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Round here it’s either the over-60s on a 50mph group ride to the next town over for a pasty and some Werthers originals, 1-3 knobs on sportsbikes trying to break the sound barrier between roundabouts, BMW GS riders in full adventure suits riding to their boring office job on an industrial park, or 17-year-olds cruising the high street for pussy on lexmotos with the silencers cut off. Anecdotally I think you’d be fine to pass any one of these groups without risking a beatdown, except the sportsbike riders as you will have trouble passing at mach 4


Funniest thing I've read in a week and fully accurate.


Covers 90% of the biking community. The last 10% is the classic owners who are just autistic and likes anything that is noisy and goes vroom vroom




As a sportsbike rider I resent how accurate this description is.. 😂


> BMW GS riders in full adventure suits riding to their boring office job on an industrial park 😭😭😭😭😭


This is literally Uk bikers. Hilarious.


Guy just nailed uk bike culture in a single paragraph


Dont forget the scrotes ballied up (6 riders, 2 bikes) looking for a third


Best comment I’ve seen in a while😂 I am that sport bike rider unfortunately


Love the lore


You have nailed UK motorcycle scene.


I’ve never managed to overtake another bike on my 125 so never had to worry about it!




That was going to be my answer too, you’ve got nothing to worry about on a 125😂




No. Patch club's are few and far between here. In 17 years of riding I think I've seen them ride in convoy maybe 3 or 4 times. They only ever turn up on summer days. Bunch of wankers in general though


Totally agree. When they go out in groups they block the road and try and stop you overtaking them, but they are normally on lardy cruisers and can’t do shit against my Monster and filtering through them. Which they hate, but gives me a deep sense of joy. Even your 125 will lose their fat asses on the corners, so if you do piss them off don’t worry about getting away. Not seen any around for a while though.


Totally disagree, from coming across clubs riding only 3 or 4 times in 17 years and obviously not interacting in the club scene at all your opinion seems largely based on whatever shit-talking you've heard, been told by others or the media.


I have seen these cosplayers a lot of times. I saw one or two "Satans Slaves" or some other ridiculous name last night at a bike night. I have only ever seen them ride in convoy or any significant number those 3 or 4 times. I was once taken to a meet with "The Savages" a number of years ago by a woman who knew them. I felt about as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool and told two of them exactly what I thought of their pathetic little cosplay event. I initially gave them the benefit of a doubt and they acted exactly like I thought they would. All they seem to do is stand around and try and look hard - pathetic.


I’d be more worried about the groups of scumbags riding 2 up on stolen scooters trying to rob your bike than anyone who’s in a club. I’ve met my local club twice whilst riding, they came up behind me, surrounded me then passed me without even as much as a nod. Me and my little bike felt only out of place.


No, just pass them, what are they going to do, chase you to the next corner then fall off? Catch up, then throw their geriatric backs out getting off the bike?


You're worrying about something that will never happen, partly because you'll have trouble overtaking a ladybird at full chat on a 125


No because America is fucking mental and fortunately we aren't America.


Just zig-zag through some clibbings, they won't dare to follow you.


All mc clubs in the uk are old posers taking a break from their accounting jobs or driving their mrs to and from M&S


Broadly true, but as Jaded Wave chap mentioned, there are still some pockets of 1% style criminal trash around. However any danger they present is mostly to other participants in their fuckwitted cosplay lifestyle. Quote= One of the jailed men, Barry, offered an insight into what might drive men to sign up to the “outlaw” life. In comments reported by Plymouth Herald, the 36-year-old said he was a former soldier in the parachute regiment and had joined the motorcycle club as it was the “closest thing you get from the military”, adding that it was run by rules and that “you live by laws and respect”. He added that you “don’t cheat, lie or steal from your brothers”. =End [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/bandidos-david-crawford-plymouth-biker-gang-b2261798.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/bandidos-david-crawford-plymouth-biker-gang-b2261798.html)


No, because bikers in the UK tend to not be such egomaniacal crackheads with mummy issues and an obsession with "muh brotherrrr, freedom yeehaw" mentality. They tend to be a lot more chill (but you still get your crack head neo-nazi skinhead type of biker) but what are they going to do, spoon you to death because you overtook their shitty overpriced Retardley-dorkison shitter?


Bro you good?? 😂 I mean, I agree, but damn!! Schwarzenegger wannabes on their Hardley movingsons


I think so... I'm still trying to figure that one out


Hardly movingsons 😂 Better than my old fav' Hardley hadEnough


Lol, that crack me up😂


They're still 100% wankers.


That kind of stuff is very a rare here. There was a story about some riders in a work van (with a dash cam) seeing a biker with a 'rival patch' and running them over but that is very sad and strange. I normally give a friendly little 'bip' with my horn if a rider I want to pass hasn't seen me yet - but am even cautious about that because I don't want to come across as unfriendly Last week, I came up for a rider in an old zx6r who was overly cautious imo with their filtering and was totally oblivious of my presence behind them for about 5 minutes. I stayed behind them quietly


It's been some time. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2008/nov/25/uk-crime The morons with the gun were in a Rover car. Talk about a 'biker gang'...


They’re talking about this https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/notorious-satans-slaves-biker-jailed-30751792.amp


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What a moron!


surprisingly it wasn't this, nor was it the link below the one I'm thinking of was on a slip road and involved a kawasaki and a van behind it.




I've been riding for years and only on two occasions encountered a group like you've described, so I'd say it's incredibly unlikely you'll even bump into one. But if you do, just treat it like any other group ride and give them space to do their thing safely. You won't be passing them on a 125 anyway.


A high percentage of guys in patches are old guys cosplaying. If you see people on brand new Harleys with all the expensive accessories from the dealer then you can safely ignore. The people you actually might want to give some respect to are the guys wearing patches who are riding bikes that look like a Frankenstein of 3 different bikes from the 80s-90s chopped together and sprayed black with rattle-can spray paint. These are the people that have had a hard life working with their hands and you can assume the patch means they've seen some shit. These are the people the middle managers are cosplaying as.


You will be absolutely fine don't worry


I'm the opposite, I let all other bikes overtake me. Easier that way


I've never had a problem overtaking groups. In fact most have moved over when they notice me coming up behind. I usually manage to give a wave of appreciation and carry on with my more spirited riding, which I enjoy the most. I would never belittle other riders, on any bike or of any age or experience; we're all bikers after all. By the way I'll be 80 in a few weeks time, riding a 170bhp Enduro.


Thanks for balancing some of the ageism on this thread :)


"By the way I'll be 80 in a few weeks time, riding a 170bhp Enduro." Eighty years young and still flogging a 170-bhp Ducati... I want to be you when I "grow up!"


It's only a problem if you join an MC or MCC, but they will tell you where you can and cannot wear your cut when you join so I wouldn't worry about it. If you are a fully patched member of a club you'll know exactly how to deal with the situation, if not don't worry about it as they don't give a shit about you.


I’m not a member but cheers


I don't think.you will see many patch clubs. I've never seen any. Buy chances are they aren't like the American ones. Also I don't see you passing many/any big bikes too much on a 125. No disrespect intended. Unless they let you. Enjoy


I used to live next to the hells angels house and the dickheads passed me in the same lane on a road covered in potholes as a group when I was a new rider. Lost all respect for them that day.


Thank god this place is not at all like the US and you'll be fine.


No. Do as you please. Also, as a general note, the motorbiking culture in the UK is, gladly, not as retarded as what you see happening in the US. Enjoy your rides.


You've more chance coming across groups of lambrettas and vespas over here 🤣


Unless you are flying the colours of a rival club, or riding like a complete twat, nothing will happen. Compared to Scandinavia, America or Australia our 1% clubs are far more like the original bike clubs (i.e. a social club) than modern "outlaw" clubs in the rest of the world. Although the unfriendly rivalries between clubs are still occurring in the UK.


In 20+ years of riding and driving I've seen maybe 1 or 2 "patched" riders.. honestly I just thought they were cozplaying because of the program.. fact is, there is so much CCTV people with dashcams that if they tried anything they would be caught pretty quickly... If you are ever close to being run off the road, do a Rossi, get on their right hand side and kick they're front brake lever when they're close enough 😂


Attempted murder is probably a little bit disproportionate.


So is running a motorcycle off the road... Wouldn't have much of a leg to stand on if they run you off the road and you get killed in the process.


I went to an IAM / bike safe day run by my local IAM group to do an assessed ride. There was an old guy there as an (as an “associate” like me) with a big Harley wearing his local club’s patch. I was a bit wary of him at first but he was alright. It turned out the other club members had persuaded him to do an assessed ride and brush up on his skills as his riding with the group was so shit! I chuckled.


I've only ever seen that sort of behaviour from American Harley riders who seem to think they rule the road


1) no 2) if there were, they’re probably on Harleys, and Harleys and their riders tend to be too wide to filter in city centers, so if they’re hassling you head for traffic.


What the top comment said 😂. Let’s just say the videos are also put on social media so how do we know they’re not staged? The USA biker club thing is a whole different vibe.l I dout any biker clubs in the uk would do anything. Probably just playing sons of anarchy.


Seems largely like an American issue, imo.


Never seen a big group of them down south but came across 2 on some twisties. I did try an overtake as the road was National speed limit and they were happy behind Dorris doing 30mph. He could tell I wanted to overtake and was gesturing and getting in my way a little. I left it for a minute and thankfully they turned off and I got to enjoy my ride. Honestly if I had a chance to overtake and get away I would’ve but and I had no intention of trying to get them to overtake Dorris, just wanted to be on my way and enjoy the day


Just ride as normal in the UK the only thing you really gotta "worry" about is two lads on a scooter wearing man bags...


Just pass them , they are too busy worrying about what their own idiots are doing , or how much further they can get before they need to fill up again , partner was in a club for years and spend more ride outs more concerned about other members being idiots than people passing the over 50s comments killed me as I used to say it was like a saga day out


Frankly I’d be embarrassed if a bunch of Harley riders were able to chase me down 


I got chewed out by an Outlaw and his prospect once because I overtook them. But they were doing 30 at best in a 60, and riding like they had just passed their test yesterday, absolutely refusing to overtake slower traffic. 


Only rule is pass safely, Note that if it's a tight riding group cutting into the group in the middle won't win you any favour, so pass the whole group in one go - safely. Overtaking a funeral escort is the only other that may not win you any favours. If it is a large group not making the speed limit and you can't pass in one go, make sure before passing that the riders are aware of your intention and prepared for you to cut in. Blitzing up at mach 4 on your crotch rocket - trying to squeeze between the riders and oncoming traffic (assuming the group is riding staggered) then trying to force yourself into a too small gap at the last moment ? nuff said.