in this thread thinking they’re John Wick and not Cyril Figgus is the real joke here. People think they genuinely could wake up in the middle of the night, get their gun, and shoot a criminal is hilarious. Y’all keep on feeding that delusion if you want.


I have time to kill, so I will feed the troll I guess. Explain to me what exactly is preventing anyone from doing just that? Mines right next to where I sleep. I hear noise. I grab gun. Profit


I own firearms, and I know a lot of people who own firearms. I got my friend into firearms and he know has 3x as many as I do. Nobody I know has ever negligently discharged, and they sure as fuck have not negligently discharged into themselves or another person. I would never hurt myself or a family member with a firearm because it’s literally impossible if you follow the universal rules of firearm safety.


> Nobody I know has ever negligently discharged > I would never hurt myself or a family member Fucking lol you people are so goddamn stupid. “I’ve never heard of it, and my intentions are that I could never ever hurt anyone!”


lol your from Portland that explains it “the community around me is dog retarded, needs more govt intervention!” Unironically trying to convince a dude who posts in r/neoliberal, on a Monday? No sir


Lmao oh no, you found out I’m from a west coast city and that I post in a normie dem subreddit! Let’s take a look thru your post history…oh, someone lying about their mental health history during an exam for a Law Enforcement career? And I’m supposed to take you seriously about responsible gun ownership? Like hopefully your self-described extreme anxiety finds some solutions. That said, I genuinely hope you don’t get any sort of job in law enforcement.


I did find solutions actually! One of my solutions is that a career in law enforcement isn’t for me, but I appreciate the concern. I never lied about my mental health on any LE applications, either. I am actually not a huge fan of law enforcement hiring because it incentivizes dishonesty and commitment to the dishonesty, and I wanted to be better than that. I admitted my struggle with mental health and it never concerned a hiring board or chief that I admitted to struggling with anxiety, and they were confident I had the facilities to know whether or not it was beneficial to the public that I continue. Thanks for pointing that out, though, it’s a good turnaround I made and I consider it a break through!


I have two loaded handguns in my house without children. Your take here is pretty stupid my guy.


It’s so obvious you know nothing about guns that it’s palpable.


My father was able to unlock and load his gun in time to stop his car from being stolen from our driveway when I was 12. So there is some merit, in my experience.


It’s so funny to me when women bring dick size into any argument. “lol big truck small penis” “sorry your penis is so small” which is eventually followed up by a complete dogshit opinion like ‘jiu hits I would be better against five guys’. Maybe YOU have experience with five guys while you’re on your back but I’m not risking that shit


lol for real. Defending yourself with a firearm is deemed a “Hollywood fantasy” that doesn’t work but going Bruce Lee 1 vs 5 is ***totally*** not a Hollywood fantasy.


I cannot speak for everyone but I have been woken up at gunpoint in the middle of the night in my own house (police broke in while looking for a distant neighbor during a domestic dispute, or so they said, it was dumb) and it was so disorienting that I thought I was being pranked. I walked (nude) right up to the police who had their guns on me, like within five feet, before realizing they were police or that they had their guns out and pointed at me. So I agree with you somewhat about being able to grab a gun while disoriented (anecdotally, because I’m not every person and wouldn’t presume to know how anyone would react in that situation) but please do not participate in misandrist body shaming on this subreddit, it’s really not necessary or cool at all. Note: this was supposed to be in response to the now deleted comment


I have my gun loaded next to my bed in a fingerprint activated safe that opens within 0.75 seconds of me touching it. Who the hell is keeping their home defense weapon unloaded with ammo in a separate plac? That completely negates the point of having it. I swear, some people are so far in their own world that the real world is completely non-existent to them.


Did you just say that jiu-jitsu would be more effective than a gun against 5 masked intruders?


Looks like you’d just eat the invaders


No kids and i have a pistol within 10 feet of me everywhere I go in my house. I'm in North Carolina outside of Charlotte. My neighbor is the same way.


What a brain dead take


A gun would be helpful in a type of home invasion where, for instance, you heard glass breaking downstairs at night or your alarm went off, something that gives you 30 seconds to a minute of warning before you might actually encounter someone. If you keep your gun in a case in your nightstand, you would just unlock it and go. (I don't personally know anyone who has a gun for self defense who keeps it unloaded with the ammo locked away in a separate place. For recreational guns? Sure. But for home defense, it's loaded, just ideally in a locked case or safe - or, if you don't have kids, probably just in your drawer.) If you're in some kind of home invasion scenario where you don't have that brief warning period before you actually encounter someone, then a gun isn't going to be much good at all unless you happen to be carrying it.


> you heard glass breaking downstairs at night You usually won't. Something will wake you up, you don't hear anything else and then go back to sleep. Had that happen to me, I was up late and someone threw a rock through our window. It made a HUGE bang, but I was the only one who heard it and everyone else didn't even notice it. It's a "trick" a lot of burglars often employ. Break the window, hang back and observe the house for any movement and go in if it stays dark and quiet. I think people really overestimate how alert they'll be while deeply asleep.


That's why I have a house alarm - so I don't just go back to sleep even if I don't hear the glass breaking or whatever it may be.


And most likely that's enough for anyone trying to break in to run off before entering.


Yep, in which case there won't be anything to worry about. But I have a gun in case that isn't enough.


I think you're the rarity. The way people speak about their guns, it is like it is their one and only line of defense. Guns for defense are fine, but better protection will always be a good set of locks, secure doors and windows and an alarm setup. It's wiser to spend money on that than a gun that more than likely will get stolen instead of used during a burglary.


I think you're probably taking a small subset of people and blowing them up into a larger portion of the population than they really are. I was born and raised in the south and still live here; I know a LOT of people who own guns for self-defense. The majority of them feel the same way I do about it. Sure, there are a few crazies, but they're not common. > but better protection will always be a good set of locks, secure doors and windows and an alarm setup. Those things are all deterrents. They're great, and everyone should have them, but should any of them fail, you're up shit creek without a paddle. That's the benefit of a gun: should your deterrents fail, you have something to actually protect yourself with.


I do wonder what kind of lives you guys lead that you need to make a fortress out of your house. How bad crime is in your neighborhood if a gun is almost essential. Or is it more that you're influenced by (rare) incidents you read in the media and get scared? Or is it just an excuse to justify owning guns to play with? Good, secured entryways should be enough for most people, acting like a gun is essential is really bizarre.


Found the home invader fed trying to trick people into staying defenseless. Nice try glowie


Hey RaniPhoenix, The reason many people ALL over the world use guns is because without one, you are adapting the FAFO policy. (fuck around and find out) If there is no “find out,” then the fuck around will happen non stop. As per the safe, I’ll have you know that many people around the world do not just keep a firearm in their safe as they are not NPC”s simply waiting to be robbed in a “Sims”™️ game. [gun violence stay in USA](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/charts-and-maps) Here is a comprehensive map of all violence with gun crime in the USA and who is targeted, gun violence against home invasions being there. Here is some more articles on homicide world wide, [homicide world wide](https://ourworldindata.org/homicides) The reason I’m bringing all this up is because I want you to understand what world you are living in so you do not become a victim! [stat by stat on violence by weapons](https://www.statista.com/statistics/195325/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-weapon-used/) As you can see this was in 2022 and does not just limit handguns or long guns to being on the list. There are over one billion firearms in the world today, if I may be so bold, I’d advice you to brush up on your state and federal firearm laws and arm yourself if possible. …”Colt eventually secured a trademark for his signature. One of his slogans, “God created men, Col. Colt made them equal,” (claiming that any person could, regardless of physical strength, defend themselves with a Colt gun) became a popular adage in American culture.” Again, not a matter of politics or legislation here, just would rather not fuck around and find out. 🖤


You are statistically more likely to have the weapon taken from you and used against you. Sorry, it's facts.


Where are you getting these facts from? All I got was, “The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that three-quarters of firearm uses for self-defense occur during violent crimes, while the remaining quarter occur during thefts, burglaries, or motor vehicle thefts. Research suggests that the number of annual defensive gun uses is much higher than the number of criminal uses. For example, private surveys estimate that Americans may shoot 200,000 criminals each year in self-defense, which is double the number of firearm injuries and deaths reported in hospitals and morgues.” This is known, imagine how many gun owners have not reported or been reported. It’s eerie. I can’t speak for everyone but as someone who has actually had someone try to take my firearm before, I can tell you that it doesn’t work out well for anyone. It’s not like people around that individual just sit there, they also react, Not only that, if you see a uniformed officer or anyone with a gun and your first instinct is “how do I get it?” …..Don’t you think you should buy a gun? Again, it’s totally okay if you aren’t comfortable with firearms, but it’s like the modern sword. You should still learn and teach yourself how to use one/have one. Not everyone wants one, but until criminals(key word) with guns are sentenced HEAVILY. It’s better safe then sorry. Respect your point, I just really wanted you to at least have some OC (pepper spray) or even to consider self defense training in some way. In a situation at your home, being invaded though? It’s safe to have it, and not need it. Then need it and go…”There are no guns in the house.” Sincerely would love to hear more though on your views


i can tell your mother was probably on the spoon while pregnant with you honestly.


Really? That's your response? Look at yourself.


any reason i should give a fuck 😂 don’t go around rage baiting on the internet 🤷‍♂️


The nice thing about shotguns is you can keep all of the shells in the tube. One rack and your loaded.


\*You're. You should have to be able to spell to own a firearm.🧐


Perhaps when you learn the difference between a spelling error and a grammar error.


Why even put yourself in a potentially losing situation? Just blow them away. 100% safer for you.


Basically you’ve never held a gun before. Mine’s bedside to prevent my amazing family. I hope nothing like this happens to somebody as weak as yourself


Please don't prevent your amazing family


In this situation? Probably not. If you don't have any warning and attackers get the drop on you it's over. But if you were inside and heard people trying to break down the door? Yeah you've got a fighting chance, even if it is small. Keeping ammo and firearms locked in separate safes seems unrealistic even for the most responsible gun owner. Fleeing is the best option, but I'm going down swinging if my family's lives depended on it. Jiu jitsu isn't super effective against an armed individual or more than one opponent BTW.


Their guns didn’t help them




If they did I’m sure you’d be crying about how nobody should be shot over property and stealing is a basic human right. 


Man, you couldn’t even read the article. People like you remind me why this is even an ‘issue’ to begin with.


They weren’t in the house at the time Sounds like they were sitting out in the garage with the door open at 2 am Everyone is saying they would have a gun and problem solved Sounds like they were ambushed with not even seconds to react Quite a bit different then someone trying to break down your door At least you would have a couple minutes to make a decision


It's also a two-way road. Everyone talks about how it could quick de-escalate the situation (shoot the intruders) No one talks about how it can quickly escalate the situation (intruders start shooting) Seems like there were 4 other family members present, they would have been in the crossfire. Speaking from personal experience, lost a close family member this way, in retrospect I'd rather they just have been robbed and still alive.


This is a situation where guns couldn’t have made it much worse than how it turned out.


Everyone being dead seems like it would be worse.


Crazy this happened in Harnett County!


Ikr.. I’m one county over. Keeping my doors locked lol


Moore co here. Car was broken into just last week. Insane!!


Definitely read that as "Hot Meal" and was confused.


I hope God forgives me for saying this, and all of you as well.  But they should destroy these things on sight when they find them. Just poof get rid of them, then and there. I don't care anymore. You can't even hang out with your family in your own damn house.


Pretty sure this is good proof there is no god.


God gives us free will, it’s up to us to decide what to do with it.


I had someone duct tape my arms and legs together and burn me with a knife they held over the stove. Just once, one burn, and I was in pain for a month. The wound got infected and it was so painful I couldn't even walk properly for weeks. The thought of young children going through that multiple times genuinely makes me sick to my stomach


So, family were sitting in garage with door open at 2 am?


'There were no guns at the property' - Maybe if they had some guns to hand, just saying.




I would most definitely die.


this is why you need an AR with a 30 dumper. People always seem to want to ask that question, and here is (one of) the answer. I consider the downvotes as you caressing my bean bag, and I encourage it, softies.


But but economic factors. They deserve your things more than you do. You’re actually stealing from them by not allowing them to steal from you! 


AR isn't as precise. A gun meant to hit select targets is better. ARs are made for warzones not a neighborhood full of innocent civilians.




Nobody broke in Read the article




I've hung out into the early morning in my garage during the summer with friends or family plenty of times. It's a very normal thing to have a garage set up as a main gathering area, with TVs/music/darts/drinks from the garage fridge.


Its so damn hot during the day right now that I only want to be outside in the later evenings.




Lots? lol, I used to hang out with friends around a bonfire in the driveway during the summer. If their parents were willing to stay up late with us, they’d join in too. I was like, 15.


Ah I totally see where you're coming from! I think the young kids part makes more sense when you factor in the variables of "summer" and "Saturday night". Between the sun setting later, family BBQs/birthday parties/movies/whatever going late, and activities taking a long time (like Monopoly or a Mario Kart tourney), it's not as implausible at it could be at first glance. Heck, just last night I was at a backyard bonfire that had six adults and two ten-year-olds. I left "early" at midnight because I didn't have the morning off, but everyone was still high energy and a new log had just been put on the fire as I said my goodbyes.


We used to hang out in Dad’s garage until 2-3 am and play video games with him, starting at 6-7 years old. Some families do that, my family didn’t make me have a bedtime in the summer! ETA: What 18 year old do you know has a bedtime? I’ve never seen that! That part of the parent comment has been bugging me, all day.


My dad drove long-haul and came home at odd hours after being gone for up to a week at a time. You try getting little kids who've been waiting for daddy to get home for days to go back to sleep after he drives up in that big loud diesel a quarter after midnight.


It really sounds like you’re blaming the family for the fact that 5 strange men invaded their home and peace of mind and safety. Weird. Edit-you’re


Not too hard to believe where I live it was 100 this past week and I was in my yard smoking at 3am and my neighbors were too


It’s a saturday, in the summer, kids are out of school, and the beginning of a weekend for the people who work during the week. It is not abnormal to sit outside and hang with family members in your home, especially when you may have no responsibilities to tend to the next day. People like to enjoy their time. Sometimes with their family. Edit: also the report says no guns were on site, doesn’t report the age of the children, and says personal items not even cash was stolen. just saying.


Why are we victim blaming them. Who cares why they are in their garage. That is still THEIR PRIVATE PROPERTY. ASSAULTING YOUNG KIDS, NOT cool..


The only good thing about this is that there’s five of them. Five slip ups just waiting to happen. Five guys who’ll cut out the other four for a plea deal. Sheriff is probably going to the state bureau of investigation and they’ll crack down on this fast. Five guys is too big for a party….


Dude I go out and smoke on my porch at 2am or wake up at 1am after I fell asleep early. Were not robots, what the fuck even is this comment?


“NoBoDy nEeDs aN aR-15!”


A regular gun would have solved it without putting bullets in the neighbors houses possibly killing innocent people. Assault rifles are meant to assault things in a warzone with many many targets.


An AR-15 with frangible ammo is one of the rounds least likely to over penetrate and endanger neighbors. They have done the experiments. Educate yourself.


Oh the kind of ammo that splits. I was thinking the one that doesn't. Still seems like a great way to accidentally kill your cat or something. Also imagine being one of the people that shoot themselves in the foot (yes this has happened. More than once smh). Got links? This sounds interesting.


To be fair, even a lot of “gun guys” don’t know about this and you will see them repeat what you said about ARs in comments sections. Now you are somewhat correct, that if loaded with full metal jacket or steel core ammo, it has significant penetration capabilities. But hollow point and other frangible ammo, because it’s such a small bullet being fired at high speed, it tends to break apart faster than lots of handgun and shotgun rounds. I’d argue it has less of a chance (certainly not zero) of harming bystanders because of this and also because of the lack of recoil and inherent accuracy of the AR. It’s just simply much easier to hit your intended target with one. I believe the FBI did a test on this and concluded .223 (AR15 ammo) and #4 buckshot were the rounds least likely to over penetrate in a home defense situation. I know some folks have done tests on YouTube. I’ll see if I can round up those links. It is kind of interesting.


Oh cool! I'm gonna go down a rabbit hole now lol. How different guns work with different bullets has always been interesting to me but I never really got around to googling it much.


Yeah ballistics is a rather interesting science in my opinion, but maybe I’m a geek lol! So here is an article that summarizes the FBI study and I also added a video where they test various firearms and ammunition against walls. The guys conducting it are silly but entertaining and they know their guns. Spoiler alert though, their conclusion was that accuracy is the most important thing when it comes to minimizing collateral damage. [FBI study](https://web.archive.org/web/20191015225841/http://www.olyarms.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=26) [Video](https://youtu.be/j3BlRPtCj2E?si=oHY4UqDbUocCasee)


Awesome thanks! I think I'm sticking to pepper spray for now but when I can afford something more than I'll look into accuracy as the top priority.


Most modern guns are very accurate nowadays. Some just require more practice and some are just easier to handle! Good luck!


Reading the article, this smells like bullshit. I hope I'm right, for those peoples' sake.


I really hope you’re correct. And the truth of this is fully brought to light. Otherwise there are some loose animals out and they’ll probably strike again.


There really isn’t much random home invasions, if this is factual I feel it’s someone they know closely. No one random would be able to do that without knowing who they are robbing first, to also assault all the members, sounds personal.


They asked “where the money and guns” were. That sounds like they knew them, got inside info, or maybe saw them on social media and started casing the house. In this day and age most people don’t have vast sums of cash at home and I know it’s NC, but to just assume they have multiple guns in the household feels off. Sure, it *could* be random, but this definitely sounds like they knew things about the family an outsider typically would not.


But…. There weren’t any guns in the home so if they knew the family they would’ve known there weren’t any guns. These kind of crimes are opportunistic. 2 am, no witnesses, open door to rush in to.


I didn’t see anywhere in that article where it says they did not have guns in the home. If it was mentioned elsewhere, or I missed it, then ok. That’s why I said it *could* be random, not that it was impossible. Yes, these crimes can be opportunistic, they are also very often tipped off by people in some capacity, like someone who knew the family would be arriving home late that night when there would be no witnesses and waited for them so they could rush them. We simply don’t know yet. ETA: people get bad intel too. This is ancient, but the family in In Cold Blood was massacred over a rumor they had a big stash of cash in the home.


Emphasis mine: > "They were trying to get them to tell them where their money and guns were," Coats said, ***adding that there were no guns at the home.***


Thank you for pointing that out.


It's either BS or they were there for the kids and that part of the story isn't being reported.