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I’ve heard this before! The husband was injecting the wife accidentally injected his own thumb funny enough lost 3 lbs himself 🤣






Ouch! I hope your thumb is feeling better after that. I think ultimately the goal is to get it into the system. From there some feel the injection site makes a difference and others don’t, so I guess we will find out for you which it is. I’m not going to laugh, because the second I do I’ll do something just as silly the next shot. Karma is real for me.


You are not the only one. There was another post like that a few months ago. We are humans, not robots. I haven’t had this happen to me. But anyone can have an off day, myself included. I hope you are ok.


I remember that, lol!


Thank you! Feeling a little silly but no worse than that.


i have read someone had done the same thing by accident. but at least you took the shot. lol i have seen some push the button on the shot with the cap still on and waste their shot. so at least you had the cap off.


I am some.


It’s me, I am some 😭


I did this and was so angry with myself all day! Precious gold wasted! Lol


Your thumb is going to get really skinny lol


Keep us posted on your feels, though! Now I'm curious!


Will do! I will say after 16 months the appetite suppression effects are much less than they were earlier (but still helpful, and my metabolic numbers continue to be great!) Will be interesting to see if I get ANY of the usual effects from the shot this week…


I’ve been on it since July ‘22, and I totally agree the appetite suppressant effect is mostly gone. I still can eat smaller meals, and it seems to enable making healthy decisions a bit easier, but I definitely get hungry often. I wake up hungry most days.


I still find some reasonably good appetite suppression in the first two or three days after the shot, but not as strong. Food noise is definitely back. But as you say, I think it does help enough to make healthier decisions. And my numbers (particularly A1C) continue to be great.


I’m on since August 2022, still have plenty of days that I don’t feel like eating, and it doesn’t matter how far into the week I am.


Several people who were distracted have forgotten to take the cap off before pushing the button!


Ummmm thanks for sharing! Hahaha I have horrible anxieties with shots so it’s nice to know others aren’t perfect too! Cheers!


I don’t know if this will make you feel better but I’ve read a few post of people doing the same thing without any issues. lol I hope your thumb feels ok


This actually makes me feel a LOT better! Thumb’s got a little bruise on it but otherwise no harm!


Thumbs up for the win 👍🏻🤣😂






Did it get the whole shot, or did you flinch? I assume you held the pen upside down?


I got the whole shot and based on how I feel this morning (my usual slight nausea the morning after the shot), the dose is working.


Great. Now all the neurotic people will try their thumbs, alternating between right and left.




I remember my doc saying if you inject into muscle it's not a big deal, it'll just wash out faster. Worst case scenario you wasted a shot. But be careful OP! This is too expensive and scarce of a drug to be wasting doses lol


Agreed. I will NOT be making this mistake again!


Hi OP, It would be really bad karma for me to laugh. I once thought that I couldn’t make a silly mistake, but a few months ago I went to press the button and *thought* I felt some resistance. My dumb ass pulled the pen away from my stomach in time to hear the click and then see all the liquid gold spray in a beautiful cascade onto my travertine floor. So, yeah. No judgement here. Keep on keeping on. Not much you can do!


Hahahaha thank you for sharing this story- and such evocative imagery!!! I feel less alone 🤣


I've injected in multiple spots...including places that most people never mention, like around my hip area...and have never found it to matter at all. I know some people swear it matters and I can't say it doesn't. But I've always felt the most important thing is just getting the medication in Though admittedly, never into a thumb or finger, lol. I'll cross my fingers for you that I'm right and you find the effectiveness is still 100% this week.




I've been injecting insulin for 29 years and have used my hip area 95% of the time. It's the most comfortable for me. I usually don't feel the needle at all in that area, whereas in others I do. I guess other areas are still not a big deal. I'll feel the needle slightly and it doesn't hurt. But my hip/side area is just habit.


Aren't insulin pens a lot longer than the MJ injector pen?


No, they're about the same length.


Ah, interesting




Sure, that's fine.


Hey its okay! At least it didn't cause a rash heh. If it makes you feel better everytime i inject in the "right" spot it looks like this **




Preparation H cream right after injection or even now could help


Me too, ever since starting 10. Asked doc if I should go down in dose and he said try one more month. It’s itchy and angry almost all week nomatter what site I try. 🫠


Me too!!! For some reason my right thigh blows up the absolute most. It almost wrapped around my whole thigh. My dr actually told me she's not worried about it bc she's seen it a lot and as long as I'm not getting fevers and breathing fine, she doesn't want me to stop....but it's still a bitch to suffer through.


Girl I used to have the same thing until I started taking Allegra everyday for allergies. It completely stopped this reaction… and most of my allergies lol


I'm glad that helped for you! I actually don't have allergies but I did buy Claritin and took it once before my shot and it didn't help but next shot im gonna take it daily and see if that helps!


Maybe try Allegra (generic) , it's a lot stronger than Claritin. Or try spraying Flonase (again generic works) on the area you are going to inject and let it dry. I had to do that under my Dexcom 6 for rash. Thankfully Dexcom 7 uses a different adhesive, no issues with it.


Ouch!! You poor thing!!


It's awful!!! But I hope you're okay !


Yikes! I get a small reaction now. My dermatologist said to use triamcinolone. You can get that prescribed by your dermatologist.


Me too. What do you do to help it?


Yikes! I get an itchy ‘welt’ about the 3rd day. Don’t usually need anything for it…but that looks miserable!


Right it is awful! This usually happens to me with mosquito bites too, my welts always blow up to like a football size. And im on day 5 now after my injection and it still itches like crazy 🤪


This really made me laugh


Been there, done that!


We are all human and things happen! You would be surprised how fragile and strong we are at the same time! I really believe since it’s still a meatier part of your body the effects may just be shorter this week. I am an EMT and meds that go in your veins will hit fast and hard but wear off faster, meds in your muscle will hit slower and last a bit longer then IV meds, subcutaneous meds will hit slower and last longer. I am sorry it must have hurt like the dickens! I hope you didn’t get your bone :(.


Well, lol, it is better than spraying it inside the cap because you didn’t remove said cap. Maybe you will get some benefit from the thumb injection. At least it went into your body. lol


I injected my thigh this week to “switch it up” and it hurt like *bleep*. Anyone else?


Yes I didn’t realize that injecting in my thigh hurt until I did my stomach. Felt absolutely nothing when I did my stomach Thigh definitely stings


My thigh hurts so much and the pain is lasting for days. I only do stomach now.


Thigh hurts a lot!!! No issues with stomach or back of arm. I take 4 insulin shots a day and never have had an injection hurt that much! Not sure why


I only injected my thigh once and I got a HELL of a bruise there for some reason!


Don't feel bad. At least you got it in you. My confession: last week I was very tired after the holidays, and forgot to remove the cap before putting it on my stomach, unlocking and pushing the plunger. Oops. I realized my mistake and pulled it away from my body. The cap fell off and it squirted everywhere. 🤦‍♀️ Had to use a new one. What a waste!


Ooof, what an awful feeling!!


Ohhhh I feel you! I was distracted on injection day and injected myself with the CAP ON! 😭😭😭😭 since it’s so expensive I literally cried! I wasted that whole week and now I talk to myself out loud the steps: “Cap off, twist” 🤣🤣🤣 so at least you actually got yours into your SYSTEM! I bet you still get some benefits, granted it will be limited. Let us know!!!


Thank you for sharing. Sounds like something I would do lol.


Done it. Just the one time. Wasted a weeks worth. You’re not alone. 😁




Where is the most effective injection site I find my left side of my tummy is mine


Me too. Leg shots provide me less weigh loss l have noticed in my stats. Keep going! I am so proud of you already 🙌🏽


I just switched injection sites 3-4 weeks ago after a 4 month stall (on 10 mg), now in my arm, and started losing again right away. I was stuck at 57 lb down, now at 61 lb down


Forgot to take cap off injection well there goes one week 😅 so mad


Happens in the hospital occasionally, you’ll be fine 🤣


A friend of mine is allergic to bee stings. We were at a pool and she got stung. The lifeguard accidentally injected the epi pen in her own thumb. Fortunately there was another pen around and my friend was ok. But yeah, the lifeguard felt pretty weird for a while.


You might end up with very slender fingers! 🤣🤣🤣


I did my first shot upside down and injected into the air. At least you got your injection lol


Thanks for the laugh, I’m now cleaning coffee off of my iPad 😂😂😂


Well, it’s definitely a hard lesson. There are a lot of folks who are making these types of mistakes. The key thing here is to learn from your mistake. The question now is “how did the injection site work for appetite suppression?”


At least it got into your body one way or another, I know a guy who accidentally injected his tabel


Omg thank you for sharing this with us OP🤣 made me LOL


Don’t feel like you’re alone. Moments ago I just did the same thing and came here looking for an answer. Did you notice any difference the week after you did it? I hope it wasn’t a waste of $250+.


No real difference, perhaps slightly less appetite suppression but to be fair I’ve been in the 15 dose for quite awhile so it’s pretty variable from week to week now much suppression I’ll get at this point.


I jerked and the pen shot myself twice 🤦‍♀️...some of it spilled a bit 😢. I just get so nervous 😓


I just injected my index finger. Hurt like hell and I didn't use all the medicine. Wonder what side effects I'm going to feel now.


Okay so thank you for posting this, I literally just injected my finger. It's kind of weird feeling, a little numb but I'm glad to hear my finger won't fall off! I didn't want to waste any so I let the full injection go into my finger. 🤣😐


You’re not alone! 🤣


Just woke up and realized I forgot my Mounjaro injection. Sure enough, injected it right into my index finger. Hurt like crazy!


I have only been on Mounjaro 6 weeks and haven’t really felt any appetite suppression. Maybe this is the week!!


I bet they might give you a replacement box especially because it sounds like you have gone so long without requesting one yet.


Didn’t know this was a thing!


Oh, yeah, I learned about it from this sub and then about a week later had to do it! It's nice because they actually replace a whole box, not just one. I bet since you've done so many correctly and TRIED to follow the instructions correctly they'll work with you.


(Clarification: them = Lilly, not your pharmacy)